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The pure Zn foils with different thicknesses(0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mm) were selected as interlayers to improve the quality of friction stir lap welding joint of 7075-T6 Al and AZ31 B Mg dissimilar alloys. The effects of the interlayer thickness on joint formation, microstructure and tensile strength were analyzed. The results displayed that the maximum length of the boundary between stir zone(SZ) and thermo-mechanically affected zone in lower plate was obtained by the addition of the Zn interlayer with 0.05 mm thickness. The Mg–Zn intermetallic compounds(IMCs) were discontinuously distributed in the SZ, replacing the continuous Al–Mg IMCs. The size of Mg–Zn IMCs increased with the increase in the thickness of the Zn interlayer. The maximum tensile shear strength of 276 N mm-1 was obtained by the addition of 0.05 mm Zn foil, which increased by 45.6% of that of the joint without the Zn foil addition.  相似文献   

In this work, the influence of the Zener-Hollomon (Z) parameter on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper subjected to friction stir welding (FSW) was investigated. Liquid N2 cooling was conducted to control the cooling rate after the FSW. The obtained results demonstrate that the Z parameter was dependent on the tool rotation rate during the FSW, i.e., a higher tool rotating rate resulted in a lower Z parameter. The grain size in the stir zone decreased with the increase in the Z parameter. The relationship between the yield strength and the Z parameter is established as σ0.2 = σ0 + kZn. This relationship exhibited two different plots under the conditions of air cooling and liquid N2 cooling. Even at a similar Z parameter, a significant yield strength difference occurred because massive dislocations, which were caused by the prevention of the post-annealing effect, were maintained in the stir zone. This study suggests that the influence of the post-annealing effect should not be neglected when analyzing the relationship between the Z parameter, microstructure, and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The investigation concentrates on friction stir welded (FSW) Al-Cu-Li alloy concerning its local microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. The grain features were characterized by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) technology, while precipitate characterization was conducted by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) aligned along [011]Al and [001]Al zone axes. The mechanical properties are evaluated through micro-hardness and tensile testing. It can be found that nugget zones exhibit finely equiaxed grains evolved through complete dynamic recrystallization (DRX), primarily occurring in continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX). In the thermal-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), numerous sub-structured grains, exhibiting an elongated morphology, were created due to partial DRX, signifying the dominance of CDRX, DDRX, and geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) in this region. T1 completely dissolves in the nugget zone (NZ) leading to the formation of Guinier-Preston zones and increase of δ′, β′ and S′. Conversely, T1 partially solubilizes in TMAZ, the lowest hardness zone (LHZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ), and the residual T1 undergoes marked coarsening, revealing various T1 variants. The solubilization and coarsening of T1 are primary contributors to the degradation of hardness and strength. θ′ primarily dissolves and coarsens in NZ and TMAZ, whilst this precipitate largely coarsens in HAZ and LHZ. σ, TB, grain boundary phases (GBPs) and precipitate-free zone (PFZ) are newly generated during FSW. σ exists in the TMAZ, LHZ and HAZ, whereas TB nucleates in NZ. GBPs and PFZ mostly develop in LHZ and HAZ, which can cause strain localization during tensile deformation, potentially leading to LHZ joint fracture.  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)完成了3 mm厚TC4钛合金和2A14-T14铝合金的连接,研究了搅拌头偏移对接头的成形及拉伸性能的影响。结果表明在搅拌头向铝合金侧的偏移对接头的最大抗拉强度有显著的影响。接头最大抗拉强度随搅拌头的偏移量的增加逐渐升高。在偏移量为2.0 mm、搅拌头转速从400 r/min增加到700 r/min时,接头的最大抗拉强度逐渐降低。在偏移量为2.5 mm、接头的最大抗拉强度随转速的增加逐渐升高。当在搅拌头转速为700 r/min, 焊接速度为60 mm/min时,所得接头强度最高,约347 MPa,为铝合金母材的83 %。接头的断裂位置和拉伸强度均取决于微观组织和金属间化合物。对于强度最高的接头,由于TiAl相的生成,接头于铝合金侧热影响区发生断裂。  相似文献   

Four tools with different pin centerline deviations were fabricated to friction stir weld (FSW) thick plates of Al-Mg-Zn-Cu alloys. The results show that, compared with the pin without pin centerline deviation, the applying of pin centerline deviation is favorable to improve the flowability of plastic material, enlarging the size of nugget zone, refining the grains and reprecipitated phase particles, enhancing the degrees of dynamic recrystallization and quantity of high angle grain boundaries owing to higher temperature and bigger eccentric force, resulting in the increase of strain hardening. Especially for the used pin with a centerline deviation of 0.2 mm, the highest average hardness and best metallurgical properties of thick FSW joints are produced, and which are consistent with the microstructure evolution and recrystallization behavior. Moreover, the fracture mode of the joints produced by the pins with centerline deviation from 0 mm to 0.3 mm changes gradually from a brittle fracture in the nugget zone (NZ) to a ductile failure in the HAZ.  相似文献   

