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马鲜艳 《计算机工程》2006,32(12):261-262,268
针对当前色彩管理研究缺乏提取图像色域算法及可视化技术支持的现状,提出了一种打印机色域提取算法。先确定打印机色域边界点,通过这些边界点利用几何方法快速构造色域外壳,对设备色域进行精确描述,并对色域及其剖面进行真彩色可视化。利用对色域的剖分操作,构造基于剖面的色域匹配模型。  相似文献   

王醒  谢晶  曾平 《计算机工程》2003,29(16):50-51,96
肤色是一种重要的习惯色,打印时应尽量保其不变。文章在实验提取肤色域几何特征的基础上,通过对比分析肤色域与打印机色域的几何关系,提出一种保肤色的压缩类色域匹配算法。该算法以肤色域和打印机色域的分布知识为基础,随色调连续调整内核系数,可保大部分肤色不变,对包含肤色的图像有更理想的匹配效果。  相似文献   

基于B样条色域描述的颜色匹配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目前的色域匹配算法大多在等色调平面上进行,设备的色域边界以三角形近似描述,难以实现颜色的准确再现。该文分析了设备色域剖面的形状,提出了用准均匀B样条曲线来描述色域边界,设计了基于该样条曲线描述的CUSP色域匹配算法。实验结果表明,基于B样条色域描述的颜色匹配明显提高了色彩的再现精度,可显著提高打印输出彩图的质量。  相似文献   

针对专色印刷色域与图像色域不匹配的问题,提出一种色域映射算法.首先分析专色色域的几何特征,发现常规色域匹配方法不适用;进而对明度、色调和饱和度三属性分而治之,采用非线性压缩、灰度轴模拟和彩度裁剪实现色域匹配.实验结果表明,该算法获得的图像匹配结果在颜色连续性和视觉效果方面均有明显的提高.  相似文献   

作为摄影工作室,有一台好的打印机是非常必要的,此次有幸试用的佳能i9950喷墨打印机给我的感觉是一款出众的照片级八色喷墨打印机,它在传统六色墨水打印的基础上,全新加入橙色和绿色两种颜色的墨水,使照片打印再现的色域犹如正片一样广阔。  相似文献   

王莹  曾平 《计算机应用研究》2004,21(10):120-121
色域匹配是色彩管理的一项关键技术。通过对彩色图像的特征描述的分析,提出了一种与图像空间特征相关的自适应色域匹配算法。该算法通过将图像增强技术与传统的色域匹配算法相结合,克服了传统算法不能同时保持明度对比度对比度和彩度的缺点,有效地提高了图像的再现效果和精度。  相似文献   

一种面向打印的自适应色域匹配方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于打印机色域的几何特征 ,提出一种按彩度最大点定锚点的裁剪类色域匹配算法。与现有同类方法相比 ,算法具有自适应性 ,可有效减小最坏子域的匹配失真。  相似文献   

针对分区最大化色域边界描述器在计算图像色域边界时所产生的空缺分区问题,提出了一种基于相邻分区加权平均的色域空区插值算法。将空缺分区的边界点置于该分区的中心,求出边界点的球坐标角度;利用邻域加权平均法插值计算出该分区的球坐标半径。在线色域边界计算中,针对相邻分区边界点连线与等色相面重合所导致的求交问题,将交点设定为其中一个分区的色域边界点,避免了线色域边界和色域映射计算中出现的色域边界缺失问题。在评价部分,借助等比例压缩的色域映射方式,设计心理物理学实验评价了色域空区插值算法的效果,同时测试了算法的计算效率。评价结果显示:提出的色域空区插值算法能够有效提升色域边界描述器的精度,改善色域映射效果,而且不影响色域边界的计算效率。  相似文献   

葛敏  孟祥旭  龚斌 《软件学报》2002,13(12):2281-2285
提出了一种面向专色工艺的彩色图像分色及印制方法.该方法根据印制图像的颜色和油墨信息,通过遗传算法选择用以印制图像的油墨种类,采用数值优化算法解决定制油墨的图像分色问题.该方法能以较少种类油墨的印制出与传统印制结果同等或更为鲜明逼真的图像,可广泛应用于印刷、印染、陶瓷印花等行业.  相似文献   

