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Location aware, dependable multicast for mobile ad hoc networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper introduces dynamic source multicast (DSM), a new protocol for multi-hop wireless (i.e., ad hoc) networks for the multicast of a data packet from a source node to a group of mobile nodes in the network. The protocol assumes that, through the use of positioning system devices, each node knows its own geographic location and the current (global) time, and it is able to efficiently spread these measures to all other nodes. When a packet is to be multicast, the source node first locally computes a snapshot of the complete network topology from the collected node measures. A Steiner (i.e., multicast) tree for the addressed multicast group is then computed locally based on the snapshot, rather than maintained in a distributed manner. The resulting Steiner tree is then optimally encoded by using its unique Pr
u" height="11" width="9">fer sequence and is included in the packet header as in, and extending the length of the header by no more than, the header of packets in source routing (unicast) techniques. We show that all the local computations are executed in polynomial time. More specifically, the time complexity of the local operation of finding a Steiner tree, and the encoding/decoding procedures of the related Prüfer sequence, is proven to be O(n2), where n is the number of nodes in the network. The protocol has been simulated in ad hoc networks with 30 and 60 nodes and with different multicast group sizes. We show that DSM delivers packets to all the nodes in a destination group in more than 90% of the cases. Furthermore, compared to flooding, DSM achieves improvements of up to 50% on multicast completion delay. 相似文献
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Improving routing distance for geographic multicast with Fermat points in mobile ad hoc networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), each node has the ability to transmit, receive, and route packets, and also moves through the field either randomly or in accordance with a pre-planned route. For enhancing the performance of MANETs, reducing the routing distance is a primary concern. For either ad hoc or static networks, the problem of minimizing the overall routing distance during multicasting is NP-complete. Therefore, it is difficult to determine an optimal solution. This paper presents an efficient geographic multicast protocol, designated as GMFP, based on the use of Fermat points. The objective of GMFP is to improve the overall routing distance for multicast tasks. Through a series of simulations, it is shown that GMFP outperforms the conventional Position-Based Multicast protocol and FERMA protocol in terms of the total routing distance, the packet transmission delay, the packet delivery ratio, and the node energy consumption. The performance improvements provided by GMFP are apparent as the scale of the network topology increases. 相似文献
Ying-Hong Wang 《Information Sciences》2006,176(2):161-185
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), which provide data networking without infrastructure, represent one kind of wireless networks. A MANET is a self-organizating and adaptive wireless network formed by the dynamic gathering of mobile nodes. Due to the mobility of mobile nodes, the topology of a MANET frequently changes and thus results in the disability of originally on-the-fly data transmission routes. The dynamic properties of MANETs are therefore challenging to protocol design. To cope with the intrinsic properties of MANETs, Dynamic Backup Routes Routing Protocol (DBR2P), a backup node mechanism for quick reconnection during link failures, is proposed in this paper. DBR2P is an on-demand routing protocol and it can set up many routes to reach a destination node in a given period. Even when a link fails, those routes from the source node to the destination node can be analyzed to obtain backup routes to sustain quick reconnection. The information of backup routes can be saved in a specific on-the-route node and enables backup routes to be found immediately in situation regarding disconnection. As a result, DBR2P could more thoroughly improve the quality of routing protocol than those proposed in the past. 相似文献
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile hosts that form a temporary network on the fly without using any fixed infrastructure. Recently, the explosive growth in the use of real-time applications on mobile devices has resulted in new challenges to the design of protocols for MANETs. Chief among these challenges to enable real-time applications for MANETs is incorporating support for quality of service (QoS), such as bandwidth constraints. However, MANETs having a high ratio of topology change make routing especially unstable; making stability is an important challenge, especially for routing having a quality of service provision. In this paper, we propose a reliable multi-path QoS routing (RMQR) protocol with a slot assignment scheme. In this scheme, we examine the QoS routing problem associated with searching for a reliable multi-path (or uni-path) QoS route from a source node to a destination node in a MANET. This route must