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Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) variants have been constructed to identify amino acid residues important for biological activity. Immunoassays were used to determine the effect of each mutation on rHuEPO folding. With this strategy, we could distinguish between mutations that affected bioactivity directly and those that affected bioactivity because the mutation altered rHuEPO conformation. Four regions were found to be important for bioactivity: amino acids 11 to 15, 44 to 51, 100 to 108, and 147 to 151. EPO variants could be divided into two groups according to the differential effects on EPO receptor binding activity and in vitro biologic activity. This suggests that rHuEPO has two separate receptor binding sites. Mutations in basic residues reduced the biologic activity, whereas mutations in acidic residues did not. This suggests that electrostatic interactions between rHuEPO and the human EPO receptor may involve positive charges on rHuEPO.  相似文献   

Radiation survival curves for Lewis lung tumours in the lungs ranging in size from 0-5 to 20 mm3 have been obtained, and a size-dependent variation in hypoxic fraction was found. Cell-survival studies following treatment of various sizes of s.c. tumours indicated that the effects of 60Co gamma-rays and the chemotherapeutic agents 1,3-bas(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and cyclophosphamide are all size-dependent. Large pulmonary nodules which had regressed but had not been cured by cyclophosphamide regrew with a radiosensitivity that was characteristic of previously untreated tumours. The results give additional experimental support to the clinical interest in early adjuvant therapy of micrometastases, and sequential combined modality therapy for larger tumours.  相似文献   

Addition of cortisol (10(-6) to 10(-8) M) and related glucocorticoid congeners to cultures of rat parathyroid glands stimulated dose-related increases in parathyroid hormone secretion; the addition of deoxycorticosterone or cortexolone was without effect. Cortexolone, however, inhibited the stimulatory activity of cortisol when both were added to the culture medium. This direct stimulatory effect of cortisol on parathyroid gland secretion may account in part for the increased concentration of parathyroid hormone in the serum of cortisol-treated animals.  相似文献   

Mice in which the genes encoding the parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) or the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been ablated by homologous recombination show skeletal dysplasia due to accelerated endochondral bone formation, and die at birth or in utero, respectively. Skeletal abnormalities due to decelerated chondrocyte maturation are observed in transgenic mice where PTHrP expression is targeted to the growth plate, and in patients with Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, a rare genetic disorder caused by constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors. These and other findings thus indicate that PTHrP and its receptor are essential for chondrocyte differentiation. To further explore the role of the PTH/PTHrP receptor in this process, we generated transgenic mice in which expression of a constitutively active receptor, HKrk-H223R, was targeted to the growth plate by the rat alpha1 (II) collagen promoter. Two major goals were pursued: (i) to investigate how constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors affect the program of chondrocyte maturation; and (ii) to determine whether expression of the mutant receptor would correct the severe growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP-ablated mice (PTHrP-/-). The targeted expression of constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors led to delayed mineralization, decelerated conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic cells in skeletal segments that are formed by the endochondral process, and prolonged presence of hypertrophic chondrocytes with delay of vascular invasion. Furthermore, it corrected at birth the growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP-/- mice and allowed their prolonged survival. "Rescued" animals lacked tooth eruption and showed premature epiphyseal closure, indicating that both processes involve PTHrP. These findings suggest that rescued PTHrP-/- mice may gain considerable importance for studying the diverse, possibly tissue-specific role(s) of PTHrP in postnatal development.  相似文献   

We present recent developments in the area of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and their possible interaction with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). GAGs are constituents of proteoglycans, and the combination of a core protein and a specific GAG makes a unique proteoglycan with a precise developmental pattern and with the ability to bind growth factors. This process is apparently regulated by the moiety of the peripheral GAGs. The supplementation of GAGs promotes neuritogenesis in vitro and stimulates nerve regrowth and muscle reinnervation, an effect correlated with an increase in trophic factor mRNA expression. In the case of neonatal nerve lesion, there is in addition an enhanced motor neuron survival, accompanied by higher levels of IGF-I in plasma and denervated muscle. The neurotrophic and neuroregenerative effects of exogenous GAGs were also observed in motor neuron disease in the wobbler mouse.  相似文献   

