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基于参数化散射中心模型进行参数估计是实现合成孔径雷达高级信息获取(SAR AIR)技术的基本思路之一,传统的属性散射中心(ASC)参数估计算法往往具有计算速度慢、算法复杂度高、对参数初值要求高等问题。对此,该文提出一个新的基于无监督学习的端到端框架用于从SAR图像反演ASC参数。首先,利用自编码式网络结构有效提取目标图像特征,缓解由于优化空间复杂非凸导致的直接求解困难,解决初值敏感问题;其次,通过嵌入ASC模型作为物理解码器以将编码器输出约束为正确的ASC参数;最后,通过端到端的模型架构进行学习和推理,达到降低算法复杂度及提高估计速度的目的。通过在仿真和实测数据上进行测试,实验结果表明在0.15 m分辨率测试集SAR图像上取得低于0.1 m的估计误差,反演单个散射中心平均耗时0.06 s,验证了该文所提方法的有效性、高效性与鲁棒性。 相似文献
本文提出了一种新的基于目标一维散射中心匹配的雷达目标识别方法.该方法在计算两目标匹配函数之前,先根据目标尺寸大小在目标中心附近设定一个距离窗,将位于此距离窗以外的散射中心剔除,以减轻目标区域以外虚假散射中心的影响.对剩下的目标散射中心,根据两目标散射中心之间的距离,对目标之间的散射中心配对,然后定义两目标的匹配函数为所有配对散射中心的"匹配能量"和与两目标所有散射中心能量和的比值.对五类目标缩比模型的外场测量数据进行分类识别实验,结果表明该方法具有良好的目标识别能力,而且对加性高斯白噪声和雷达带宽不敏感. 相似文献
独立属性散射中心参数降耦合估计方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
属性散射中心模型是基于几何绕射(GTD)模型完善得到,其模型参数具有频率和方位依赖特性,相比点散射模型对目标特征描述更为准确。但属性散射中心模型中也引入了参数维数增加的问题,模型参数估计相对困难。针对属性散射中心模型的参数估计,该文对图像分割后获得的独立散射中心进行研究,提出一种将部分参数降耦合的参数估计算法。通过建立合理的代价函数进行参数估计。相对传统参数估计方法,该方法无需获取准确的参数的初始值,从而在复杂性和时效性上有很大的改进。最后,基于仿真数据的实验论证了该文方法的有效性。 相似文献
后向投影(Back Projection,BP)算法具有精确聚焦、完美运动补偿等优点,适合于机载超宽带合成孔径雷达(Ultra Wide Band Synthetic Aperture Radar,UWB SAR)成像,但是巨大的计算量限制了它的实际应用。子块快速因子分解后向投影算法(Sub-Image Fast Factorized Back Projection,SIFFBP)算法大幅度减小了BP算法的计算量,提高了BP算法的实用性。本文通过分析SIFFBP算法区域划分的约束条件,提出了一种基于最优区域划分的改进算法,解决了传统SIFFBP算法在小波束积累角时加速性能下降的问题。当波束积累角小于60度或成像区域长宽相差较大时,改进算法进一步减小了计算量。仿真和实测SAR数据的成像结果验证了改进算法的性能。 相似文献
本文通过对具有相同能量和相同脉宽的不同 UWB( Ultra Wide Band)脉冲信号在脉位调制 ( PPM,Pulse Position Modulation)和脉幅调制 ( PAM,Pulse Amplitude Modulation)方式下的抗噪声性能的理论分析与仿真对比 ,研究了在 AWGN( Additive White Gaussian Noise,加性高斯白噪声 )条件下 ,不同调制方式下脉冲波形的选择与系统性能之间的关系 相似文献
双站前视低频超宽带(UWB)SAR兼具双站前视的复杂成像构型和低频UWB的强距离方位耦合两个特点,因此极大地增加了实现高精度成像处理的难度。针对这个问题,该文提出一种基于快速因式分解后向投影(FFBP)算法的双站前视低频UWB SAR成像处理方法。首先,基于双站前视低频UWB SAR的成像几何构型和信号模型,给出了双站前视低频UWB SAR 原始BP算法成像的原理和流程。其次,在上述基础上,推导了双站前视低频UWB SAR FFBP算法成像处理的精确相位误差形式,并分析了相位误差对成像处理的影响,据此建立了双站前视低频UWB SAR FFBP成像处理中的子孔径和子区域划分原则。接下来,给出了双站前视低频UWB SAR FFBP算法成像处理流程,并对比分析了BP算法和FFBP算法的成像效率。最后,利用仿真实验证明了文中所作理论分析的正确性和所提方法的有效性。 相似文献
Using the hypothesis that data transmitted by different users are statistically independent of each other, this paper proposes a fixed-point blind adaptive multiuser detection algorithm for Time-Hopping (TH) Impulse Radio (IR) Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems in multipath channel, which is based on Inde-pendent Component Analysis (ICA) idea. The proposed algorithm employs maximizing negentropy criterion to separate the data packets of different users. Then the user characteristic sequences are utilized to identify the data packet order of the desired user. This algorithm only needs the desired user’s characteristic se-quence instead of channel information, power information and time-hoping code of any user. Due to using hypothesis of statistical independence among users, the proposed algorithm has the outstanding Bit Error Rate (BER) performance and the excellent ability of near-far resistance. Simulation results demonstrate that this algorithm has the performance close to that of Maximum-Likelihood (ML) algorithm and is a subopti-mum blind adaptive multiuser detection algorithm of excellent near-far resistance and low complexity. 相似文献
