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随着高分子合成材料的产生和发展 ,以“氰聚塑”、“管中管”为代表的热力管道直埋新技术解决了长期以来一直存在的保温管道防水问题。这种高效节能、经济环保型的产品不仅在国外广泛应用而且国内北京、天津、哈尔滨等大中城市也已普遍使用。我市已竣工的苍梧小区应用热力管道直埋技术节约了投资、美化了环境 ,经济效益、社会效益显著。  热力管道直埋技术有填充式、浇灌式、氰聚塑、管中管四种型式。填充式和浇灌式结构的防水性能差、管道外腐蚀严重、使用年限短、保温层浸水后即失去保温功能 ,不能保证质量。氰聚塑是在钢管表面涂刷一层…  相似文献   

本文介绍了一次性补偿器直埋敷设热力管网的强度计算,经过最大直径热力管网三种工况下应力验算证明该设计的安全、可靠性。  相似文献   

聚氨酯保温直埋管在国外一些发达国家已成为一项比较成熟的先进技术。近十几年,我国供热工程技术人员通过消化、吸收这项先进技术,正推动着国内管网敷设技术向更高的层次发展。多年来的实践成果充分证明了聚氨酯保温直埋管敷设方式与传统的地沟及架空敷设相比,具有诸多优点。这也正是聚氨酯保温直埋管在我国供热工程上得以发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

周妍  孙强 《化工机械》2020,47(6):860-862
供热企业利用长输热力管道引入城市周边电厂的余(废)热作为主要热源,长输热力管道采用无补偿直埋敷设可有效降低工程造价,提高供热保障能力,节约运行成本。  相似文献   

刘峰 《四川水泥》2020,(3):216-216
热力工程是城市建设的基础项目,为了提高城市的形象,建立环境保护政策采取了直埋管道技术。本文的研究主要从市政热力直埋管道工程的施工技术特征和技术方案进行论述。通过对于市政热力直埋管道工程设计中存在的缺陷进行探讨,并提出提高市政热力直埋管道工程施工质量控制的关键点。  相似文献   

林展翼 《广东化工》2007,34(9):124-126,79
直埋蒸汽管是最近几年在蒸汽管道安装使用的一种组合材料,其由蒸汽管、保护钢管、保温层、蒸汽管固定架及防腐层等组合而成,与管廊蒸汽管、架空蒸汽管相比具有不占空间、不占用地、不易受损、不影响环境等优点。本文介绍了直埋蒸汽管的施工程序,从材料进货检验,蒸汽管道焊接、保护管道焊接、蒸汽管蒸汽吹扫及管道回填等施工过程中的要点、施工方法及应该注意事项,严格整个过程控制。  相似文献   

针对我国蒸汽输汽管道敷设中存在的某些欠缺,特别提出目前已在某些发达国家广泛应用的“直埋技术”。详细介绍该技术在我国推广使用的可行性及必要性。  相似文献   

富雪峰 《聚氨酯》2011,(5):56-57
聚氨酯保温直埋管在国外一些发达国家已成为一项比较成熟的先进技术,近十几年,我国供热工程技术人员通过消化、吸收这项先进技术,正推动着国内管网敷设技术向更高的层次发展。本文通过聚氨酯保温直埋管的优点,保温层聚氨酯硬泡主要性能等的论述,指出了聚氨酯保温直埋管质量控制的一些措施。  相似文献   

为了有效节省热力管网的地面铺设空间,很多热力管道都采用地下直埋的方式。由于蒸汽直埋管道通常是由金属制作而成,如果没有进行良好的防腐处理,就会造成管道腐蚀的很快,很容易出现泄漏的事故,不仅降低了其供热率,还需要花费大量维修费用。由于蒸汽直埋管道经常运输的是高温的蒸汽,如果不采用合理的保温措施,就会造成大量热能的白白流失。  相似文献   

换热管在开槽管板中的液压胀接变形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
颜惠庚  张群 《化工机械》1999,26(5):260-263,277
根据圆筒的径向变形与弹性基础梁横向位移的微分方程具有相同形式的特点,将换热管的胀接变形比拟为弹性基础梁的变形,提出了管板开槽后管子胀接变形的分析方法。  相似文献   

2010年热管技术展望   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
庄骏  张红 《化工机械》1998,25(1):44-49
阐述了2010年我国热管技术发展的两大主题———推广应用和开发研究,介绍了目前国内外热管技术的研究动态和热管技术在工业中具有广阔应用前景的几个重要特点,概述了2010年完成并重点推广的几项新型热管设备。  相似文献   

