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In the HL-2A 2004 experiment campaign, pulsed molecular beam injection (MBI) and strong hydrogen gas puffing under the divertor configuration were used for gas fueling. The experimental results show that the MBI of hydrogen can reduce the heat flux to the divertor target plate. The electron temperature measured by the Langmuir probe array decreases significantly during the injection of the molecular beam whereas the electron density increases. This indicates that the plasma pressure near the target plates tends to be constant at a new equilibrium level. In the divertor plasmas with strong hydrogen gas puffing a high plasma density up to 4.4 × 10^19 m^-3 was achieved. In addition, a phenomenon similar to the partially detached divertor regime was observed, which is being studied in open divertor tokamaks such as DIII-D to reduce the peak heat flux on the target plates near the separatrix. After a strong gas puffing the electron temperature measured on the outer divertor target plate near the separatrix decreases till below 5 eV or even lower, but that of the farther outer divertor target plate does not change obviously; and the CIII and the Ha emissions at the plasma edge decrease as expected, but the Ha emission near the Xpoint increases. These results reflects some interesting characteristics, which needs to be studied by further modeling and experiments. 相似文献
In HL-2A tokamaks, the behavior of heat flux deposited on the divertor targets has been studied during deuterium gas fuelling. The heat flux is reduced significantly after supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) fuelling during Ohmic and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) divertor discharges. The SMBI fuelling causes an increase in the plasma density and this change results in the experienced change of the edge properties. Most of this reduction in divertor target heat flux occurs together with a high plasma radiation region located at near the X-point. The largest reduction in heat flux profiles is observed at the outboard divertor separatrix strike point, while the heat flux far from the strike point remains almost unchanged. In particular, with SMBI multi-pulses gas fuelling, a partially detached divertor regime is observed with a highly radiating region at the X-point. With the onset of the partially detached divertor regime, a sudden drop in both heat flux and power flow on the divertor target is observed. The reduction in power load on the divertor targets is roughly equal to the increase in plasma radiation loss. 相似文献
为提供高质量的等离子体真空运行环境,需对偏滤器进行高温烘烤。根据热传导与对流换热方程对偏滤器的烘烤过程进行了数值模拟及优化。结果表明:当热氮气等质量流量控制时,偏滤器回路压力损失逐渐增大,各部件烘烤温度爬升速率呈线性增加;当热氮气等体积流量控制时,偏滤器回路压力损失逐渐降低,各部件烘烤温度爬升呈线性增加。当初始条件近似相等(等质量流量为3×10~(-3)kg/s和等体积流量为4.8×10~(-4)m~3/s)时,前者的部件温升速率略低于后者,但各部件烘烤过程中最大温差均未超过90℃。 相似文献
A detailed study of the divertor performance in EAST has been performed for both its double null (DN) and single null (SN) configurations. The results of application of the SOLPS (B2-Eirene) code package to the analysis of the EAST divertor are summarized. In this work, we concentrate on the effects of increased geometrical closure and of magnetic topology variation on the scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor plasma behavior. The results of numerical predictions for the EAST divertor operational window are also described in this paper. A simple Core-SOL- Divertor (C-S-D) model was applied to investigate the possibility of extending plasma operational space of low hybrid current drive (LHCD) experiments for EAST. 相似文献
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is being built in China to achieve high power and long pulse operation for studies of reactor-relevant issues under steady-state conditions. A major concern for EAST is the power handling capability of the divertor target plates, which is a critical issue for future high-powered steady-state tokamaks, such as ITER. Detailed modeling using B2/EIRENE code package and the most recent chemical sputtering data shows that the presence of strong chemical sputtering at the main chamber wall leads to strong carbon radiation in the periphery of the confined plasma, significantly reducing the heat fluxes to the target plates and facilitating plasma detachment at a lower density desired for lower hybrid current drive in EAST, with only a slight increase in Zeff at the edge. The target heat load can be further reduced by operating with a double-null divertor configuration, which also leads to a significant reduction in the edge Zeff. However, the code predicts that the double-null operation would result in a strong divertor asymmetry in target power loading, favoring the outside targets. 相似文献
