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Retractor bulbi muscles of mouse and rat were examined by light and electron microscopy. Two morphological fiber types were observed, analogous to Type I and Type II cells of skeletal musculature and comparable to fibers observed in the global region of the rectus extraocular muscles of these species.  相似文献   

The pigeon's discrimination of visual displays comprising from 2 to 16 computer icons that were either the same as or different from one another was studied. Discrimination of Same from Different displays improved when the displays contained more icons, both after training with just 16-icon displays (Experiment 1) and after training with 2-, 4-, 8-, 12-, and 16-icon displays (Experiment 2). That improvement was specific to displays of different icons; accuracy to displays of same icons did not differ as a function of icon number. These results were well described by the degree of variability or entropy in multielement visual displays. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Muscle fibers of one rat diaphragm were selected for sterological investigation of some ultrastructural parameters. Histograms and scattergrams did not exhibit consistently the existence of several subgroups of muscle fibers. A cluster analysis was performed to reveal groupings. 2 populations were defined using a stepwise discriminant analysis. The most important parameters for the discrimination of the 2 groups proved to be the volume density of mitochondria and the width of the Z line, all other parameters determined were of minor importance. It was tried to apply numerical taxonomic procedures to the problem of the ultrastructural characterization of skeletal muscle fibers. Thus difficulties arising from subjective determinations of several types of muscle fibers could be avoided.  相似文献   

The potential, Vt, at which a brief test depolarization first elicited movement was determined using two-microelectrode point voltage clamp. We expected that inactivation of excitation-contraction coupling at conditioning potentials between -60 and 0 mV would shift Vt to more positive potentials, and that fibers would become inactivatable with less conditioning depolarization in EDL than soleus. The curve relating Vt to conditioning potential had a negative slope (which was insensitive to addition of 1 mM cobalt or replacement of calcium with 20 mM CaEGTA) between -60 and -35 mV and a steep positive slope with further depolarization Unexpectedly, fibers became inactivatable with less conditioning depolarization in soleus than in EDL when Vt was measured with 50 msec test pulses. However, the positive shift in Vt became less steep as test pulse duration lengthened in soleus fibers. When Vt obtained with test pulses approaching rheobase (10 msec in EDL and 500 msec in soleus) was compared, EDL fibers became inactive with less conditioning depolarization than soleus fibers. The increase in Vt became steeper with 1 mM cobalt or 20 mM CaEGTA and was shifted to more positive potentials by denervation in soleus fibers. We conclude that inactivation (i) does not strongly influence threshold contractions at conditioning potentials between -60 and -40 mV and (ii) influences Vt between -40 and 0 mV in a manner that depends on test pulse duration.  相似文献   