Lack of success in parathyroid surgery is usually due to failure to identify the abnormal parathyroid gland correctly at operation. The surgeon may be helped by rapid parathyroid hormone (PTH) assay in peripheral blood after removal of a suspected adenoma, and by frozen section histology, but these are not true localization techniques. We have adapted a non-isotopic immunoassay for rapid measurement of PTH in samples from the upper, middle and lower thyroid veins taken at operation, before exploration begins. Fifteen patients with primary hyperparathyroidism were operated on. In 10 the parathyroid adenoma was located easily, and was associated with high local venous PTH levels. In four patients the abnormal parathyroid was not immediately apparent but the assay indicated its location, which was confirmed after further exploration. In one patient there was no difference in PTH levels in the six venous samples. An ectopic adenomatous gland was successfully identified behind the thymus. The operation was successful in all patients as shown by a fall in the plasma calcium to the normal range. We conclude that intra-operative selective venous sampling and rapid PTH assay facilitates operative localization of parathyroid adenomas.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of parathyroid hormone 10(-9) M) on the contents of mono-, di-, and triglycerides, total phospholipids, and free arachidonic acid in rat brain cortex synaptosomes using [1-(14)C]arachidonic acid at 2, 5, and 10 sec after addition of the hormone. Our data demonstrated the changes in lipid metabolism in synaptosomal membranes which were especially pronounced at 5 sec after addition of parathyroid hormone. Incorporation of 70% of [1-(14)C]arachidonic acid into the phosphoinositide fraction and the progress of changes in lipid metabolite composition suggest that the phosphoinositide cycle is initiated by parathyroid hormone, and the hormonal signal may be subsequently mediated in nerve cells by 1,2-diacylglycerol, a product of the phosphoinositide cycle.  相似文献   

Many aspects of cell social behavior, including aspects of tumor invasiveness, embryonic development, and wound healing, can be explained by the principle of contact inhibition (CI) of cell movement. CI refers to the tendency of fibroblasts cultured on a plane substratum to cease movement on contacting other fibroblasts. A problem in studying collisions between cells on a flat substratum is that it is difficult to control the specific regions of the cell that come in contact. In this study we used grooved micromachined titanium substrata to produce collisions between the following cell combinations: fibroblast/fibroblast, fibroblast/epithelium, and epithelium/epithelium. The cells were oriented by the substratum so that the leading lamellae of the cells confronted each other. Cell behaviors before and after contact were observed and recorded using time-lapse cinemicrography employing Nomarski reflected light differential interference microscopy. Electron-microscopy sections were prepared from areas where cell interactions occurred. Fibroblasts (F) moved significantly faster and more persistently on grooved than on smooth surfaces, but the speed of epithelial (E)-cell locomotion was not significantly altered. The grooves, however, guided the direction of locomotion for both cell types. When cultured on grooved surfaces in such a manner that the F and E cells collided head-on, the F, but not the E cells, frequently demonstrated contact inhibition of movement. However, after such collisions, significantly more F continued to invade the E sheet than were observed after F-E collisions on smooth surfaces. After F-F collisions on grooved surfaces, most cells moved to the sides of the grooves and continued in their original directions, while on smooth surfaces they moved off in various different directions. A possible explanation of these observations is that a grooved surface produces and maintains F polarity so that the direction of locomotion is less readily altered by cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Phosphate retention plays an important role in the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with renal failure. In in vitro studies, high extracellular phosphate levels directly stimulate PTH secretion in rat and bovine parathyroid tissue. The present study evaluates the effect of high phosphate levels on the secretion of PTH and the production of prepro PTH mRNA in human hyperplastic parathyroid glands. The study includes parathyroid glands obtained from patients with primary adenomas and from hemodialysis and kidney-transplant patients with diffuse and nodular secondary hyperplasia. The experiments were performed in vitro using small pieces of parathyroid tissue. The ability of high calcium levels to decrease PTH secretion was less in adenomas than in secondary hyperplasia; among the secondary hyperplasia, nodular was less responsive to an increase in calcium than diffuse hyperplasia. In diffuse hyperplasia, PTH secretion was increased in response to 3 and 4 mM phosphate compared with 2 mM phosphate, despite a high calcium concentration in the medium; prepro PTH mRNA levels increased after incubation in 4 mM phosphate. Similar results were obtained with nodular hyperplasia, except that the elevation of PTH secretion in response to 3 mM phosphate did not attain statistical significance. In adenomas, high calcium concentrations (1.5 mM) did not result in inhibition of PTH secretion, independent of the phosphate concentration, and the prepro PTH mRNA was not significantly increased by high phosphate levels. In conclusion, first, the PTH secretory response to an increase in calcium concentration is less in nodular than diffuse hyperplasia; second, high phosphate levels directly affect PTH secretion and gene expression in patients with advanced secondary hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

