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Atmospheric gas saturation levels were monitored throughout a 40‐km reach of the upper Colorado River during the summer and fall of 1995 to identify possible sources of gas supersaturation in the river. Gas saturation data from seven fixed sampling points and 40 random sampling points were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression methods. The lowest total gas saturations (ΔP=−27) were found at the bottom release of Williams Fork Reservoir. The highest total gas saturations (ΔP=77) were found at the spillway release of Windy Gap Reservoir and the confluence of Willow Creek and the Colorado River. Spacial and temporal effects were determined to be significant contributors to gas saturation levels. Gas supersaturation in the study area originated from both man‐made and natural sources. Water discharged from the spillway of Windy Gap Reservoir was found to be the main source of man‐made supersaturation, while photosynthetic activity of aquatic plants was determined to be the natural source of supersaturation in the study area. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水资源开发利用与管理:从美国科罗拉多河看黄河   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国科罗拉多河水资源开发利用与管理,可以说是美国乃至世界的一个典范,其河流特性与水资源状况与黄河有较大的相似性。本文在比较两河异同,总结科罗拉多河水资源开发与管理的经验和不足后指出:应系统、全面、综合、辩证地看待黄河水资源问题,着眼于经济社会的大系统和水资源自身的小系统;逐步建立健全流域水资源法制体系,加强水资源全流域统一管理;利用政策法规和经济杠杆等相导和鼓励流域水资源的节约与保护;流域外调水要  相似文献   

Subyearling fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River basin exhibit a transient rearing strategy and depend on connected shoreline habitats during freshwater rearing. Impoundment has greatly reduced the amount of shallow‐water rearing habitat that is exacerbated by the steep topography of reservoirs. Periodic dredging creates opportunities to strategically place spoils to increase the amount of shallow‐water habitat for subyearlings while at the same time reducing the amount of unsuitable area that is often preferred by predators. We assessed the amount and spatial arrangement of subyearling rearing habitat in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River to guide future habitat improvement efforts. A spatially explicit habitat assessment was conducted using physical habitat data, two‐dimensional hydrodynamic modelling and a statistical habitat model in a geographic information system framework. We used field collections of subyearlings and a common predator [smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu)] to draw inferences about predation risk within specific habitat types. Most of the high‐probability rearing habitat was located in the upper half of the reservoir where gently sloping landforms created low lateral bed slopes and shallow‐water habitats. Only 29% of shorelines were predicted to be suitable (probability >0.5) for subyearlings, and the occurrence of these shorelines decreased in a downstream direction. The remaining, less suitable areas were composed of low‐probability habitats in unmodified (25%) and riprapped shorelines (46%). As expected, most subyearlings were found in high‐probability habitat, while most smallmouth bass were found in low‐probability locations. However, some subyearlings were found in low‐probability habitats, such as riprap, where predation risk could be high. Given their transient rearing strategy and dependence on shoreline habitats, subyearlings could benefit from habitat creation efforts in the lower reservoir where high‐probability habitat is generally lacking. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

The lower Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada, to the border with Mexico is one of the most regulated rivers in North America. An analysis of particulate organic matter (POM) transport through the system was made to determine POM concentrations, composition and point of origin, as well as to determine the effect dams had on this transport. Particulate organic matter concentrations generally increased from upstream to downstream, and were dominated by very fine organic detritus (< 25μm size fraction). Reservoirs released more POM than they received during spring and summer, but less during autumn and winter. Reservoirs recycled POM, taking in organic detritus and discharging small limnoplankton. Backwater complexes functioned as filters during storm events, trapping coarse material and releasing fine material. Agricultural drains made only minor contributions of POM, but provided important nutrients for in-channel production of POM. Water diversions forced POM off-channel, whereas sluicing operations reduced inorganic loads in the canals. Despite the presence of six mainstem dams, the lower reaches support a diverse assemblage of detritivorous fishes, similar to that found in the lowermost reaches of natural, unregulated rivers. The food base for this fishery stems from autochthonous production of POM.  相似文献   

