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概述了社区发现算法的研究现状; 介绍了因分析对象的不同而产生的四类社区发现方法:矩阵谱分析方法、层次聚类方法、基于边图思想的方法和基于极大团思想的方法。对其中性能最优的层次聚类方法进行了详细的综述, 并对其典型算法进行了分析比较。最后, 提出了社区发现算法可能的研究方向, 为今后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

To detect communities in signed networks consisting of both positive and negative links, two new evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and two new memetic algorithms (MAs) are proposed and compared. Furthermore, two measures, namely the improved modularity Q and the improved modularity density D-value, are used as the objective functions. The improved measures not only preserve all properties of the original ones, but also have the ability of dealing with negative links. Moreover, D-value can also control the partition to different resolutions. To fully investigate the performance of these four algorithms and the two objective functions, benchmark social networks and various large-scale randomly generated signed networks are used in the experiments. The experimental results not only show the capability and high efficiency of the four algorithms in successfully detecting communities from signed networks, but also indicate that the two MAs outperform the two EAs in terms of the solution quality and the computational cost. Moreover, by tuning the parameter in D-value, the four algorithms have the multi-resolution ability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose novel methods to evaluate the performance of object detection algorithms in video sequences. This procedure allows us to highlight characteristics (e.g., region splitting or merging) which are specific of the method being used. The proposed framework compares the output of the algorithm with the ground truth and measures the differences according to objective metrics. In this way it is possible to perform a fair comparison among different methods, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and allowing the user to perform a reliable choice of the best method for a specific application. We apply this methodology to segmentation algorithms recently proposed and describe their performance. These methods were evaluated in order to assess how well they can detect moving regions in an outdoor scene in fixed-camera situations.  相似文献   

A protocol for performance evaluation of line detection algorithms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Accurate and efficient vectorization of line drawings is essential for any higher level processing in document analysis and recognition systems. In spite of the prevalence of vectorization and line detection methods, no standard for their performance evaluation protocol exists. We propose a protocol for evaluating both straight and circular line extraction to help compare, select, improve, and even design line detection algorithms to be incorporated into line drawing recognition and understanding systems. The protocol involves both positive and negative sets of indices, at pixel and vector levels. Time efficiency is also included in the protocol. The protocol may be extended to handle lines of any shape as well as other classes of graphic objects.  相似文献   

The world around us may be viewed as a network of entities interconnected via their social, economic, and political interactions. These entities and their interactions form a social network. A social network is often modeled as a graph whose nodes represent entities, and edges represent interactions between these entities. These networks are characterized by the collective latent behavior that does not follow trivially from the behaviors of the individual entities in the network. One such behavior is the existence of hierarchy in the network structure, the sub-networks being popularly known as communities. Discovery of the community structure in a social network is a key problem in social network analysis as it refines our understanding of the social fabric. Not surprisingly, the problem of detecting communities in social networks has received substantial attention from the researchers.In this paper, we propose parallel implementations of recently proposed community detection algorithms that employ variants of the well-known quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QIEA). Like any other evolutionary algorithm, a quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm is also characterized by the representation of the individual, the evaluation function, and the population dynamics. However, individual bits called qubits, are in a superposition of states. As chromosomes evolve individually, the quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms (QIEAs) are intrinsically suitable for parallelization.In recent years, programmable graphics processing units — GPUs, have evolved into massively parallel environments with tremendous computational power. NVIDIA® compute unified device architecture (CUDA®) technology, one of the leading general-purpose parallel computing architectures with hundreds of cores, can concurrently run thousands of computing threads. The paper proposes novel parallel implementations of quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms in the field of community detection on CUDA-enabled GPUs.The proposed implementations employ a single-population fine-grained approach that is suited for massively parallel computations. In the proposed approach, each element of a chromosome is assigned to a separate thread. It is observed that the proposed algorithms perform significantly better than the benchmark algorithms. Further, the proposed parallel implementations achieve significant speedup over the serial versions. Due to the highly parallel nature of the proposed algorithms, an increase in the number of multiprocessors and GPU devices may lead to a further speedup.  相似文献   

