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A major concern when installing the cables into the underground conduit is minimizing the tensile forces exerted on the cables as they are pulled. This knowledge makes it possible to avoid over conservative design practices and to achieve substantial saving during construction. A general computing algorithm of predicting the tensile force of the cable pulled through the underground conduit with an arbitrary configuration is presented in this paper, which is based on multibody system dynamic formulation. The presented multibody dynamic model for this problem consists of the cable, the underground conduit, and the interaction between the cable and the conduit. In this paper, the cable is modeled by the finite cable element based on an absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The interaction between the cable and the underground conduit is described by the Hertz contact theory. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method for estimating the cable tension. 相似文献
R.E. Roberson 《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》1985,48(2):237-238
The results of [1] are generalized to accept an arbitrary search method for the construction of a spanning tree of the mechanical system graph. 相似文献
Javier Ros Aitor Plaza Xabier Iriarte Jesús María Pintor 《Multibody System Dynamics》2018,42(4):469-493
In this work, recently developed state-of-the-art symbolic multibody methods are tested to accurately model a complex railway vehicle. The model is generated using a symbolic implementation of the principle of virtual power. Creep forces are modeled using a direct symbolic implementation of the standard linear Kalker model. No simplifications, such as base parameter reduction, partial-linearization or lookup tables for contact kinematics, are used. An Implicit–Explicit integration scheme is proposed to efficiently deal with the stiff creep dynamics. Real-time performance is achieved: the CPU time required for a very robust \(1~\text{ms}\) integration time step is 203 μs. 相似文献
To reduce vibration and noise, a damping mechanism is often required in mechanical systems. Many types of dampers are currently
used. In this paper, several typical damping models, i.e., structural damping, frictional damping, and viscoelastic damping,
are illustrated, and their parameters are identified for multibody dynamic simulation. Linear damping, widely adopted for
structural damping, is applied to beam deflection. Quadratic damping including air resistance is applied to plate deflection.
To model stick phenomenon in mechanical dampers, a STV (stick-transition velocity) model was first introduced. To identify
parameters, an optimization process is applied to the damping parameters. A new MSTV (modified stick-transition velocity)
model is proposed for a friction damper. A modified Kelvin–Voight model is suggested for a rubber bushing model used in vehicle
dynamics, and its parameters are identified. A modified Bouc–Wen model is also proposed; it includes the hysteretic behavior
of an elastomer, and optimized results with parameter identification are compared to test results. 相似文献
The determination of particular reaction forces in the analysis of redundantly constrained multibody systems requires the consideration of the stiffness distribution in the system. This can be achieved by modeling the components of the mechanical system as flexible bodies. An alternative to this, which we will discuss in this paper, is the use of penalty factors already present in augmented Lagrangian formulations as a way of introducing the structural properties of the physical system into the model. Natural coordinates and the kinematic constraints required to ensure rigid body behavior are particularly convenient for this. In this paper, scaled penalty factors in an index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation are employed, together with modeling in natural coordinates, to represent the structural properties of redundantly constrained multibody systems. Forward dynamic simulations for two examples are used to illustrate the material. Results showed that scaled penalty factors can be used as a simple and efficient way to accurately determine the constraint forces in the presence of redundant constraints. 相似文献
A criterion on inclusion of stress stiffening effects in flexible multibody dynamic system simulation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
This paper presents a criterion on inclusion of stress stiffening effects in dynamic simulation of flexible multibody systems. The proposed criterion examines numerically the eigenvalue variation of the total modal stiffness matrix that is a combination of the modal stress stiffness matrix and the conventional linear modal stiffness matrix prior to actual dynamic simulation. If the variation is sufficiently large for any flexible body in the multibody system, then stress stiffening effects must be included in dynamic simulation of flexible multibody systems for accurate prediction of dynamic behavior. Since the criterion uses the most general stress stiffness matrix contributed from applied and constraint reaction loads as well as from a system of 12 inertial loads, this criterion is applicable to any general flexible multibody dynamic system. Several numerical results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed criterion. 相似文献