The Xiaolangdi Reservoir has entered the later sediment-retaining period, and new sediment transport phenomena and channel re-establishing behaviors are appearing. A physical model test was used to forecast the scouring and silting trends of the lower Yellow River. Based on water and sediment data from the lower Yellow River during the period from 1960 to 2012, and using a statistical method, this paper analyzed the sediment transport in sediment-laden flows with different discharges and sediment concentrations in the lower Yellow River. The results show that rational water-sediment regulation is necessary to avoid silting in the later sediment-retaining period. The combination of3 000 m3/s < Q < 4 000 m3/s and 20 kg/m3< S < 60 kg/m3(where Q is the discharge and S is the sediment concentration) at the Huayuankou section is considered an optimal combination for equilibrium sediment transport in the lower Yellow River over a long period of time.  相似文献   

The flocculation of fine sediments in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) was confirmed in previous studies, but the flocculation characteristics have yet to be fully clarified. In this study, field measurements were conducted in the TGR to investigate the sediment flocculation characteristics. First, the instantaneous flow velocity and sediment concentration were measured through Acoustic Doppler velocimeter and sediment sampling. Then, the effective settling velocity was calculated based on the sediment diffusion theory to deduce the floc size and flocculation degree. Finally, the influences of particle size, flow velocity, and sediment concentration on flocculation were analyzed. Results showed that flocculation occurred in more than half of the sediments in the TGR, and the maximum flocculation degree was between 10 and 30. Flocculation weakened as particle diameter increased, with the critical particle size being approximately 0.018 mm, meaning that flocculation was unlikely to occur when the particle size exceeded the critical value. As the flow velocity increased, the flocculation degree first increased and then decreased, with the critical flow velocity being approximately 0.7 m/s, but the critical flow velocity increased with an increase in sediment concentration and tended to be a constant. The flocculation degree also increased with increasing sediment concentration and tended to be constant when the sediment concentration exceeded approximately 0.5 kg/m3. The results provide new information on the flocculation characteristics of the TGR and should be useful for understanding and simulating fine sediment transport in the TGR.  相似文献   

结合1997~2001年黄河小浪底水库库区水文泥沙测验资料,采用水文分析的方法,分析施工运用期、蓄水运用初期等不同时期库区各因子站的水流泥沙运动特征、库区泥沙淤积量及其淤积形态和水库初期运用的回水影响等,并着重分析2000年洪水期含沙量变化过程以及库区泥沙淤积上延现象,初步得出库区不同时期的水流泥沙运动基本规律.由于受当时设站规模的限制,库区水文泥沙资料尚存在不足.今后需加强小浪底水库泥沙淤积状况的监测,收集更广泛的库区水流泥沙资料,为制定小浪底水库运行调度方式奠定基础.  相似文献   

分析黄河小浪底水库 2 0 0 1年运用后 ,在清水冲刷期对下游河南、山东河道泥沙淤积的影响 ,以及由此产生的山东引黄灌区粗沙入渠和渠首沙害加重的严峻形势 .提出建设好引黄泥沙治理的灌区分级水沙监测站网体系、渠首引水防沙体系、沉沙池及平原调蓄水库体系、渠系输水输沙体系、机械清淤技术质量监督体系、泥沙综合利用体系、灌溉节水减淤优化工程体系、泥沙治理资金投入体系的对策  相似文献   

对国内外挖泥装备发展概况进行了简要介绍,提出了对小浪底水库泥沙处理较为适宜的泥沙扰动技术和气力提升技术,并对其原理、效率、应用等进行了说明。同时对应用这些技术构成的水力扰动气升式挖泥船在小浪底水库的应用进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