综述了近年来国内外对动态社区发现的主要研究进展。从同步、自旋和随机游动三个方面分析了动态社区发现算法的原理。对目前存在的各种动态社区发现算法进行了深入剖析和全面比较,指出当前动态社区发现的研究热点及将来需要重点关注的主要问题。  相似文献   

Knowledge and Information Systems - Detection of communities is one of the prominent characteristics of vast and complex networks like social networks, collaborative networks, and web graphs. In...  相似文献   

社团发现方法能够用来挖掘网络中隐藏的聚簇结构信息,对复杂网络结构与功能的分析具有重要意义.近些年来,随着网络数据的爆炸式增长,网络演化的多样性,涌现出了大量能够处理不同场景的社团发现方法和框架.为了深入了解社团发现领域的研究现状和发展趋势,对复杂网络中的社团发现算法进行综述.首先,对这些算法进行了分类;其次,详细介绍了每一类算法,并进行了分析和对比;之后,介绍了一些常用的评价指标,并阐述了社团发现的应用场景;最后,对该领域未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

针对算法评价的模糊性,提出一种基于模糊数学理论的算法综合评价模型,并用于状态估计中不良数据检测与辨识算法的综合评估。通过在不同系统配置条件下,对四种常用不良数据检测与辨识算法进行综合评估,比较出其优劣特性,验证了该评估系统的正确性,实现了算法评估中定性分析的定量化,为实际系统算法的选择提供了有效参考。  相似文献   

Performance analysis of distributed deadlock detection algorithms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper presents a probabilistic performance analysis of a deadlock detection algorithm in distributed systems. Although there has been extensive study on deadlock detection algorithms in distributed systems, little attention has been paid to the study of the performance of these algorithms. Most work on performance study has been achieved through simulation but not through an analytic model. Min (1990), to the best of our knowledge, made the sole attempt to evaluate the performance of distributed deadlock detection algorithms analytically. Being different from Min's, our analytic approach takes the time-dependent behavior of each process into consideration rather than simply taking the mean-value estimation. Furthermore, the relation among the times when deadlocked processes become blocked is studied, which enhances the accuracy of the analysis. We measure performance metrics such as duration of deadlock, the number of algorithm invocations, and the mean waiting time of a blocked process. It is shown that the analytic estimates are nearly consistent with simulation results  相似文献   

Many algorithms have been proposed for detecting anti-tank landmines and discriminating between mines and clutter objects using data generated by a ground penetrating radar (GPR) sensor. Our extensive testing of some of these algorithms has indicated that their performances are strongly dependent upon a variety of factors that are correlated with geographical and environmental conditions. It is typically the case that one algorithm may perform well in one setting and not so well in another. Thus, fusion methods that take advantage of the stronger algorithms for a given setting without suffering from the effects of weaker algorithms in the same setting are needed to improve the robustness of the detection system. In this paper, we discuss, test, and compare seven different fusion methods: Bayesian, distance-based, Dempster-Shafer, Borda count, decision template, Choquet integral, and context-dependent fusion. We present the results of a cross validation experiment that uses a diverse data set together with results of eight detection and discrimination algorithms. These algorithms are the top ranked algorithms after extensive testing. The data set was acquired from multiple collections from four outdoor sites at different locations using the NIITEK GPR system. This collection covers over 41,807 m2 of ground and includes 1593 anti-tank mine encounters.  相似文献   

The proportion of packed malware has been growing rapidly and now comprises more than 80 % of all existing malware. In this paper, we propose a method for classifying the packing algorithms of given unknown packed executables, regardless of whether they are malware or benign programs. First, we scale the entropy values of a given executable and convert the entropy values of a particular location of memory into symbolic representations. Our proposed method uses symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX), which is known to be effective for large data conversions. Second, we classify the distribution of symbols using supervised learning classification methods, i.e., naive Bayes and support vector machines for detecting packing algorithms. The results of our experiments involving a collection of 324 packed benign programs and 326 packed malware programs with 19 packing algorithms demonstrate that our method can identify packing algorithms of given executables with a high accuracy of 95.35 %, a recall of 95.83 %, and a precision of 94.13 %. We propose four similarity measurements for detecting packing algorithms based on SAX representations of the entropy values and an incremental aggregate analysis. Among these four metrics, the fidelity similarity measurement demonstrates the best matching result, i.e., a rate of accuracy ranging from 95.0 to 99.9 %, which is from 2 to 13  higher than that of the other three metrics. Our study confirms that packing algorithms can be identified through an entropy analysis based on a measure of the uncertainty of the running processes and without prior knowledge of the executables.  相似文献   