采用超声波焊接技术对Mg/Ti异种金属进行了焊接,研究了不同焊接能量对接头界面峰值温度、界面形貌、界面原子扩散程度以及力学性能的影响规律。研究发现:Mg/Ti超声波焊接接头整体界面较平直,局部界面有较小起伏,未发现裂纹、未熔合等缺陷,也未看到明显的反应层;随着焊接能量的增大,界面峰值温度升高,原子扩散层厚度增大,连接区面积逐渐增大,接头力学性能得到提高,而能量达到2000J时镁侧母材出现裂纹;接头断裂模式分为界面断裂和纽扣断裂,界面断裂时断裂发生在镁侧扩散层区域和镁侧非扩散层区域。扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪分析表明,Mg/Ti连接界面区域无明显的金属间化合物生成。  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊实现TC1钛合金和LF6铝合金异种材料的搭接连接,并对界面特性进行研究。采用所选取的工艺参数均能获得良好的表面成形,但每一种工艺参数下的界面形貌不同。随着焊接速度的增加或搅拌头转速的降低,被搅拌针搅入焊核区的钛合金粒子的数量减少,而且搭接接头的抗拉载荷也随着焊接速度的提高而降低。当焊接速度为60mm/min、搅拌头旋转速度为1500r/min时,接头的抗拉载荷达到最大值,此时的界面区可以分成三层。搭接接头的显微硬度分布不均匀,焊核中心区的显微硬度值最大,高达HV502。  相似文献   

AA2198–T851 sheets were welded by bobbin tool friction stir welding using a rotational speed of 800?rpm and welding speed of 42?mm?min?1. The microstructure and precipitates within the joint were characterised by transmission electron microscopy. The global and local mechanical behaviour was determined using a digital image correlation system. Specific attention was given to the relationship between the local microstructure and properties across the joint, which govern the global strength and ductility of the welds. A lower global elongation of the joint is caused by the premature strain localisation in the softened zone.  相似文献   


An Al–Mg–Si alloy was friction stir welded (FSW), and the microstructure of the zigzag line in the welds was investigated using optical microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of the zigzag line on the mechanical properties of the as welded joints was also examined. It was found that in the welds with high heat input, small discontinuous cavities or microcracks of several micrometres in size exist along the zigzag line, and the microcracked zigzag line was found to significantly affect the face bend properties of the FSW joint, but had limited influence on the tensile properties of the butt welds. In joints with low heat input, the zigzag line was only composed of oxide particles, no cavities or microcracks were detected at the zigzag line.  相似文献   

In this study for the first time, the effects of decrease in heat inflow to the weld metal in friction stir process by utilising semisolid processing and decreasing the pin rotational speed as well as increasing the pin transverse speed were examined. As a result, the characteristic loss of hardness and strength in the weld zone were eliminated. The results showed that by approaching the ultrafine microstructure in the weld zone through the hybrid FSW/SSW process, the hardness and elongation values reached to 90?Hv and 8.88%, respectively. These are only slightly different from those of the base metal of the welded samples. Furthermore, the ultimate tensile strength of the samples welded by the hybrid technique was found to be about 167?MPa that was higher than those of the samples welded by friction stir welding (151?MPa) and semisolid welding (114?MPa) techniques.  相似文献   

In this study, 2.4 mm thick high-strength martensitic steel plates with a tensile strength of 1500 MPa were friction stir welded at various welding speeds of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 mm/min and a constant rotation speed of 300 rpm. Sound joints could be obtained when the welding speed was 40, 60 and 80 mm/min, while a kissing bond was found in the joint welded at 100 and 120 mm/min. It was revealed that the peak temperature exceeded AC3 (the end temperature at which all ferrite transformed to austenite when the steel was heated) for all the welding conditions and martensitic structures were finally formed in the stir zone of the joints. A significant decrease in hardness was located in the heat-affected zone, which had a transitional microstructure from tempered martensite near base metal to a mixed structure containing hard martensite, soft ferrite and bainite near stir zone. For the sound joints, the specimen was fractured in the heat-affected zone during tensile tests and the highest tensile strength could reach about 1058 MPa.  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊对AZ91D镁合金进行焊接试验,研究了搅拌摩擦焊接头的组织与性能.结果表明,当转速为1 000~1 400 r/min、焊速为50~150 mm/min时,均可得到表面成形良好、内部无孔洞和隧道的焊缝;焊接区与母材组织差异极大,焊接区形成细小、均匀的再结晶组织,具有锻造组织特征;热影响区为部分再结晶组织,再结晶晶粒沿原铸造晶粒的晶界生长;对接头进行拉伸试验,断裂发生在母材处,表明接头的抗拉强度高于母材.  相似文献   