The paper describes the implementation on a transputer system of a novel parallel algorithm for dynamics simulation of a multibody chain. The algorithm is formulated at a level of parallelism which is natural for the problem but is essentially unavailable to other simulation dynamics algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate that one can improve efficiency of computation by exploiting this level of parallelism. However, analysis of the performance shows that the serial component of the resulting parallel algorithm grows to be a large fraction of the total parallel execution time and therefore limits the speedup that can be achieved with this approach. 相似文献
TORQUE是一种基于三维图形库OPENGL的仿真引擎。本文通过三维建模软件的引入,实现了仿真系统场景的构建,分析了STL模型的存储特点,设计并实现了STL模型的读入和优化处理,提高了整个系统的三维图形模拟效果和运行效率。借助于多体受力分析工具ADAM,以复杂环境下的行驶车辆为研究对象,构建了受力模型和运动方程,较为客观的描述了机车的运行规律,并分析了各个因素对车辆行驶安全性的影响,为驾驶人员提供了参考,对提高机车行驶安全具有一定的促进作用。 相似文献
C. B. Drab H. W. Engl J. R. Haslinger G. Offner R. U. Pfau W. Zulehner 《Multibody System Dynamics》2009,22(2):133-144
General multibody system approaches are often not sufficient for specific situations in applications to yield an efficient
and accurate solution. We concentrate on the simulation of the crankshaft dynamics which is characterized by flexible bodies
and force laws describing the interaction between the bodies. The use of the floating frame of reference approach in our model
leads to an index-2 DAE system. The algebraic constraints originate from the reference conditions and the normalization equation
for the quaternions. For the time integration of this system, two aspects have to be taken into account: firstly, for efficiency
exploiting the structure of the system and using parallelization. Secondly, consistent initial values also with respect to
a related index-3 system have to be computed in order to compute missing initial velocities and to reduce transient phenomena.
The work of C.B. Drab, J.R. Haslinger, and R.U. Pfau is supported by the “Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit” and
by the government of Upper Austria within the framework “Industrielle Kompetenzzentren und Netzwerke”. 相似文献
A dynamic modeling of multibody systems having spherical joints is reported in this work. In general, three intersecting orthogonal
revolute joints are substituted for a spherical joint with vanishing lengths of intermediate links between the revolute joints.
This procedure increases sizes of associated matrices in the equations of motion, thus increasing computational burden of
an algorithm used for dynamic simulation and control. In the proposed methodology, Euler parameters, which are typically used
for representation of a rigid-body orientation in three-dimensional Cartesian space, are employed to represent the orientation
of a spherical joint that connects a link to its previous one providing three-degree-of-freedom motion capability. For the
dynamic modeling, the concept of the Decoupled Natural Orthogonal Complement (DeNOC) matrices is utilized. It is shown in
this work that the representation of spherical joints motion using Euler parameters avoids the unnecessary introduction of
the intermediate links, thereby no increase in the sizes of the associated matrices with the dynamic equations of motion.
To confirm the efficiency of the proposed representation, it is illustrated with the dynamic modeling of a spatial four-bar
Revolute-Spherical–Spherical-Revolute (RSSR) mechanism, where the CPU time of the dynamic modeling based on proposed methodology
is compared with that based on the revolute joints substitution. Finally, it is explained how a complex suspension and steering
linkage can be modeled using the proposed concept of Euler parameters to represent a spherical joint. 相似文献
Optimization of flexible components of multibody systems via equivalent static loads 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
E. P. Hong B. J. You C. H. Kim G. J. Park 《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》2010,40(1-6):549-562
An optimization methodology that iteratively links the results of multibody dynamics and structural analysis software to an optimization method is presented to design flexible multibody systems under dynamic loading conditions. In particular, rigid multibody dynamic analysis is utilized to calculate dynamic loads of a multibody system and a structural optimization algorithm using equivalent static loads transformed from the dynamic loads are used to design the flexible components in the multibody dynamic system. The equivalent static loads, which are derived from equations of motion, are used as multiple loading conditions of linear structural optimization. A simple example is solved to verify the proposed methodology and the pelvis part of the biped humanoid, a complex multibody system which consists of many bodies and joints, is redesigned using the proposed methodology. 相似文献