A current research topic in molecular thermodynamics is the condensation of vapor to liquid and the investigation of this process at the molecular level. Condensation is found in many physical phenomena, e.g. the formation of atmospheric clouds or the processes inside steam turbines, where a detailed knowledge of the dynamics of condensation processes will help to optimize energy efficiency and avoid problems with droplets of macroscopic size. The key properties of these processes are the nucleation rate and the critical cluster size. For the calculation of these properties it is essential to make use of a meaningful definition of molecular clusters, which currently is a not completely resolved issue. In this paper a framework capable of interactively visualizing molecular datasets of such nucleation simulations is presented, with an emphasis on the detected molecular clusters. To check the quality of the results of the cluster detection, our framework introduces the concept of flow groups to highlight potential cluster evolution over time which is not detected by the employed algorithm. To confirm the findings of the visual analysis, we coupled the rendering view with a schematic view of the clusters' evolution. This allows to rapidly assess the quality of the molecular cluster detection algorithm and to identify locations in the simulation data in space as well as in time where the cluster detection fails. Thus, thermodynamics researchers can eliminate weaknesses in their cluster detection algorithms. Several examples for the effective and efficient usage of our tool are presented.  相似文献   

Identifying and restoring distresses in asphalt pavement have key significance in durability and long life of roads and highways. A vast number of accidents occurs on the roads and highways due to the pavement distresses. This paper aims to detect and localize one of the critical roadway distresses, the potholes, using computer vision. We have processed images of asphalt pavement for experimentation containing the pothole and non-pothole regions. We proposed a top-down scheme for the detection and localization of potholes in the pavement images. First, we classified pothole/non-pothole images using a bag of words (BoW) approach. We employed and computed famous scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features to establish the visual vocabulary of words to represent pavement surface. Support vector machine (SVM) is employed for the training and testing of histograms of words of pavement images. Secondly, we proposed graph cut segmentation scheme to localize the potholes in the labelled pothole images. This paper presents both, subjective and objective evaluation of potholes localization results with the ground truth. We evaluated the proposed scheme on a pavement surface dataset containing the wide-ranging pavement images in different scenarios. Experimentation results show that we achieved an accuracy of 95.7% for the identification of pothole images with significant precision and recall. Subjective evaluation of potholes localization results in high recall with relatively good accuracy. However, the objective assessment shows the 91.4% accuracy for localization of potholes.  相似文献   

In the era of big data, some data records are interrelated with each other in many areas, such as marketing, management, health care, and education. These interrelated data can be more naturally represented as networks with nodes and edges. Inside this type of networks, there is usually a hidden community structure where each community represents a relatively independent functional module. Such hidden community structures are useful for many applications, such as word-of-mouth marketing, promoting decentralized social interactions inside organizations, and searching biological pathways related to various diseases. Therefore, how to detect hidden community structures becomes an important task with wide applications. Currently, modularity-based methods are widely-used among many existing community structure detection methods. They detect communities with more internal edges than expected under the null hypothesis of independence. Since research in correlation analysis also searches for patterns which occur more than expected under the null hypothesis of independence, this paper proposed a framework of changing the original modularity function according to different existing correlation functions in the correlation analysis research area. Such a framework can utilize not only the current but also the future potential research progresses in correlation analysis to advance community detection. In addition, a novel graphical analysis on different modified-modularity functions is conducted to analyze their different preferences, which are also validated by our evaluation on both real life and simulated networks. Our work to connect modularity-based methods with correlation analysis has several significant impacts on the community detection research and its applications to expert and intelligent systems. First, the research progress in correlation analysis can be utilized to define a more effective objective function in community detection for better detection results since different real-life applications might need communities with different resolutions. Second, any existing research progress for the modularity function, such as the Louvain method for speeding up the search and different extensions for overlapping community detection, can be applied in a similar way to the new objective function derived from existing correlation functions, because the new objective function is unified within one framework with the modularity function. Third, our framework opens a large unexplored area for the researchers interested in community detection. For example, what is the best heuristic search method for each different objective function? What are the characteristics of each objective function when applied to overlapping community detection? Among different extensions to overlapping community detection, which extension is better for each objective function?  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of Case-Based Reasoning to the problem of reducing the number of final-line fraud investigations in the credit approval process. The performance of a suite of algorithms, which are applied in combination to determine a diagnosis from a set of retrieved cases, is reported. An adaptive diagnosis algorithm combining several neighbourhood-based and probabilistic algorithms was found to have the best performance, and these results indicate that an adaptive solution can provide fraud filtering and case ordering functions for reducing the number of final-line fraud investigations necessary.  相似文献   

