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基于STM8L151K4T6单片机设计一种多功能、低功耗报警系统,在具备传统烟雾报警功能的同时,增加有毒气体检测、实时温度测量以及火焰识别报警的功能,具备多信号处理能力。监测模块采集到的数据先进行A/D转换,再进行数据处理和算法分析,利用LoRa无线传输技术以及GPRS模块实现数据远距离传输。实验结果表明,独立式报警器待机电流仅为1~2μA的情况下,可以在很短的响应时间内对报警信号进行反馈,实时性高,监测精准度综合数据高达97.295%。  相似文献   

正本报告旨在为感光烟雾报警器和探测器的更换周期提供一个更为科学、更为精确参考依据。研究团队利用一种手持式的烟雾敏感性测试装备在将近一年的时间内测试了107种商用烟雾探测器和85种家用烟雾报警器。英国建筑研究院联合火灾工业协会、苏格兰消防救援局、苏格兰政府等4家政府和机构对测试结果共同进行了分析和研究,研究结果表示:所有的烟雾报警器的更换周期不能超过12年(从生产日期开始算);  相似文献   

<正>美国发布2012-2016年家庭火灾烟雾报警器数据报告。报告数据主要来自美国火灾事件报告系统和美国消防协会年度调查数据。报告显示,消防部门接收到的家庭火灾报告中,有3/4装有烟雾报警器,超过1/2听到警报声音。约3/5的家庭亡人火灾是由于没有安装烟雾报警器或烟雾报警器没有动作所致。在装有烟雾报警器但报警  相似文献   

针对传统火灾报警系统无法满足高大狭窄空间以及博物馆、文物保护建筑等特殊场合实际火灾报警需求的问题,设计一种基于LoRa 和GPRS 的无线火灾报警系统。系统利用LoRa进行火灾传感信息长距离传输,采用GPRS 进行火灾报警信息远距离传送,选取Modbus 总线通信连接LoRa 无线模块和GPRS无线模块。设计过程详细介绍了系统控制方案、硬件组成和软件设计,进行系统测试与实验验证。实验表明,系统能够实时监控现场温度、烟雾变化,及时报警并发送报警信息,运行稳定,及时准确,满足特定场合对火灾报警器的需求。该系统的应用可以提高火灾预报能力,增强消防应急处突能力,是对有线火灾报警系统的有效补充。  相似文献   

烟雾报警器已成为美国家庭住宅的普遍特征,因报警器的警报声而惊醒逃生的案例在报纸上屡屡报导。 1 5起住宅火灾死亡事故中有3起未安装烟雾报警器或报警器不能正常工作 2007-2011年,美国消防机构的报告显示,73%报警器都发出了警报。  相似文献   

正美国于2016年10月9-15日举行消防周活动。美国消防协会(NFPA)调查发现,公众对烟雾报警器存在很多误解,从而增加了家庭火灾风险。只有很少一部分人清楚烟雾报警器的使用年限并知道多久更换一次。2016年消防活动周提出了"烟雾报警器每10年更换一次;清楚家庭烟雾报警器的详细使用年限"的宣传内容。  相似文献   

家用烟雾报警器易于使用,且价格低廉。如果能够正确地选择、安装和维护,就能够在火灾早期报警、协助人员安全撤离,并最大限度地减少误报。BRE最近出版的《家用烟雾报警器》介绍了可用的烟雾报警器类型,如何选择、安装和维护火  相似文献   

正在美国,研究和技术的突破已经把我们带到这样一个阶段:新一代烟雾报警器将能够区分日常烹饪产生的烟雾和严重火灾产生的烟雾。UL公共安全官员巴布·格恩利表示:"全新的烟雾报警器将极大地提高生命安全水平,它其实是一种智能设备,能够识别报警器周围的所有大气状况,并以前所未有的准确度更快地发出警报。"  相似文献   

针对目前文物建筑火灾报警系统有线设计布线复 杂、安装维护成本高等缺点,提出一种基于 LoRa 的文物建筑无线 火灾报警系统。运用新型 LoRa 调制技术,采用 433 MHz 中心 频点,结合文物建筑火灾特点,构建无线火灾报警系统。对报警器 节点进行了低功耗设计,利用电磁场软件 FEKO 对天线匹配仿真 和多点布控方式分析,可以有效降低系统功耗,延长通信距离。通 过示范工程项目对火灾进行了试验研究,为文物建筑无线火灾报 警系统的优化设计提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

