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古轲 《中国消防》2022,(S1):94-97
森林火灾突发性强、破坏力大,且容易失控,扑救和处理的难度很大,是世界性的难题之一。本文通过介绍森林火灾中火场的危险因素和注意事项,提出火场紧急情况的处置方法及措施,以期尽量减少或避免在灭火过程中发生伤亡事故,为森林火灾扑救安全提供参考。  相似文献   

火场救人,是指灭火人员使用各种技术和器材装备营救火场上受火势围困和受其它险情威胁的人员的战斗行动。在错综复杂的火场上影响火场救人的因素很多,诸如:高温,烟,热辐射,有毒、有害气体,液体,爆炸、倒塌危险等。作为一名灭火指挥员必须全面考虑火场救人的有利和不利因素,针对火场特点,正确地组织与实施火场救人。  相似文献   

武汉绿色消防器材有限公司最近开发出了手投式灭火弹和森林机载灭火弹两种新式灭火器材。这两种新式灭火器材是针对近年来森林火灾频繁发生,而处置救助难度高、危险性大等情况,为有效地扑救森林火灾而研制的。它可以使灭火人员不用近距离与火场接触就能迅速消灭火灾,是森林灭火的“新式武器”。(1)手投式灭火弹手投式灭火弹是一种无雷管、无炸药的安全消防器材。具有灭火速度快、效率高,运用灵活,外形美观小巧,携带安全方便等优点。每具保护面积不小于5m2。该产品以超导材料引燃,灭火时,揭开上端封皮,使超导热感应材料外露,然后直接投入火场…  相似文献   

在火灾扑救中,要坚持“救人第一”的指导思想。当火场遇有人员受到火势威胁时,必须首先抢救人员,同时,采取相应的灭火措施;当不控制火势、不排除险情就难以解除对人员威胁时,应当集中力量  相似文献   

某市在扑救一起夜间民房火灾中,一指挥员进入室内搜索遇难人员时,碰到已破碎灯泡的金属丝上,被电击倒,幸亏该指挥员比较机警,他以匍匐姿势安全撤回。另一地方火场上的电线虽然已经切断,但是落在房顶上的电线仍然带电,一灭火人员不慎碰及,触电身亡。前例由于火场投断电造成险情,后例由于断电点不当造成死亡。通过以上两件事想就火场怎样断电谈一点看法,以和灭火指挥员商讨。  相似文献   

消防人员在火灾扑救现场,往往要面临复杂多变的各种情况,正确认识火场上的危险前兆,是保全自己、顺利完成灭火救援任务的前提条件。  相似文献   

消防人员在火灾扑救现场,往往要面临复杂多变的各种情况,正确认识火场上的危险前兆,是保全自己、顺利完成灭火救援任务的前提条件。  相似文献   

消防人员在火灾扑救现场,往往要面临复杂多变的各种情况,正确认识火场上的危险前兆,是保全自己、顺利完成灭火救援任务的前提条件。  相似文献   

为了有效扑灭森林火灾,第一需要及时发现火源,第二需要快速将灭火人员和装备运送到火场,因为火灾早期扑灭容易而且成本低。尽管从空中灭火费用更高,但在这两种情况下使用航空器都非常有效。如果不能及时扑灭火灾,等火势蔓延之后,扑救就更难了。应该弄清,哪些火灾适合从空中扑灭,哪些不适合。比如泥碳田火灾,根据泥碳燃烧的特点,从空中灭火是不值得的,这是白白浪费水、时间和金钱。  相似文献   

根据当前消防部队扑救危化品(即危险化学品)仓库火灾的严峻形势,分析了危化品仓库火灾的特点,阐述了消防部队在扑救危化品仓库火灾中存在的难点和不足。文章从扑救危化品仓库火灾的战术运用、参战消防官兵的安全防护、火情侦察、警戒线的设置、人员物资的疏散、灭火药剂的选择、灭火指挥要求、火场注意事项等方面,提出了解决扑救危化品仓库火灾的对策。  相似文献   

Powerline corridor management in Australia has traditionally focused on the complete removal of vegetation using short rotation times due to the perceived fire hazard associated with corridor vegetation. This study assessed vegetation recovery in a powerline corridor, following management, at three sites spanning corridor and forest habitat. Forest and corridor vegetation communities differed significantly between sites and over time. As vegetation recovered, the corridor community became a mix of plants common in the surrounding forest and open areas, changing within the 3-year study from a grass–fern to shrub–sedge community encroached by midstorey species. The current short rotations between management events unnecessarily maintain the corridor in a cycle of degradation, remove resources for native species and may allow introduced grasses and saplings to proliferate in the corridor. Maintaining a shrub layer would help avoid loss of species richness, encourage native species and limit colonisation opportunities of introduced species. Spot spraying emergent saplings and problem plants and mosaic slashing, would keep fire risk low and maintain biodiversity without increasing biomass to dangerous levels.  相似文献   

摘 要:川渝地区位于我国西南部,地处四川盆地及巫山东部,植被以亚热带常绿阔叶林为主,引发山火原因较多。受极端高温干旱天气影响,川渝地区山火的数量和强度持续增加,给当地造成了严重的生态灾难和社会危机。在概括近期川渝地区山火案例的基础上,从氧气、可燃物和引火源3方面分析引发该地山火的主要原因,并从地形、气候和植被方面分析扑救难点,从多角度出发提出相应山火防控策略。  相似文献   

随着我国森林灭火力量的快速发展,专业人才短缺、队伍实战能力不足等短板日益凸显.森林灭火实训基地是2016-2025年全国森林防火规划明确建设的重点任务,是森林消防员职业培训和资格认证、专业森林扑火队伍实战化训练的重要平台.笔者从分析森林灭火实训基地建设的必要性入手,深入研究实训基地建设的主要内容,从体系框架、场地布局、...  相似文献   

