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为加强公司管理,近日,济南移动在内部成功试用了手机支付RFSIM卡,将公司员工卡全部更换为RFSIM卡,并将食堂卡和手机卡合二为一,去食堂吃饭不再用使用实物卡,得到员工的普遍认可和好评。  相似文献   

便携式媒体播放器和可下载内容的增长正在吸引着汽车制造商及其电子供应商重新考虑企业信息娱乐问题,为已经安装的单独的音频和视频系统增加连通性能。  相似文献   

以RFSIM和GIS技术为基础,结合数据库和无线通信等技术,构建了城市实时交通诱导系统。该系统主要由交通数据采集模块、交通数据库模块和实时交通诱导模块三个子模块组成,首次提出了将RFSIM技术应用于交通信息的采集和发布,能够更有效地为实现在城市复杂路网情况下对交通车辆的实时动态诱导,有利于科学地使用道路资源和避免交通阻塞。  相似文献   

秦安碧 《电子世界》2014,(19):44-44
为了提高高速路收费站的管理系统效率,实现智能通过收费站。我们制作了基于RFSIM技术的高速路智能管理系统,该系统是以盛群单片机HT32为核心,外接RFSIM射频读卡器、LED点阵显示屏、步进电机、光电传感器、压力传感器等。其主要功能包括在高速路收费站用LED点阵显示车型、费用和重量;步进电机抬道闸杆;光电传感器检测车的到来;RFSIM射频读卡器远距离通过手机钱包扣取费用。实现了高速路收费站不停车智能收费功能,大大的提高了通行效率,有效的解决了现当前高速路收费站存在的问题。该系统不仅方便收费站,同时也方便车主的使用,而且成本较低、操作简便、功能多样、易于实现。  相似文献   

为了满足高速公路联网收费管理的需要,针对当前高速公路二义性路径及收费效率低等问题,提出一种基于RFSIM卡路径识别的高速公路收费系统,利用手机RF-SIM卡中集成的射频技术与读卡器进行路径确认和联网收费,系统有利于解决收费拆分不合理的状况,有效提高高速公路口的通行速率。从现实应用出发,以RFSIM卡发展前景为切入点,分析此系统的优势,通过实验结果证明了系统的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

吴贤纶 《有线电视技术》2003,10(21):104-104
In-Stat/MDR Information Alert在2003年10月3日报道:由于个人电脑市场已经进入成熟期,不可能再出现高成长率,而电脑和数字式消费类电子器具的技术功能在趋同,使得消费类电子器具合乎逻辑地成为个人电脑产业的市场,惠普、苹果、索尼等公司进  相似文献   

个人电脑产业为了尽量扩展个人电脑在家庭应用中的功能以提高竞争力,近年来致力于使个人电脑与数字式光盘录像(DVD)结合。惠普公司在2001年8月20日宣布,它同索尼和飞利浦电子两家公司合作,将在9月份推出适合于个人电脑的DVD录像机。这种零售价为599美元的产品属于DVD RW类型(RW是Rewritable的  相似文献   

国内DM500s用户现在使用较多的是A版IMG,OSCAM可以通过网络自动进行下载安装,方法是按遥控器上的蓝色键两次打开下载面板,然后依次进入"扩展下载"→"共享插件"项,找到以OS打头的插件按OK键下载并进行安装(里面有很多OS插件,从理论上讲任意一个都是可以的),如图1所示,再用同样的方法安装OSCAM配置文件,如图2所示,这样DM500s便完成了OSCAM的安装工作.  相似文献   

MP3是一种数字音频格式,它只占用其前身WAV文件十二分之一的空间,但其音质却十分接近CD碟的音质。MP3通过采用感觉编码和心理声乐压缩技术来消除信号中的多余信息,从而使文件长度得以压缩。它适用于通过因特网来传送音乐文件,用户可以用奔腾一级的个人电脑从因特网上下载MP3文件。但在个人电脑上直接播放MP3音乐通常会大大增加电脑本身的处理能力负担,因此更一般的做法是将网上的MP3文件下载驻留在电脑硬盘里,再根据需要转移、存储到便携式MP3播放机里供随后欣赏之用。MP3播  相似文献   

安捷伦科技日前宣布.台湾领先的综合后端服务供应商——京元电子公司(KYEC)(2449TT/2449.TW)已经购买一部Agilent 93000 Pin Scale系统.加入到此前安装的Agilent 93000平台上。该系统将用于在PCI Express、串行ATA和HyperTransport等应用中测试复杂的系统级芯片(SOC),这些器件在个人电脑中十分常用。  相似文献   

