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以人为本,构建和谐社会是党中央适应新形势提出的崭新执政理念。质监部门在行政执法过程中应全面贯彻这一执政理念。本文拟从以人为本与和谐执法的关系、和谐执法的定位以及推进质监和谐执法的思考三个方面对推进质监和谐执法进行探讨。  相似文献   

辽宁省铁岭市质监局转变行政执法和管理工作机制,有效地解决了重复执法、多头执法、乱收费、乱罚款等影响质监系统行风建设的问题。今年以来,该局行风建设实现零投诉。铁岭市质监局创新监管模式,实施区域服务与监管工作机制,将全市划分为18个服务与监管责任区,每个服务与监管责任区选择一个乡镇作为驻地,设立区域监管分局,选派4至5名人员常驻,由监管分局负责区域内的质量技术监督综合管理、行政执法、技术服务和对企业日常监管。  相似文献   

质监执法既有行政执法的某些共性,又有其自身的特征。当前质监执法过程中易出现行政处罚对象错误,处罚认定事实错误,违反法定程序,擅自改变处罚种类、幅度,不使用罚款单据或使用非法定部门制发的罚款单据,以收代罚,以罚代刑,应当移交司法机关未移交的及其它检查、调查中的过当行为。因此,常常造成当事人要求行政复议、行政诉讼,乃至检察机关介入案件办理甚或对个别执法人员徇私舞弊、渎职提起刑事诉讼。针对以上种种问题,从避免和预防质监执法人员职务犯罪,增强执法人员法制意识,提高自我保护意识和执法水平的角度,探讨质监执法的法制化进程中的对策与措施。  相似文献   

关于在“打假”执法工作中违纪问题的报道近年来,各级技术监督部门认真履行行政执法职能,在加强市场监督、严厉打击制售假冒伪劣商品违法行为和保护消费者合法权益等方面做了大量工作,得到了广大企业和消费者的好评。但是,必须清醒地看到,一些地区地执法工作中,执法...  相似文献   

近年来,无锡市锡山质量技术监督局在无锡市局的领导下,锡山区委、区政府的关心支持下,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,坚持发展是硬道理。把加快发展作为第一要务,锡山质监局在推进质监事业的发展,加紧实现区委、区政府“两个率先”先导区、示范区,提前奔小康的工作进程中,切实加强队伍建设,努力履行好综合管理、行政执法、安全监察三大职能、主动把质监工作融入到紧贴地方经济建设,紧贴政府工作,  相似文献   

近几年来,江苏省盐城市质监局在行政执法工作中不断创新管理模式,在创新中推进依法行政。为解决行政处罚自由裁量权行使不被社会理解的问题,2004年提出并实施"开门审案",增强了质监执法的公信力和透明度,江苏省局、国家质检总局先后在全省、全国系统推广,获得地方政府法制创新奖;为了改变生、冷、硬的执法方式,解决行政执法中的三个老大难问题(取证难、处罚难、执行难),2006年该局又首创并实施"全程说理执法"文明  相似文献   

质监工作的主要特点是以技术手段实现综合管理和行政执法两大职能,这也是我们区别于其他政府职能部门的优势所在。从质监事业的长远发展来看,技术保障能力建设始终是我们的  相似文献   

本文立足于行政法理论和质监执法实际,提出“违法行为数问题”这个定义;举例论述质监执法中遇到的各类不同“违法行为数”的概念和特征、构成要件、处理等;建议立法完善“违法行为数问题”的定义、处断原则及执法主体重合问题等。  相似文献   

在机构改革之际,澄清部门之间执法职能划分的规则,厘定部门职能管辖界限,对于合理界定质监部门的执法权限,将有重大的理论和现实意义。质监法律体系主要是以《计量法》、《标准化法》和《产品质量法》为基石搭建起来的。(后又以《食品安全法》、《认证认可条例》、《特种设备安全监察条例》等法律、行政法规予以丰富)。然而,在确立执法主体时,三部法律无不采用了开放而非闭合的方式:一是《计量法》、《标准化法》和《产品质量法》的相关规定,几乎所有的行政处罚权限,质监部门与工商部门均可并行适用。二是为了便于和其他相关部门行政处罚权的衔接,都无一例外地规定主管部门处罚优先的原则。最为典型的是  相似文献   

曹立新 《中国计量》2006,(6):21-21,28
随着市场经济的发展,对质监工作的要求也越来越高。特别是在行政执法方面。严格按照有关法律法规规范自己的行政执法活动,已关系到质监事业发展的大局。作为一名执法人员,为适应质监工作的更高要求,在工作实践中应不断地努力提高以下五种能力:  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether changing Michigan's safety belt law from secondary to primary (standard) enforcement resulted in police harassment. The study investigated safety-belt-enforcement-related harassment by considering three measures: citizen complaints arising from enforcement of the safety belt law; citation over-representation, that is, a statistical determination of whether certain groups received more citations than would be expected based upon their presence in the driving population and their rate of violating the safety belt use law; and self-reported harassment among the population of people who receive safety belt citations. Safety-belt-related harassment complaints were very uncommon both before and after primary enforcement. Implementation of primary enforcement did not lead to an increase in citation over-representation, and, therefore, safety-belt-related harassment by sex, race, or age. The vast majority of people receiving safety belt citations reported officer behavior as professional and did not feel that they were singled out for their citation. However, a sizeable minority of Blacks and young people report perceptions of safety-belt-related harassment. Results suggest that states with secondary enforcement should continue their efforts to change to primary enforcement, but should also make a strong effort to educate both law enforcement and the public about the harassment issue.  相似文献   

