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Multimedia Tools and Applications - Sparsity Preserving Projection (SPP) has been recently successfully applied on pattern recognition applications and is the basis for a series of follow up... 相似文献
双向二维局部保持映射(双向2DLPP)与二维局部保持映射(2DLPP)比较,双向2DLPP同时对图像的行方向和列方向进行降维处理,可以采用较少的系数有效地表示图像。为了进一步增强双向2DLPP算法的分类能力,将双向2DLPP所提取的特征采用线性判别式分析(LDA)进行分类,从而形成了一种新的监督算法:鉴别双向二维局部保持投影。理论分析表明,无论在计算量还是内存要求方面,所提鉴别双向二维局部保持投影算法比双向2DLPP和主成分分析+线性判别式分析(PCA+LDA)要少,而且在ORL 和Yale数据库上的人脸识别实验表明,新算法的识别性能比双向2DLPP和PCA+LDA算法要好,且具有较少的计算复杂度。 相似文献
稀疏保持投影算法是一种无监督的全局线性降维方法,无法应对训练样本不足及类内样本间差异过大的情况。针对该问题,提出一种结合成对约束机制的近邻稀疏保留投影算法。利用近邻样本求取稀疏系数以保留局部结构信息,引入成对约束监督的思想,利用样本类别指导稀疏重构过程,最后定义能最大限度保留稀疏系数中蕴含的类别信息的低维子空间。将该算法用于人脸识别,实验结果证明了算法在识别率以及运行时间上的有效性和可行性。 相似文献
Biometrics are being increasingly used across the world, but it also raises privacy and security concerns of the enrolled identities. The main reason is due to the fact that biometrics are not cancelable and if compromised may give access to the intruder. Cancelable biometric template is a solution to this problem which can be reissued if compromised. In this paper, we suggest a simple and powerful method called Random Permutation Locality Preserving Projection (RP-LPP) for Cancelable Biometric Recognition. Here, we exploit the mathematical relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original biometric image and its randomly permuted version is exploited for carrying out cancelable biometric recognition. The proposed technique work in a cryptic manner by accepting the cancelable biometric template and a key (called PIN) issued to a user. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques is demonstrated on three freely available face (ORL), iris (UBIRIS) and ear (IITD) datasets against state-of-the-art methods. The advantages of proposed technique are (i) the classification accuracy remains unaffected due to cancelable biometric templates generated using random permutation, (ii) security and quality of generated templates and (iii) robustness across different biometrics. In addition, no image registration is required for performing recognition. 相似文献
This paper proposes a novel method of supervised and unsupervised multi-linear neighborhood preserving projection (MNPP) for face recognition. Unlike conventional neighborhood preserving projections, the MNPP method operates directly on tensorial data rather than vectors or matrices, and solves problems of tensorial representation for multi-dimensional feature extraction, classification and recognition. As opposed to traditional approaches such as NPP and 2DNPP, which derive only one subspace, multiple interrelated subspaces are obtained in the MNPP method by unfolding the tensor over different tensorial directions. The number of subspaces derived by MNPP is determined by the order of the tensor space. This approach is used for face recognition and biometrical security classification problems involving higher order tensors. The performance of our proposed and existing techniques is analyzed using three benchmark facial datasets ORL, AR, and FERET. The obtained results show that the MNPP outperforms the standard approaches in terms of the error rate. 相似文献
研究表明基于整体思想的人脸识别方法由于忽略图像的局部信息,在识别性能方面不如局部信息特征保持较好的基于子模块思想的识别算法。基于应用流形技术对图像降维后能够较好保持非线性子流形中的局部数据流形结构,提出了一种改进的子模式局部保持映射人脸识别算法。其主要思想是将同类的不同图像一并划分子集,由同位置子图组成子模块,并对子模块运用LPP算法学习其流形结构,与将不同类图像一并划分子集学习流形的方法不同。实验表明,该算法能更好地保持人脸图像的局部流形结构和信息特征,提高了识别率。 相似文献
In face recognition, when the number of images in the training set is much smaller than the number of pixels in each image, Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) often suffers from the singularity problem. To overcome singularity problem, principal component analysis is applied as a preprocessing step. But this procession may discard some important discriminative information. In this paper, a novel algorithm called Optimal Locality Preserving Projections (O-LPP) is proposed. The algorithm transforms the singular eigensystem computation to eigenvalue decomposition problems without losing any discriminative information, which can reduce the computation complexity. And the theoretical analysis related to the algorithm is also obtained. Extensive experiments on face databases demonstrate the proposed algorithm is superior to the traditional LPP algorithm. 相似文献
针对全局降维方法判别信息不足,局部降维方法对邻域关系的判定存在缺陷的问题,提出一种新的基于间距的降维方法——间距判别投影(MDP)。首先,根据类的中心均值的异类近邻关系定义描述类边缘的边界向量;在这个基础上,MDP重新定义类间离散度矩阵,同时,使用全局的方法构造类内离散度矩阵;然后,MDP借鉴判别分析思想建立衡量类间距的准则,并通过类间距最大化增强样本在投影空间中的可分性。对MDP在人脸表情数据库JAFFE和Extended Cohn-Kanade上进行表情识别实验,并且跟传统的降维方法主成分分析(PCA)、最大间距准则(MMC)和边界Fisher分析(MFA)进行对比,实验结果表明,所提算法能够有效提取更具区分性的低维特征,比其他几种方法分类精度更高。 相似文献
