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朱文豪  宋欢  丁娉  杨清  王进  侯建中  杨军 《中国造纸》2024,43(1):109-115
本研究采用槽式打浆机得到不同长度的间位芳纶沉析纤维(简称沉析纤维),与间位芳纶短切纤维混合,通过湿法成形工艺制备间位芳纶配抄纸(简称配抄纸),并探究沉析纤维长度对配抄纸性能的影响。结果表明,随着沉析纤维长度的降低,配抄纸的透气度先下降后上升,抗张强度、断裂伸长率及电气强度则先上升后下降。当沉析纤维长度为0.9 mm时,配抄纸的各项性能最佳:透气度为2.59 μm/(Pa·s),抗张强度为863 N/m,断裂伸长率为2.54%,电气强度为6.82 kV/mm。  相似文献   

研究了在热压过程中水分含量对芳纶纸基材料机械性能和电气性能的影响,采用扫描电镜(SEM)、全自动压汞仪(MIP)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)研究了湿热压后芳纶纸的表面形貌、孔隙结构和结晶度的变化。结果表明,随着湿纸水分含量的增加,结晶度相应增加,水分含量为120%时,结晶度达到最大值为71.17%,比干纸增加了59.39%,热压后芳纶纸表面平整、内部结构紧密,芳纶纸机械性能和电气性能也随之增强。  相似文献   

使用槽式打浆机对聚酰亚胺短切纤维进行打浆处理,比较了不同打浆时间的短切纤维长度、卷曲等形态的变化。将经过打浆处理得到的三种长度的短纤与两种聚酰亚胺沉析纤维配抄,研究了短纤长度、沉析纤维特性及浆料配比对聚酰亚胺纤维纸性能的影响。结果表明,即使经过深度打浆处理,聚酰亚胺短纤也不能分丝帚化,短纤的长度和沉析纤维的形态及特性对聚酰亚胺纤维纸的性能影响很大,当使用长度为5.1mm的聚酰亚胺短纤与Ⅰ号沉析纤维以6∶4的质量百分比配抄得到的聚酰亚胺纤维纸强度最高,击穿强度较佳。  相似文献   

对位芳纶沉析纤维是一种采用物理沉析法制备而得的新型芳纶纤维,为解析这种纤维的形态特征与其芳纶纸基材料(对位芳纶沉析纤维和对位芳纶短切纤维组成)结构和性能之间的相关性,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)表征了该纤维的表观形貌;通过纤维质量分析仪(Morfi Compact)分析了该纤维的形态参数;利用压汞仪(MIP)测定了芳纶纸基材料的孔隙结构参数;并探讨了对位芳纶沉析纤维对芳纶纸基材料孔隙结构和物理性能的影响。结果表明,对位芳纶沉析纤维呈薄膜褶皱状、形态细小、表面粗糙、易于分散;纤维质均长度为0.479 mm,细小纤维含量为71.9%,尺寸均一性好、细碎化程度高,利于芳纶纸基材料的复合增强;对位芳纶沉析纤维能显著改善芳纶纸基材料的结构,直接影响其机械性能和绝缘性能,最佳含量应为70%左右。  相似文献   

对位芳纶纤维具有的刚性分子链结构以及表面化学惰性导致其力学机械性能较差。研究发现:芳纶浆粕的打浆能改善芳纶纸的成纸性能,间位芳纶沉析纤维本身具有较高的机械强度和较好的电绝缘性能,添加间位芳纶沉析纤维作为粘结纤维可有效改善对位芳纶纤维纸的抄造性能,当沉析纤维含量为30%左右时,纸张经过热压机高温高压作用,两种纤维更易熔粘,使纸张产生较高的物理性能和电气性能。  相似文献   

以芳纶Ⅲ短切纤维与间位芳纶沉析纤维为原料,使用湿法成形技术,制备芳纶Ⅲ纸基复合材料,研究芳纶Ⅲ短切纤维长度和占比对芳纶Ⅲ纸基复合材料匀度、抗张强度、弹性模量、断裂伸长率、撕裂度的影响规律。结果表明,在芳纶Ⅲ短切纤维长度6 mm,占比50%时,芳纶Ⅲ纸基复合材料的综合力学性能较好,其中抗张强度为2.66 kN/m,弹性模量为3 136 MPa,断裂伸长率为1.78%,撕裂度为2 912 mN。纸基复合材料拉伸断裂面因芳纶Ⅲ短切纤维长度和占比的不同而呈现不同的形状。相比于间位芳纶纸,芳纶Ⅲ纸基复合材料具有更好的高温尺寸稳定性,有望在复合增强领域进一步提升芳纶的应用前景。  相似文献   