陆军 《中国测试技术》2007,33(6):126-129
化工、电力、煤炭、冶金等特殊工业建设工程科技含量高,技术风险大,工程质量问题具有隐蔽性,涉及公共利益和公众安全。特殊工业建设工程质量监督是根据国家的法律、法规和相关工业工程建设强制性标准,对责任主体和有关机构履行质量责任的行为以及工程实体质量进行监督检查,维护公众利益的行政执法行为,必须体现出一定的科学性。无损检测作为建设工程质量监督机构抽查工程实体质量并据以评价工程质量的重要技术手段,在工程质量监督、工程质量评价以及工程质量鉴定中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

All states in the U.S. prohibit alcohol-impaired driving but active law enforcement is necessary for effectively reducing this behavior. Sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, open container laws, and media campaigns related to enforcement efforts are all enforcement-related strategies for reducing alcohol-impaired driving. We conducted surveys of all state patrol agencies and a representative sample of local law enforcement agencies to assess their use of alcohol-impaired driving enforcement-related strategies and to determine the relationship between these enforcement-related strategies and self-reported alcohol-impaired driving behavior obtained from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. We found that sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and enforcement of open container laws were associated with a lower prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving but, more importantly, a combination of enforcement-related strategies was associated with a greater decrease in alcohol-impaired driving than any individual enforcement-related activity. In addition, alcohol-impaired driving enforcement-related strategies were associated with decreased alcohol-impaired driving above and beyond their association with decreased binge drinking. Results suggest law enforcement agencies should give greater priority to using a combination of strategies rather than relying on any one individual enforcement activity.  相似文献   

随着人类社会文明的不断发展,标准无处不在,标准的实质就是科学、规范,核心就是以质量和效益为中心。法者“天下之程式,万式之仪表”,随着我国法律体系的逐步完善、公民法律意识及自我保护能力的不断增强,特别是我国正处于经济和社会的双重转型期,社会矛盾呈高发和多元化态势,商品条码执法工作也面临着重重风险和压力。如何用标准对每个条码执法部门、每个环节、每个岗位制定细而又细的的科学化、量化的标准,按照标准细化条码执法是我们应该思考的问题,按照标准化进行管理,使商品条码执法工作更规范、更透明,为条码事业健康发展护航。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国监狱执法管理标准化建设的实践情况,分析了监狱执法管理标准化的概念和内涵,提出了地方开展监狱执法管理标准化建设的工作路径、重点内容和措施建议。  相似文献   

This study explores whether the change of an existing seat belt law from secondary to primary enforcement enhances traffic safety. In particular, we examine traffic fatalities and injuries in California from 1988 to 1997. During the first half of this period, California law provided for secondary enforcement of its mandatory seat belt law, but in 1993 it upgraded the law to primary enforcement. Controlling for the number of motor vehicle collisions, a Box–Tiao intervention analysis of the time series is used to compare the monthly fatalities and injuries before and after the change in the enforcement provision. The results show that California experienced an improvement in traffic safety in terms of a significant reduction in injuries, but the change in enforcement provision had no statistically significant impact on fatalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the administrational supervision of occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors in the workplaces that they inspect. In the questionnaire survey, the respondents were OSH managers and workers’ OSH representatives in the chemical companies’ plants. For workers, the aggregated variable ‘General OSH enforcement operations’ was positively related to the aggregated variable ‘Effects of the current OSH inspection’. In contrast, for the OSH managers, the corresponding data did not reveal any correlation. The professional competence in carrying out the OSH inspections was positively related to the different variables of the aggregated variable ‘Effects of the current OSH inspection (Outputs)’. In contrast, for the workers’ OSH representatives, the analysis failed to confirm this relationship. The present findings are that OSH managers and workers’ OSH representatives desired that the OSH inspector should follow up more effectively that OSH management systems are being implemented in practice. They should provide more advice to workplaces in order to help them to exceed the minimum level laid down by law. Workers’ OSH representatives expressed clearly that the OSH inspector should more often impose binding obligations. The professional skills of the OSH inspectors need to correspond better to the needs of today's working life and to be able to react to system changes in the workplaces. The OSH enforcement approach should become more uniform and be harmonized between the individual OSH inspectors and the OSH agencies. The development of the quality of OSH inspections and the professional competence of inspectors are important aspects from the point of the effectiveness.  相似文献   

法言法语不是"法律语言",而主要是从事法律活动的"言语行为"。法律活动有其行业用语,它与全民词汇的联系便是法律术语。探讨法律术语的规范、价值、事实三大类型。在法律行业语的"贵族化"与"平民化"中,我们选择什么,主张什么?中国法言法语的现状,有术语的泛政治化、话语的晦涩难懂、条款的凭空悬置、判词的千篇一律等问题。这些问题,应该辨证地看待。在思考法言法语的中国化中,寻找其规范性和大众化、精确性与模糊性以及它们的特点和风格等。进一步探讨法律言语的使用,立法要注意规范性与实用性要求;执法和司法过程中,要注意法律言语的中立性、文明性、庄重威严等问题。结论强调了法言法语的易读性和大众化。  相似文献   

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