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龙晶 《移动信息》2023,45(3):189-191
当前,舆论场网络舆情的热门话题大多起源于互联网,大部分重大舆情事件因互联网的传播而放大,如何追溯、治理、处置网络舆情,是政府部门面临的关键性问题。文中旨在应用区块链技术,设计一套舆情协同处置系统,实现治理主体由单一部门主导向多元主体协同治理转变,推动多主体共同参与网络舆情的治理,提高舆情采集与协同处理能力。  相似文献   

针对海量数据下,基于区块链的联邦学习数据共享平台面临的效率低下和隐私泄露问题,该文提出基于混合隐私的区块链高效模型协同训练共享方案。在该方案中,首先根据欧氏距离设计了一种基于相似度的训练成员选择算法来选择训练成员,组成联邦社区,即通过选取少量的高匹配训练节点来提高训练的效率和效果。然后,结合阈值同态加密和差分隐私,设计一种基于混合隐私技术的模型协同训练共享方案来保证训练和共享过程中的隐私性。实验结果和系统实现表明,所提方案可以在保证训练结果准确率的情况下,实现高效训练和隐私保护下的数据共享。  相似文献   

The ongoing, in-depth transformation of the electricity sector towards increased use of alternative, renewable energy sources extends beyond a simple decentralisation drive in the electricity market. The transformation process is characterised by the interplay of old and new technologies from the energy sector as well as structural coupling with other sectors, such as the information and communications technology (ICT), enabling the technology transfer as well as market entry by information technology (IT) actors. Blockchain-based technologies have the potential to play a key role in this transition by offering decentralised interfaces and systems as well as an alternative approach to the current organisation form of the energy market. This paper discusses the applicability and prospects for blockchain-based technologies in the energy sector, which are described using the term “blockchain energy”. For the purposes of this study, blockchain energy encompasses all socio-technical and organisational configurations in the energy sector based on the utilisation of the blockchain principle for energy trading, information storage, and/or increased transparency of energy flows and energy services. In the following chapters, the authors present and discuss the current transformation in the electricity market, followed by a review of the different utilisation possibilities for blockchain technologies in the energy sector and a discussion of the barriers and potential for blockchain energy using a transition studies perspective. Finally, the opportunities and risks of blockchain energy are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, Blockchain technology has attracted considerable attention from the industrial circle. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology, which must be validated, stored and maintained by all nodes to ensure data security, transparency, and integrity. The communication efficiency of Blockchain is an important factor restricting its application. Existing algorithms can provide data routing schemes for Blockchain but without considering the node failure. On Blockchain, node failure is a common phenomenon due to the nodes’ selfishness and nodes’ mobility. Node failure degrades the network performance or even sometimes makes the network useless. This paper proposes a data transmission scheme considering node failure for finishing validation of block data on Blockchain, which firstly sets response threshold level to detect failure node, and then using greedy idea constructs communication tree to organize all nodes forwarding block data. Based to the multi-link concurrent communication tree model, this scheme maximizes the potential transmitting capacity of nodes and assigns proper tasks to other nodes beside source node, so it can shorten the validation time of Blockchain transaction, and improve resistance to node failure. Theoretical proof and experimental results show the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed data transmission scheme.  相似文献   

The future 6G networks will integrates space and terrestrial networks to realize a fully connected world with extensive collaboration. However,how to build trust between multiple parties is a difficult problem for secure cooperation without a reliable third-party. Blockchain is a promising technology to solve this problem by converting the trust between multi-parties to the trust to the common shared data. Several works have proposed to apply the incentive mechanism in blockchain to encourage ef...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Cognitive manufacturing has brought about an innovative change to the 4th industrial revolution based technology in combination with blockchain distributed...  相似文献   

靳文 《电子质量》1997,(1):29-33
介绍了一些已开放的电信新业务及其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Author Burlingame has been associated with many businesses over the last 15 years or so both as a consultant and as a manager. He says one of the things that has intrigued him over the years has been the attempt to sort out the best from the worst by identifying those elements which characterize the successful businesses but are found rarely in the unsuccessful ones. The time cycle of his observations has been long enough that he has seen good ones that turned sour and poor ones that became gems, as well as some that didn't change from good or poor over that long a cycle. In this article, he shares some of his observations and suggests that you might ptay the game of evaluating the degree to which they do or do not characterize your own operations, and draw your own conclusion as to whether or what modifying actions might be taken.  相似文献   

当前,区块链正在全球范围内兴起,加速应用到证券市场、支付系统、票据与供应链金融、客户征信与反欺诈、数字资产管理等领域,但作为一项新兴技术,其安全风险也不容忽视.本文从区块链的安全特性出发,分析了区块链技术发展过程中面临的挑战和安全风险,提出了针对风险应该采取的应对措施,并给出了区块链行业发展的推进建议.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于区块链技术构建PKI数字证书系统的方法,利用区块链去中心化、不可篡改等特点,解决了传统PKI技术中存在的单点失败问题以及多CA互信难等问题,可降低传统PKI技术中CA中心建设、运营及维护成本,提高证书申请及配置的效率,提升用户使用体验.该系统作为安全基础设施可以应用于多个领域,如4G小基站设备认证、网络切片认证、多CA互信等.  相似文献   

