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李和平 《门窗》2001,(6):26
GB/T 4100-1999《干压陶瓷砖》是国家质量技术监督局于1999年11月1日发布,并于2000年1月1日实施的新的瓷砖推荐性系列标准.它非等效采用了ISO 13006:1998《陶瓷砖-定义、分类、性能和标记》中的有关标准,代替了JC/T 665-1997《瓷质砖》、JC/T 501-1993《无釉陶瓷地砖》、GB/T11947-1989《彩色釉面陶瓷墙地砖》、GB/T 4100-1992《釉面内墙砖》,是我国此类标准的一个重大进步.首先GB/T 4100-1999在内容和形式上作了统一规范,检验项目一目了然,检验方法标准更加明确;其次性能检验所需砖数、判定、方法有表可查,方便实用.  相似文献   

马淑瑜  陈波 《中国厨卫》2007,(9):102-105
拼花砖,因线条图案的变化,色彩的多样性而享受青睐。拼花砖让瓷砖的世界更加丰富多彩,它似一幅画,五彩斑斓,使得瓷砖的世界更加丰富多彩。[编者按]  相似文献   

黎燕  黄四经 《中国厨卫》2007,(2):116-121
细读纳兰容若的词,有着华贵的非哀、优美的感伤。一如铺在家居中的仿古砖、古朴只是外在风韵,清婉内敛才是其精髓所在。感受仿古砖的质感与纹路,如同玩味脍炙人口的古诗,古诗里婉约的故事依稀浮现眼前……[编者按]  相似文献   

饱和土沉积谷场地对平面Rayleigh波的散射   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
把沉积谷软土场地用饱和多孔介质的Biot动力学理论模拟,周围的场地用单相介质弹性动力学理论模拟,利用波函数展开法,给出具有饱和土沉积层的沉积谷对Rayleigh波散射问题的解析解。通过数值计算,分析了入射波波长、沉积谷的高宽比、沉积层的软硬(利用波速描述其软硬)对地面运动的影响。  相似文献   

饱和土沉积谷场地对平面P波的散射   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
把沉积谷软土场地用饱和多孔介质的Biot动力学理论模拟 ,周围的场地用单相介质弹性动力理论模拟 ,利用波函数展开法 ,在频域内给出了不同土层界面条件 (透水条件和不透水条件 )下具有饱和土沉积层的圆弧形沉积河谷场地对平面P波散射问题的解析解。利用该解分析了不同土层界面条件 ,以及饱和土层的孔隙率和饱和度在不同入射角下对地面运动的影响  相似文献   

诗意与芬芳 “远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家,停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。”孟浩然的《山行》让一幅绝美的深秋枫叶图跃然纸上。  相似文献   

Land subsidence due to ground-water overexploitation in the Western Thessaly basin resulted in the manifestation of ground deformations. In order to investigate the mechanism of this phenomenon, borehole data regarding geomechanical properties of soil were examined. Based on these data, the spatial variability of soil compression index (Cc) was evaluated in relation to other geotechnical parameters, by means of multivariate geostatistics. Multivariate statistics and geostatistics were combined and compared to evaluate the estimation methods of Cc. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied in order to highlight the relationships between the geotechnical parameters. Through cross-validation, multiple linear regression, kriging and cokriging were tested as estimators of the Cc. The results show that spatial correlation of the target variable is less important than its correlation to the auxiliary variables. Cross-validation demonstrates that kriging with two PCA factors and application of inverse transform gives the best results for Cc estimates.  相似文献   

粤北地区是国内最大的花岗岩型铀矿矿集区,自20世纪50年代,前人在该区通过系统的工作已取得了巨大的找矿成果,但部分地段工作程度较低,仍具有较大铀矿勘查潜力。文章分析了粤北地区产铀花岗岩体特征以及区内的铀成矿地质条件,并对区内花岗岩型铀矿床形成有利的遥感、地质、地球物理及地球化学等要素进行了系统分析,总结了一套适合粤北地区花岗岩型铀矿的找矿模式,为下一步铀矿勘查提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

李姿颖  夏小茜 《中国厨卫》2007,(11):112-118
或许,瓷砖可以是一个符号,一个凸显生命情感的意念符号;也可以是一种印记,一种表达对生活惟美体验的精神印记。它可以把你独特的审美情趣倾注在家里的某一个角落,令你与之共鸣,享一份停泊的记忆。[编者按]  相似文献   

每一片瓷砖,都有自己独特的意境,细心品味,衬以绫罗古衣,配上雅致诗句,别有一番古意盎然的韵味。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Generally, when there are only a few boreholes present along a tunnel design alignment, geological understanding of the worksite may not be...  相似文献   

The effect of altering composition of cementless building materials on basis of waste products of power station including hydrophobic additive and the molding compaction on the compressive strength, water uptake and water absorption was examined. A possibility to get water-stable materials at curing in the ambient air was established. It was shown that water uptake might be reduced by different methods, the best of which is short-term impregnation by a hydrophobic liquid of the siloxane group. Results from experiments with small specimens and full size pressed blocks were compared. It is noted that blocks answered to the requirements of Israeli Standard to cement concrete blocks.  相似文献   