Analysis of supply networks has been receiving abundant attention and enormous progress during the past decades. Most of the works focused on the detailed functionality of individuals in a small scale supply system while the network topology is often overlooked. Recently, network theory is introduced to study the structure–activity relations in supply networks. However, the understanding of connectivity pattern and collective behavior in large scale system is still limited. In our work, we propose a framework to model the supply network and analyze the relation between the clustering structure of the system and the dynamical logistic processes. In this framework, Configuration Models are used to build supply networks with different connectivity structures. Then by applying the logistic model on the networks, we could simulate the dynamical processes and evaluate the logistic performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the logistic dynamics of supply networks are highly related to the clustering structure. Using two measurements, we show that the supply networks with clustering structure can provide better services than those without by performing shorter Order lead-time and higher Delivery efficiency.  相似文献   

以电热作为热源、热管作为传热元件制成的电热式热管加热器在环己胺生产中应用成功,收到了满意的工业化实际应用效果  相似文献   

This article proposes a new method to the optimal target of a heat exchanger network synthesis problem of which data feature multiple pinch points. The system separation method we suggest here is to subdivide the original system into independent subsystems with one pinch point. The optimal cost target was evaluated and the original pinch rules at each subsystem were employed. The method is illustrated with two examples of which data features two pinch points.  相似文献   

按正三角形错排的列管式换热器管数的解析计算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出按正三角形错排的列管式换热器管数的解析计算法。推导出详细的计算公式,并结合中心线管数分别为奇数和偶数的两则实例,说明满排管和双圆缺形排管的管数计算过程。给出了中心线管数为15~58 时的计算结果。  相似文献   

计算传热学在工程换热设备传热研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外有关数值传热学 (NHT)在实际工程研究应用中的进展 ,对数值模拟在工程传热技术应用的现状和前景进行了分析 ,作为研究、设计和技术开发的手段和方法 ,数值传热学以及与其相关的并行计算技术、数值模拟仿真技术、流场测试技术以及可视化技术等在工程应用和强化传热研究方面 ,将是研究的重点和发展方向  相似文献   

Design of flexible heat exchanger network for multi-period operation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heat exchanger networks (HENs) increase heat recovery from industrial processes by matching hot and cold streams to exchange heat and reducing utility consumption. The design of HENs is a very complex task which generally involves mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP).This work evaluates and critically compares existing HEN design methods. It then presents a systematic methodology in the design of HENs under multiple periods of operation. The model presented in this work is a superstructure-based MINLP model which minimises the total annualised cost containing heat exchanger area cost and utility costs. The model is based on the superstructure by Yee and Grossmann [1990. Simultaneous optimisation models for heat integration—II, heat exchanger network synthesis. Computer & Chemical Engineering 14(10), 1165-1184], which was later formulated for multiple periods by Aaltola [2002. Simultaneous synthesis of flexible heat exchanger network. Applied Thermal Engineering 22, 907-918]. It includes a multi-period simultaneous MINLP model to design the HEN structure, and an NLP model to improve the solution and allow for non-isothermal mixing. Modifications to Aaltola's model include the use of maximum area per period in the area cost calculation of the MINLP objective function, and the removal of slack variables and weighed parameters from the existing NLP improvement model.The new model has been applied to one industrial case study, demonstrating that the new combined MINLP-NLP model can obtain better solutions by not relying on the average area assumption in the MINLP stage.  相似文献   

Optimization of heat exchanger networks (HENS) is a field of interest in Chemical Engineering. The aim is to use the residual heat of process streams to raise the temperature of other process streams which are cold, thus minimizing the use of hot and cold utilities. The usual way to deal with this task is to pose a linear programming problem according to a transshipment model in order to minimize either the general services consumptions or the number of hot and cold stream matchings required. This optimization is subjected to several restrictions given by the energy balances corresponding to each heat exchange.The high number of variables and equations obliges the use of specific software to solve these problems, e.g. GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System). However, this software is not intuitive and requires a long time of training and a certain level of practice for the students to adequately use it.This work describes the use of Microsoft Excel-Solver for the sequential solving of HENS optimization problems according to the transshipment model. Solver is a much simpler, intuitive and easily available tool for the students who, besides, usually learn how to use it in the first years of their degree, in Informatics or similar subjects. Thus, it is not necessary to spend extra time in the teaching of the software, time that may be devoted to other contents.This paper presents an example of HENS problem proposed in the subject Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes corresponding to the Joint Master in Chemical Engineering of the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Autónoma University of Madrid and solved by the students using Excel-Solver.  相似文献   

根据陶瓷焊补料配制的工艺要求,通过对高铝质焊补料耐火原料的精心选择及其颗粒配比和燃料量的科学测算,用较少的焊补试验,经目测和理化指标测定,找出比较合适的组成配方,使其形成的焊补体各项性能指标接近或超过原炉衬高铝砖的性能指标,达到实际应用的技术要求.  相似文献   

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