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By employing 2D plane wave expansion (PWE) and finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods, a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) based on the compound square lattice structure is presented. Band-gap can be observed for TM polarization and compared with the simple lattice structure based on the same material the band-gap is increased by 62.7%. By optimizing the parameters we get the PCW with the propagation only near the wavelength of 1.55 μm and a flat group index curve in a wide wavelength range of 40 nm. And the group velocity dispersion compensation can be realized by the structure optimization. The results provide a reference for the study and application ofphotonic crystal waveguide based on the compound lattice structure.  相似文献   

Optical couplers arei mportant componentsinthe sys-temof optical signal processing,optical communicationand optical calculation.Therefore many people areinter-estedinseekingfor those couplers with uniquefunction.Photonic crystals (PC)[1-2]have drawn great…  相似文献   

Group delay and chromatic dispersion of a Fabry-Perot resonator embedded in a photonic crystal waveguide have been directly measured at 1.55 /spl mu/m wavelength using the phase-shift technique. The photonic crystal waveguide resonator was fabricated in an InGaAsP/InP heterostructure and was designed to show a channel spacing of 100 GHz. Group velocity dispersion up to 250 ps/nm was observed.  相似文献   

文中采用有限时域差分(FDTD)法研究了ZnO随机介质与光子晶体波导相结合的微型激光器的辐射特性和频谱特性,用平面波展开法分析了光子晶体能带特性。数值研究结果表明:由于光与随机介质相互作用,使得光在该微型激光器中放大,损耗减小,存在较长滞留时间,同时随机介质局域光的能力变强,激光的阈值降低,而且含四方格子结构光子晶体的激光器具有良好的激光特性和调制作用。该新型器件的设计与研究将为研制可嵌入集成光子芯片的、低阈值的微型激光器提供理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper describes a theoretical and experimental analysis of the channel drop filter using a single defect formed near the two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal slab waveguide. First, we calculate the transmission spectrum of a 2-D photonic crystal waveguide and show that high transmittance for a wide wavelength range (/spl sim/60 nm) is obtained in the 1.55-/spl mu/m region. We also show that a defect state having a wavelength within the high transmission wavelength range can be formed in the photonic bandgap by introducing a single defect of appropriate radius. Next, we fabricate several devices and show that the emission wavelength from each defect can be tuned by changing the defect radius. The measured tuning characteristics coincide well with the calculated results. From the near-field pattern of the device, we estimate the emission efficiency of the present device at almost a few tens percent. We clarify the structural condition in order to obtain the maximum output efficiency and show that tuning of emission wavelength while maintaining high output efficiency is possible by selecting appropriate defect radius and position. Based on these results, we propose an ultrasmall channel drop filter for a wavelength-division-multiplex optical communication system.  相似文献   

提出了带有光子晶体环形谐振器(PCRR)的二维光子晶体弯折波导结构,采用有限差分时域法分别研究了带有3×3结构和带有4×4结构PCRR的光子晶体波导中电磁波的传输性能,分析了其结构整体介质柱相对介电常数取3组不同值时的传输性能,结果表明:使用带有PCRR的波导能实现电磁波的低损耗传输.此外,该结构还具有宽频带和结构紧凑...  相似文献   

陈庆朋 《激光杂志》2009,30(3):16-17
应用平面波展开法研究了二维光子晶体及其波导的传播特性。根据计算得到光波在0.223.5Hz至0.28Hz波段能在波导中很好的传播。并且分析了当圆柱半径从0.1μm至0.5μm发生改变时的带隙规律,研究结果为光子晶体波导器件的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

研究了线缺陷光子晶体波导中的慢光现象。运用平面波展开法对线缺陷光子晶体波导结构进行了模拟计算,分析了填充因子作为敏感结构参量,其变化对色散性质和群速度的影响。发现光子晶体的填充因子决定了光子晶体带隙中导模的传输特性。随着填充因子的增加,光子晶体波导中的群速度先增大再减小。可以证明,通过改变光子晶体的填充因子,群速度可以达到0.01c以下。  相似文献   

Fano resonance is realized theoretically in a photonic crystal. The structure is composed of a cavity side coupled to a partially transmitting waveguide. By optimizing the structure parameters, asymmetric sharp Fano resonance transmittance spectrum is achieved with quality factor of 2 213, extinction ratio of 57 dB and peak loss of 0.2 dB. The sharp spectrum can be used in sensor applications. Such as pressure sensor, the pressure sensitivity is about 9.15 nm/GPa. and for refractive index sensing application, the sensitivity is about 800 nm/RIU, and the maximum of figure of merit can reach 1 000. Besides, this sharp Fano resonance based on photonic crystal has potential applications in optical switches, filters etc. And it can be integrated into optical communications and optical integration circuits.  相似文献   

二维光子晶体波导微腔传输特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用时域有限差分(FDTD)法和快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法计算了二维正方格子光子晶体的点缺陷的谐振频率,研究了点缺陷的半径和背景材料折射率的变化对谐振频率的影响.研究结果表明,谐振归一化频率随点缺陷的半径或背景材料折射率增大而减小,当点缺陷半径增大到0.45r时,谐振中心归一化频率为0.336,波导微腔传输系数最大为9...  相似文献   