区块链技术具有去中心化、去信任化、透明公开、不可否认等特点,被广泛应用于加密货币的设计与实现。同时,这些良好的特性也可以被用于解决其他领域的发展难题。文章首先阐述区块链的基本概念,并对现有的区块链关键技术进行概述。然后通过分析现有区块链应用中暴露出的问题和技术本身存在的缺陷,探讨其中存在的安全问题。最后总结区块链技术的应用范围、发展前景及有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The validation of academic credits and issuance of academic degree certificates in the Brazilian education system currently occurs in a semi or completely noncomputerized way. The actual digitization of this system could make it more secure and decrease bureaucracy in terms of document validation, saving in storage and labor. Due to the recent increase in forgeries and loss of records, it is paramount that this process becomes more transparent and reliable for all involved parties. This article presents a proposal and an implementation for the digitization of degree certificates and academic credits for higher education in the Brazilian education system. A transparent model based on blockchain is proposed, in which higher education institutions register students and their academic credits in a chain of records using the Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure for identity management. This information, associated with smart contracts, enables the reliable and decentralized issuance of degree certificates through the validation of a historical database and the triggering of transactions using smart contracts. The focus of this article is the demonstration of an experiment that validates this proposal.  相似文献   

The demand for the Internet of Everything has slowed down network routing efficiency.Traditional routing policies rely on manual configuration,which has limitations and adversely affects network performance.In this paper,we propose an Internet of Things(IoT) Intelligent Edge Network Routing(ENIR) architecture.ENIR uses deep reinforcement learning(DRL) to simulate human learning of empirical knowledge and an intelligent routing closed-loop control mechanism for real-time interaction with the netw...  相似文献   

秦超霞  郭兵  沈艳  苏红  张珍  周驰岷 《电子学报》2021,49(1):117-124
随着区块链技术在社会经济领域的应用不断扩大,区块链的安全问题受到越来越多的关注.本文提出了一种新的区块链安全风险评估方法,分别从技术架构和算力两方面量化区块链的安全风险.我们首先根据区块链技术体系架构建立了区块链可信计算基(Blockchain Trusted Computing Base,BTCB),进而设计了一种结...  相似文献   

信息不公开、不透明是当下公益慈善事业发展面临的痛点与难点。区块链技术天然具有公开透明、可追溯、防篡改的特点,能有效解决公益组织当前面临的问题,是对其进行监督的有效手段,也是推进公益组织治理能力现代化的重要保障。  相似文献   

Telecom operators are deploying the fifth generation(5G) networks around the world which promises high information transmission rate, wide network coverage, low communication delay, and easy access to a large number of devices. However, during the construction and operation of 5G, telecom operators face many challenges, such as insufficient frequency resources, low efficiency of network management, information opacity, risks of data interoperability, and network privacy vulnerabilities. As 5G is...  相似文献   

地理位置虚拟软件泛滥、民用卫星定位信号易模拟或篡改,致使地理位置可信认证难以实现。针对已有位置证明方案采用中心化架构存在单点失效和易引起集中攻击等安全风险,该文引入去中心化范式思路,利用区块链具有的去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯等特点,并结合零知识证明协议,提出了基于区块链的零知识位置证明方法,实现了以去中心化、保护隐私、高度准确、审查抵制的地理位置认证服务,从而确保用户所提供位置的准确性。该方法不仅能消除中心化位置证明的弊端,确保位置数据的机密性,而且被证明位置数据一旦上链后不可篡改,实现了不可抵赖性。测试分析结果表明:完整的证明流程(包含证明生成验证和上链全过程)实际测试每次平均用时约5 s,其中证明生成和验证的总耗时是50.5~55.5 ms。因此,算法具有较好的性能开销,可满足实际应用需求。  相似文献   

6G网络将带来全场景按需服务泛在智能新范式,其中可信可靠网络服务是泛在智能的关键技术指标。该文面向6G零信任网络的通信需求,以区块链为“信任桥梁”,研究6G车联网边缘计算中的可信可靠接入管理方法。首先,采用基于2次剩余的零知识身份验证算法,在不暴露车辆隐私的前提下完成基站和车辆之间的相互验证与授权。然后,为提高验证效率并节省基站能耗,建立了基于契约理论的路侧冗余算力激励模型,将基站的一部分验证任务分配给边缘服务器或停泊车辆,再给予相应的报酬。最后,建立了基于双层区块链的6G零信任车联网架构,利用基站群维护的主链与边缘算力维护的辅链记录车联网身份验证的重要参数,实现零信任网络环境的可信接入。通过与现有方法比较,该文所述方法在不泄露车辆隐私的前提下显著提升了车辆验证效率,降低了基站能耗,具有更高的安全性。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Wireless sensor network (WSN) with mobile sink serves a lot of industrial and agricultural monitoring applications. The data collection with WSN has been...  相似文献   

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