Evaluation of object detection algorithms is a non-trivial task: a detection result is usually evaluated by comparing the bounding box of the detected object with the bounding box of the ground truth object. The commonly used precision and recall measures are computed from the overlap area of these two rectangles. However, these measures have several drawbacks: they don't give intuitive information about the proportion of the correctly detected objects and the number of false alarms, and they cannot be accumulated across multiple images without creating ambiguity in their interpretation. Furthermore, quantitative and qualitative evaluation is often mixed resulting in ambiguous measures.In this paper we propose a new approach which tackles these problems. The performance of a detection algorithm is illustrated intuitively by performance graphs which present object level precision and recall depending on constraints on detection quality. In order to compare different detection algorithms, a representative single performance value is computed from the graphs. The influence of the test database on the detection performance is illustrated by performance/generality graphs. The evaluation method can be applied to different types of object detection algorithms. It has been tested on different text detection algorithms, among which are the participants of the ICDAR 2003 text detection competition.The work presented in this article has been conceived in the framework of two industrial contracts with France Télécom in the framework of the projects ECAV I and ECAV II with respective numbers 001B575 and 0011BA66.  相似文献   

目的 随着城市交通拥堵问题的日益严重,建立有效的道路拥堵可视化系统,对智慧城市建设起着重要作用。针对目前基于车辆密度分析法、车速判定法、行驶时间判定法等模式单一,可信度低的问题,提出了一种基于DBSCAN+(density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise plus)的道路拥堵识别可视化方法。方法 引入分块并行计算,相较于传统密度算法,可以适应大规模轨迹数据,并行降维聚类速度快。对结果中缓行区类簇判别路段起始点和终止点,通过曲线拟合和拓扑网络纠偏算法,将类簇中轨迹样本点所表征的路段通过地图匹配算法匹配在电子地图中,并结合各类簇中浮动车平均行驶速度判别道路拥堵程度,以颜色深浅程度进行区分可视化。结果 实验结果表明,DBSCAN+算法相较现有改进的DBSCAN算法时间复杂度具有优势,由指数降为线性,可适应海量轨迹点。相较主流地图产品,利用城市出租车车载OBD(on board diagnostics)数据进行城区道路拥堵识别,提取非畅通路段总检出长度相较最优产品提高28.9%,拥堵识别命中率高达91%,较主流产品城区拥堵识别平均命中率提高15%。结论 在城市路网中,基于DBSCAN+密度聚类和缓行区平均移动速度的多表征道路拥堵识别算法与主流地图产品相比,对拥堵识别率、通勤程度划分更具代表性,可信度更高,可以为道路拥堵识别的实时性提供保障。  相似文献   

陈晓芳  李季 《计算机应用》2021,41(z2):81-85
针对如何方便、快速、准确地检测常见的路面损害问题,提高路面损害的检测效率,选取三种常用的One-Stage目标检测算法(SSD、YOLOv3、RetinaNet),以智能手机拍照的方式收集路面损害数据,利用LabelImg工具制作图像标签数据集,通过替换其主干网络的方式训练了6种检测模型(SSD-MobileNetv1...  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - This research concentrates on segmenting credit card clients of Taiwan into optimal groups. Unsupervised Learning plays a significant role in dividing customers into...  相似文献   

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