超宽带时域近距离高分辨ISAR成像 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近距离目标超高分辨率微波成像技术在安全检测、非破坏性控制、生物医学等领域中有着非常重要的应用价值和广阔的应用前景。该文利用基于窄脉冲形式的超宽带时域雷达系统研究近距离目标的高分辨率ISAR成像,给出了仿真和实测结果。利用转台旋转目标,基于超宽带脉冲源和超宽带收发天线以及高性能取样示波器,配以同步触发脉冲和自行研发的数据采集软件,搭建了该时域雷达实验系统,提出了准确获取目标回波信息的实验条件,和实现回波延时精确校正的误差补偿方法。并针对采样时间窗内的杂波干扰,讨论了时域后向投影算法(Back Projection,BP)与背景对消技术相结合的成像算法,实现了分辨率为8 mm的近距离目标的成像,准确地反映了目标的位置、形状和大小等信息。 相似文献
Daniele Domenicali Guerino Giancola M.-G. Di Benedetto Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2006,11(4):501-508
Time Hopping Ultra Wide Band (TH–UWB) commonly encodes the data symbols by shifting the position of the transmitted pulses
by a quantity that is quantized over the inter-pulse interval range. In this paper, we relax the hypothesis of a discrete
value for the time shift introduced by the TH code, by considering the possibility of generating real-valued codes that introduce
time hopping in a “fluid” way. The effect on the power spectral density of generated signals is analyzed, and application
of fluid coding to multiple access and to network coexistence is investigated by simulation.
Portions of this work were presented at the 2005 2nd International Workshop Networking with Ultra Wide Band, Workshop on Ultra
Wide Band for Sensor Networks [M.G. Di Benedetto, G. Giancola, D. Domenicali and P. Ingargiola “Fluid Coding in Time Hopping
Ultra Wide Band Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Workshop Networking with Ultra Wide Band—Ultra Wide Band
for Sensor Networks, July 2005, Rome, Italy].
Daniele Domenicali took his Laurea degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2004. In November 2004
Domenicali wins the open competition for PhD scholarship in Information and Communication Engineering. He is teaching assistant
for the course of “UWB Communication Systems” conducted by Professor Maria Gabriella Di Benedetto at the University of Rome
La Sapienza. His research activity includes Pulse Shaping and the related modulation and coding techniques (Time Hopping Coding,
PAM and PPM Modulation). Particular attention is paid to the effects produced in the Power Spectral Density, in order to find
solutions capable of optimizing spectrum occupation while meeting the constraints imposed by emission masks. Daniele Domenicali
is involved in the European Network of Excellence HYCON (Hybrid Control: Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked
Embedded Systems).
