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Increase in population is causing further increase in senior population which is the major cost factor in health care. Health information technology has been cited as one of the tools to help reduce this cost for this group of patients. Therefore, our study explores strategies and policies helping reduce the barriers for the adoption of a health information technology – teleconsultation – for senior population. The objective of this research is to develop a model to evaluate alternative solutions to increase the adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for the senior population. The research leverages hierarchical decision modeling (HDM) to build a hierarchical multi criteria assessment model. The model elements are derived through literature and validated by an expert panel.  相似文献   

With the adoption/diffusion of clean technologies, it is possible to reach most of the required amount of emission reduction to address climate change. In this regard, identifying its variables and understanding the adoption process deeply will help to accelerate clean technology adoption (CTA) and develop effective policies and strategies on clean technologies. The aim of this study is to determine the CTA process through a new model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE) applied to mineral products industry in Turkey. The results revealed that the CTA is considerably affected by technological and organizational factors but not by external environmental factor. Among these factors, complexity, relative advantage and compatibility of the technology, human resource quality and firm vision are listed as key. In addition, the results showed a difference between CTA levels in terms of technological and organizational factors, and CTA is positively affected by the level of R&D activities of the firm.  相似文献   

This study builds on the work of Schumpeter and others who have recognised the role of entrepreneurs in the formation of entirely new industries around technological innovation. With this in mind, it critically reviews diffusion research, finding this work to be lacking in its treatment of entrepreneurship and its ability to integrate the wide range of factors that affect the diffusion process. In an effort to address these theoretical gaps, this study draws on management literature on the growth of the entrepreneurial firm, which puts entrepreneurs at the centre of analysis, and serves to integrate many of the traditional concerns of diffusion research. The authors hope that the proposed analytical framework will be applied to future case studies of technology diffusion in order that we might continue to better understand and explain the rate of technological advance in society.  相似文献   

通过A集团的IT技术应用的案例,分析了IT技术在企业流程再造中的作用,对A集团的决策、财务、设计、制造、检测、仓库管理、售后服务、办公自动化等业务流程再造中IT技术的作用进行了详细的研究。认为IT技术在流程再造中确实起到了使能器和实现器的作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this contribution is to analyze the challenges for technology diffusion policies to achieve expected socio-economic goals and to deduce conclusions for an adequate policy design. Based on hypotheses from theoretical contributions, we review two rather distinct technology fields. One is biobased products, the other health technologies with bioethanol and magnetic resonance imaging respectively as case studies in order to derive rather general insights regarding those policies. The case studies highlight the difficulties in achieving the aimed societal goals by promoting technology diffusion. The dominant innovation design (e.g. techniques or resources used) which diffuses or its application fields (e.g. indication, patient characteristics) differ from those assumed in impact assessments and side-effects which occur in other markets. The direct linkage of policy measures to societal criteria may avoid some of those undesired developments but may have side effects of their own, such as trade distortions or shifting the environmental burden to other activities. However, there is considerable scope for improvement in policy design compared to the status-quo. Overall, a more balanced policy mix regarding various socio-economic goals is vital and unintended side effects have to be considered more in decision making.  相似文献   

Kuangdi   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):265
As the world embarks on the 21st century, China—with a population of 1.3 billion—has arrived at a new stage of development: building a prosperous society and speeding up the national drive toward industrialization and modernization. Nearly 30 years after the adoption in 1979 of its reform and opening-up policy, China is experiencing historic leaps from poverty to subsidence, and thence to modest prosperity. The next goal for development is modernization by the middle of this century. This will be accomplished based on the following framework: within the first 20 years, China will build a moderately prosperous society with higher standards featuring a more developed economy, greater democracy, advanced science and education, more social harmony, and a more affluent life for the Chinese people. These major changes in this new stage of China's economic and social development set the stage for this discussion of engineering technology and engineering education in China.  相似文献   

Analysing historical patterns of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption can inform decisions about AI capability uplift, but research to date has provided a limited view of AI adoption across different fields of research. In this study we examine worldwide adoption of AI technology within 333 fields of research during 1960–2021. We do this by using bibliometric analysis with 137 million peer-reviewed publications captured in The Lens database. We define AI using a list of 214 phrases developed by expert working groups at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We found that 3.1 million of the 137 million peer-reviewed research publications during the entire period were AI-related, with a surge in AI adoption across practically all research fields (physical science, natural science, life science, social science and the arts and humanities) in recent years. The diffusion of AI beyond computer science was early, rapid and widespread. In 1960 14% of 333 research fields were related to AI (many in computer science), but this increased to cover over half of all research fields by 1972, over 80% by 1986 and over 98% in current times. We note AI has experienced boom-bust cycles historically; the AI “springs” and “winters”. We conclude that the context of the current surge appears different, and that interdisciplinary AI application is likely to be sustained.  相似文献   

