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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aim of the study was to evaluate clinical and pathological effects of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) before surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhosis (55 patients); results were compared with a group of 45 patients undergoing surgical resection without TACE. METHODOLOGY: From March 1989 to December 1997, 55 cirrhotic patients, affected by surgically resectable HCC not larger than 5 cm with unifocal or bifocal tumor lesions, underwent TACE pre-operatively. RESULTS: Massive necrosis was observed in 26%, necrosis > 50% in 38% of lesions. Neoplastic cells were found in 47% of cases within the capsule or in the pericapsular tissue. Satellite nodules showed a low rate of necrosis. Mortality and morbidity in the pre-operative TACE group were 1.8% and 29%, respectively, and 4.4% and 33%, respectively, in the control group. One-, 3- and 5-year patient survival rates were 87%, 70% and 39%, respectively, versus 79%, 38% and 19%, respectively (p<0.02), in the control group. Disease-free survival was 40% and 28% at 3 years and 5 years with pre-operative TACE versus 20% and 11% (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-operative TACE can be performed with low morbidity. TACE can necrotize the main lesion and temporarily arrest portal diffusion of neoplastic cells by acting on microvascular infiltration. No evident effect on satellites and pericapsular neoplastic foci was observed. The long-term patients and disease-free survival rates were improved upon.  相似文献   

In radioimmunotherapy, the long circulation times of antibody radioconjugates correlate with high relative radiation doses to nontumor tissues. Tumor/normal tissue ratios can be significantly improved by using targeting molecules with shorter circulation times. IFabs are multimers of VH-CH1-linker-VK-CK monomers. The lack of the Fc region in IFabs should lead to circulation times that are shorter than those of IgG molecules. The monomers assemble into disulfide-bond-stabilized multimers, 90% of which are 100 kDa dimers (IFab2). IFab2s should not be rapidly eliminated through kidney filtration because their molecular weight is above the threshold for renal passage. We report the first experimental in vivo tests for 125I-IFab radioconjugates derived from a humanized version of the anti-breast mucin monoclonal antibody BrE-3. Biodistributions are reported for athymic nude mice carrying human mammary tumor MX-1 xenografts. The T1/2 beta's for the different tissues ranged from 13.3 h for blood to 19.9 h for tumor. Therefore, IFab radioconjugates cleared the body with a rate comparable to that of F(ab')2 fragments. Except for stomach, tumor/nontumor dose ratios were significantly better for IFabs than for the parent antibody (BrE-3)4 days after injection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A safe limit for normothermic consecutive portal triad occlusion in hepatectomy for the cirrhotic liver was believed to be around 30 minutes. Possibly, the occlusion time can be prolonged by cooling the ischemic liver in vivo. We describe the technique of segmentectomy assisted by topical cooling and its usefulness in prolonging the hepatic inflow occlusion time for cirrhotic livers without causing further ischemic injury. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic hepatic disease who underwent right-sided segmentectomy under hemihepatic inflow occlusion were divided into two groups: normothermic (n = 27), and hypothermic with hemihepatic topical cooling using ice slush (n = 23). Segmentectomies were carried out in the same way in both groups, guided by initial enbloc ligation of the corresponding portal pedicles. RESULTS: The mean right hepatic inflow occlusion time was significantly longer in the hypothermic group than in the normothermic group (53 +/- 22 minutes compared with 17 +/- 9.3 minutes). Despite the significant difference in occlusion time, no differences were found in the recovery of hepatic functions and the incidence of postoperative complications between the groups. Intraoperative blood loss was significantly less in the hypothermic group. CONCLUSIONS: The hepatic right-sided partial inflow occlusion time can safely be prolonged to 60 to 90 minutes in the presence of cirrhosis without causing another injury from ischemia and intermittent reperfusion.  相似文献   

Although caffeine is the most widely used central nervous system stimulant, the neuronal populations and pathways mediating its stimulant effects are not well understood. Using c-Fos protein as a marker for neuronal activation, the present study investigated the pattern of c-Fos induction at 2 hours after low locomotor-stimulant doses (1, 5, 10, and 30 mg/kg, i.p.) of caffeine and compared them with those after a higher dose (75 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline injection in adult male rats. Fos-immunoreactive neurons were counted in selected nuclei across the entire brain. Caffeine induced an increase in locomotor activity in a dose-dependent manner up to doses of 30 mg/kg and a decline at 75 mg/kg. Quantitative analysis of Fos-immunoreactive neurons indicated that no structures showed significant Fos expression at doses below 75 mg/kg or a biphasic pattern of Fos expression, as in locomotion. In contrast, caffeine at 75 mg/kg induced a significant increase compared with the saline condition in the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in the majority of structures examined. The structures included the striatum, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata and autonomic and limbic structures including the basolateral and central nuclei of the amygdala, paraventricular and supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei, periventricular hypothalamus, paraventricular thalamic nuclei, parabrachial nuclei, locus coeruleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract. The locomotor-enhancing effects of low doses of caffeine did not appear to be associated with significant Fos expression in the rat brain.  相似文献   