刘文楷  孙耀  董小伟 《激光技术》2017,41(4):591-595
为了设计能够传输宽带低色散慢光的光子晶体波导,以三角晶格圆形介质柱光子晶体结构为基础,使用圆形散射元和椭圆形散射元进行周期性排列,采用平面波展开法对所设计的耦合腔波导进行了仿真分析。结果表明,调整缺陷行椭圆形散射元长轴Ra可以使导模最大群速度从0.035c降低到0.01c,调节缺陷行短轴Rb的值,可以再次降低导模群速度;通过改变微腔周围第1排两种散射元的面积比,能够得到最大群速度0.0065c,波长范围为3.25nm的低色散慢光;将所设计的耦合腔应用于光缓存中,计算得出缓存时间为76.82ps,存储容量达到了15.56bit。这项研究对新型光子晶体慢光器件的设计和应用具有参考意义。  相似文献   

二维光子晶体对面发射激光器横模控制研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
垂直腔面发射激光器的单模输出特性在光网络数据传输光互连、光存储和激光打印中有重要的应用.传统的氧化限制型垂直腔面发射半导体激光器由于串联电阻大、发热严重而很难工作在单模状态.二维光子晶体结构可以有效地控制垂直腔面发射激光器的横向模式,使器件工作在单模状态下.从理论上系统研究了光子晶体垂直腔面发射半导体激光器的单模条件,成功设计了一组单模光子晶体垂直腔面发射半导体激光器,并通过常规工艺制作出功率0.6 mW、边模抑制比大于30 dB、阈值电流4 mA、远场发散角8.4°、不受电流注入影响的单模光子晶体垂直腔面发射半导体激光器.实验证明:光子晶体可有效地进行横模控制.  相似文献   

闫昕 《激光杂志》2009,30(4):30-31
运用平面波展开法优化了太赫兹波段蜂巢晶格二维光子晶体带隙结构,数值模拟得到了太赫兹波段蜂巢晶格光子晶体的最大TE模、TM模和完全带隙,通过光子晶体态密度分布进一步验证了所优化的带隙结构,并设计了对应带隙范围的太赫兹波器件。研究结果为太赫兹器件的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

太赫兹波在二维正方晶格光子晶体中的传播特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用平面波展开法研究了太赫兹波(THz)在二维正方晶格光子晶体中的传播特性。分析了晶格常数为a=0.1mm的正方晶格介质柱二维光子晶体,在0~1.8THz频段范围内,通过数值计算,发现当介质圆柱半径r=0.2a时,E偏振出现最大绝对光子带隙,带隙位于0.283-0.400THz,带隙宽度为0.117THz,相应的带隙波长范围为84.9μm至120μm,处于THz波段,并分析了随着相对介电常数差值的增大出现的TM带隙宽度增大。研究结果为THz器件的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

太赫兹波在二维光子晶体中的传播特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了得到太赫兹波在二维三角晶格光子晶体中的传播特性,利用平面波展开法数值模拟了三角晶格能带结构和态密度分布,得出E偏振当填充率f=0.9069和H偏振f=0.7346时出现最大光子带隙,在f=0.8358出现最大完全光子带隙.计算表明,增加介电常数的差值,太赫兹波在三角晶格光子晶体中传播的带隙增加了,光子晶体态密度的分布验证了存在光子带隙的范围.研究结果为太赫兹波器件的开发提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

三维光子晶体的研制进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张跃 《微纳电子技术》2005,42(3):123-125
介绍了美国桑迪亚国家实验室和美国依阿华州立大学的研究小组等研究机构的科学家们近年来研制三维光子晶体的方法和进展。阐明了具有多层结构的三维光子晶体的应用前景。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于二维光子晶体的太赫兹定向耦合器,通过在2个平行的横向线缺陷中加入纵向线缺陷的方式,实现了良好的耦合结构,在太赫兹频段实现了较好的功率耦合特性。这种二维光子晶体带定向耦合器结构紧凑,可用于太赫兹系统中信号功率的检测与监控,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

It is of great significance to present a photonic crystal lattice structure with a wide photonic bandgap. A two-dimension complex lattice photonic crystal is proposed. The photonic crystal is composed of complex lattices with triangular structure, and each single cell is surrounded by six scatterers in an hexagon. The photonic band gaps are calculated based on the plane wave expansion (PWE) method. The results indicate that the photonic crystal has tunable large TM polarization band gap, and a gap-midgap ra...  相似文献   

InP-based short cavity lasers with 2D photonic crystal mirror   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors have successfully fabricated in-plane emitting InP-based microlasers with cavity lengths of 600-100 μm. The required high reflectivity mirrors consist of a 2D ΓM-oriented triangular photonic crystal of air rods with a lattice constant of 350 nm. The lasers operate CW at room temperature with a threshold current of 29 mA and output power up to 4 mW for the shortest devices  相似文献   

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