also satisfy certain bandwidth requirements. We determine the route expiration time between two connected mobile nodes using global positioning system (GPS). Then, two parameters, the route expiration time and the number of hops, are used to select a routing path with low latency and high stability. Simulation results show that the proposed RMQR protocol have some outstanding properties when compared with Lin's [Lin C-R. On-demand QoS routing in multihop mobile networks. In: Proceedings of the twentieth annual joint conference of the IEEE computer and communications societies (INFOCOM), vol. 3(22–26), 2001, p. 1735–44], Liao's [Liao W-H, Tseng Y-C, Wang S-L, Sheu J-P. A multi-path QoS routing protocol in a wireless mobile Ad Hoc network. Telecommunication Systems 2002;19(3–4):329–47], and Chen's [Chen Y-S, Tseng Y-C, Sheu J-P, Kuo P-H. An on-demand, link-state, multi-path QoS routing in a wireless mobile Ad-Hoc network. Computer Communications 204;27(1):27–40] protocols. 相似文献
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) consists of a set of mobile hosts that can communicate with each other without the assistance of base stations. In MANETs, the high mobility of mobile nodes is a major reason for link failures. In this paper, we propose a stable weight-based on-demand routing protocol (SWORP) for MANETs. The proposed scheme uses the weight-based route strategy to select a stable route in order to enhance system performance. The weight of a route is decided by three factors: the route expiration time, the error count, and the hop count. Route discovery usually first finds multiple routes from the source node to the destination node. Then the path with the largest weight value for routing is selected. Simulation results show that the proposed SWORP outperforms DSR, AODV, and AODV-RFC, especially in a high mobility environment. 相似文献
An efcient hop count route fnding approach for mobile ad hoc network is presented in this paper.It is an adaptive routing protocol that has a tradeof between transmission power and hop count for wireless ad hoc networks.During the route fnding process,the node can dynamically assign transmission power to nodes along the route.The node who has received route request message compares its power with the threshold power value,and then selects a reasonable route according to discriminating algorithms.This algorithm is an efective solution scheme to wireless ad hoc networks through reasonably selected path to reduce network consumption.Simulation results indicate that the proposed protocol can deliver better performances with respect to energy consumption and end-to-end delay. 相似文献
In this paper, a novel decentralized cross-layer multi-hop cooperative network architecture is proposed and presented. This cross-layer architecture introduces a new cooperative flooding scheme and two decentralized opportunistic cooperative forwarding mechanisms based on randomized coding, and a Routing Enabled Cooperative Medium Access Control (RECOMAC) protocol that enables cooperative forwarding, while incorporating physical, medium access control (MAC) and routing layers. RECOMAC employs randomized coding to realize cooperative diversity, so that relay selection and actuation mechanisms are alleviated and the MAC costs are reduced. The coded packets are routed in the network via the proposed cooperative forwarding schemes, which opportunistically form cooperative sets within a region, not needing a prior route to be established. Essentially, in the RECOMAC architecture, the routing layer functionality is submerged into the MAC layer to provide seamless cooperative communication, while the messaging overhead to set up routes, select and actuate relays is reduced. We evaluate the performance of RECOMAC in terms of network throughput, delay and MAC and routing overhead, in comparison to the conventional architecture based on the well-known IEEE 802.11 MAC and Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocols. RECOMAC is shown to provide quite significant improvement by an order of magnitude difference in all investigated performance metrics, under a variety of scenarios, considering different network sizes, static and mobile scenarios and networks with multiple flows. 相似文献
End-to-end support for statistical quality of service in heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), different types of mobile devices with diverse capabilities may coexist in the same network. The heterogeneity of MANETs makes end-to-end support for quality of service (QoS) guarantees more difficult than in other types of networks, not to mention the limited bandwidth and frequent topology changes of these networks. Since QoS routing is the first step toward achieving end-to-end QoS guarantees in heterogeneous MANETs, we propose a QoS routing protocol for heterogeneous MANETs. The proposed protocol, called virtual grid architecture protocol (VGAP), uses a cross-layer approach in order to provide end-to-end statistical QoS guarantees. VGAP operates on a fixed virtual rectilinear architecture (virtual grid), which is obtained using location information obtained from global positioning system (GPS). The virtual grid consists of a few, but possibly more powerful, mobile nodes known as ClusterHeads (CHs) that are elected periodically. CHs discover multiple QoS routes on the virtual grid using an extended version of the open shortest path first (OSPF) routing protocol and an extended version of WFQ scheduling policy that takes into account the wireless channel state. Moreover, VGAP utilizes a simple power control algorithm at the physical layer that provides efficient energy savings in this heterogeneous setting. Simulation experiments show that VGAP has a good performance in terms of packet delivery ratio, end-to-end packet delay, call blocking probability, and network scalability. 相似文献