黎燕  陈波 《中国厨卫》2007,(5):110-115
一朵鲜花、一袭白裙,一面韵味十足的瓷砖背景,就可组成记录美丽瞬间的照片,定格那些流金岁月。[编者按]  相似文献   

The results of a geotechnical research on Holocene alluvial deposits in 14 municipalities of the Granada basin are presented, and a procedure to draw a geotechnical map of foundation conditions, using ArcGIS 9.3 (ESRI 2009) is described. Three different alluvial soil units were distinguished: (1) cohesive soils; (2) cohesive and fine granular soil; (3) coarse granular soil, based on their properties concerning grain size, bulk density, cohesion, internal friction angle, and NSPT value. The actual building structures have predominantly shallow foundations. The definition of the minimum depth to actual foundation level was based on the analysis of thickness of disturbed soils, man-made fillings, depth to the water table and bearing capacity. The depth to actual foundation levels varies from 0.5 to 4 m in the study area. Concerning the ground, the geotechnical data compiled on foundation conditions show a high heterogeneity expressed by the spatial distribution of the basic properties in the three distinguished units of cohesive, cohesive and fine-granular, and coarse granular soils, respectively. The fine-grained alluvial soil units (cohesive) have a low bearing capacity varying between 40 and 100 kPa and are associated with a shallow water table appearing near the surface. In contrast, across the wide extension of the coarse-grained alluvial soil unit, a bearing capacity ranging from 60 to 300 kPa is determined; this unit is associated with a deep water table appearing at more than 40 m below the surface. The usefulness of the obtained geotechnical map of foundation conditions extends to the analysis of further alternatives of urban expansion and for the delimitation of future trends for of land-use-development processes in the metropolitan area of Granada, mainly at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

在日常生活中,你在厨房卫生间是否不知不觉中留下污渍油渍。如何把这些污点清除掉,使你的厨卫洁净如新呢?你只要了解下面的知识、这一问题将会迎刃而解。  相似文献   

Using a specially devised apparatus, the Trondheim Division of the Norwegian Building Research Institute has tested five types of concrete roof tiles for water tightness, using a traditional clay tile as a reference. The general conclusion is that, with the superior performance of modern concrete tiles, there is no reason why they should not be used for a roof pitch down to 15 degrees, though account must be taken of end overlaps, geometric form, tile detailing and the sub-roof construction. The results, it is suggested, expose the limitations of present test methods, which are based on experience with traditional practices.  相似文献   

Using a specially devised apparatus, the Trondheim Division of the Norwegian Building Research Institute has tested five types of concrete roof tiles for water tightness, using a traditional clay tile as a reference. The general conclusion is that, with the superior performance of modern concrete tiles, there is no reason why they should not be used for a roof pitch down to 15 degrees, though account must be taken of end overlaps, geometric form, tile detailing and the sub‐roof construction. The results, it is suggested, expose the limitations of present test methods, which are based on experience with traditional practices.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive and its daughter directives recognize the urgent need to adopt specific measures against the contamination of water by individual pollutants or a group of pollutants that present a significant risk to the quality of water. Probability maps showing that the nitrate concentrations exceed a legal threshold value in any location of the aquifer are used to assess risk of groundwater quality degradation from intensive agricultural activity in aquifers. In this paper we use Disjunctive Kriging to map the probability that the Nitrates Directive limit (91/676/EEC) is exceeded for the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone of the River Tagus alluvium aquifer.The Tagus alluvial aquifer system belongs to one of the most productive hydrogeological unit of continental Portugal and it is used to irrigate crops. Several groundwater monitoring campaigns were carried out from 2004 to 2006 according to the summer crops cycle.The study reveals more areas on the west bank with higher probabilities of contamination by nitrates (nitrate concentration values above 50 mg/L) than on the east bank.The analysis of synthetic temporal probability map shows the areas where there is an increase of nitrates concentration during the summers.  相似文献   

通过研究区域地球化学特征及预查区地质特征,发现区内Au、Ag标准离差及变化系数较大,说明Au、Ag元素在区内分布不均匀,易富集而成矿,区内发现有那更康切尔、永巴埂、克得休玛等银多金属矿。通过预查工作,运用地化综合手段,发现了新的工业银矿体11条,其中Ⅲ-3矿体平均品位41. 4~1371. 63 g/t,最高2320 g/t;对HS6南部与北部异常、地质特征、控矿因素及找矿标志的综合分析对比,矿(化)体的赋存部位及矿石类型与那更康切尔银矿一致,说明该区具有较好的银矿找矿潜力。  相似文献   

浅埋偏压隧道施工技术   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
杨新红 《山西建筑》2007,33(20):159-160
介绍了偏压、浅理隧道进洞施工技术的原理及施工特点,结合工程实例,从地表处理、施作偏压挡墙、洞身开挖、初期支护等方面探讨了其施工工序,提出了该技术应注意的施工事项,从而保证工程质量。  相似文献   

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