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In this paper, the performances of four improved analytical methods (backward stepwise selection of peak intensities, sum of characteristic peaks of a component, moving window partial least squares, and genetic algorithms) using wavelength selection for the analysis of xylene mixtures by Raman spectroscopy are tested for further use on the new "digital micromirror device associated with a photomultiplier tube" Raman spectrometer. It is shown that the errors of prediction using only a few selected points (from 4 to 49 depending on the method) are almost the same as when using the whole spectral range (1050 points). Compared to the last two methods, the "backward stepwise selection of peak intensities" and "sum of characteristic peaks of a component" methods are robust under industrial conditions and appear to be well suited for chemical quantitative analysis with the new Raman spectrometer, which allows the measurements of the total intensity to be made simultaneously for a number of pre-selected frequencies. Results show that the errors of prediction can be near to or even lower than 2%.  相似文献   

Portable digital micromirror device projector using a prism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pan JW  Wang CM  Sun WS  Chang JY 《Applied optics》2007,46(22):5097-5102
A newly designed ultrasmall total internal reflection prism with a size of 29 mm x 22 mm x 24 mm and weight of 19.5 g is proposed for use in a pocket-sized Digital Micromirror Device projector. The entire projector, including an arc lamp illumination, relay, and projection system, has a height of 48 mm and a footprint of 80 mm x 132 mm. By using an overdriving f/2.0 projection lens, the geometric efficiency of the projection system, eta(geo-pro), can be enhanced from 80% to 92%. Although, at the same time, the contrast decreased from 1200:1 to 500:1, this can be enhanced using an off-axis stop. By tuning the position of the stop, the contrast can be as high as 3700:1 for a eta(geo-pro) equal to 90%. Using what we believe to be a novel prism design, we can get a very compact optical system with a high efficiency and good contrast ratio.  相似文献   

A method for orientation-selective enhancement of edges in color images is proposed. The method utilizes the capacity of digital micromirror devices to generate a positive and a negative color replica of the image used as input. When both images are slightly displaced and imagined together, one obtains an image with enhanced edges. The proposed technique does not require a coherent light source or precise alignment. The proposed method could be potentially useful for processing large image sequences in real time. Validation experiments are presented.  相似文献   

A digital micromirror device (DMD) was tested to demonstrate its potential as a multiplexing device for the simultaneous detection of visible electromagnetic radiation. Using a Visual Basic program, four sections of the DMD were illuminated by a light source and each region of mirrors was modulated at different low frequencies (14.92, 20.00, 25.00, and 34.48 Hz). A time-domain, multiplexed signal was collected from the sectors and a Fourier transform was performed on these data. The resulting frequency-domain spectrum showed that signal intensities correlated well with what was expected. Three different times were used to establish the best frequency resolution. Using this calculated frequency resolution, a 16 s scan could allow simultaneous detection of up to 240 emission/absorption wavelengths. Data collected also shows the selectivity of micromirror regions and the ability to choose specific regions of the micromirror plane, which could be valuable for a number of spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional digital micromirror device- (DMD-) based add-drop filter is introduced for dense wavelength-division multiplexed applications. Features of the filter include polarization-insensitive operation, low interchannel cross talk parallel processing, and a fault-tolerant design. Experiments include evaluation of a parallel-beam-fed interchannel cross-talk with a 25-beam mask and a three-color (red, green, blue) filter operational test that indicates output-port average switching optical signal-to-noise and multiwavelength cross-talk ratios of 24 dB. The DMD-based average optical loss for the filter is -2.85 dB for visible-light free-space operation, whereas a -8.88-dB optical loss is measured for a fiber-coupled filter operating at 1319 nm.  相似文献   

Chuang CH  Lo YL 《Applied optics》2006,45(32):8308-8314
We present a digital programmable light spectrum synthesis system based on a digital micromirror device (DMD) from Texas Instruments. A DMD pattern-scanning calibration method is developed and applied to the synthesis of various infrared C-band (1530-1565 nm) spectral profiles, including a fast programmable tunable light source with a bandwidth of approximately 3.8 nm, a square profile, a sawtooth waveform, and a triangular spectrum profile. The experimental results show that the wavelength resolution of the DMD spectrum synthesis system is approximately 0.076 nm/pixel. The proposed spectrum synthesis system has a number of key advantages, including a rapid and stable performance and multichannel compatibility. The spectrum synthesis system is suitable for various applications, including pulse shaping for coherent control and harmonic generation, a tunable light source, an equalizer for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, and a wavelength scanner.  相似文献   