During vertebrate limb development, growth plate chondrocytes undergo temporally and spatially coordinated differentiation that is necessary for proper morphogenesis. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), its receptor, the PTH/PTHrP receptor, and Indian hedgehog are implicated in the regulation of chondrocyte differentiation, but the specific cellular targets of these molecules and specific cellular interactions involved have not been defined. Here we generated chimeric mice containing both wild-type and PTH/PTHrP receptor (-/-) cells, and analyzed cell-cell interactions in the growth plate in vivo. Abnormal differentiation of mutant cells shows that PTHrP directly signals to the PTH/PTHrP receptor on proliferating chondrocytes to slow their differentiation. The presence of ectopically differentiated mutant chondrocytes activates the Indian hedgehog/PTHrP axis and slows differentiation of wild-type chondrocytes. Moreover, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation affects mineralization of cartilaginous matrix in a non-cell autonomous fashion; matrix mineralization requires a critical mass of adjacent ectopic hypertrophic chondrocytes. Further, ectopic hypertrophic chondrocytes are associated with ectopic bone collars in adjacent perichondrium. Thus, the PTH/PTHrP receptor directly controls the pace and synchrony of chondrocyte differentiation and thereby coordinates development of the growth plate and adjacent bone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) induced bone resorption by osteoclasts depends on the presence of osteoblasts. PTH induced production of prostaglandins by osteoblasts and induction of bone resorption by prostaglandins suggest that these autacoids may be implicated in the effects of PTH on bone. Our objective was to determine if the increase in prostaglandin production induced in human osteoblasts by PTH is due to an increase in cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression. METHODS: Primary cultures of human osteoblasts were obtained from specimens of trabecular bone. Confluent cells were treated with PTH, dexamethasone or compound NS-398, a specific COX-2 inhibitor. The concentration of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the supernatants was determined by radioimmunoassay and COX-2 mRNA levels evaluated by Northern blot. RESULTS: PTH induced COX-2 mRNA expression and PGE2 production. These effects were time and concentration dependent and were inhibited by dexamethasone. Compound NS-398 reduced PGE2 production to the same extent as dexamethasone, and neither compound had an additive effect on this variable. CONCLUSION: These results show that PTH induces COX-2 expression in human osteoblasts in culture and suggest that this isoenzyme is the main factor in the control of prostaglandin synthesis in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The CCA-adding enzyme (tRNA nucleotidyltransferase) synthesizes and repairs the 3'-terminal CCA sequence of tRNA. The eubacterial, eukaryotic, and archaeal CCA-adding enzymes all share a single active-site signature motif, which identifies these enzymes as belonging to the nucleotidyltransferase superfamily. Here we show that mutations at Asp-53 or Asp-55 of the Sulfolobus shibatae signature sequence abolish addition of both C and A, demonstrating that a single active site is responsible for addition of both nucleotides. Mutations at Asp-106 (and to a lesser extent, at Glu-173 and Asp-215) selectively impaired addition of A, but not C. We have previously demonstrated that the tRNA acceptor stem remains fixed on the surface of the CCA-adding enzyme during C and A addition (Shi, P.-Y., Maizels, N., and Weiner, A. M. (1998) EMBO J. 17, 3197-3206). Taken together with this new evidence that there is a single active site for catalysis, our data suggest that specificity of nucleotide addition is determined by a process of collaborative templating: as the single active site catalyzes addition of each nucleotide, the growing 3'-end of the tRNA would progressively refold to create a binding pocket for addition of the next nucleotide.  相似文献   

Cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage have been thought to play a role in bone resorption. We examined the effects of in vivo administration of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the ability of monocytes to degrade bone in vitro. Administration of parathyroid hormone for 4 d resulted in sustained hypercalcemia and a transient 1-d increase in plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Parathyroid hormone significantly stimulated bone degradation by monocytes 2.6 times more than that of pretreatment controls. Parathyroid hormone treatment significantly enhanced (threefold) release of superoxide anion by monocytes stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and increased migration of monocytes to bone particles in vitro. Continuous 7-d infusion of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (50 micrograms/d) elevated plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 until infusions were discontinued. Increased 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 was associated with hypercalcemia, which continued for several days postinfusion. In vivo administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 did not affect in vitro ability of monocytes to degrade bone. We concluded that in vivo administration of parathyroid hormone enhanced in vitro responsiveness of isolated monocytes in a manner consistent with a role for monocytes in bone remodeling. Furthermore, these data suggested that circulating monocytes could be a useful experimental model for further studies on parathyroid hormone responsiveness and bone resorption for the cow with milk fever.  相似文献   