介绍林火研究各专业领域的工作,总结近年来林火研究涉及的林火基础理论、林火预防、预报与监测预警、火灾扑救及风险评估、林火管理与恢复重建等内容。分析我国林火科学学科发展的现状与问题,探索性地提出包括4个子学科的林火科学体系的学科构架,为教学和科研提供借鉴,从拓展领域、规划预防体系、建立风险评估体系、提示应急救援效率等方面对林火研究提出展望。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2006,41(3):171-184
Although considerable progress has been made recently in the modelling of the spreading of a forest fire, there remains a lack of reliable field measurements of thermodynamic quantities. We propose in this paper a method and a set of measuring structures built in order to improve the knowledge of the fundamental physical mechanisms that control the propagation of wildland fires. These experimental devices are designed to determine: the fire front shape, its rate of spread, the amount of energy impinging ahead of it, the vertical distribution of the temperature within the fire plume as well as the wind velocity and direction. The methodology proposed was applied to a fire spreading across the Corsican scrub on a test site. The recorded data allowed us to reconstruct the fire behaviour and provide its main properties. Wind and vegetation effects on fire behaviour were particularly addressed.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) concentration, reservoir mass, and Hg reservoir size were determined for vegetation components, litter, and mineral soil for two Sierran forest sites and one desert sagebrush steppe site. Mercury was found to be held primarily in the mineral soil (maximum depth of 60 to 100 cm), which contained more than 90% of the total ecosystem reservoir. However, Hg in foliage, bark, and litter plays a more dominant role in Hg cycling than the mineral soil. Mercury partitioning into ecosystem components at the Sierran forest sites was similar to that observed for other US forest sites. Vegetation and litter Hg reservoirs were significantly smaller in the sagebrush steppe system because of lower biomass. Data collected from these ecosystems after wildfire and prescribed burns showed a significant decrease in the Hg pool from certain reservoirs. No loss from mineral soil was observed for the study areas but data from fire severity points suggested that Hg in the upper few millimeters of surface soil may be volatilized due to exposure to elevated temperatures. Comparison of data from burned and unburned plots suggested that the only significant source of atmospheric Hg from the prescribed burn was combustion of litter. Differences in unburned versus burned Hg reservoirs at the forest wildfire site demonstrated that drastic reduction in the litter and above ground live biomass Hg reservoirs after burning had occurred. Sagebrush and litter were absent in the burned plots after a wildfire suggesting that both reservoirs were released during the fire. Mercury emissions due to fire from the forest prescribed burn, forest wildfire, and sagebrush steppe wildfire sites were roughly estimated at 2.0 to 5.1, 2.2 to 4.9, and 0.36+/-0.13 g ha(-1), respectively, with litter and vegetation being the most important sources.  相似文献   

摘 要:华南地区植被丰富,人类活动频繁,一旦发生森林火灾,后果严重。为探究华南地区森林地表可燃物种类和燃料床特性对火蔓延速度的影响规律,给扑救森林火灾提供参考数据,通过实地采样与室内燃料床火蔓延速度测量实验,定量分析了森林地表可燃物火蔓延速度特性。实验结果表明,桉树叶燃料床在5种燃料床中蔓延速度最快,加上其在该地区的种植情况,具有较高的火灾危险性。得到了桉树叶燃料床特性对火蔓延速度影响的规律,发现含水率开始增加阶段,蔓延速度衰减很少,含水率超过14%后,蔓延速度快速衰减,到18%后蔓延速度衰减再次减少;蔓延速度与厚度成幂函数关系,厚度增加使蔓延速度增加;堆积密度、宽度对火蔓延速度影响不大。  相似文献   

Forest fires have become a supremely topical subject and the year 2017 is considered to be exceptional in terms of burned areas. Thus, nationally more than 32,000 Ha have been ravaged by the flames, but above all, there has been a loss of life. The objective of this study is to implement a methodological approach for the mapping of forest fire risk areas. A model integrating GIS and remote sensing is used. It is based on the evaluation of several parameters that influence the initiation and propagation of a forest fire. These are vegetation, topography and anthropogenic factors. Imagery from the new SENTINEL2 satellite is used for vegetation mapping. GIS is use for the capture, processing, analysis and rendering of various images and maps. An application was carried out on the forest area of Doui Thabet (Saida/Algeria), often the target of fires. This study has two objectives. The first is to provide documents for potential users to help them in their planning and decision-making studies. The second objective is to provide managers with a tool that has made further progress in the management of geographic information.  相似文献   

为考虑致灾因子时空异质性特征、体现孕灾环境和承灾体作用下的自然固有火险等级属性,达到动态评估森林火灾风险的目的,利用地理信息系统(GIS)手段获取和处理气象因子、地形因子、植被因子和人为因子4 类共9 个指标,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,结合现行森林火险区划标准叠加分析并区划三亚市森林火灾风险。通过与历史火灾数据比对,验证评估方法的合理性。结果表明,三亚市总体森林火险等级较低,绝大部分处于中风险和较高风险范围,高风险区主要存在东、西线高速公路以北第一层山脊线以内、往南至滨海区域内。  相似文献   

机械排烟与水喷淋对仓室火灾控制效果的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了大空间建筑中仓室消防措施的有效性,按照规范设计的工况设计了全尺寸实验,研究了机械排烟和水喷淋对烟气层温度及高度的控制效果,并将结果与消防措施实效的情况下相比较,说明按照规范设计的消防措施能够有效的控制火灾,在规范设计基础上增大风机排烟量和水喷淋压力,取得了更加良好的效果,达到了灭火的目的。  相似文献   

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