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We show that a proper interpretation of the critical field measurements can distinguish spin fluctuation mechanism from others in the context of the pairing hypothesis. We can predict the existence of a new mode in the mixed state of a superconductor.  相似文献   

Slip-processing technique has been used to fabricate tapes and alumina-supported films of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x . Good densification and connectivity are revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Both the tape and film show superconductivity well above the liquid nitrogen temperature with a transition range of 3° and 5°K respectively.  相似文献   

A generalized Gorkov formalism of superconductivity in a layered system with non-primitive lattice structure is given. This is used to justify theoretically a model of highT c oxide superconductors proposed recently by one of us (SSJ). A numerical estimation of the critical temperature as a function of the number of superconducting layers is mentioned.  相似文献   

V-I characteristics of sintered superconducting pellets of YBa2Cu3O7−δ was measured with a resolution one order of magnitude better than the usual dc techniques employing nanovoltmeters. For this purpose software-based lock-in-amplifier technique was developed and used. A square-wave excitation current was used. The voltage signal was digitized into a time series and Fourier-analysed on a computer in this technique. Our results show a very small frequency-dependent resistance in some samples which are nominally superconducting. These results help in checking the material quality and defining the critical current densities better.  相似文献   

Multi-gap models of high temperature ceramic superconductors have been of considerable recent interest. For the case of a two-gap model (Δ1, and Δ2), there exist two separate electron pair condensate reservoirs, and a bulk Josephson free energy can be associated with electron pair transitions from one reservoir to the other. Thus, a “Josephson effect” can exist in two-gap models without the requirement of a weak link separating the two electron pair reservoirs in space. A single bulk sample Josephson electron pair free energy is here derived from the conventional BCS model of the superconducting state.  相似文献   

In the series of the layered highT c superconductors (A)1,2 B2Ca n−1Cu n O2n+3,4 (A=Tl or Bi;B=Ba or Sr), withn=number of consecutive Cu-O layers, the electron energy states of some of the Tl-based systems have been investigated. The electron and phonon dispersion curves have been obtained. The electronic states near the Fermi level are dominated by the hybridized Cu(d) and the O(p) orbitals. The dispersion curves are highly two-dimensional with very small dispersion alongc-axis. The number of bands is enhanced with increase in the number of the consecutive Cu-O planes (n). The present results agree with those obtained earlier for other superconducting phases. The phonons are overall dominated by the vibrations of the light mass oxygen atom modes both lying in or outside the Cu-O planes. The low-frequency phonons involve the motions of the heavier Tl, Ba atoms etc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the stage-1 iodine-intercalation compounds, whose host materials are Bi2Sr2Ca1–x Y x Cu2O8 (Bi-2212 phase) and Bi1.6Pb0.5Sr1.9–x La x Cu1.05O6 (Bi-2201 phase) with variousx values. In the Bi-2212 phase, it has been found that the change inT c through the stage-1 iodine intercalation is due to two effects; a change of the two-dimensionality and an increase in the carrier number. The former effect decreasesT c by about 10 K independent of the carrier number of the host sample. The latter effect shifts thex dependence ofT c to largerx values by about 0.08, taking account of oxygen release from the host samples during the intercalation process. This result is clear evidence for the occurrence of both the change of two-dimensionality and the increase in carrier number about 0.04 per CuO2 unit due to the charge transfer through the stage-1 iodine intercalation. In the Bi-2201 phase,T c decreases by about 10 K through the stage-1 iodine intercalation.  相似文献   

A study of dislocation configurations in superconducting oxide BiSrCaCuO has been made by transmission electron microscopy. Evidence was found for the presence of dislocation pairs composed of two parallel single dislocations holding together with the same Burgers vectors. The pair can further dissociate into partials, giving rise to a four-fold ribbon. Networks consisting of dislocation pairs were also observed. These phenomena are attributed to the possible ordering of strontium and calcium ions and the existence of some oxygen sheet of the Aurivillius type in the oxide crystal. Schemes to illustrate the configurations are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic scale of the relative stabilities of constituent oxides can help the choice of stoichiometric multi-component compositions and can provide guidance for judicious selection of heat-treatment conditions for high-T c superconductors. A thermodynamic analysis was undertaken to study Y2O3-BaO-CuO, BaO-K2O-Bi2O3 and La2O3-SrO-NiO systems. The relative stability of the oxides was expressed in terms of two ratios,S v andS p computed using free-energy of formation and vapour pressure data. CuO, Bi2O3 and NiO were taken as reference oxides for YBa2Cu3O7\t-\gd, Ba0·6K0·4BiO3 and La1·9Sr0·1NiO4 respectively. Thermodynamically, the reference oxide was found to be the least stable amongst the constituent oxides in each of these systems.  相似文献   