Hypercalcemia and elevation of a serum PTH level (9800 pg/mL (normal: 160-520) were found in a 72-yr-old woman who had a lung cancer. She underwent pulmonary lobectomy for a suspected PTH-producing lung cancer. However, hypercalcemia and elevation of the serum PTH level were persistent postoperatively. Subsequent examination, using parathyroid scintiscanning, revealed a hot spot in the right lower part of the thyroid gland, suggesting hypercalcemia caused by a parathyroid tumor. She underwent bilateral exploration of the neck; however, four apparently normal parathyroid glands were seen. Therefore, hemithyroidectomy was performed for the possibility of an intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma. Serum calcium and PTH levels declined after this operation. A nodular lesion was found in the cut sections of the resected specimen, which was consistent with the result of the scintiscanning. Histological examinations revealed a papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid gland, and the PTH-immunoreactivity in the tumor cells was confirmed. These findings strongly suggest that PTH could be produced ectopically by the papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

The conversion of proparathyroid hormone to parathyroid hormone (PTH) was studied in vitro employing pancreatic trypsin as a prototype converting enzyme. Digestion of intact radiolabeled bovine prohormone with trypsin (0.1%) (w/w) resulted in release of a peptide comigrating with intact hormone marker in systems resolving both on the basis of charge (urea polyacrylamide gels, pH 4.4) and size (sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea polyacrylamide gels, pH 7.2). Tryptic digestions of a synthetic analogue of bovine prohormone, ProPTH-(-6 + 34), consisting of the prohormone hexapeptide covalently bonded to the NIH2 terminus of the active fragment of the hormone, released in high yield the hexapeptide and the intact active hormone fragment before any other smaller fragments. Analyses of digestions were by: (i) thin-layer chromatography and amino acid analysis of digestion products; (ii) comparison of the biological activity of the prophormone substrate and the products of digestion; and (iii) peptide end-group analysis by the Edman method during progressive tryptic hydrolysis over 22 h. The latter experiments demonstrated cleavage of more than 75% of the hexapeptide-hormone peptide bond before cleavage of other trypsin-sensitive sites within the molecule. It is concluded that the specificity of cleavage at the hexapeptide-hormone bond in the process of intracellular hydrolysis of proparathyroid hormone resides primarily in the sequence and/or conformation of the precursor molecule; inasmuch as conversion of prohormone to hormone can be efficiently accomplished by pancreatic trypsin in vitro, there is, therefore, no need to postulate the existence of an intracellular converting enzyme within the parathyroid cell that possesses unique hydrolytic specificity.  相似文献   

Serum phosphate (PO4) levels and the tubular threshold for PO4 corrected for glomerular filtration (TP/GF) are age-dependent, being higher in children than in adults. We evaluated the effect of age on the response to infusion of parathyroid hormone(1-34) (PTH) in healthy children (n = 8) and adults (n = 12). In addition, six patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) and two with PTH deficiency (hypoparathyroidism [HP]) were also studied. At baseline, TP/GF in normal subjects was inversely correlated with urinary cyclic adenosine monophosphate corrected for glomerular filtration (UcAMP/GF) (P < .0359). After PTH administration in the controls, UcAMP/GF was inversely correlated with TP/GF (P < .0007) and directly correlated with maximal fractional extraction of PO4 (FEP) (P < .0002). The slope of the regression of TP/GF (P < .0076) and FEP (P < .0034) with UcAMP/GF was steeper in children than in adults. Two HP patients had high PTH-stimulated UcAMP/GF levels, but stimulated TP/GF and FEP were not changed commensurate with levels that would expected from the normative data. In six patients with PHP, PTH-stimulated TP/GF was also correlated with peak UcAMP/GF (r = .96, P < .002). PHP patients could be distinguished from normal controls based on the combination of low peak FEP or high TP/GF together with low peak UcAMP/GF. Thus, in normal subjects, the phosphaturic response to PTH is correlated with the increase in urinary cAMP and is age-dependent, with a greater decrease of TP/GF in children than in adults.  相似文献   

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