This paper presents the subsystem synthesis method with approximate function approach for a real-time multibody vehicle dynamics model. In the subsystem synthesis method, equations of motion for the car body of a vehicle and the equations of motion for suspension subsystems are formed separately for efficient computation. Joint coordinates are used to construct suspension subsystem equations of motion. Since these joint coordinates must satisfy the loop closure constraint equations that represent suspension linkage kinematics, they are not all independent. Using the generalized coordinate partitioning method, suspension subsystem equations of motion can be represented only in terms of independent generalized coordinates. To represent dependent coordinates as a function of independent coordinates in the generalized coordinate partitioning method, expensive numerical approaches, such as the Newton–Raphson method, must be applied. For real-time computation of the multibody vehicle model, an approximate function approach is proposed to express the dependent coordinates as polynomial functions of the independent coordinates within the framework of the subsystem synthesis method. Different orders of candidate polynomial functions are investigated for solution accuracy. Efficiency of the proposed method has been studied theoretically by counting arithmetic operators. By measuring actual CPU times of the simulations with a quarter car and a full car model, efficiency of the proposed method has also been investigated. 相似文献
Off-line identification of dynamic loads 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Łukasz Jankowski 《Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization》2009,37(6):609-623
This paper considers off-line identification of spatial and temporal characteristics of a dynamic load, and is focused on
the case of a limited number of sensors. Both elastic and elasto-plastic structural behaviours are taken into account. The
identification is performed off-line, based on optimisation of modelled local structural responses, and—in the case of limited
number of sensors—identifies an observationally equivalent load, which in a given sense optimally approximates the actual
load. Compared to previous researches this approach allows to identify general dynamic loads of unknown locations, including
multiple impacts and moving loads, and gives more insight into the identification process by distinguishing between the reconstructible
and unreconstructible load components. Additionally, the problem of optimum sensor location is discussed.
The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Polish Research Projects DIADYN (PBZ-KBN-105/T10/2003) and
MAT-INT (PBZ-KBN-115/T08/2004). Parts of this paper will be used in a coming book “Smart Technologies for Safety Engineering”
to be published by John Wiley & Sons in 2008. 相似文献
动力学系统实时仿真数值方法研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从6个方面概述动力学系统实时仿真数值方法的一些最近的研究进展,内容包括:产时仿真快速混合算法、实时并行Rosenbrock算法、实时并行组合算法、微分代数系统的实时算法与实时并行算法、实时间断处理并行算法以及一些并行算法的效率分析等。给出构造实时仿真算法新的思想和方法,同时也涉及一些有关问题的讨论。 相似文献
Modeling mechanical systems in a manner that allows the models to be simulated quickly is vital in many fields, such as real-time
simulation and control. Modeling these systems using their symbolic equations, rather than the more widely-used numerical
methods, generally produces faster solution times. However, the number, complexity, and computational efficiency of these
equations is highly dependent upon which coordinate set was used to model the system. Most coordinate selection methods established
thus far are based on the assumption that minimizing the number of modeling coordinates will produce models with faster simulation
times. This paper will show that this technique is not always valid and proposes a new technique of selecting a system’s coordinates
based on a series of heuristics. A large part of these heuristics will be established by closely analyzing a specific technique
used to formulate a system’s equations, and the effect each step of this formulation process will have on the complexity of
the final system equations. 相似文献
Dropping, striking, or bouncing a hard disk drive (HDD) against a hard surface can damage it internally without external evidence
of damage. Contact with a hard ground will lift the slider off the disk surface and then slap back on the surface. A drive
that is subjected to this type of shock may fail on initial use or the reliability of the drive may degrade over time. Therefore,
industry has a lot of interest on the shock conditions that cause a slider to lift off the disk surface. Finite element software
such as ANSYS/LS-DYNA is often used to analyze this shock problem. However, this method consumes a great amount of time. It
is also difficult to perform design parameter studies because it requires re-analysis of the model of the entire HDD system
when certain design variables are changed. This paper presents a flexible multi-body dynamics formulation to analyze the shock
problem of non-operating HDDs. Governing equations of motion of the voice coil motor (VCM)–actuators assembly and the disks–spindle
system are derived using a Lagrangian formulation. By introducing constraint equations between the slider and the disk surface,
the shock response of the whole HDD system has been obtained. Numerical results show that the method is reasonable and the
acceleration amplitude which makes the slider lift off can be determined in a significantly shorter time than by the conventional
approach. Finally, the effect of drive parameters on shock resistance, such as shock duration and slider resting location
are analyzed. 相似文献