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This paper presents a new Procedural Analog Design tool called PAD. It is a chart-based design environment dedicated to the design of analog circuits aiming to optimize design and quality by finding good tradeoffs. This interactive tool allows step-by-step design of analog cells by using guidelines for each analog topology. Its interactive interface enables instantaneous visualization of design tradeoffs. At each step, the user modifies interactively one subset of design parameters and observes the effect on other circuit parameters. At the end, an optimized design is ready for simulation (verification and fine-tuning). The present version of PAD covers the design of basic analog structures (one transistor or groups of transistors) and the procedural design of transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and different operational amplifier topologies. The basic analog structures calculator embedded in PAD uses the complete set of equations of the EKV MOS model, which links the equations for weak and strong inversion in a continuous way [1, 2]. Furthermore, PAD provides a layout generator for matched substructures such as current mirrors, cascode stages and differential pairs.Danica Stefanovic was born in 1976. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Nis (Serbia and Montenegro) in 2000 and 2003 respectively. In 2001/2002 she was a scholarship holder of Swiss Confederation working with Electronic Laboratories, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), on a research project in the domain of analog circuits design techniques and their translation into specific CAD tool. She is currently working towards Ph.D. degree at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). Her research interests include low power, low voltage analog design methodologies and optimisation techniques.Maher Kayal was born in 1959. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL, Switzerland) in 1983 and 1989 respectively.In 1990, he had a Research Associate in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. From 1999 he became a professor in the Electronics Laboratories of this institute. He has published many scientific papers and contributed in three books dedicated to mixed-mode CMOS design. His current research interests include: mixed-mode circuit design, sensors, signal processing and CAD tools for analog design and layout automation. He received in 1990 the Swiss Ascom award for the best work in telecommunication fields and in 1997 the best ASIC award at the European Design and Test Conference ED&TC.Marc Pastre was born in 1977. He received the M.S. degree in computer science at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in 2000. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. at the Electronics Laboratories LEG (EPFL). His research interests include mixed circuits, ADCs/DACs, sensor frontends and CAD tools.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种共面互连线频变电阻电感的稳健的知识神经网络模型。该模型具有一个由主要元素项分析(PCA)得到的输入转换矩阵,具有PCA作为前处理器的神经网络,其训练过程变得高效而稳定,构建好的模型在推广性方面也更加稳健。  相似文献   

服务匹配已经成为服务计算领域的一大热点.合理的服务匹配算法可以帮助服务需求者寻找到满足自己需求的服务.在分析现有的服务算法基础上,提出基于混合语义相似度服务匹配方法MSSMA(Mix Semantic Similarity Matching Algorithm).将比较成熟的语义相似度算法和基于匹配等级的计算方法相结合,从而提高服务匹配的精度.  相似文献   

ResearchonClassificationofDevelopmentLevelinChina'sPostalCommunication¥WangWeimin(ShijiazhuangPostalCollege,ShijiaZhuang05002...  相似文献   

ANeuralNetworkApproachtoComputingtheDelayandFlowAssignmentofComputerCommunicationNetworks¥ZhangShunyi;ShaoAiqing;WuMian;andLi...  相似文献   

周英 《数字通信》1996,23(2):26-28,60
本文介绍了一种智能网络软件工厂,一个软件工厂实际上是软件生产过程的集成,这种工厂能业务的设计数据,基本数据,实时数据表格,屏幕和SSP呼和以及业务应用的结构、程序、模块和它们的逻辑连接,有了这样软件工厂就能快速地建立、开发、修改和测试各种业务。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionWiththedevelopmentandprosperityofthena tionaleconomy ,people’sneedsforthepostalser viceswillalsobegreatlyincreased .Therefore,theeconomicfactorswillplaythemostfundamentalandimportantroleinthedevelopmentofthemodernpostalservice.Inordertoknow…  相似文献   

结合中国邮政综合服务平台的建设现状,从综合服务平台的建设原则、方案思路、配套解决方案等几个方面分析和探讨了天津市邮政综合服务平台建设中的一些技术问题。  相似文献   