Similar structural patterns have been noticed in the systems La-Cu-O, La-Ni-O and Bi and Tl-containing superconducting oxides. The formation of Ruddlesden-Popper type layers (alternating slabs of rocksalt and perovskite structures) is seen in these oxides which is similar in many respects to what is seen in the system Sr-Ti-O. However, there are some significant differences, for example the rocksalt and perovskite blocks in new superconducting compounds are not necessarily electrically neutral, unlike in the Sr-Ti-O system. It, thus, becomes necessary to create oxygen vacancies in the basic perovskite (figure 1) structure of Bi-containing compounds, when the width of the perovskite slab changes on addition of extra Cu-O planes. Results of our atomistic simulations suggest that these missing oxygen ions allow the Cu-O planes to buckle in Bi-series of compounds. This is also supported by the absence of buckling in the Sr-Ti-O series of compounds and the first member of Bi-containing compounds in which there are no missing oxygen ions. We present additional results on the phase stability of polytypoid structures in La-Cu-O system and defect chemistry of compounds of La-Ni-O system.  相似文献   

Using the conventional phonon-exchange mechanism of superconductivity we have succeeded in reproducing the transition temperatureT c of a large number of newly discovered highT c superconductors by introducing a certain modification to the well-known BCS-formula forT c .  相似文献   

A novel method to increase the amount of the 110 K phase in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system was examined. After the sample with composition of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox had been calcined, it was soaked in ethanol containing copper acetate and calcium acetate, the amounts of which were determined to give the composition of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy after sintering. Subsequently, annealing at about 400 °C was conducted to examine the stability of the 110 K phase. The sample containing mainly the 80 K phase and a small amount of the 110 K phase showed an increase in the amount of the 110 K phase while that containing only the 80 K phase showed no change. Therefore, it is presumed that the 110 K phase may grow when the excess calcium and copper coexist adjacent to the 80 K phase at relatively low temperatures such as 400 °C.  相似文献   

Raman scattering by electronic excitations in normal and superconducting metals with complex Fermi surfaces is discussed. The theoretical results are applied to the case of high Tc superconductors. The possible implications of measurements of this scattering concerning the symmetry of the gap function is dealt with.  相似文献   

The experimental observation of phonon renormalization in high-Tc superconductors gives clear evidence for the action of electron-phonon coupling. But in spite of the estimated coupling strength 1–3, these effects do not allow for a unique identification of the coupling mechanism. This situation is contrasted with that for the low-Tc superconductors where tunneling spectroscopy provides a hard proof for electron pairing via phonons.  相似文献   

The double iodometric titration is the method widely used to determine copper valence of high-T c superconductors. There are some problems that remain to be solved, and certain procedures are used: adding KSCN to release adsorbed iodine, adding HN4HF2 to eliminate the interference of some dopants, and using a new calculating equation to accurately calculate experiment results. Al- and Fe-doped samples were prepared and their copper valence, 2 +p, was determined by the improved double iodometric titration method. With these samples, how to use the above procedures to improve experiment results is discussed. We find that the iodometric titration method described here can be used to determine copper valence and oxygen content for doped and undoped samples with high accuracy.  相似文献   

We report on the magnetic flux noise in thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO), Tl2Ca2Ba2Cu3Ox, and TlCa2Ba2Cu3Ox and in crystals of YBCO and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x, measured with a Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID). We ascribe the noise to the motion of flux vortices. In the low magnetic fields in which the experiments are performed the average vortex spacing always exceeds the superconducting penetration depth. The spectral density of the noise usually scales as 1/f (f is frequency) from 1 Hz to 1 kHz and increases with temperature to a peak which is of the same magnitude in all samples, at the transition temperature. Furthermore, the noise power increases with the magnitude of the magnetic field in which the sample is cooled, with a power-law dependence over several decades, whereas a supercurrent well below the critical current density applied to YBCO films suppresses the noise power by an order of magnitude. Most of the measurements were made on YBCO films, and for this set of samples the noise decreases dramatically as the crystalline quality is improved. A model of thermally activated vortex motion is developed which explains the dependence of the noise on frequency, temperature, magnetic field, and current. The pinning potential is idealized as an ensemble of symmetrical double wells, each with a different activation energy separating the two states. From the noise measurements, this model yields the distribution of pinning energies, the vortex hopping distance, the number density of mobile vortices, and the restoring force on a vortex at a typical pinning site. The distribution of pinning energies in YBa2Cu3O7-x shows a broad peak below 0.1 eV. Over narrow temperature intervals, most samples exhibit random telegraph signals in which the flux switches between two discrete levels, with activation energies and hopping distances much greater than those deduced from the 1/f noise measurements.  相似文献   

Oxygen vacancy and interstitial defects can have a profound effect on the superconducting properties of copper oxide compounds. Recent work on compounds such as La2CuO4+x and HgBa2CuO4+x has provided new insight into the role of interstitial oxygen defects as a doping mechanism. The number of carriers created by each interstitial defect depends on the local defect structure. Studies of (La, Sr, Ca)3Cu2O6+x with various metal compositions and metalsite ordering show that interstitial oxygen defects that form between the CuO2 layers in this structure systematically lowerT c and eventually destroy superconductivity. Conversely, oxygen vacancies in the CuO2 planes have surprisingly little effect at concentrations below 3%. The infinite-layer compounds, ACuO2, where A=La, Sr, Ca, Nd, etc., in solid-solution combinations, could offer a similar environment for the formation of interstitial oxygen defects between the CuO2 planes, allowing interstitial oxygen defects to contribute to the doping of these compounds. However, neutron diffraction experiments on Sr0.9La0.1CuO2 (T c = 42 K) have not found any interstitial oxygen.  相似文献   

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