本研究以原位聚合法制备的对位芳纶纳米纤维及市售对位芳纶沉析纤维为黏结纤维,分别与对位芳纶短切纤维混合,通过湿法抄造制备对位芳纶纸(纳米纸和沉析纸)。详细研究了2种不同原料及其用量对纸张结构及性能的影响规律,并对作用机理进行了探讨。结果表明,采用对位芳纶纳米纤维制备的纳米纸在纸张匀度、机械强度、电气绝缘强度等方面均优于对位芳纶沉析纤维制备的沉析纸。黏结纤维含量均为40%时,纳米纸抗张指数比沉析纸提高了44%,撕裂指数提高了57%,电击穿强度提高了80%。这种差异主要来源于对位芳纶纳米纤维具有更高的表面活性,以及由此产生良好的可加工性及二次组装性能。  相似文献   

本研究以芳纶纳米纤维(ANFs)作为自增强与结构构筑单元,研究了ANFs涂布对芳纶纸的增强效果。结果表明,ANFs发挥了独特的纳米尺度结构、大长径比与高比表面积易形成交联网络结构的优势,显著改善了芳纶纸的各项性能。与芳纶原纸相比,2.0%ANFs涂布芳纶纸(涂布量2 g/m2)的抗张强度、韧性、撕裂强度和表面强度分别提高3.5倍、14.3倍、1.2倍和1.4倍,吸水性下降18.7倍,呈现出更加致密的纸张结构与更加优异的力学性能。本研究表明芳纶纳米纤维是一种极佳的增强增韧构筑单元,在特种纸、复合材料增强等领域应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

由经过改性处理后的芳纶沉析纤维和芳纶短切纤维制造的芳纶纸,其力学性能会发生一定变化,而如何利用芳纶沉析纤维和芳纶短切纤维的表面改性处理来提升芳纶纸的力学性能是研究的重点.基于此,文章通过试验对芳纶纤维表面实施氯磺酸改性和醋酸酐改性后的芳纶纸力学性能变化情况进行研究分析,探讨芳纶纤维表面改性对芳纶纸力学性能的影响.  相似文献   

本研究将间位芳纶沉析纤维(PMIAF)添加到阔叶木浆(KHP)中,制备了KHP/PMIAF复合纸.采用多种手段对KHP/PMIAF复合纸的形貌结构、结晶性能、力学性能、热稳定性、紫外屏蔽性和润湿性等性能进行了表征.结果表明,间位芳纶沉析纤维和阔叶木浆之间存在着较强的氢键作用;复合纸的抗张指数随着间位芳纶沉析纤维用量的增...  相似文献   

以玉米醇溶蛋白(zein)和聚丙撑碳酸酯(PPC)为主原料,以甘油为可塑剂,利用挤压法制备Zein-PPC复合薄膜,并对复合薄膜的机械性能、形态学和结构进行研究。结果表明:PPC的引入提高了复合薄膜的拉伸强度,当PPC含量为30%时,其拉伸强度最大,为30.11MPa;应用Halsey方程,建立了拉伸强度与相对湿度关系模型;差示扫描量热仪(DSC)分析表明复合薄膜具有稳定的热特性;傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和X射线衍射实验发现,复合薄膜中玉米醇溶蛋白的羧基与PPC中的羟基发生反应生成了酯键,保证了复合膜的稳定性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  To examine the potential application of microbial transglutaminase (MTG) on semolina dough properties and quality of raw and cooked spaghetti, the effects of various MTG addition levels on the solubility of proteins, SDS-PAGE pattern of semolina dough proteins, and textural and structural properties of raw and cooked spaghetti were investigated using semolina from a high-protein good variety (MACS 1967) and a low-protein poor variety (PDW 274) durum wheat. To increase the concentration of lysyl residues and possibly enhance the extent of cross-linking of protein matrix by MTG, a commercial soy protein isolate (SPI) was added at a level of 3% (w/w) in combination with MTG, and its effect on semolina dough properties and spaghetti quality was investigated. The addition of MTG significantly decreased the solubility of semolina dough proteins. SDS-PAGE results showed that with increasing levels of MTG, a progressive decrease in the intensity of the bands corresponding to molecular weight of around 66 kDa was observed. Protein cross-linking reaction catalyzed by MTG resulted in changes in dough properties, dry spaghetti quality, cooking quality characteristics, and microstructure of cooked spaghetti. However, the quality improvements were more evident in spaghetti from the poor variety PDW 274 than from the good variety MACS 1967. The results also showed the ability of MTG in the formation of heterologous polymers between SPI and durum wheat proteins to improve the quality of spaghetti samples.  相似文献   