正智能烟雾报警器、智能无线烟感、智能气体探测器、智能可燃气体报警器、智能一氧化碳报警器……在浙江省嘉兴市嘉善县风泽泗洲小区内,这些看似普通的消防设施,却搭载着满满的黑科技元素。嘉善县民营经济发达,外来务工人员较多,火灾防控任务重、范围广。近年来,嘉善通过开展"智安小区"建设,全方位、立体化、多角度地监管小区的消防安全状况,实现了  相似文献   

High growth in the uptake of electrical appliances is accounting for a significant increase in electricity consumption globally. In some developed countries, standby energy alone may account for about 10% of residential electricity use. The standby power for many appliances used in Australia is still well above the national goal of 1 W or less. In this paper, field measurements taken of standby power and operating power for a range of electrical appliances are presented. It was found that the difference between minimum value and maximum value of standby power could be quite large, up to 22.13 W for home theatre systems, for example. With the exception of home audio systems, however, the annual operating energy used by most electrical appliances was generally greater than the annual standby energy. Consumer behaviour and product choice can have a significant impact on standby power and operating power, which influences both energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

在研制电梯运行状态监视与故障远程报警系统的基础上。从设备技术资料、电梯运行状态监视.双向语音对讲,轿厢内视频监视.网络通讯.传感器安装和备用电源等方面人手,研究系统功能要求,安装要求和应用要求.编制系统验收规则。该验收规则已成为电梯运行状态监视与故障远程报警系统安装验收依据。在实际应用中初步发挥了技术规范作用。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(12):1211-1216
This paper presents the first study of standby power use and its saving potential in China. Standby power use refers to power consumed by appliances when they are switched off or are not providing their intended functions. Appliances in 28 urban Chinese homes were surveyed and standby power use was measured. The combined standby power use was about 29 W per home. However, many occupants unplug appliances when not in use, so standby energy use accounts for 50–200 kWh per year in an average urban home. Residential standby power consumption in China requires the electrical output equivalent of at least six 500 MW power plants. Levels of standby power use in Chinese homes are below those observed in developed countries but still high in part because Chinese appliances have higher standby than similar products in developed countries. Existing technologies are available to greatly reduce standby power at low costs.  相似文献   

Due to the scientific and economic growth of recent years, the on-going innovation in electrical products has enabled people to live more comfortably and conveniently. The standby power function is one such innovation. Unfortunately, as an increasing number of products are equipped with standby power, more energy is wasted and more carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere. This paper combines a two-step proportional stratified sampling technique with systematic random sampling to select representative households in Taiwan. We adopted the measurement method of the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) in measuring the overall use of standby power in Taiwanese households. We then proposed a model for the estimation of standby power consumption, before calculating annual standby power consumption among all households in Taiwan. This paper could serve as a reference for the government and relevant authorities in the establishment of corresponding standards, providing suggestions for the minimization of standby power consumption and the unnecessary waste of energy.  相似文献   

Twenty-four college-age male subjects, employed for one night each, were evaluated on their ability to awaken and then identify fire cues. Twelve subjects were exposed to smoke alarm warning signals of three intensities, while the second twelve subjects were exposed to a smoke odor, a heat presentation, and a single smoke alarm warning signal. Subjects were, in all cases, awakened by alarms that reached their ears at signal/noise ratios of 34 dB. They were considerably less likely to be awakened by heat, the smoke odor, and alarm sounds that reached their ears at signal/noise ratios of 10 dB or less. Upon awakening, subjects repeatedly failed to correctly label radiant heat presentations and smoke alarm warnings as fire cues. Reference: Kahn, Michael J., “Human Awakening and Subsequent Identification of Fire-Related Cues,” Fire Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, February 1984, p. 20.  相似文献   

为实现智能家居中的环境监测与火灾报警等功能,设计了一种以单片机、多传感器、无线传输模块和手机客户端为硬件基础,以Keilu Vision4和E4A为软件开发平台的智能家居火灾报警系统。系统通过传感器收集实时的室内温度湿度信号、天然气浓度信号、烟雾浓度信号以及火焰信号,经单片机处理,并通过无线传输模块将数据发送到手机客户端显示,为用户提供实时的家庭环境信息。测试结果表明,该系统能实现家庭环境监测、火灾报警和手机远程显示报警等功能。  相似文献   

冯星明 《建筑电气》2010,29(1):12-14
根据一、二级负荷的供电要求,阐述了变压器互为备供的方式和要求,说明了一、二级负荷占比与变压器负荷率的关系,并用工程设计实例介绍了利用空调专用变压器作为重要负荷备供的方法和操作流程。  相似文献   

《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》若干实施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施《火灾自动报警系统计规范》过程中,在其系统布线设计、探测器设置和消防用水、防烟与排烟、防火卷帘门、非消防电源切断控制等方面,碰到了一些问题,笔者就此提出商榷意见。  相似文献   

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