In this paper, a prototype of a new generation of Raman spectrometers, based on the use of a monochromator, a digital micromirror device as light modulator, and a photomultiplier tube as detector of the Raman light, is described. This spectrometer, containing no moving parts, is inexpensive, robust, and very precise. New in concept, this spectrometer makes it possible to record, in addition to classical Raman spectra, the intensity at several selected points of the spectrum and/or the total intensity in several selected intervals at the same time with great accuracy, thus giving new possibilities for analytical applications. Also, the work presented demonstrates the possibilities of this very simple prototype for rapid on-line industrial analysis, with an example of quantitative analysis of binary and ternary mixtures of xylene isomers. The precision obtained is satisfactory (errors of prediction approximately 3% in 5-6 seconds per sample).  相似文献   

Chang CM  Shieh HP 《Applied optics》2000,39(19):3202-3208
We present a new optical system design for a projector with a single digital micromirror device (Texas Instruments Digital Micromirror Device) that improves on previous designs in terms of optical efficiency, uniformity, and contrast while yielding a low-profile and compact system. A rod integrator is incorporated with a compact relay system to maximize light efficiency and to increase illumination uniformity. The uniformity achieved by the optimized optical system was calculated to be 94%. In addition, this unique light-separator design has dual output channels to increase the image contrast by steering the off-state light away from the projection lens. This projector design provides very efficient light utilization, and we discuss how the geometrical optical efficiency of the system can be boosted to approach the theoretical maximum.  相似文献   

Ri S  Fujigaki M  Morimoto Y 《Applied optics》2008,47(29):5400-5407
Phase-measuring profilometry is an accurate and effective technique for performing three-dimensional (3D) shape and deformation measurements of diffuse objects by fringe projection. However, phase analysis cannot be performed in underexposed or overexposed areas of the detector when an object with wide reflectance is measured. A novel intensity range extension method using a digital micromirror device (DMD) camera is proposed. In the optics of the DMD camera, each pixel of the CCD corresponds exactly to each mirror of the DMD. The phase-shifted fringe patterns with high contrast can be easily captured by programming an inverse intensity pattern that depends on the reflectance of the object. Our method can provide a wider intensity range and higher accuracy for 3D shape measurement than other conventional methods in both underexposed and overexposed areas. The measurements of a replica of a metallic art object and a flat plane are analyzed experimentally to verify the effectiveness of our method. In the experiment, the percentage of invalid points due to underexposure and overexposure can be reduced from 20% to 1%.  相似文献   

Fukano T  Miyawaki A 《Applied optics》2003,42(19):4119-4124
We have developed a whole-field fluorescence microscope equipped with a Digital Micromirror Device to acquire optically sectioned images by using the fringe-projection technique and the phase-shift method. This system allows free control of optical sectioning strength through computer-controlled alteration of the fringe period projected onto a sample. We have employed this system to image viable cells expressing fluorescent proteins and discussed its biological applications.  相似文献   

工业上经常采用锑金属钝化剂防止FCC催化剂失活,但必须严格控制钝化剂的添加量,否则会起副作用,本文采用高温盐消解法处理FCC平衡剂,然后用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定催化剂中锑含量,考察了消解温度、消解时间、酸度等对测量结果的影响,优选出了最佳分析测试条件。所建方法简便、灵敏、准确,该方法回收率在95%~99%之间,变异系数小于2.5%,最小检出限为0.092mg/L。  相似文献   

工业上经常采用锑金属钝化剂防止FCC催化剂失活,但必须严格控制钝化剂的添加量,否则会起副作用,本文采用高温盐消解法处理FCC平衡剂,然后用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定催化剂中锑含量,考察了消解温度、消解时间、酸度等对测量结果的影响,优选出了最佳分析测试条件。所建方法简便、灵敏、准确,该方法回收率在95%-99%之间,变异系数小于2.5%,最小检出限为0.092 mg/L。  相似文献   