Five microstructural parameters of goat cheese curd (number of pores, their area and perimeter, strand thickness, and porosity) were studied by scanning electron microscopy and image analysis. Image analysis was used to characterize and quantify differences in all parameters and to provide a procedure for the measurement of strand thickness. The micrographs provided visual evidence of differences in the protein matrix and were quantified by image analysis at 3 production times: 34 ± 1 min (cutting), 154 ± 6 min (before molding), and 293 ± 35 min (after pressing). The data showed that this procedure is an adequate tool for quantifying differences in the parameters analyzed in industrial samples despite their natural heterogeneity. The procedure was reproducible and repetitive for the first 2 production times because no significant intragroup differences were observed. Significant differences were found when comparing the values of the microstructure parameters analyzed at 34 ± 1 min and those corresponding to 154 ± 6 min and 293 ± 35 min, but no significant differences between samples analyzed at 154 ± 6 min and 293 ± 35 min were found. All microstructure parameters analyzed were related at a significance level of at least 95%. This procedure enables the characterization of the microstructure of industrial goat cheese curd.  相似文献   

热压工艺对芳香族聚酰胺纤维纸性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热压是芳纶纤维纸生产中至关重要的工序,本文重点探讨了热压温度和压力对芳纶纤维纸成纸性能的影响,并对其机理作了初步的分析和探讨。试验发现,随着热压温度的升高,芳纶纤维纸的抗张强度和撕裂度先上升后下降,而其耐压强度则随温度的升高呈下降趋势;但是,随着热压过程中线压力的增加,芳纶纤维纸的物理强度和绝缘性能则都呈先上升后下降的变化趋势。  相似文献   

以芳纶纤维和玄武岩纤维为原料,通过造纸湿法抄造制备复合绝缘纸,系统地研究了复合绝缘纸的力学性能、绝缘性能、热稳定性、胶液渗透性等.结果表明,复合绝缘纸的击穿电压在玄武岩纤维含量低于50%时基本保持不变;玄武岩纤维含量越高,复合绝缘纸的热稳定性、胶液渗透性越好;当玄武岩纤维含量50%时,复合绝缘纸的抗拉强度达1.67 M...  相似文献   


Mechanical (flexural, hardness, and impact) properties and interfacial adhesion of acetic anhydride (AC) and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) treated Cissus populnea fiber-unsaturated polyester (UPR) composites was investigated because of poor durability of the natural fiber-UPR composite applications. UPR composites were prepared with untreated and optimally treated fiber using hand-lay-up technique. Optimization of mechanical properties and interfacial adhesion between the fiber and UPR were determined using response surface methodology and fiber pull-out method, respectively. AC and EDTA treated fibers improved the flexural and hardness properties and interfacial adhesion at reduced impact strength. This is corroborated with morphology of the composites.  相似文献   

The structures of buckwheat and barley were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM) throughout the malting process. SEM and CSLM have different merits when studying grains and seeds. SEM can be used to study the detailed structure (high magnifications can be achieved) and CSLM to study the overall change in structure during processing. SEM proved that buckwheat starch is degraded by both pitting and surface erosion. A concentric sphere structure was visible when buckwheat starch granules were partly broken down. With CSLM, the organization of protein and starch of buckwheat and barley could be examined independently in projections and images visualizing the 3D structure. CSLM proved that buckwheat starch is surrounded by a protein matrix. Buckwheat protein was structured and surrounded starch granules, while barley protein was present in an amorphous mass through the endosperm. The differences in overall structure between unmalted and malted seeds were evident, as the starch and protein in both the barley and buckwheat were degraded. CSLM may be used in the future to couple processing characteristics to the structure of grains and seeds.  相似文献   

几种淀粉的相对分子质量分布、微晶结构及形貌的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以小麦、马铃薯、甘薯、玉米、芋头为原料提取淀粉。采用碘兰值法、凝胶色谱、X衍射和扫描电镜,研究淀粉组成及淀粉级分的特性、淀粉的晶体特性和微观形态,为淀粉类食品的深加工提供理论基础。研究表明,芋头淀粉的碘兰值最小,其他4种淀粉碘兰值相差不大。玉米淀粉为高直链淀粉,小麦淀粉的3个级分较明显。马铃薯淀粉表现为B型X衍射图谱的特征,甘薯淀粉表现为C型X衍射图谱的特征,而小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉和芋头淀粉表现为A型X衍射图谱的特征,马铃薯淀粉的结晶度最小,玉米淀粉的结晶度最大、微晶尺寸最小,甘薯淀粉的微晶尺寸最大。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分析热压工艺及打浆度对阳离子分散松香胶施胶性能的影响。方法:以打浆度、施胶剂用量、热压温度、热压压力为因素水平,进行正交试验,通过浆内施胶工艺制作纸模试样,测定施胶度、光泽度及平滑度(用摩擦系数表征)。结果:适当调整热压工艺参数数值,可以提高分散松香胶的施胶性能。结论:较优工艺参数为:打浆度、施胶剂用量、热压温度和压力组合为30°SR、1.5%、110℃、5MPa;热压压力对光泽度影响最大;打浆度对平滑度的影响最大,热压温度对施胶度影响最大;网面和非网面的三种指标均具有显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

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