孙凌云  王可幸  陈培  周子洪  杨昌源  杨光 《包装工程》2023,44(8):81-94, 106
目的 对多通道人机交互中感觉刺激模拟方法的研究现状进行梳理,总结现有研究中的相关技术原理与方法,为后续的相关研究和实践提供参考。方法 利用文献调研和典型案例分析方法,梳理了触觉、嗅觉及味觉三种单通道感觉刺激模拟的相关技术;概述了多通道感觉刺激融合的认知学理论,并以视听触融合、视听嗅融合为例,总结了多通道感觉刺激融合的具体实现方法;介绍了多通道感觉刺激融合在医疗康复、虚拟购物、智能教育等典型场景中的应用。结论 多通道人机交互中感觉刺激的模拟方法研究有望支持低负荷、高效率的新型人机交互方式,甚至带来超越真实的交互体验,具备广泛的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Roddam   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):330
During the first three decades after 1947, the Indian economy grew only 3% per year but there was vast expansion in the science and technology (S&T) infrastructure. Decades later, especially during the last few years, the economy has grown much faster, but the S&T systems have not experienced the transformation that business and industry have. The net result is that the public sector S&T system is facing a major crisis even as the private sector contributes little to the national R&D effort. Wealth generation in India by private S&T services, especially in information technology, has led to greater prosperity for the educated middle class, but has also led to greater inequalities in income. The national scene is one of generally uneven achievement and extraordinary potential. This paper argues that unless another major shift in S&T policy occurs, there is real danger that India will not move beyond its status as a blue-collar S&T power.  相似文献   

Technological progress has influenced the way we acquire knowledge and learn. On the other hand, the Internet provides fast access to information technology in different fields and thus, improves efficiency and saves time. The importance of online technology is especially emphasized in new methods for learning and education. This is particularly important among Generation Z (“Gen Z″), which derives knowledge from the Internet and is focused on a quick search of information. The aim of this paper is to determine how technology and the Internet affect the acquisition of knowledge by Generation Z, and which forms of knowledge acquisition this generation prefers. In our paper, the problem concerns various forms of learning and acquiring knowledge. Research was conducted among 498 young people actively using an online peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing community. The results of ANOVA analysis showed the respondents being more partial towards learning via mobile applications and video content over the traditional form. It also discovered that the students tended to emulate their teachers who integrated modern technologies into their curriculum and used it outside classroom hours for learning. The results of this research make several important theoretical contributions to the gap in knowledge acquisition by Gen Z, and provide several important practical recommendations for educators.  相似文献   

Within the home context a high-speed broadband Internet connection is seen as a key enabler for effective access to and use of the Internet. This article examines the factors contributing to household adoption of high speed broadband in Australia. Building on the Theory of Reasoned Action and seminal research on technology adoption in the home and the workplace, the article presents and evaluates a hypothesized model of Household Adoption of Technology.  相似文献   

The Government and industry are now recognising the strategic importance of further education for the future well-being of the country. The one area where UK education is ahead of that in Europe is in the use of information technology. Here, the author argues that if further education is to take maximum advantage of corporate status from April 1993, it will be essential to use IT to enhance the learning experience and to provide accurate management information  相似文献   

Laila   《Technology in Society》2009,31(3):287-294
This paper presents the results of a study on the participation of women in computing and information technology (IT) in Jordan. It investigates the percentages of women at all levels of education—from the secondary level through the graduate level—and their participation in the IT workforce. Women in Jordan are still under-represented in the computing and IT fields, and my study explores possible reasons for the under-representation and what can be done to increase women's participation. Despite the fact that the worldwide participation of women in computing has been declining steadily to very low levels, that is not the case in Jordan. This study found that the percentage of Jordanian women in the IT field is rising and far exceeds that of women in the U.S. and Canada. Indeed, increasing women's participation in computing in Jordan is vital to the economy and to the country's sustainable development.  相似文献   