Guerino Giancola received the “Laurea” degree (magna cum laude) in Telecommunications Engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in Information and
Communication Engineering from University of Rome La Sapienza, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. He is currently a research
affiliate at the INFOCOM Department at University of Rome La Sapienza, where is actually holding the course of “Electrical
Communications” for the degree on Electronic Engineering. His research interests include the analysis and modelling of Multi
User Interference in Impulse Radio systems, and the design of Medium Access Control functions and protocols for UWB ad-hoc
networks. Guerino Giancola recently co-authored with Prof. Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto a book on Ultra Wide Band from radio
to the network, titled “Understanding Ultra Wide Band Radio Fundamentals” and published by Prentice Hall in June 2004. He
is now involved in the European project “PULSERS – Pervasive Ultra wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems” and in the
European Network of Excellence “HYCON- Hybrid Control: Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems”.
Guerino Giancola is a member of the IEEE Communication Society.
Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto obtained her Ph.D. in Telecommunications in 1987 from the University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy. In 1991, she joined the
Faculty of Engineering of University of Rome La Sapienza, where currently she is a Full Professor of Telecommunications at
the Infocom Department. She has held visiting positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California,
Berkeley, and the University of Paris XI, France. In 1994, she received the Mac Kay Professorship award from the University
of California, Berkeley.
Her research interests include wireless communication systems and speech science. From 1995 to 2000, she directed four European
projects for the design of UMTS. Since 2000, she has been active in fostering the development of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radio
communications in Europe. Within the 5th framework, she directed for the Infocom Dept. two European projects (whyless.com
and UCAN) aimed at the design and implementation of UWB ad-hoc networks. Currently, within the 6th EU Framework, her “Networking
with UWB” research group participates in the PULSERS Integrated Project which will integrate UWB research and development
in Europe for the next years, and in the LIAISON Integrated Project as regards the application of UWB to location-based services.
She also participates in the HYCON network of excellence. Dr. Di Benedetto is co-edited several Special Issues on UWB communications
and networks for several Journals including IEEE JSAC, Journal of Communications and Networks, Mobile Networks and Applications,
In 2004, Dr. Di Benedetto co-authored with G. Giancola the first published book on UWB for communications titled “Understanding
Ultra Wide Band Radio Fundamentals” and published by Prentice Hall. She recently completed the co-edition of two new books
on UWB that will be published by 2005: UWB Communication Systems - A comprehensive overview, with T. Kaiser, D. Porcino, A. Molisch, and I. Oppermann, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005, andUltra Wideband Wireless Communications with H. Arslan and Z.N. Chen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. 相似文献
该文提出了一种采用Dechirp和复多相滤波器组的超宽带通信系统。其发射信号采用开关键控(OOK)调制和Chirp扩频,接收信号经过Dechirp脉冲压缩、低通滤波和模数转换后,使用复多相滤波器组进行子信道划分,完成子信道选择和最大比合并,最后进行粗同步、精同步、信噪比估计和基于能量检测的OOK解调。通过理论推导与仿真实验,分析了在AWGN信道,IEEE 802.15.3a的CM1和CM4信道下该超宽带通信系统的性能。分析结果证明,该通信系统可以获得较高的处理增益和较强的抗多径性能,所以适合应用于拓展距离通信。 相似文献
在室内环境下,针对传统的基于到达时间、到达时间差和信号强度的定位算法受多径和非视距的影响不能满足定位精度需要的问题,提出了一种利用超宽带信号,由神经网络重构出视距传播距离,再利用Taylor算法进行目标定位的方法。结果表明对于训练数据和非训练数据,该方法的定位均方根误差都在1 m以下,能有效提高定位精度。 相似文献
该文采用基于有限积分法(FIT)的3D电磁(EM)仿真工具以及源于男性活体CT及MRI切片图像构建的3维人体电磁模型,分析研究2.5~6.0 GHz电磁波在人体内的路径损耗及比吸收率(SAR)特性,考察该频段信号在人体内外通信的有效性并建立相应的信道数学模型。分析结果表明:采用2.5~6.0 GHz频段信号实现人体植入式生物医学电子设备无线通信是可行的、安全的;所建立的改进型幂律函数信道模型能较好地描绘该频段信号在人体内的路径损耗特性,在2.5 GHz 和6.0 GHz频率处信道模型与电磁计算结果的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为2.78 dB和8.30 dB。 相似文献