We report a case of eosinophilic cystitis the onset of which was characterized by acute peritonitis secondary to a spontaneous intraperitoneal rupture of the vesical cupula. The patient was treated with urgent partial cystectomy in another hospital and 3 months later he underwent endoscopic diathermic coagulation of a residual inflammatory lesion at our institution. After an 18 month endoscopic follow-up no further signs of recurrent eosinophilic cystitis have been pointed out. The non-traumatic bladder perforation and the absence of any other bladder pathology might indicate that eosinophilic cystitis can be responsible for complete bladder rupture.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades there has been a substantially higher percentage of successful organ transplants but also a significant imbalance between the demand for and the supply of organs, creating the basis for a highly profitable black market trade in human organs. Sometimes there are reports that children have been kidnapped, only to reappear later lacking one kidney, or that they simply disappear and are subsequently killed to have all their transplantable organs removed for profit. The European Union feels that there is a need for action and that it has a duty to act in this field, especially for ethical reasons. There is now established close co-operation between the various European transplant organizations. The legal protection of children with regard to organ transplantation is not specifically mentioned in the existing conventions because this issue was not foreseen at the time of their preparation. However, the issue is covered in a broader sense by more general provisions. There are endless rumours surrounding this area. Members of various organizations who travel in the suspected countries say that the trafficking in children who are sold for transplantation is well known, but it is too difficult and very dangerous to catch the people involved. We have to conclude that it has been impossible to prove or disprove the rumours, but they are consistent and we all, especially in the health care professions, have an obligation to be keenly aware of how and where organs are obtained.  相似文献   

Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) have been shown to be ideally sensitive to interruptions of the cochlear blood flow. However, a 15- to 30-second latency typically occurs between cessation of circulation and measurable DPOAE level changes. DPOAEs can also be characterized by phase measures. The aim of the present study was to determine in 10 rabbits the effects on DPOAE phase of repetitively compressing the internal auditory artery. In contrast to the delays measured by DPOAE level, phase changes were detected 1 to 5 seconds after internal auditory artery compression. These data suggest that the essentially "real time" monitoring of cochlear function with DPOAE phase can be used to ensure hearing preservation during surgery involving the porus acousticus and skull base.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Nephrocalcin (NC), an acidic glycoprotein produced by renal proximal tubule cells and functioning as an inhibitor of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystalization, has been previously shown to have increased urinary excretion in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The current study uses immunohistochemical techniques to localize NC to cells of primary RCC. METHODS: We studied 29 kidneys removed because of RCC. Slides were deparaffinized and stained after incubating with anti-NC antibody by using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex techniques. Uptake of stain by tumor cells and adjacent normal renal cells was compared. RESULTS: Twenty-seven kidneys (93%) showed positive staining for RCC tumor cells; 2 kidneys staining positive for normal proximal tubule cells failed to stain adjacent RCC tumor cells (7%). CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that enhanced production of urinary NC in patients with RCC derives from cells of the primary tumor.  相似文献   

Although progesterone and estrogens are essential to maintain human pregnancy after implantation, the localization of their specific receptors in different uterine cell types during pregnancy has not been investigated. We studied uteri (n = 40) obtained during the first 3 months of pregnancy (n = 21) and in late pregnancy (n = 9) as well as from women 5-14 weeks pregnant (n = 10) who had received the antiprogestagen RU 38486 (Roussel-UCLAF) to induce cervical dilation. Frozen tissues were processed for indirect immunocytochemical staining with specific monoclonal antibodies against estrogen receptors (ER; Abbott Laboratories) and progesterone receptors (PR; Li 417). Specific staining for steroid receptors was only detected in the nucleus. In the endometrium, PR staining remained fairly constant throughout pregnancy, whereas ER staining was initially weak and then undetectable. PR was widely expressed in stromal cells and in spiral arterial wall cells, whereas ER was expressed in scattered stromal cells and arterial cells. Both PR and ER were absent from glandular epithelium, contrasting with the secretory activity during the first trimester. Spiral arteries of the endometrium and myometrial smooth muscle cells showed intense PR and moderate ER staining in early pregnancy. The progesterone antagonist RU 38486 (mifepristone), given in early pregnancy at a dose of 200 mg, caused a marked increase in ER staining and a smaller increase in PR staining in stromal cells, whereas the glandular epithelium remained negative for both ER and PR (except for one and two specimens, respectively). We conclude the following. 1) Stromal cells retain PR despite the high progesterone levels during pregnancy, in keeping with the role of progesterone in stromal decidualization. The absence of PR from the secretory glandular epithelium suggests a paracrine link between decidualized stromal cells and epithelial cells. 2) Significant PR down-regulation by progesterone during pregnancy occurs only in epithelial cells of the endometrium. 3) In contrast, the absence or low level of ER staining in the various cell types of the endometrium during gestation concurs with the known effect (down-regulation) of steroid hormones on ER mRNA or protein levels. The increase in ER in human decidua after RU 38486 treatment indicates that the main cause of the low ER levels is progesterone secretion. 4) The intense PR staining in smooth muscle cells of spiral arteries during early pregnancy suggests that progesterone is essential for modulating blood flow during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including the protein product of the p27/kip1 gene, play an important role in cell-cycle regulation. Loss of p27 expression was reported in a number of neoplasms and shown to be an independent prognostic factor in colorectal, lung, and breast carcinoma By immunohistochemical analysis, we investigated p27/kip1 expression, using a polyclonal antibody, in a series of 87 benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms. We correlated its expression with the Ki-67 labeling index and other prognostic factors. All of the thyroid neoplasms examined exhibited significantly lower p27 expression than did normal thyroid tissue (P < .001). Poorly differentiated carcinomas had the lowest p27 staining frequency of all carcinomas examined. p27 staining frequency of the papillary carcinomas was significantly lower than that of the follicular carcinomas (P < .001). This difference could not be attributed solely to the inverse correlation between the staining patterns of p27 and Ki-67, which was reported for other neoplasms, because there was no significant difference between the Ki-67 labeling indices of these two groups. The follicular variant of papillary carcinoma had a significantly higher p27 staining frequency (P = .05) than did classical papillary carcinoma. We saw no significant difference in the p27 staining frequencies between minimally and widely invasive follicular carcinomas nor between localized and nonlocalized papillary carcinoma. In summary, the p27 immunostaining pattern of thyroid neoplasms is related to neoplastic transformation and varies according to tumor phenotype. It seems, however, to have limited routine diagnostic or prognostic significance in thyroid neoplasia.  相似文献   