针对我国现行高等学校会计制度与当前高等教育事业发展不相适应的现状,通过对中美两国高等 学校会计制度的比较,提出对我国高校会计制度的改进建议:明确会计目标;会计核算采用权责发生制;基本 建设经费和高等教育事业经费分层次统一核算.  相似文献   

The poor households living in low-income countries depend on traditional sources for basic energy service; which has a broader socio-economic and environmental adverse effect. To mitigate the problem policy measures were used to increase access to energy-efficient and renewable energy technology. However, there are few studies on demand-side particularly on the drivers of household joint technology adoption behavior. Against this backdrop, this paper examined the determinants of household behavior concerning the adoption decision of energy-efficient and renewable energy technology using cross-sectional data collected from 195 households in central Ethiopia. For identification, the generalized ordered probit model which is a more flexible discrete choice model was applied. The findings reveal that the richer the households, the more likely that they adopt both improved cookstoves and renewable energy technology because of the greater financial capacity to afford to pay the upfront cost of the technologies. Household size and assets such as landholding size and the number of cattle owned positively associated with the use of both technologies. Likewise, a high level of education attained by the head of the household likely reduces the likelihood of adoption of neither technology but increases the likelihood of adoption of renewable energy. Participation in off-farm income-earning activities likely increases the propensity to invest in renewable energy. Similarly, household membership in local cooperatives found to increase the propensity to invest in renewable energy technology. While access to credit found to increase the adoption of energy-efficient technology. The finding of this study implies that poverty reduction and education policies increase the propensity to invest in energy-efficient and renewable energy technology. Likewise, better access to credit, off-farm employment opportunities, and cooperatives are also important.  相似文献   

This study conducted quantitative policy experiments using a computable general equilibrium model to investigate how long-run economic growth can be achieved through the endogenous interactions between innovation and human capital accumulation. The analysis found that there are limits to driving productivity growth and enhancing growth potential when focusing solely on the expansion of technological innovation. However, our results suggest that promotion of the complementarity between technological innovation and human capital formation may alleviate the inequalities of wages and employment induced by skill-biased technological change, promoting balanced growth among industrial sectors with higher productivity improvement and scale effects. This study suggests that in order to spur long-run growth in knowledge-based economy, policymakers should establish educational infrastructure to support workers to move up the skill ladder and cope with rapid technological change.  相似文献   

Rationales for government interventions in the market are typically based on theories of market failure set within a framework of fixed private-sector practices and technologies. However, continuous technological progress and entrepreneurial innovation are eroding the theoretical foundations of these policies, making them increasingly obsolete. This paper describes the four pillars of market failure doctrine and provides examples of how the market is using technology to solve problems previously considered to necessitate government intervention.  相似文献   

企业过程再造与现代信息技术的关系   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
现代信息技术的固有品质成为企业过程再造的本质驱动力,也是企业过程再造的有力支持工具。它们相互影响,相互制约。  相似文献   


In just one decade, social media have moved from being marginal phenomena to having three billion active monthly users globally in 2017. We use a large representative sample to study which company characteristics are associated with the early adoption of social media. Our findings suggest that digital orientation (outside social media), innovativeness, external collaboration in marketing and sales, and orientation towards consumer markets all increase a company’s probability of adopting social media. In addition, larger and younger companies are more likely to be early movers. Overall, business use of social media has only reached its early maturity; thus, it still has plenty of room to grow.  相似文献   

Mapping the technology landscape is crucial for market actors to take informed investment decisions. However, given the large amount of data on the Web and its subsequent information overload, manually retrieving information is a seemingly ineffective and incomplete approach. In this work, we propose an end-to-end recommendation based retrieval approach to support automatic retrieval of technologies and their associated companies from raw Web data. This is a two-task setup involving (i) technology classification of entities extracted from company corpus, and (ii) technology and company retrieval based on classified technologies. Our proposed framework approaches the first task by leveraging DistilBERT which is a state-of-the-art language model. For the retrieval task, we introduce a recommendation-based retrieval technique to simultaneously support retrieving related companies, technologies related to a specific company and companies relevant to a technology. To evaluate these tasks, we also construct a data set that includes company documents and entities extracted from these documents together with company categories and technology labels. Experiments show that our approach is able to return 4 times more relevant companies while outperforming traditional retrieval baseline in retrieving technologies.  相似文献   

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