The status quo of aluminium-to-copper joining by friction stir welding (FSW) drastically changed in recent years, as a result of the increased interest of the scientific community on this subject. Actually, since 2006 a large increase in the number of research groups addressing Al–Cu FSW has been witnessed all over the world, together with a significant increase in the amount of published studies. A chronological perspective on the evolution in Al–Cu FSW research is provided in this work, highlighting the pioneer and original contribution of several researchers to the current knowledge on the subject. Detailed and comprehensive investigations on the material flow mechanisms, the phenomena governing the formation and distribution of intermetallic phases during Al–Cu FSW, their relations with the welding parameters and their impact on the morphological, structural and mechanical properties of the welds are thoroughly discussed. The main findings reported in the literature are summarised in thematic tables.  相似文献   

Microstructural evolution and strain hardening behavior of a friction stir welded(FSWed) high-strength7075Al-T651 alloy were evaluated.The nugget zone was observed to consist of fine and equiaxed recrystallized grains with a low dislocation density and free of original precipitates,but containing uniformly distributed dispersoids.The strength,joint efficiency,and ductility of the FSWed joints increased with increasing welding speed.A joint efficiency of *91% was achieved at a welding speed of 400 mm/min and rotational rate of 800 r/min,while the ductility remained basically the same as that of the base metal.There was no obvious strain rate sensitivity observed in both base metal and welded joints.While both the base metal and FSWed joints exhibited stage III and IV hardening characteristics,the hardening capacity,strain hardening exponent,and strain hardening rate all increased after friction stir welding.  相似文献   

The effects of inadequate shoulder contact and poor gas shielding were examined in friction stir welds of ATI 425 titanium. Welds with varying oxidation induced surface discolorations due to poor gas shielding and varying amounts of shoulder contact were studied to determine the effects of these parameters on the microstructure, microhardness, and three-point bend test properties of the welds. The effects of these parameters and their effects on the mechanical properties of the resultant weld are discussed.  相似文献   

Although sound AA6061-T6 joints can be produced by friction stir welding, a loss in strength takes place in the weld region. In this study, it was demonstrated that the strength of the nugget could be increased by the use of a higher strength interlayer during friction stir welding. This strength recovery cannot, however, be attainable in the heat affected zone. Although an external cooling was applied during welding in order to increase strength in the heat affected zone, it was not sufficient for achieving the required cooling condition for improved strength.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to investigate on the mechanical and microstructural properties of dissimilar 2024 and 7075 aluminium sheets joined by friction stir welding (FSW). The two sheets, aligned with perpendicular rolling directions, have been successfully welded; successively, the welded sheets have been tested under tension at room temperature in order to analyse the mechanical response with respect to the parent materials. The fatigue endurance (S–N) curves of the welded joints have been achieved, since the fatigue behaviour of light welded sheets is the best performance indicator for a large part of industrial applications; a resonant electro-mechanical testing machine load and a constant load ratio Rmin/σmax =0.1 have been used at a load frequency of about 75 Hz. The resulted microstructure due to the FSW process has been studied by employing optical and scanning electron microscopy either on ‘as welded’ specimens and on tested specimen after rupture occurred.  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)完成了3 mm厚TC4钛合金和2A14-T14铝合金的连接,研究了搅拌头偏移对接头的成形及拉伸性能的影响。结果表明在搅拌头向铝合金侧的偏移对接头的最大抗拉强度有显著的影响。接头最大抗拉强度随搅拌头的偏移量的增加逐渐升高。在偏移量为2.0 mm、搅拌头转速从400 r/min增加到700 r/min时,接头的最大抗拉强度逐渐降低。在偏移量为2.5 mm、接头的最大抗拉强度随转速的增加逐渐升高。当在搅拌头转速为700 r/min,焊接速度为60 mm/min时,所得接头强度最高,约347 MPa,为铝合金母材的83%。接头的断裂位置和拉伸强度均取决于微观组织和金属间化合物。对于强度最高的接头,由于TiA l相的生成,接头于铝合金侧热影响区发生断裂。  相似文献   

焊具是搅拌摩擦焊的核心,对焊接质量起至关重要的作用. 利用不旋转轴肩焊接系统对6061-T6铝和AZ31B镁合金进行连接,重点分析传统和不旋转轴肩焊接系统下接头成形和力学性能等. 结果表明,与传统工艺相比,采用不旋转轴肩工艺的接头表面成形更加光滑,焊核区以典型铝镁混合的叠层结构为主,且铝镁冶金结合界面呈弯曲状,有效地增强了铝镁异种材料的机械咬合效果;焊缝区金属间化合物层明显减小,其主要是由不旋转轴肩增强焊核区材料的搅拌效果并起到“热沉”的作用所致. 采用不旋转轴肩的接头最大抗拉强度为137 MPa,较传统工艺提高了28%.  相似文献   

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