In the present study, the expression of bcl-2 protein in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basaloid carcinoma (BC) was immunohistochemically examined, and its relation to tumor progression and postoperative survival was determined in SCC. A total of 42 SCC and 4 BC tumor samples were fixed with formalin, embedded in paraffin, and stained using monoclonal bcl-2 protein antibody, clone 124. Immunoreactivity was semiquantitatively scored, and the staining results were compared with the pathologic features and survival rates. The cytoplasm of basal cells from the normal esophageal epithelium was stained. In some well- and moderately differentiated SCCs, bcl-2 protein-positive reaction was observed in the peripheral part of the tumor cord, but in poorly differentiated SCC, the cells were weakly or hardly stained. However, in BC, the cells were strongly stained. The immunoreactivity was positive in 45.2% of the SCCs and all of the BCs. There were no significant differences in pathological features or patient survival between the bcl-2 protein-positive and protein-negative SCCs. In conclusion, the expression was not related to tumor progression and had no prognostic significance in SCC. Conversely, BC had strong immunohistochemical expression, probably associated with the differentiation of carcinoma cells simulating the basal cells of the esophagus.  相似文献   

Possible local sources of human tear lysozyme were investigated using an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Lysozyme was identified in 20% to 50% of acinar and ductular epithelial cells of both main and accessory lacrimal glands. The staining was granular in character and confined to the apices of the cells. Cells that stained positive tended to be grouped. Interstitial tissues of main and accessory lacrimal tissues did not stain. Conjunctiva and all other ocular tissues examined were unstained by antilysozyme antisera. Our findings are compatible with lysozyme either being produced in lacrimal tissue or being concentrated from plasma. The absence of any other lysozyme-specific fluorescence in the interstitial elements of the lacrimal tissues supports the notion of local synthesis by acinar lacrimal tissue.  相似文献   

Facial asymmetry (facedness) of selected academic faculty members was studied in relation to brain asymmetry and cognitive specialization. Comparisons of facedness were made among humanities faculty (H), faculty members of mathematics and physics (M-P), psychologists (P), and a group of randomly selected individuals (R). Facedness was defined in terms of the relative sizes (in square centimeters) of the two hemifaces. It was predicted that the four groups would show differences in facedness, namely, H, right face bias; M-P, left face bias; P, no bias; and R, no bias. The predictions were confirmed, and the results interpreted in terms of known differences in hemispheric specialization of cognitive functions as they relate to the dominant cognitive activity of each of the different groups. In view of the contralateral control of the two hemifaces (below the eyes) by the two hemispheres of the brain, the two sides of the face undergo differential muscular development, thus creating facial asymmetry. Other factors, such as gender, also may affect facial asymmetry. Suggestions for further research on facedness are discussed.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase has been established as an important source of oxygen free radicals in ischemia-reperfusion injury. It has been localized in many different tissues such as heart and intestine, but it has not yet been localized in the eye. Xanthine oxidase was detected using immunohistochemistry on paraformaldehyde/glutaraldehyde fixed cryosections. Antibodies used included rabbit antibovine xanthine oxidase antibody and rabbit antihuman xanthine oxidase antibody. Xanthine oxidase was detected in the capillary endothelium cells of blood vessels in the retina of bovine and post mortem human eyes. Whole mount preparation of human retinas showed xanthine oxidase present throughout the small capillary network. Furthermore, whole mounts showed that xanthine oxidase was present in cones. This was confirmed by using mouse anticalbindin antibody for co-labelling. It is possible that xanthine oxidase can be a source of oxidative damage in the retina following ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

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