三峡工程蓄水后长江中游泥沙输移规律分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
三峡工程蓄水后"清水"下泄,长江中游含沙量将会长期处于严重不饱和状态,水流含沙量沿程恢复将会引起长江中游长距离冲刷,本文根据三峡工程蓄水以来的实测资料分析长江中游泥沙输移变化规律,得到以下结论:在"清水"冲刷下荆江三口分流分沙比无明显变化趋势,江湖水沙分配对长江中游含沙量恢复影响较小;其中d0.125mm粒径沙量在长江中游沿程缓慢恢复且恢复程度远小于蓄水前,这是坝下游河段发生长距离冲刷的根本原因;而d0.125mm粒径沙量在宜昌-监利河段恢复速率较快,且在监利站附近该粒径含沙量基本恢复饱和,这也造成冲刷重点集中在荆江河段。  相似文献   

在综合考虑未来黄河水沙变化趋势和黄河水沙调控体系建设的情况下,结合实测资料和数学模型计算成果,系统分析了"拦、排、放、调、挖"等处理泥沙措施在黄河干流不同河段的作用,认为未来应进一步加强"调"的作用,结合"拦、排、放"等措施,延长水库使用寿命,减少下游河道淤积,优化配置黄河泥沙分布。提出了黄河干流不同河段的治理目标:2020年前降低潼关高程1m左右,2020—2050年降低潼关高程2m左右;2030年前维持中水河槽的平滩流量为4000m3/s左右,2030—2050年维持中水河槽的平滩流量为3500m3/s左右。研究了古贤水库在黄河水沙调控工程体系和黄河中下游治理中不可替代的作用,为达到黄河中下游在2050年前的治理目标,阶段性实现黄河长治久安,建议在小浪底水库拦沙库容淤积之前,尽早建成古贤水库,充分发挥古贤与小浪底水库联合调控运用的作用。  相似文献   

2018年长江第2号洪水期间,寸滩站洪峰流量59 300 m~3/s,报汛最大含沙量达到4.47 kg/m~3,三峡入库沙量达到了7 440万t,均大于2014~2017年各年的全年入库输沙量,且入库沙峰大、持续时间长。根据泥沙实时监测与预报成果,7月11~20日三峡水库入库和坝前含沙量较大,三峡水库在进行防洪、航运调度的基础上,实施了沙峰排沙调度,将下泄流量42 000 m~3/s一直维持至沙峰通过大坝后。实测资料表明:7月18~20日三峡水库排沙效果明显增强,出库含沙量在0.50~1.20 kg/m~3之间,最大出库输沙率达到48.5t/s,日均出库沙量在370万t左右,按沙峰输移过程统计,沙峰过程排沙比达29%,7月份排沙比达到了31%,取得了较好的排沙效果,有效减轻了库区泥沙淤积。研究成果为进一步完善三峡水库"蓄清排浑"新模式积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

分析了东江上游地区河流水沙特性,并阐述了水库的修建和运用对该地区水沙输移的影响。东江上游地区是整个流域泥沙的重要来源区,该地区地表径流主要来自于降水,河流泥沙也主要来自于降水和径流所造成的土壤侵蚀。从长系列看,东江上游地区径流量虽然在不同时期波动较大,但相对稳定,而河流输沙量呈下降趋势。东江上游来水来沙主要集中在每年的汛期,其汛期来水来沙量分别占全年的70%和88%。枫树坝水库和枕头寨水库建成运用,减小了径流量的季节差异,降低了河流流量脉动特性。同时其河流输沙率在枫树坝水库和枕头寨水库建成以及枕头寨水库调整后分别下降了30%和50%。近年来,东江下游进行的大规模无序采沙,其采砂量已经远大于上游来沙量。在东江流域进行水沙管理时,不仅要采取措施遏制这种无序采沙行动,同时也要进一步研究流域水沙输移问题,以达到维持整个河流系统的水沙平衡。  相似文献   

小浪底水库拦沙初期泥沙输移及河床变形研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用物理模型试验对小浪底水库运行初期的泥沙输移和河床变形进行了一系列的研究预测,结果表明水库运用初期基本上为异重流排沙;库区干流淤积形态为三角洲且不断向下游推进;支流淤积主要是干流倒灌的结果,在沟口可形成拦门沙;库水位大幅下降,干流河床将产生溯源冲刷和沿程冲刷,支流淤积面随之下降。水库投入运用以来的实测资料分析表明,尽管预报试验所采用的水沙条件与水库运用以来的实际情况不尽相同,但两者在输沙流态、淤积形态及变化趋势方面基本一致,从而证明了模型试验得出的结论是符合实际的。  相似文献   

