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Many low-level image processing algorithms which are posed as variational problems can be numerically solved using local and iterative relaxation algorithms. Because of the structure of these algorithms, processing time will decrease nearly linearly with the addition of processing nodes working in parallel on the problem. In this article, we discuss the implementation of a particular application from this class of algorithms on the 8×8 processing array of the AT&T Pixel system. In particular, a case study for a image interpolation algorithm is presented. The performance of the implementation is evaluated in terms of the absolute processing time. We show that near linear speedup is achieved for such iterative image processing algorithms when the processing array is relatively small.This work was made possible by a grant from the AT&T University Equipment Program.  相似文献   

The author separates the impact of deregulation from that of the divestiture of AT&T. He looks at the effect of deregulation on competition in the world market and the effect of both on technology, highlighting the area of mobile radio. He discusses briefly the effect on the US of opening of world markets  相似文献   

Transition of the AT&T Communications Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (CCIS) Network, currently the world's largest, to a more powerful and flexible network with Common Channel Signaling System No. 7 capability has begun with the introduction of a more powerful signaling transfer point system and high-speed data links. The evolving AT&T network will be a key element in supporting an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) capability. This paper describes the status of the existing AT&T CCIS network and how it will evolve toward a new network employing Signaling System No. 7 utilizing the ISDN User part (ISDN-UP). It also considers Signaling System No. 7 ISDN-UP implementation and the flexibility of the ISDNUP protocol in support of future customer needs.  相似文献   

杨然 《世界电信》2002,15(11):6-9
WorldCom是全球头号Internet业务提供商,承载着全球50%以上的IP业务量,其破产和今后的重组工作对Internet的发展具有重大影响。WorldCom的网络彻底瘫痪的可能性并不大,WorldCom和FCC都承诺不会因WorldCom的破产影响Internet的运行。其竞争对手AT&T公开叫板WorldCom,但是分析家认为WorldCom最难以取代的部分是那些连接用户的网络,AT&T并不能轻易达到WorldCom的位置。  相似文献   

The author argues that though telecommunications is in a new era, the industry is operating in an environment designed for a past era in which government policies helped foster the expansion of national networks, built by monopolies that operated under varying degrees of oversight. He maintains that the transition from monopoly-based regulation to oversight of a competitive industry has gotten stuck somewhere in the middle, a no-man's-land called `regulated competition', putting AT&T at a competitive disadvantage with its long-distance rivals. While some of the resulting marketplace distortions will clear up as regulatory rules are peeled away over time, he regards it as urgent that unnecessary and unneeded regulatory restraints be removed quickly, because they act as a drag on competitive response in an industry that is crucial to the global competitiveness of US business and industry. The author also examines the effect of government policies beyond the US shoreline on the competitiveness of US telecommunications in world markets  相似文献   

George O. Squier, the inventor of the Muzak system, was the inventor as well, in 1910, of telephone carrier multiplexing, the forerunner of microwave frequency multiplexing after World War II, and its current incarnation as optical wavelength multiplexing. Squier was a Major in the United States Army Signal Corps at the time, later becoming Major General and Chief Signal Officer. His invention was initially rejected by AT&T engineers as not being commercially viable. This view was not shared by others in the engineering community, including John Stone Stone, a distinguished independent telephone engineer. After prodding by Stone, AT&T officials began a reappraisal of the "wired wireless" system, as Squier chose to call it, and by 1914 development of a commercial system, was underway. By 1918, however, when the AT&T system went into service, AT&T was claiming that Squier's work had only been "suggestive" and that its system was based on inventions of its own engineers. We describe the sequence of events, beginning with Squier's invention, that led to the AT&T commercial rollout of carrier multiplexing. We also offer some possible reasons, based on archival documents, as to why AT&T downplayed Squier's invention.  相似文献   

The network control systems used by AT&T Business Communications Services and by AT&T International Communications Services are discussed. From the inception of its satellite services, AT&T has supported the concept of centralized monitoring and control (M and C) of its widely dispersed earth stations. Today, the M and C is being handled by the MONARC (monitor and remote controller) in the earth stations, and GSNCS (generic satellite network control system) in the AT&T domestic and international operations centers. The MONARC software allows flexible interface to any equipment; GSNCS provides graphically presented M and C of all earth stations from one central location via voice-grade data lines. By MONARC/GSNCS monitoring the earth stations on a 24-hour basis and being able to initiate event-driven or time-driven operations in response to earth station conditions, AT&T is able to maintain the highest possible network readiness  相似文献   

The enormous changes that have occurred in the telecommunications industry in the decade since the breakup of AT&T and the Bell System are reviewed. The impact of these changes on one AT&T supplier (ADC Kentrox) is described  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了全球信息产业的市场规模市场驱动因素和AT&T在推动球环信息化中所做的不懈努力。在回顾了AT&T有限公司近一年多的重大活动之后,阐明了AT&T致力于成为中国长期、全面的合作伙伴的意愿。  相似文献   