Four experiments used a 4-choice discrimination learning paradigm to explore the pigeon's recognition of line drawings of 4 objects (an airplane, a chair, a desk lamp, and a flashlight) that were rotated in depth. The pigeons reliably generalized discriminative responding to pictorial stimuli over all untrained depth rotations, despite the birds' having been trained at only a single depth orientation. These generalization gradients closely resembled those found in prior research that used other stimulus dimensions. Increasing the number of different vantage points in the training set from 1 to 3 broadened the range of generalized testing performance, with wider spacing of the training orientations more effectively broadening generalized responding. Template and geon theories of visual recognition are applied to these empirical results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven experiments related amplitude and latency of 20 racing pigeons' startle response, elicited by an intense visual stimulus, to antecedent auditory and visual events in the sensory environment. Data indicate that (a) within broad limits the amplitude of the reflex was a positive function of the intensity of the sensory background prevailing at the time of startle elicitation; (b) a change in the sensory environment occurring 15-2,000 msec prior to the startle-eliciting stimulus inhibited the amplitude of the response; and (c) a change in the sensory environment less than 10 msec prior to the startle-eliciting stimulus reduced the latency of the response. Findings are consistent with previous research on acoustic elicited startle in the rat. The overall configuration of the results suggests that a pathway including the reticulospinal tract and the bulbopontine reticular nuclei could be the major mediator of startle. In these terms, latency-reduction effects would occur because of partial activation of this pathway, amplitude inhibition would occur because of cerebellar influence, and amplitude facilitation would reflect cerebral or striatal influences. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the cellular and molecular events coincident with muscle denervation, especially the regenerative changes seen following muscle denervation, the role of satellite cells in this process, and the possibility of apoptotic degeneration of myonuclei as a mechanism of myonuclei loss during muscle denervation atrophy. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression during muscle denervation was examined using pyrophosphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunohistochemistry. DNA fragmentation (apoptosis) in myonuclei of denervated fibers was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis, the TUNEL technique and ELISA for cytoplasmic histone-associated DNA fragmentation. Immunohistochemistry for MyoD and BrdU was also performed. Following muscle denervation, embryonic MHC, which is not expressed in adult healthy muscles, was expressed in some denervated fibers as well as in small activated satellite cells; maximal expression was observed 2 to 3 weeks after denervation. Activation and proliferation of satellite cells were observed, while few typical regenerating fibers were identified. It is speculated that most activated satellite cells fused to the denervated maternal fibers in order to repair them instead of fusing to each other to form new fibers as a mechanism that compensates for the atrophic changes after denervation. Although DNA ladder formation was not observed with agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA fragmentation was detected by the TUNEL technique and ELISA, suggesting that apoptotic degeneration contributes to the loss of myonuclei associated with denervation atrophy.  相似文献   

Three aspects of reinnervation and recovery of skeletal muscle following various periods of denervation were investigated: (1) the effect of duration of denervation; (2) the effect of hyperthyroidism on recovery; and (3) whether the muscle or the nerve limits recovery. The rat medial gastrocnemius (MG) nerve was cut and then resutured after 0, 3, 7, 21, or 56 days. In a second group of animals, the MG muscle was denervated and, in addition, the animal received triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation during reinnervation. The third group of animals had the denervated MG muscle reinnervated by a larger number of newly transected foreign axons. The force produced by the reinnervated muscle depends on the period that the muscle was denervated. Recovery was impaired when the period of denervation exceeded 7 days. T3 treatment did not benefit the return of force production, nor did providing the muscle with a larger number of newly transected axons.  相似文献   