丹江口水库修建后,改变了原有天然河道的水沙输移条件,入库水沙经多年人工调度运用,形成了一定的水库冲淤规律。以往研究成果分析仅至2003年,为了对近期水库淤积情况进行了解,根据2003,2009,2011年丹江口水库断面测量资料,利用断面法进行淤积量计算;根据计算结果,对汉江干流库区的纵、横、垂3向的淤积分布进行了详细的对比分析。结果表明:水库淤积速度较以往减缓;淤积部位仍是宽阔段淤积多,狭谷段淤积少。  相似文献   

以三峡水库奉节河段和庙河河段的现场取样资料为基础,通过现场测量和室内实验分析,发现819个现场取样点中,99.4%的测点存在泥沙絮凝现象,其中83.6%的泥沙絮团直径约为单颗粒直径的3~8倍,表明在条件适合的情况下三峡水库泥沙絮凝具有普遍性,絮凝的临界粒径为0.02 mm。从库区泥沙絮凝的分布来看,主要集中在中上层水体中,并且顺水流方向呈现衰减的趋势,庙河河段的絮凝度明显小于奉节河段。库区泥沙絮凝的临界流速为0.7 m/s,流速小于0.7 m/s有利于泥沙絮凝的形成,但由于库区泥沙颗粒间的相对动能较小,泥沙絮凝难以形成稳定的大絮团,主要表现为弱絮凝。  相似文献   

论黄河干支流悬移质粒径与含沙量关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河干支流资料表明,河流中悬移质泥沙粗细的变化既有随着含沙量的增加而变粗的,也有随着含沙量的增加而变细的。本文分析了黄河干支流泥沙粒径与含沙量关系的不同资料,提出了较大含沙量情况下泥沙粒径与含沙量的统计关系,解析和讨论了所推导出的悬移质泥沙粒径与含沙量的关系。  相似文献   

东台子水库位于西拉木伦河中上游的林西镇东南约50km处,目前处于规划设计阶段。西拉木伦河为多沙河流,多年平均含沙量为11.14kg/m3,实测最大含沙量为277kg/m3。泥沙问题是影响东台子水库规模的重要问题之一,因此科学合理地预测水库的入库沙量及淤积部位对水库的规划设计具有无可替代的指导意义。  相似文献   

马静 《吉林水利》2014,(11):36-38
本文以渭河流域为研究对象,对流域水沙关系进行了分析研究。选择咸阳以下四个水文站研究流域水沙关系的变化,结果表明:年径流量和输沙量呈正相关关系,在径流序列发生第一次变异之前,水沙关系优于第一次突变之后,即在1970年后,受人类活动的影响,水沙关系朝着不协调的方向发展。  相似文献   

为了更准确评估澜沧江-湄公河输沙量的变化情况及上游水电开发对下游输沙量变化的影响,从最近几年文献中选择可信的下湄公河各站的年输沙量数据,并根据相关文献整理得出漫湾水电工程坝下第一个水文站点———嘎旧站1965—2003年的年径流和年输沙量系列数据,分析比较澜沧江-湄公河沿程各站的年输沙量变化趋势。结果表明:澜沧江上漫湾水电工程运行后,嘎旧站年输沙量大幅降低,降幅大于60%,但清盛站及其下游各站输沙量未出现与其一致的变化趋势。认为清盛站输沙量的降低量远低于嘎旧站的原因主要是两站间含沙量大的支流汇入、人工经济林取代原始森林等因素造成的流域水土流失和河流含沙量恢复。湄公河入海沙量约为1.45亿t/a,预计未来湄公河入海沙量可能会降低。  相似文献   

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