赵庆  杨钢 《世界电信》2004,17(5):12-15
2003年EDGE成为世界移动通信市场的亮点,先后有美国的CingularWireless和AT&TWire-less、智利的TelefonicaMoviles、我国香港特区的CSL和泰国的AIS开通了EDGE网络及业务。同时,EDGE还为进入欧洲市场开辟了道路。但是纵观当前EDGE的发展态势,美国无疑将率先成为EDGE繁荣的地区。通过对美国移动市场的深入分析揭示出EDGE在美国得以兴起的原因以及探讨EDGE在美国的崛起对世界产生的影响。  相似文献   

王雅芃 《世界电信》2004,17(3):19-21
2004年2月17日,美国第二大移动通信运营商Cingular无线以410亿美元的出价击败对手沃达丰,成功收购AT&T无线公司。AT&T无线被收购后,美国的移动市场竞争激烈的局面可略有缓解,运营商可以得到一定的喘息空间,来提高网络服务质量,调整服务价格以及增强公司的创新能力。但AT&T无线的消失也使美国移动通信领域的竞争减弱,客户们可能会面对移动业务价格上涨的趋势。而AT&T无线的收购更会在美国无线市场掀起一腔新的重组热潮。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1999,36(5):32-37
The long-distance giant AT&T is girding its loins for an attempt to wrest the residential phone customer from local telephone companies around the United States. This paper takes a look at the Midwestern region and evaluates whether its strategy will “play in Peoria”  相似文献   

应美国AT&T公司的邀请,中国邮电新闻代表团于1994年9月对AT&T进行了参观访问。作者根据在美所见所闻和搜集到的资料整理编写此文,简要介绍了AT&T组织机构、电信业务和产品的最新动态。  相似文献   

Stix  G. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1988,25(6):38-41
The author discusses emerging standards for local area networks (LANs) on unshielded copper wires that are expected to make it cheaper and easier for computers to communicate in offices, factories, and laboratories. He describes two twisted-pair standards developed by the IEEE 802.3 working group, one, already approved, designed for data transmission at 1 Mb/s, the other at 10 Mb/s. The official designation of the 1 Mb/s network is 1BASE5, but it is known as StarLAN after the AT&T network from which it is adapted  相似文献   

The advanced techniques presently used by AT&T to manage traffic flow in its Worldwide Intelligent Network are described. The role of traffic network management strategies is reviewed, and the scope and routing plan of the AT&T Worldwide Intelligent Network are characterized. Three examples of modern protective controls are considered: selective trunk reservation, hard-to-reach process, and selective dynamic overload control. Advanced network management expansive controls and AT&T's traffic network management support systems are examined. Dynamic graphical analysis of network data, interactive training of network managers, and future trends impacting traffic network management are discussed  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1992,29(6):27-29
The ways in which AT&T deals with an increasingly diverse workforce are discussed. Advantages that the company gains by having a diverse workforce are considered. Activities that promote mutual understanding are described  相似文献   

High-capacity undersea cable systems based on optical transmission over single-mode lightguides offer tremendous economic advantage over coaxial cable technology due to their combined high-bit-rate long repeater spacing potential. However, very stringent requirements for the lightguide transmission medium properties must be met in order to realize the performance goals of such systems. This paper will review the depressed index cladding single-mode fiber design and its resultant performance. The ability to simultaneously realize excellent optical, mechanical, and dimensional properties in lightguides of this type fabricated using the Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition (MCVD) process has resulted in their use in the AT&T SL system to be used in TAT8.  相似文献   

The Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) cable system is a 10 Gb/s synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) based undersea fiber optic network. When fully operational, FLAG will connect 12 countries with over 120000 voice channels via 27000 km of mostly undersea cable. FLAG will incorporate a new generation of undersea fiber optic system that uses erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and will be jointly supplied by AT&T Submarine Systems Incorporated (SSI) and KDD-Submarine Cable Systems (SCS) Inc. When completed, FLAG will meet or exceed all relevant international performance standards, have greater reliability and availability than previous systems in the region, and conform to all ISO 9000 quality standards with respect to design, development, production, installation, and service  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2001,38(1):51-53
With the exception of cellular telephony, 2000 was the year in which titans of industry got their comeuppance-but also a year in which much of the US public and many opinion leaders expressed chagrin at the government's hobbling the very heroes seen as responsible for the economy's spectacular performance. While antitrust enforcement received little explicit attention in the presidential campaign, the question nonetheless looms: what will be the future, this year and thereafter, of policy regarding mergers and acquisitions? The answer is not intuitively obvious. On the face of it, US regulators might be expected to back off-especially if the US economy falters, and leading telecommunications companies like AT&T, WorldCom, and Lucent Technologies continue to experience serious financial difficulties. A change in philosophy at the top of the government, with a new administration, could be an additional factor. In Europe, the emergence of the European Union's Competition Directorate as a big force in antitrust enforcement was perhaps the single most noteworthy development of 2000. Even in Japan, traditionally quiescent and industry-friendly regulators are restless. As a result, the prospects are not-as they seemed to be, just a couple of years back-good for unfettered industrial combinations  相似文献   

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