Eight pigeons were trained on a go-no go visual discrimination involving I S+ and 15 S–s. The 16 discriminative stimuli were black-and-white line drawings created by the factorial combination of 4 different geometric shapes (wedge, cylinder, cone, handle) in 4 different spatial locations (right, left, above, below) in relation to a common shape (cube). All of the pigeons readily learned this complex visual discrimination. Each bird's pecking behavior was controlled by both attributes of the line drawings, but somewhat stronger stimulus control was exerted by the location of the added component than by its shape. Across all 8 pigeons, there was an inverse relation between stimulus control by component shape and component location. These results document pigeons' joint processing of "what" and "where" information in visual discrimination learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of extrinsic innervation on bladder wall tension (tonus) and on intravesical pressure patterns was studied with a new cystometric procedure (Controlled Slow Cystometry, CSC) and during natural filling. After parasympathectomy, but not after sympathectomy, the basal intravesical pressure was markedly increased. At low filling rate the partial or completely denervated bladder was filled from small initial volumes without any increase in intravesical pressure. At higher rates of filling a pressure rise occurred, and this reaction was not affected by either parasympathectomy or sympathectomy. As in the intact cat, the new pressure level was retained when the filling rate was gradually reduced. The various intravesical pressure patterns observed during filling were preserved in the partial or completely denervated organ. Thus, bladder adaptation during natural filling occurs independently of extrinsic innervation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The assessment of return of function within dysfunctional myocardium after acute myocardial infarction (MI) using contractile reserve has been primarily qualitative. Magnetic resonance (MR) myocardial tagging is a novel noninvasive method that measures intramyocardial function. We hypothesized that MR tagging could be used to quantify the intramyocardial response to low-dose dobutamine and relate this response to return of function in patients after first MI. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty patients with a first reperfused MI (age, 53+/-12 years; 16 male; 11 inferior MIs) were studied. Patients underwent breath-hold MR-tagged short-axis imaging on day 4+/-2 after MI at baseline and during dobutamine infusion at 5 and 10 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1). At 8+/-1 weeks after MI, patients returned for a follow-up MR tagging study without dobutamine. Quantification of percent intramyocardial circumferential segment shortening (%S) was performed. Low-dose dobutamine MRI was well tolerated. Overall, mean %S was 15+/-11% at baseline (n=227 segments), increased to 16+/-10% at 5 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) dobutamine (P=NS), 21+/-10% at peak (P<0.0001 versus baseline and 5 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1), and 18+/-10% at 8 weeks (P<0.004 versus baseline and peak). The increase in %S with peak dobutamine was greater in dysfunctional myocardium (103 segments, +9+/-10%) than in normal tissue (124 segments, +4+/-12%, P<0.0001). In dysfunctional regions, %S also increased from 6+/-7% at baseline to 14+/-10% at 8 weeks after MI (P<0.0001). In dysfunctional regions that responded normally to peak dobutamine (> or =5% increase in %S), the increase in %S from baseline to 8 weeks after MI (+9+/-9%) was greater than in those regions that did not respond normally (+5+/-9%, P<0.04). Midmyocardial and subepicardial response to dobutamine were predictive of functional recovery, but the subendocardial response was not. CONCLUSIONS: The response of intramyocardial function to low-dose dobutamine after reperfused MI can be quantified with MR tagging. Dysfunctional tissue after MI demonstrates a larger contractile response to dobutamine than normal myocardium. A normal increase in shortening elicited by dobutamine within dysfunctional midwall and subepicardium predicts greater functional recovery at 8 weeks after MI, but the response within the subendocardium is not predictive.  相似文献   

39 male Wistar rats underwent selective sectioning of trigeminal sensory and motor nerves in 2 experiments to examine the contribution of the sensorimotor system to the control of instrumental responses reinforced with food or water. It was hypothesized that trigeminal denervation would disrupt motivational systems mediating Ss' thirst and hunger. Results show that unilateral sectioning of either Section V sensory or V motor nerves had no significant effect on leverpressing. Bilateral sectioning significantly reduced leverpressing, and the deficit was greatest in Ss with trigeminal motor nerve sectioning. It is concluded that trigeminal orosensory or oromotor denervation disrupts performance on a food- or water-reinforced task in which execution does not require a trigeminally mediated response. Findings are discussed in terms of motivational and reinforcement accounts of instrumental learning. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pigeons previously trained to peck 1 button (same) after the successive presentation of 16 identical pictures and to peck a 2nd button (different) after the successive presentation of 16 nonidentical pictures were tested on lists involving different degrees of variability, different list lengths, and different temporal organizations of list items. The pigeons' performances on this successive same-different task revealed a strong sensitivity to list entropy; but, their discrimination was also affected by their memory for list items and by the accumulated evidence for a same versus a different response. Statistical models confirmed and quantified the importance of these additional factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine the sensitivity of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) to changes in anxiety in emotionally disturbed children, 36 children (mean age, 11.24 yrs) in residential treatment were administered the STAIC and were randomly assigned (separate assignment for males and females to ensure equal distribution to each group) to either a failure group, a failure plus ego-involving instructions group, or a test-retest control group. The group receiving failure plus ego-involving instructions reported the greatest anxiety increase for both A-State and A-Trait portions of the STAIC. Results are discussed in terms of state-trait-anxiety theory and as indicative of the vulnerability of A-Trait anxiety to stress with emotionally disturbed children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 27-year-old ambidexter woman experienced a clinical and psychometric frontal syndrome associated with a partial callosal syndrome following transcallosal surgery for an intraventricular neurocytoma. She also complained of difficulties with her left hand which realized a particular form of diagnostic dyspraxia: there were specific features of an isolated dysfunction of the control of the realization of a program.  相似文献   

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