In the Large Helical Device (LHD), two different divertor configurations, i.e. helical divertor (HD) and local island divertor (LID), are utilized to control the edge plasma. The HD with two X-points is an intrinsic divertor for heliotron devices, accompanied with a relatively thick ergodic layer outside the confinement region. Edge and divertor plasma behavior from low density to high density regimes is presented, referring to the divertor detachment. The effect of the ergodic layer on the edge transport is also discussed. On the other hand, the LID is an advanced divertor concept which realizes a high pumping efficiency by the combination of an externally induced magnetic island and a closed pumping system. Experimental results to confirm the fundamental divertor performance of the LID are presented. 相似文献
Simulation Analysis of Divertor Performance in EAST 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A detailed study of the divertor performance in the EAST has been conducted for both its double null and single null configurations. The results of the application of the SOLPS (B2/Eirene) code package to the analysis of the EAST divertor are summarized. Here we concentrate on the effects of the increased geometrical closure and variation in the magnetic topology on the behavior of divertor plasmas. The results of numerical predictions for the EAST divertor's operational window are also described in this paper. 相似文献
施乐 《等离子体科学和技术》2005,7(5):2989-2993
In the initial phase of the physics experiment, the double-null divertor plates used consist of graphite armor tiles, Mo-alloy intermediate layers and Cu-alloy coolant tubes. In the later operating phase, tungsten will be used as armor tiles. A multi-physical field numerical analysis method is used in this paper. Its analysis model reflects more realistically the real divertor structure than other models. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) fluid flow field, temperature distribution and thermal stress analyses of the divertor plates are carried out by the ANSYS code. During the physics experimental phase with a heat flux of 1 MW/m2, a coolant velocity of 5.48 m/s, and a thermal stress of 750 kg/cm2, the graphite armor tiles successfully meet the requirements of temperature, thermal stress and sputtering erosion. The tungsten armor will be considered as a second candidate. The result of simulation can be used for upgrading the design parameters of the HL-2A poloidal divertor. 相似文献
Divertor plasma detachment offers one of the most promising operating modes for fusion devices because of low target power loading. In this article a 'two-point' model is used to investigate the formation of detachment and explore the route to detachment in EAST, in order to find an ideal operation window. The simulation results show that impurity radiation and ionneutral friction are the main causes of divertor plasma detachment at the target plates. Raising the safety factor and reducing the upstream power density provide effective means to achieve the detachment due to the increased radiation power fraction. Puffing Ar and Ne impurities and raising the safety factor can bring the upstream high plasma temperature region (above 100 eV) and the low target plasma temperature region (below 10 eV) close to each other in terms of the separatrix density. But it is difficult to find a common operating region which satisfies both conditions. High recycling and detached regimes provides an ideal operation window because of the steady upstream condition and low target power load. 相似文献
One of the critical issues to be solved for HL-2M is the power and particle exhaust. Divertor target plate geometry strongly influences the plasma profiles by controlling the neutral recycling pattern, which has in turn a strong effect on the symmetry and stability of the divertor plasma and finally on the whole edge region. The numerical simulation software SOLPS5.0 Pack- age is used to design and explore the divertor target plates for HL-2M. We choose two divertor geometries, and assess the heat flux on the target plates and first wall, then further discuss the di- vertor plasma parameters, and how private flux baffling affects both neutral recirculation pattern and pumping efficiency. 相似文献
Thermal fatigue property of the divertor plate is one of the key issues that governs the lifetime of the divertor plate.Taking tungsten as surface material,a small-mock-up divertor plate was made by hot isostatic press welding (HIP),A thermal cycling experiment for divertor mock-up was carried out in the vacuum,where a high-heat-flux electronic gun was used as the thermal source,A cyclic heat flux of 9MW/m^2 was loaded onto the mock-up,a heating duration of 20s was selcted,the cooling water flow rate was 80ml/s.After 1000 Cycles,the surface and the W/Cu joint of the mock-up did not show any damage,The SEM was used to analyze the microstructure of the welding joint,where no cracks were found also. 相似文献