局部保持投影算法是基于流形的学习方法,在人脸识别过程中容易遇到奇异值问题,为此提出一种利用奇异值分解的方法。在模型中,样本数据被投影到一个非奇异正交矩阵中,解决了奇异值问题;然后再根据局部保持投影算法求出新样本空间的低维投影子空间。将训练样本和测试样本分别投影到低维子空间中,再利用最近邻分类器进行分类识别。在ORL人脸数据库中,采用了一系列的实验来对比该算法与传统局部保持投影算法和主成分分析算法的识别效果。实验结果验证了改进的局部保持投影算法在人脸识别的有效性。 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, aiming at the drawback of the popular dimensionality reduction method Discriminant Sparse Neighborhood Preserving Embedding(DSNPE), i.e. the... 相似文献
人脸空间是嵌套在高维观测空间中的低维流形,为了更好地描述人脸空间的凸起和凹进等细微结构,提出了一种基于二维测地线距离保持映射的人脸识别算法。算法采用矩阵的模式表示人脸空间中的样本图像;基于图像的矩阵表示模型,采用二维测地线距离保持映射算法计算人脸空间的低维嵌套流形;以人脸样本在低维流形空间中的投影为特征进行人脸识别。在CMU PIE人脸数据库上的实验结果验证了算法的合理性和有效性。 相似文献
LPP算法是无监督算法,并没有考虑到不同类别的样本对分类效果的影响,结果会造成不同类数据点的重叠,故所获得的子空间对于分类问题来说未必是最优的。提出一种新的基于监督判别局部保持投影(SDLPP)的表情识别算法。利用样本的类别信息重新构造LPP算法中的相似矩阵,然后在目标函数中增加类间散度约束,这样就会在保持样本点局部结构的同时,使不同类的样本点相互远离,从而得到更具有判别性的表情特征。该算法在识别率上比其他方法都有较大提高,通过在JAFFE表情库上的实验验证了其有效性。 相似文献
This paper proposes a novel algorithm for image feature extraction, namely, the two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP), which directly extracts the proper features from image matrices based on locality preserving criterion. Experimental results on the PolyU palmprint database show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
In this paper, an adaptively weighted sub-pattern locality preserving projection (Aw-SpLPP) algorithm is proposed for face recognition. Unlike the traditional LPP algorithm which operates directly on the whole face image patterns and obtains a global face features that best detects the essential face manifold structure, the proposed Aw-SpLPP method operates on sub-patterns partitioned from an original whole face image and separately extracts corresponding local sub-features from them. Furthermore, the contribution of each sub-pattern can be adaptively computed by Aw-SpLPP in order to enhance the robustness to facial pose, expression and illumination variations. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by extensive experiments on three standard face databases (Yale, YaleB and PIE). Experimental results show that Aw-SpLPP outperforms other holistic and sub-pattern based methods. 相似文献
A comprehensive nonparametric statistical learning framework, called LPiTrack, is introduced for large-scale eye-movement pattern discovery. The foundation of our data-compression scheme is based on a new Karhunen–Loéve-type representation of the stochastic process in Hilbert space by specially designed orthonormal polynomial expansions. We apply this novel nonlinear transformation-based statistical data-processing algorithm to extract temporal-spatial-static characteristics from eye-movement trajectory data in an automated, robust way for biometric authentication. This is a significant step towards designing a next-generation gaze-based biometric identification system. We elucidate the essential components of our algorithm through data from the second Eye Movements Verification and Identification Competition, organized as a part of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Biometrics. 相似文献
针对传统隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)在对手写维吾尔文字符建模时,字符宽度变化大,模型训练收敛缓慢,且易陷入局部极值的问题,提出一种基于保局投影(LPP)与HMM相结合的维吾尔字符识别方法。首先,通过高度归一化保持原图像的宽高比,用滑动窗获取子图像序列,形成观测向量序列;其次,采用局部保持投影将观测序列映射到低维空间,并用随机抽样方法降低邻接图矩阵的规模;最后,采用新观测序列训练HMM。该算法在降维的同时提高了HMM的收敛速度,降低了陷入局部极值的风险。实验结果显示,算法的平均收敛步数减少,错误率降低,表明算法是有效的。 相似文献
法的有效性。 相似文献
保局投影算法(LPP)在人脸识别中具有较好的识别性能,但它是一种非监督学习,并且在具体实现时需要把图像转换为向量,破坏了图像的像素结构,这显然不利于模式识别。针对这些问题,提出基于酉子空间的二维判别保局算法,不仅在判别保局算法的基础上增加了类别信息,而且直接在灰度矩阵上进行水平和垂直方向上的二维保局投影。该方法构造酉空间上的复向量后再运用线性判别分析提取特征。在ORL、Yale和XJTU人脸库中验证了算法的正确性和有效性,其识别率比传统的2DLDA和2DLPP等方法提高4~5个百分点。 相似文献
Pattern Analysis and Applications - Dimensionality reduction techniques based on manifold learning are becoming very popular for computer vision tasks like image recognition and image... 相似文献
In this paper, an efficient feature extraction algorithm called orthogonal local spline discriminant projection (O-LSDP) is proposed for face recognition. Derived from local spline embedding (LSE), O-LSDP not only inherits the advantages of LSE which uses local tangent space as a representation of the local geometry so as to preserve the local structure, but also makes full use of class information and orthogonal subspace to improve discriminant power. Extensive experiments on several standard face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献