在总结分析邮政计算机应用现状的基础上,就邮 政计算机网(主要是全国邮政综合网)的组网方 式及发展前景进行一些初步探讨。  相似文献   

1 Introduction1 1 PresentSituationofPostalServiceStructure Table 1indicatesthatin 1 992theproportionofletters postservicerevenuecouldreachashighas1 7 2 %andtheNewspapersandPeriodicals (NandP)distributionrevenueoccupied 31 8% ,whilein2 0 0 2the proportionsofthetwodroppedinto1 1 0 % .Themajorreasonforthesituationisthatthedevelopmentofthenewservices,especiallythedevelopmentofEMSand postalsavingsservice .Sincetheletter postservicehasalwaysbeenmonop olizedbyChinapost,thepostoccupiesadomi…  相似文献   

主要讨论了业务提供商在独立开发智能网业务时所面临的问题以及解决的方案,说明对业务的独立开发必须从设备提供商、业务提供商等多方面共同努力才能达到。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of temporal fair scheduling of queued data transmissions in wireless heterogeneous networks. We deal with both the throughput maximization problem and the delay minimization problem. Taking fairness constraints and the data arrival queues into consideration, we formulate the transmission scheduling problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) with fairness constraints. We study two categories of fairness constraints, namely temporal fairness and utilitarian fairness. We consider two criteria: infinite horizon expected total discounted reward and expected average reward. Applying the dynamic programming approach, we derive and prove explicit optimality equations for the above constrained MDPs, and give corresponding optimal fair scheduling policies based on those equations. A practical stochastic-approximation-type algorithm is applied to calculate the control parameters online in the policies. Furthermore, we develop a novel approximation method—temporal fair rollout—to achieve a tractable computation. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme achieves significant performance improvement for both throughput maximization and delay minimization problems compared with other existing schemes.  相似文献   

OnNeuralNetworkApproachtoComputingtheQuadraticProgrammingProblem:aFurtherStudyXiaYoushenandWuXinyu(NanjingUniversityofPostsan...  相似文献   

文章探讨了运营商切入互联网业务运营,达到融合电信和互联网发展的一种可能,即通过融合及时消息和社交网络,并以之为基础,逐步融合发展电信网业务和互联网业务的可能路线;并介绍了这种发展方式的背景、运营商的优势、可能遇到的问题。讨论了以这种方式进行业务演进,从而实现广义上的三屏合一或者多屏合一的业务融合方式,这也是一种新的融合的方式。  相似文献   

针对现有数据链系统与指控系统间以格式化消息的方式进行交互,系统间耦合紧密,采用广播的方式分发信息,效率不高,与异构数据链系统间信息共享困难等问题,设计并给出了一种面向服务的数据链信息分发系统,详细描述了系统各单元的功能及协作方式。针对分布式环境下,数据链信息服务发现问题,结合现有服务发现的研究成果,分类分析了各算法应用时的优点与不足,在此基础上,给出了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

业务上下文信息的处理是未来泛在融合电信业务智能化的基础,而不确定性是业务上下文信息不可回避的一个问题。该文利用贝叶斯网络理论,提出一种支持不确定性推理的业务上下文认知模型的构建方法,用来解决具有不确定性的业务上下文信息的融合和聚类,并通过仿真实验验证了模型的合理性和可用性。  相似文献   

Network control for IP-over-optical networks can be classified as falling under the overlay, augmented, or peer models. In the first two models, the IP layer and the optical layer only have the resource information of their respective layers. In the peer model, all the resource information is known to both layers; hence, it can potentially achieve better resource utilization. Unfortunately, the peer model approach is generally not acceptable to the operators if the IP layer and optical layer belong to two different administrations. In addition, it is much more complex and generally seen as not feasible in the near future In this paper, we propose an enquiry-based provisioning scheme based on the overlay model which can, however, utilize resources in both layers as in the peer model approach. Two simple and novel algorithms for routing labeled-switched path (LSP) requests for this provisioning scheme are proposed. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithms perform significantly better than other routing algorithms for the overlay model and are nearly as good as the integrated routing algorithm for the peer model.  相似文献   

面向业务的综合网管系统的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要提出了一种网管建设的新思路——面向业务的网管系统。介绍了面向业务的网管系统的框架和一种具体的实现方法,并在此过程中,对所涉及到的一些新开发方法做了简单介绍。最后就今后的研究内容做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

张波  黄震华  李美子  向阳 《电子学报》2015,43(4):625-630
提出一种基于社会网络服务的协作决策竞标方法:首先,利用形式化语义对决策招标书内容进行表达和组织;其次,依据招标书对投标书进行基于能力的选择;同时,通过DecTrust计算实现竞标者的置信度评价.最后,提出了由邀请招标和竞标算法组成的竞标流程控制模式.实验证明,方法是有效且可行的.  相似文献   

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