The re-design of the adoptable structure and the cooling manner of the divertor in the HL-2A tokamak is based on the parameters confirmed by the optimum divertor configuration and the primary modification scheme. The characteristics of the new divertor system include the double shear joint design on the domes and the outer target plates as well as the poloidal flow with toroidal manifolds. The results of the thermal and structural analysis of the outer target plates show that the design of the poloidal flow with toroidal manifolds can improve the capability of the target plates to withstand the heat loads, and the double shear joint design is compatible with the stress intensity requirements by the electromagnetic loads due to halo currents. 相似文献
Jianbin LIU 《等离子体科学和技术》2022,24(7):75101
Detachment in helium (He) discharges has been achieved in the EAST superconducting tokamak equipped with an ITER-like tungsten divertor. This paper presents the experimental observations of divertor detachment achieved by increasing the plasma density in He discharges. During density ramp-up, the particle flux shows a clear rollover, while the electron temperature around the outer strike point is decreasing simultaneously. The divertor detachment also exhibits a significant difference from that observed in comparable deuterium (D) discharges. The density threshold of detachment in the He plasma is higher than that in the D plasma for the same heating power, and increases with the heating power. Moreover, detachment assisted with neon (Ne) seeding was also performed in L- and H-mode plasmas, pointing to the direction for reducing the density threshold of detachment in He operation. However, excessive Ne seeding causes confinement degradation during the divertor detachment phase. The precise feedback control of impurity seeding will be performed in EAST to improve the compatibility of core plasma performance with divertor detachment for future high heating power operations. 相似文献
偏滤器作为直接面向等离子体的内部部件之一,其表面承受的热流密度很高。为提高其冷却通道的冷却能力,降低此部件面向等离子体面边缘的温度,从改变冷却通道截面形状的角度提出了不同的改进方案,并采用理论计算与有限元仿真对原始设计和改进方案进行了流体、热和结构分析。结果表明:在冷却通道的横截面积不变的情况下,随着湿周周长的增加,冷却能力有所提高,钨边缘的局部温度过高得到改善;但冷却通道形状的变化出现应力集中现象,通过提高长宽比可适当提高其在材料应力限值下所能承受的稳态运行的热流密度。这些优化分析结果可为聚变堆偏滤器冷却结构的设计提供理论参考。 相似文献
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Identification of Divertor Configuration in the HL-2A Tokamak 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Single- and double-null divertor configurations in HL-2A are simulated by SWEQU equilibrium code. Lower divertor discharges in the first physics campaign have been achieved by two kinds of power supply method of multipole-field coils. Single-null divertor configuration has been identified by visible photography, target probe arrays and the reconstructed magnetic surface. Magnetic separatrix and minor radius of plasma column are obtained by a reconstructed code of multiple current filaments using 18 Mirnov signals. 相似文献
用热等静压焊接的方法对两种性能差异很大的金属材料钨和铜进行了成功的焊接。用SEM对断口和焊接界面在各种不同条件下焊接的性能作了对比分析。给出了两种样品的断裂特征和焊接过程中元素的扩散特点。钨和铜合金的结合主要是物理结合 ,是在高温高压下 ,材料表面微观的凹凸不平而产生的犬齿交合结合在一起的 ,扩散结合只占很少的部分。偏滤器靶板的寿命主要决定于靶板材料的热疲劳性能。在真空室中用大功率电子束作为热源进行了热疲劳试验。电子束的功率密度选为 9MW/m2 ,循环周期为 4 0s,冷却水流量为 80mL/s。用直径为 0 .3mm的NiCr NiSi热电偶测量了下材料表面的温度分布。结果发现 ,在冷却充分的情况下 ,表面最高温度约 4 0 0℃ ,钨铜焊缝处的平均最高温度约1 5 0℃。经过 1 0 0 0次的循环加热后 ,没有发现靶板材料出现破坏现象。对试验条件下的材料表面温度分布进行了计算机模拟计算。计算结果和试验测得的结果是相吻合的 ,表明试验结果是真实可靠的 相似文献
Impurity is one of the key issues on a great impact to the quality of tokamak plasma.HL-2A is the first divertor tokamak in China. In this paper the experimental results are presented on impurity through the line emission measurement in the campaign in 2003 under the limiter and divertor configurations. The low-Z impurities such as carbon and oxygen are the most important components in the plasma, but their content are not so high to affect the discharge quality. The high-Z impurities such as copper and ferrum are not essential. The emission intensity of impurity is clearly decreased during the divertor configuration formed. 相似文献
R. F. Mattas 《Journal of Fusion Energy》1998,17(3):251-252
The Advanced Limiter-divertor Plasrna-facing Systems (ALPS) program was initiated in FY 1998 in order to evaluate the potential for improved performance and lifetime for plasma-facing systems. The main goal of the program is; to demonstrate the advantages of advanced limiter/divertor systems over conventional systems in terms of power density capability, component lifetime, and power conversion efficiency, while providing for safe operation and minimizing impurity concerns for the plasma. 相似文献