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This paper comments on the work of Glenn R. Carroll and AnandSwaminathan (1992), who integrate ideas from strategic grouptheory and organizational ecology in order to better analyzeperformance heterogeneity in the American brewing industry.Although they provide a novel approach, this comment outlinesseveral weaknesses with their analysis. In addition, an alternativeview of the evolution of the brewing industry is presented,one that is more consistent with previous research, is not refutedby Carroll and Swaminathan's empirical findings, and is substantiallydifferent from their view of the industry.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analytical framework that can comprehendhow and to what extent the interaction of institutions, industries,and enterprises has contributed to the decline of US competitiveness.The analytical framework builds on the notion that, ultimately,competitive advantage depends on the strategies and structuresof the business enterprises on which Americans rely for mostof the nation's productive investments. We argue that, overtime, to gain sustained competitive advantage, business enterprisesin the USA and elsewhere have had to achieve increasingly higherdegrees of ‘organizational integration’. We arguethat, as a general rule, the USA's prime competitors, and particularlythe Japanese, have gained competitive advantage by becomingmore organizationally integrated than their American rivals.For some industries, moreover, organizational integration ismore important than others; hence the variation in the extentto which certain American industries have been affected by foreigncompetition. And even within the more vulnerable industriessuch as electronics and automobiles, some American companieshave responded to the competitive challenge more quickly andeffectively than others. The organizational integration hypothesisargues that an important determinant of differences among Americancompanies in the same industry in the quickness and effectivenessof their strategic responses — whether they are ‘firstmovers’, ‘fast movers’, ‘slower movers’,‘no movers’, or ‘removers’ — tocompetitive challenges is the extent to which these companiesare organizationally integrated.  相似文献   

Behaviormetrika - The study represents an attempt to develop a theory of Japanese Americans in comparative perspective in relation to Americans at large and Japanese. I propose that Japanese...  相似文献   


Strategic partnerships or strategic alliances have been called the “life blood” of companies in the new biotechnology industry, and a large number of firms are now participating in such collaborations. However, for a variety of reasons, not all such partnerships are successful. This paper describes some initial results from research conducted on a sample of small new biotechnology firms to identify the types and incidences of their strategic alliances, the reasons why they were formed, and the factors that contributed to their success or failure. Based on these preliminary findings, several recommendations are made for facilitating successful alliances in the new biotechnology and other industries.  相似文献   

概述了先前研究的3种战略集团划分方法,在分析我国转型经济特点的基础上评述了我国产业战略集团划分的影响因素,指出股票价格法是我 经济转型时期划分战略的一种好思路,并在此基础上提出了一种基于企业价值的战略集团划分新方法。  相似文献   

Stock market evidence can provide insights into how firms inrapidly changing markets design and implement strategies. Thefailed merger attempt of Bell Atlantic and TCI serves as a casestudy for examining the effects of strategic choices on firmsin the telecommunications industry. The paper documents thevarying strategies of the seven regional Bell operating companies(RBOCs) and analyzes the stock price reactions of industry participantsto the proposed merger and its termination in the context ofthese differing strategic orientations. Results reveal thatthe announcement of the merger generated significant spillovereffects for other cable and local telephone companies as wellas for other industry participants. We use the reactions totest hypotheses regarding the rationale for the merger proposaland the reasons for its demise. Stock price reactions to theproposal were significantly more positive for the three RBOCsthat had committed to strategic approaches similar to Bell Atlantic'sthan for the other three RBOCs. However, reactions to the terminationindicate that investors viewed the hierarchical organizationalstrategy of Bell Atlantic as less desirable than those beingpursued by other Bell companies.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to shed light on part of Granada University’s female academics’ past in what was a critical period in Spain’s history (1975-1982), referring of course to the political transition from dictatorship to democracy. The period studied is 1975-1990, in which an analysis is made of a section of the teaching staff, using part of the female staff as the sample due to their being the most socially affected during this period. Firstly, a study is carried out on the teaching staff, both male and female, to verify the staff situation at the university using the gender indicator. Secondly, the female teachers’ scholarly output is studied; due to the fact that areas of study are very varied, it has been considered appropriate to apply the study to monographs, scholarly publications articles and doctoral theses. Moreover, because the study intends to be as exhaustive as possible, various databases and catalogues have been consulted which collect the documental typology to be used in the analysis.  相似文献   