伴随着各种各样的即时通信工具,电子商务越来越成为人们购物娱乐的主要渠道,电子凭证也逐渐成为主流载体,取代传统的纸质门票,这样不但实践了环保的理念,而且可以使用户随时随地购买需要的门票,通过电子凭证的方式获取,实时性强,操作简单。目前很多线上旅游服务供应商都提供景区景点电子门票的业务,主要是通过串码的形式将内容下发到用户手机,用户通过手机接收唯一编码在入园时使用。但这样的方法相对单一,需要用户保留短信,而且如果串码是按规则生成,那么很有可能会被模仿和伪造,但是通过使用第二代身份证的方式作为载体就可以大大避免伪造情况的发生。  相似文献   

An analysis of the relative merits and demerits of a simulation and an exact method for system reliability evaluation is presented. The comparison is performed using computer programs developed on a personal computer. The networks used in the analysis are randomly generated. Although computer implementations of some system reliability evaluation methods are available in the reliability literature, the programs are not portable. Most of the programs were developed either on a mainframe or a mini computer in different software environments. Due to the recent developments in computer technology, extremely fast personal computers are available. The emphasis of this paper is on the use of a standard personal computer, such as the IBM-PC or a compatible, in order to develop and compare computerized algorithms.  相似文献   

The Lisa personal computer provides a new and better way of relating to a computer. This paper presents an outline of how such a complex, modern personal computer system is developed. The architecture of both the hardware and the software of the Lisa is examined in detail. Design goals and considerations are also discussed.  相似文献   

从实践的角度,分析在使用计算机绘图时易出现的问题,并提出绘图过程中须注意的事项,包括添加注释、精确标注说明器件的安装位置、审核打印出的图纸等7项.  相似文献   

Three areas underpin the developing role of the personal computer: first, the integration of computer and communications technology; second, the developments in microelectronics technology; and third, the packing of software and intelligence into VLSIs resulting in the feasibility of improved man--machine interface. These issues are discussed in this paper. In addition, this paper describes the PC-100 personal computer which provides high-quality graphics capability. This 16-bit personal computer also has a Kanji (Chinese characters used in writing the Japanese language) processing function, which is indispensable in the Japanese market.  相似文献   

It is argued that making integrated services digital networks (ISDNs) more popular among personal computer users is essential for ISDN to prosper. Users in offices, businesses, and at home form a large potential ISDN market. Existing ISDN interface modules such as ISDN adapter boards for personal computers, are limited to ISDN features and can hardly handle the various needs of personal users. An ISDN interface module for personal computers must be designed to handle various applications and provide any-to-any communications. An ISDN personal computer interface developed to handle digital and analog communication protocols and flexibly combine resources is described  相似文献   

本篇文章介绍了一种超大规模集成电路设计软件-Auiance VLSI CAD System通常设计超大规模集成电路必须有昂贵的软件诸如Cadence,Synopsys,Mentor Graphics,而且要在高性能的工作站上才能完成。然而Alliance不仅能成功的运用于微机上而且可以从互连网上免费下载因此Alliance这套软件给高等院校的学生学习集成电路的设计提供了许多低廉、有效的工具。我们将告诉读者如何在微机上安装Alliance,如何用Alliance来设计超大规模集成电路。  相似文献   

Initially, the ability of personal computers to perform signal processing or multivariate analysis was severely limited by small memory address space and lack of scientific language support. Recently, however, this situation has changed, with large memory sizes common and with the availability of mainframe languages such as FORTRAN-77 to support complex and double-precision expressions. Today, personal computers can be applied to data collection, multivariate analysis, pattern classification, simulation of signal processing hardware, and other engineering applications. We discuss the conversion of mainframe data analysis software for personal computers, and the use of high-resolution personal computer graphics for data displays. The process is illustrated with the conversion of part of the IEEE signal processing library and of the ARTHUR81 multivariate analysis routines to run on a personal computer. Timing and accuracy results are given for two personal computers--the TI Professional and the IBM PC AT. The use of a personal computer to validate data, obtain measurement statistics, perform classification and cluster analysis, and perform modern spectral analysis is illustrated with run information and typical output displays.  相似文献   

胡干勋 《通信电源技术》2005,22(6):54-55,65
雷击是造成电子产品损坏的主要自然灾害,尤其是感应雷,对监控设备、通讯设备和电子计算机网络系统的危害最大。文中对广州市番禺区电信局动力环境集中监控系统雷击故障的成因作了简要分析,对屏蔽接地、加装浪涌保护器等基本方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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