Electron capture dissociation was implemented in a digital ion trap without using any magnetic field to focus the electrons. Since rectangular waveforms are employed in the DIT for both trapping and dipole excitation, electrons can be injected into the trap when the electric field is constant. Following deceleration, electrons reach the precursor ion cloud. The fragment ions produced by interactions with the electron beam are subsequently analyzed by resonant ejection. [Glu(1)]-Fibrinopeptide B and substance P were used to evaluate the performance of the current design. Fragmentation efficiency of 5.5% was observed for substance P peptide ions. Additionally, analysis of the monophosphorylated peptide FQ[pS]EEQQQTEDELQDK shows that in the resulting c- and z-type ions, the phosphate group is retained on the phophoserine residue, providing information on which amino acid residue the modification is located.  相似文献   

In two configurations, a solid-state acousto-optic (AO) deflector or modulator is mounted in a 0.5 m monochromator for background correction with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). A fused silica acousto-optic modulator (AOM) is used in the ultraviolet (UV) spectral region applications while a glass AO deflector (AOD) is used for the visible (VIS) region. The system provides rapid sequential observation of adjacent on- and off-line wavelengths for background correction. Seventeen elements are examined using pneumatic nebulization (PN) and electrothermal vaporization (ETV) sample introduction. Calibration plots were obtained with each sample introduction technique. Potable water and vitamin tablets were analyzed. Flame atomic absorption (FAA) was used to verify the accuracy of the AO background correction system.  相似文献   

The advance in laser-plasma acceleration techniques pushes the regime of the resulting accelerated particles to higher energies and intensities. In particular, the upcoming experiments with the 250 TW laser at the FLAME facility of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, will enter the GeV regime with more than 100 pC of electrons. At the current status of understanding of the acceleration mechanism, relatively large angular and energy spreads are expected. There is therefore the need for developing a device capable to measure the energy of electrons over three orders of magnitude (few MeV to few GeV), with still unknown angular divergences. Within the PlasmonX experiment at FLAME, a spectrometer is being constructed to perform these measurements. It is made of an electro-magnet and a screen made of scintillating fibers for the measurement of the trajectories of the particles. The large range of operation, the huge number of particles and the need to focus the divergence, present challenges in the design and construction of such a device. We present the design considerations for this spectrometer that lead to the use of scintillating fibers, multichannel photo-multipliers and a multiplexing electronics, a combination which is innovative in the field. We also present the experimental results obtained with a high intensity electron beam performed on a prototype at the LNF beam test facility.  相似文献   

A thimble-shaped glass frit nebulizer has been developed for atomic spectrometry. The thimble glass frit was pressurized internally by gases such as helium (He) or argon (Ar) while the test solution was applied externally to the frit. The pressurized gas exited through the pores of the glass frit and shattered the thin liquid film flowing on the surface of the thimble-shaped device to form small droplets. A small spray chamber surrounded the nebulizer to remove the large droplets. Small droplets were then introduced into inductively coupled plasmas (ICP) sustained in either Ar or He. To reduce the memory effect noted in the frit-type nebulizers, a clean-out system was also devised. Detection limits, signal-to-background ratios (S/B), precision, memory effects, noise power spectra (NPS), and particle size distributions measured with the new nebulizer were compared to those of disk and cylindrical glass frit nebulizers and the commonly used pneumatic nebulizer for Ar ICP atomic emission spectrometry (AES). Analytical performance was also measured for He ICP by using frit-type nebulizers and an ultrasonic nebulizer.  相似文献   

Spin-polarized atomic hydrogen (H) gas has been studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques at low temperatures. The ESR apparatus and consequent data analysis required for accurate quantitative results are described in detail. Crucial to the data analysis is the ability to confine the sample of H gas inside a liquid helium-coated microwave cavity where the magnetic field and temperature are constant. Results obtained so far are reported, which include the first detailed study of the one-body surface relaxation rate due to microscopic magnetic impurities in the cell walls.  相似文献   

Ebizuka N  Wakaki M  Kobayashi Y  Sato S 《Applied optics》1995,34(34):7899-7906
We devised a novel type of multichannel Fourier transform spectrometer (MCFTS) that incorporates a Wollaston prism, polarizing interferometer combined with two Savart plates and a phase-retarding plate. This original MCFTS produces a number of lines of folded interferograms recorded with a two-dimensional imaging detector such as a CCD detector. In the present type of MCFTS, the total incident light is available except for a small amount of reflection loss. It is possible to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. The enhancement of the resolving power is also expected by the connection of the interferograms with a newly developed method.  相似文献   

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