无线自组网与传统的有线网不同,它由一些可移动的结点组成,这些结点的带宽、计算能力和能量都受到一定限制。针对这种网络,研究者们提出了按需路由协议,这些协议非常适合无线自组网这种拓扑结构,但是由于缺乏对全局拓扑和结点移动性的了解,可能达不到最优。因此提出了一种高效的路由协议ERNC,该协议基于已提出的SHORT路由协议[13],并对以前所提出的NAOR协议[14]进行了扩展,即利用网络编码技术来进一步提高路由协议的性能。最后,使用NS-2模拟器来评估ERNC的性能,结果显示ERNC在分组投递率和平均端到端时延等方面获得了比已有协议更好的性能。 相似文献
In this paper, we discuss the energy efficient multicast problem in ad hoc wireless networks. Each node in the network is assumed to have a fixed level of transmission power. The problem of our concern is: given an ad hoc wireless network and a multicast request, how to find a multicast tree such that the total energy cost of the multicast tree is minimized. We first prove this problem is NP-hard and it is unlikely to have an approximation algorithm with a constant performance ratio of the number of nodes in the network. We then propose an algorithm based on the directed Steiner tree method that has a theoretically guaranteed approximation performance ratio. We also propose two efficient heuristics, node-join-tree (NJT) and tree-join-tree (TJT) algorithms. The NJT algorithm can be easily implemented in a distributed fashion. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare with other methods and the results have shown significant improvement on energy efficiency of the proposed algorithms. 相似文献
吴正宇 《计算机工程与应用》2010,46(30):86-88
传统的单路径路由使自组网路由性能一直不能获得太大的突破。因此,设计有效的和稳定的多路径路由成为最受关注的问题。为此提出了一种新的多路径路由算法,其在路由发现阶段使用了一种新的多路径转发策略。在基于稳定性因子的基础上,该算法计算路径间海明距离并据此选择多条相似的稳定不相交多路由,从而进一步提高该路由算法的性能。模拟结果显示,与经典的多路径路由相比较,该算法是一个有效的多路径自组网路由算法。 相似文献
As there are more and more mobile devices in use, different mobile networking models such as ad hoc or mesh are attracting a large research interest. Self-organizing mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) allow devices to share their services and resources without any central administration or Internet support. In this respect they can become the backbone of the wireless grid or the gateway to existing grids. To achieve these goals, MANET management must be as effective as that of wired networks. This is, however, a challenging task due to network features like mobility, heterogeneity, limited resources of hosts and feeble communication. This paper presents a set of simple, cost-effective and resilient procedures for the basic tasks of MANET creation and management. 相似文献
Chun-Ta Li 《Information Sciences》2011,181(23):5333-5347
More attention should be paid to anonymous routing protocols in secure wireless ad hoc networks. However, as far as we know, only a few papers on secure routing protocols have addressed both issues of anonymity and efficiency. Most recent protocols adopted public key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions to ensure the anonymity and security of route constructing mechanisms. Since PKI solution requires huge and expensive infrastructure with complex computations and the resource constraints of small ad hoc devices; a two-layer authentication protocol with anonymous routing (TAPAR) is proposed in this paper. TAPAR does not adopt public key computations to provide secure and anonymous communications between source and destination nodes over wireless ad hoc networks. Moreover, TAPAR accomplishes mutual authentication, session key agreement, and forward secrecy among communicating nodes; along with integration of non-PKI techniques into the routing protocol allowing the source node to anonymously interact with the destination node through a number of intermediate nodes. Without adopting PKI en/decryptions, our proposed TAPAR can be efficiently implemented on small ad hoc devices while at least reducing the computational overhead of participating nodes in TAPAR by 21.75%. Our protocol is certainly favorable when compared with other related protocols. 相似文献
This paper presents the topological design of ad hoc networks in terms of distances among static nodes and speeds of mobiles nodes. Due to the complexity of the problem and the number of parameters to be considered, a genetic algorithm combined with the simulation environment NS-2 is proposed to find the optimum solution. More specifically, NS-2 provides the fitness function guiding the genetic search. The proposed framework has been tested using a railway scenario in which several static and mobile nodes are interacting. Results show the feasibility of the proposed framework and illustrate the possibility of genetic approach for solving similar application scenarios. 相似文献
讨论了层状移动AdHoc网络的一个信息传播路由算法和基于半马尔可夫过程的节点移动跟踪模型,通过该路由算法可以有效地解决层状子网络间的通信和信息交换。通过路由算法得到的中继节点的移动跟踪模型和计算机仿真,分析了层状移动AdHoc网络的传播性能和路由开销,并得出:当 0≤ρ≤ 1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能显著地受到移动呼叫率ρ的影响,当ρ>1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能主要取决于移动网络的节点总数、节点移动速度和加速度的结论。 相似文献