喷墨照片打印机打印的照片色彩还是不能和银盐冲印的相比 吗?色域还是不够广吗?看看Canon新推的一款8色照片打印机 i9950吧,除了传统的CMYK(青、品红、黄、黑)、淡品红、淡青 外,i9950使用了绿色和橙色墨,继6色、7色墨之后,又一次为 照片打印机增添了不一样的色彩。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel solution to the illuminant estimation problem: the problem of how, given an image of a scene taken under an unknown illuminant, we can recover an estimate of that light. The work is founded on previous gamut mapping solutions to the problem which solve for a scene illuminant by determining the set of diagonal mappings which take image data captured under an unknown light to a gamut of reference colours taken under a known light. Unfortunately, a diagonal model is not always a valid model of illumination change and so previous approaches sometimes return a null solution. In addition, previous methods are difficult to implement. We address these problems by recasting the problem as one of illuminant classification: we define a priori a set of plausible lights thus ensuring that a scene illuminant estimate will always be found. A plausible light is represented by the gamut of colours observable under it and the illuminant in an image is classified by determining the plausible light whose gamut is most consistent with the image data. We show that this step (the main computational burden of the algorithm) can be performed simply and efficiently by means of a non-negative least-squares optimisation. We report results on a large set of real images which show that it provides excellent illuminant estimation, outperforming previous algorithms. First online version published in February, 2006  相似文献   

为有效解决复杂流场可视化效率低下问题,加快可视化速度,提出了一种基于几何着色器的快速流场可视化算法。在流场可视化的过程当中引入几何着色器,利用GPU的并行处理能力和强大的图像处理能力对流场实时地进行箭头和流线的绘制,然后采用积分颜色映射方法,与常规的线性颜色映射法相比较,改善了颜色的均匀分布,增强流场强度层次感。实验表明,该算法可以有效地反映流场特征分布,减少可视化过程中的数据传输量,降低资源浪费,提高可视化渲染效率。  相似文献   

Recent spatially varying reflectance (svBRDF) printing systems can reproduce an input document as a combination of matte, glossy and metallic inks. Due to the limited number of inks, this reproduction process incurs some distortion. In this work, we present an svBRDF gamut mapping algorithm that minimizes distortions in the angular and spatial domains. To preserve a material's perceived variation with lighting and view, we introduce an improved BRDF similarity metric that builds on both experimental results on reflectance perception and on the statistics of natural lighting environments. Our experiments show better preservation of object color and highlights, as validated quantitatively as well as through a perceptual study. As for the spatial domain, we show how to adapt traditional color gamut mapping methods to svBRDFs. Our solution takes into account the contrast between regions, achieving better preservation of textures and edges.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of white‐channel enhancement as implemented in the Texas Instrument DLP? digital projector technology is evaluated theoretically using both the CIELAB and the CIECAM02 color appearance models and experimentally through psychophysical testing using real images. Both theory and test results confirm a compression of perceptual gamut in both chroma and colorfulness as a result of the added white channel. Hence, while this technology is ideal for viewing graphics and text under ambient conference‐room conditions where lightness contrast is important, it is necessarily less than ideal for viewing images or in home‐theater environments where color is important.  相似文献   

水稻叶片几何模型及其可视化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对虚拟水稻建模与可视化中水稻叶片几何特征不能准确模拟的问题,从物理学角度出发提出一种基于实测数据构建的水稻叶片数学模型。该模型利用Vc+十与OpenGL相结合的方法,通过具有较明确生物学意义的形态参数,实现水稻叶片形态和形变过程的矢量化和虚拟生长。结果证明该模型效果好、参数少、易于控制,且可以较好地模拟水稻叶片的生成过程。  相似文献   

Historically displays used three colorants in an additive system. During that time, the CIE chromaticity diagram adequately illustrated color capability. Modern displays are not constrained by this additive architecture, and the diagram can fail in its purpose. This is demonstrated by analysis and a large number of display measurements. A device‐independent methodology using CIE 1976 L*a*b* color gamut volume is described that provides a robust means to determine the size of the color gamut. This methodology is then extended to the ‘gamut rings’ diagram as a solution for visualizing color capability that directly correlates to color gamut volume. It is further shown how the methodology can be applied to determine the intersection between two gamut volume boundaries.  相似文献   

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