战略集团演变及其与绩效关系的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从企业行为和产业环境的角度,在分析战略集团演变的基础上,运用博弈论的方法探讨了战略集团与绩效的关系,为理解两者间的关系提供了一个独特的视角。  相似文献   

中国分子诊断产业战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子诊断是个体化医学的重要组成部分,已成为体外诊断行业的主要增长动力。近年来,尽管我国的分子诊断市场规模较小,但增长迅速。本研究通过文献研究、专家研讨、实地考察等方式,对我国的分子诊断行业进行市场分析,研究我国分子诊断行业的现状及特点,理清该产业在创新、产业转化及相关政策法规上面临的机遇和挑战,提出克服现有管理体制制约的对策建议,对推动产业健康发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A hotly debated question of organizational theory—especiallyevolutionary theories of organization—asks how inert areorganizational structures. Answering the question requires analysisof not only organizational change but also of the consequencesof change for organizational survival. This study examines onesuch organizational change—technical innovation—andits effects on the failure rates of American automobile producersfrom 1885 to 1981. Technical innovations are shown to generateprimarily beneficial effects for the firms spawning them andprimarily detrimental effects for competitor firms. However,analysis of certain organizational contexts—large organizationsin particular—suggests that the risks of innovation mayon occasion outweigh benefits. The findings imply that sometheories of strategic management need rethinking.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, by using a highly abstract evolutionarygame model, the mechanism of evolution of different organizationalconventions, as well as roles of free trade, integration, experiments,emulation and entrepreneurial foresight for exploring gainsfrom organizational diversity. It focuses on an aspect of organizationas a voluntary association of economic agents trying to overcomethe bounds of their rationality, scope of action and competence,rather than as an ‘instrument’ for entrepreneurialmaximizing behavior, and identifies two generic forms of organizationas an information system. The paper concludes by discussingthe relevance of the evolutionary game model for understandingactual organizational evolutionary processes in North Americaand Japan.  相似文献   

The search for competitiveness in automobile assembly is tendingtowards more cautious and selected investment in flexible automationtechnology. During the 1980s a number of car makers were luredby the myth of computer-integrated manufacturing, but recentsurveys show that approaches to automation (especially in finalassembly) have changed. This longitudinal study illustrates,on the basis of a plant survey, the automation strategy of FiatAuto, one of the world’s largest auto producers, tracingits evolution from the experiments of the 19 70s driven by industrialrelations pressures, to the ‘pan-technologist’ philosophyunderlying the ‘highly automated factory’ of the1980s, to the more realistic concepts inspiring the ‘FabbricaIntegrata’ organizational model of the 1990s. The papershows that the implementation of automation techniques and thedevelopment of related know-how have a cumulative and path-dependentnature. Furthermore, it is argued that the technologies usedin a firm's plants result from a non-linear learning process,based on the internal development, external acquisition, imitation,analogical replication, combination and selection of capabilities.The knowledge incorporated into technologies becomes an integralpart of a firm's repertoire of capabilities. Parts of this knowledgecan be retrieved over time, to become modules of original technologicalsolutions. Similarly, the necessity to imitate competitors whohave successfully implemented organizational paradigms basedon lean manufacturing in order to respond to the ‘regimeof variety’ can cause a mismatch between the existingand the desired technological trajectory of a firm.  相似文献   