Data caching is a popular technique that improves data accessibility in wired or wireless networks. However, in mobile ad hoc networks, improvement in access latency and cache hit ratio may diminish because of the mobility and limited cache space of mobile hosts (MHs). In this paper, an improved cooperative caching scheme called group-based cooperative caching (GCC) is proposed to generalize and enhance the performance of most group-based caching schemes. GCC allows MHs and their neighbors to form a group, and exchange a bitmap data directory periodically used for proposed algorithms, such as the process of data discovery, and cache placement and replacement. The goal is to reduce the access latency of data requests and efficiently use available caching space among MH groups. Two optimization techniques are also developed for GCC to reduce computation and communication overheads. The first technique compresses the directories using an aggregate bitmap. The second employs multi-point relays to develop a forwarding node selection scheme to reduce the number of broadcast messages inside the group. Our simulation results show that the optimized GCC yields better results than existing cooperative caching schemes in terms of cache hit ratio, access latency, and average hop count. 相似文献
Compared with traditional networks, ad hoc networks possess many unique characteristics. For example, ad hoc networks can drop a packet due to network events other than buffer overflow. Unfortunately, the current layered network architecture makes it impossible to pass the information specific to one layer to other layers. As a result, if a packet is lost due to reasons other than buffer overflow, TCP adversely invokes its congestion control procedure. Similarly, the routing algorithm may misinterpret that a path is broken and adversely invoke the route recovery procedure.This study addresses the limitations of the current layered network architecture by adopting a cross-layer protocol design for TCP and routing algorithms in ad hoc networks. The objective of this approach is to enable the lower-layered ad hoc network to detect and differentiate all possible network events, including disconnections, channel errors, buffer overflow, and link-layer contention, that may cause packet loss. Using the information exploited by lower layers, the upper layer-3 routing algorithm, and the layer-4 TCP can take various actions according to the types of network events. Simulation results demonstrate that the combination of the cross-layer optimized TCP and routing algorithms can effectively improve the performance of TCP and DSR, regardless of whether it is in a stationary or a mobile ad hoc network. 相似文献
Sanghyun Yoo Author Vitae Myoung Ho Kim Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2009,82(7):1152-1162
Since nodes that compose mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) does not have any prior knowledge about other nodes in many cases, the publish/subscribe communication paradigm that has the decoupling and asynchrony properties can be useful to share information between nodes. Existing publish/subscribe services for MANETs can be categorized into document flooding (DF), destination-based routing (DBR), and content-based routing (CBR). Although those approaches may work well when the size of network is small, all of them suffer from the performance decline as the size of the network increases. In this paper, we compare those approaches, and then propose a scalable publish/subscribe communication scheme in large MANETs by combining DF and CBR hierarchically. Our approach is to cluster all nodes in networks and to exploit CBR and DF for the intra- and inter-cluster communication, respectively. By using this approach, we can effectively utilize benefits of both approaches. Then, we present performance evaluation results which validate our idea with respect to system performance and scalability. 相似文献
Yan Sun Author VitaeQiangfeng Jiang Author Vitae Mukesh SinghalAuthor Vitae 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2011,71(7):1047-1054
In mobile ad hoc and sensor networks, greedy-face-greedy (GFG) geographic routing protocols have been a topic of active research in recent years. Most of the GFG geographic routing protocols make an ideal assumption that nodes in the network construct a unit-disk graph, UDG, and extract a planar subgraph from the UDG for face routing. However, the assumption of UDG may be violated in realistic environments, which may cause the current GFG geographic routing protocols to fail. In this paper, we propose a Pre-Processed Cross Link Detection Protocol, PPCLDP, which extracts an almost planar subgraph from a realistic network graph, instead of a UDG, for face routing and makes the GFG geographic routing work correctly in realistic environments with obstacles. The proposed PPCLDP improves the previous work of Cross Link Detection Protocol, CLDP, with far less communication cost and better convergence time. Our simulation results show that the average communication cost and the average convergence time of PPCLDP are, respectively, 65% and 45% less than those of CLDP. This makes PPCLDP more desirable for mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. 相似文献