本文从SWOT分析入手,系统地论述了辽宁高新技术产业技术标准化战略的指导思想、原则、战略目标、战略重点和配套措施。  相似文献   

目的探索扁平化时代下中国移动端界面的风格旅群演进情况,描绘了2013- 2020年间主流界面风格的发展全 貌及其演进机制。方法从扇平化风格三源头的关系辨析出发梳理了扇平化时代到来后20余种主流设计风格的成因、特征、分类、流变和相互关系,并沿着3条演进脉絡展开论证:第一,“伪扇平”时代经历了“选择适应期"“视效丰富期"和“质料表达期”3个阶段,其新生风格主要源于突破“扇平面本体”的设计规则限定;第二,基于扁平化风格要素,衍生出“复古初期特征”及“表达技法仿拟”2个风格组团;第三,新复古主义风格则平行架空于磨平化之上,与肩平化呈现出此消彼长的态势。上述风格发展遵循扁平化与报物化矛盾统一的底层逻辑,并呈现出“物竞天择”“适者生存”的进化论特征。结论风格演进的内因受社会观念与申美异化驱动,外因则与传播媒介发展有关。未来基于碎片化“风格模因”的合成风格流行将是一大趋势,公众将成为新风格的创造主体。  相似文献   

吴江  万然  张志华 《包装工程》2003,24(6):99-101
阐述了可持续发展战略思想的重要意义和实施可持续设计的必要性,明确了工业设计师在整体设计流程中追求的终极目标。  相似文献   

东北地区包括辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省和内蒙古自治区的东部地区即赤峰市、通辽市、兴安盟和呼伦贝尔市,土地总面积约124×10.4km2,人口1.19亿。东北地区不仅工业发达,而且有我国最大的林区和最好的草原,也是全国最大的商品粮生产基地。由于长期粗放式的生产经营,部分工农业频临衰竭,环境受到严重损害,主要表现在:可采森林枯竭;很多地方的草地退化、沙化和盐化;耕地的黑土资源严重流失;水质严重污染,河流干枯,地下水超采,湿地大量减少;工矿城市遗留严重的矿山环境问题。振兴东北老工业基地的唯一选择是及时转变经济增长方式,建设资源节约、环境友好型社会。为此,项目组提出了8项战略性建议:土地利用的总体应当是耕地总量不再增加,林、草、湿地不再减少,城市和工矿用地合理控制;开发农业的巨大潜力,建设我国最大的农产品基地;必须进一步采取措施,才能保证东北林业的可持续发展;促进城市化健康发展,合理解决城市的水源危机和煤矿城市的地质灾害;加强地质勘探,提高资源保证程度;将保护水环境,防治水污染作为振兴老工业基地的重大任务;西部地区应节制社会经济用水,保护生态与环境;水资源配置应为人与自然和谐发展创造条件  相似文献   

Economists and organization theorists have asked which factorsare linked to the rate at which firms exit an industry. Yetlittle research has linked exit rates to changes over time inthe key dimensions which characterize an industry's environment.This study examines linkages between exit rates and changinglevels of uncertainty, munificence and complexity in an industry.A longitudinal study of the American cement (1888–1980)and minicomputer (1958–1982) industries reveals that uncertaintyis the key environmental dimension associated with organizationalmortality. Controlling for ecological and macroeconomic conditions,exit rates are associated with uncertainty, but not complexityor munificence. The greater the uncertainty, the higher theexit rates. Two kinds of uncertainty create hazardous environmentalconditions: unpredictable changes in demand and eras of fermentbounded by technological discontinuities and dominant designs.Our results indicate that while organizations can deal withdifferent levels of economic munificence and complexity, uncertaintyis a significantly more lethal characteristic of organizationalenvironments. The results support Schumpeterian perspectiveslinking industry turnover to ‘waves of creative destruction’,but suggest more broadly that an organization's ability to copewith uncertainty is a key determinant of its life chances.  相似文献   

供应链中信息资源共享的行为学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
供应链中各阶段之间的合作往往由于非技术原因产生失调.JH窗是研究人与人之间沟通的图形化模型.通过改进JH窗,将信息共享行为描述为一个JH窗中区域变化过程,分析了合作中技术和管理两个因素之间的关系.用JH窗描述了合作行为对信息资源共享的影响与合作行为改进的方向.指出信息共享不仅是技术问题,管理因素是技术应用成败的关键.只有在一个诚信和开放的环境中,合作的参与者才能开放自身的信息,并通过良性的反馈减小自身盲区,提高对环境的信任,从而开放更多的信息以达到一个良性的循环.  相似文献   

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