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This article documents that the hydrogen economy continues to attract significant attention among politicians, the media, and some academics. We believe that an explanation lies in the way that the hydrogen economy fulfills psychological and cultural needs related to a future world where energy is abundant, cheap, and pollution-free, a “fantasy” that manifests itself with the idea that society can continue to operate without limits imposed by population growth and the destruction of the environment. The article begins by explaining its research methodology consisting of two literature reviews, research interviews of energy experts, and the application of symbolic convergence theory, a general communications theory about the construction of rhetorical fantasies. We then identify a host of socio-technical challenges to explain why the creation of a hydrogen economy would present immense (and possibly intractable) obstacles, an argument supplemented by our research interviews. Next, we employ symbolic convergence theory to identify five prevalent fantasy themes and rhetorical visions—independence, patriotism, progress, democratization, and inevitability—in academic and public discussions in favor of the hydrogen economy. We conclude by offering implications for scholarship relating to energy policy more broadly.  相似文献   

After about a 30-year hiatus of construction in the US but not in all involved countries, the designs for an improved water-cooled nuclear reactor will hopefully be developed by a consortium of nuclear reactor builders and users under an agreement with the US Department of Energy (DOE) and review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The construction of high-temperature, helium-cooled pebble-bed or prismatic reactors may herald the entry of new, safer, and less costly types of reactors to replace the water-cooled reactors of the past and current types. Nuclear breeder reactors hold the promise of limitless energy supplies without the use of fossil fuels or renewables at acceptable costs but this development program has been stalled periodically, especially in the US, when abundant low-cost uranium sources were added to the supply side.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2006,34(17):2630-2639
This paper is the result of over a dozen scholars and practitioners who strongly felt that a hydrogen economy and hence the future is closer than some American politicians and bureaucrats state. Moreover, when seen internationally, there is strong evidence, the most recent and obvious ones are the proliferation of hybrid vehicles, that for any nation-state to be energy independent it must seek a renewable or green hydrogen future in the near term.The State of California has once again taken the lead in this effort for both an energy-independent future and one linked strongly to the hydrogen economy.Then why a hydrogen economy in the first instance? The fact is that hydrogen most likely will not be used for refueling of vehicles in the near term. The number of vehicles to make hydrogen commercially viable will not be in the mass market by almost all estimates until 2010. However, it is less than a decade away. The time frame is NOT 30–40 years as some argue. The hydrogen economy needs trained people, new ventures and public–private partnerships now.The paper points out how the concerns of today, including higher costs and technologies under development, can be turned into opportunities for both the public and private sectors. It was not too long ago that the size of a mobile phone was that of a briefcase, and then almost 10 years ago, the size of a shoe box. Today, they are not only the size of a man's wallet but also often given away free to consumers who subscribe or contract for wireless services. While hydrogen may not follow this technological commercialization exactly, it certainly will be on a parallel path. International events and local or regional security dictate that the time for a hydrogen must be close at hand.  相似文献   

There is growing support to electrifying our economy by getting off of fossil fuels by producing renewable energy by wind and solar photovoltaic plants and using batteries to balance production and demand or to store energy onboard vehicles that cannot move along electric lines. Unfortunately, this proposal is pushed forward negating the value of hydrogen as an energy store. As here commented, the hydrogen economy is not competitive, but complementary and synergetic to the electric economy, and both should be promoted together to secure a faster transition towards a CO2 emission-free economy.  相似文献   

Many roads lead to Rome; many roads lead toward the hydrogen energy economy. They are marked with milestones, those alongside the fully operational hydrogen economy, which was established long ago, and those marking the up and coming hydrogen energy economy, which is the subject of this paper.  相似文献   

BC Hydro has embarked on a strategy to be the leader in the development of a hydrogen economy in British Columbia, Canada, using sustainable electricity for hydrogen production. BC Hydro is now exploring this market by establishing relationships with key players and learning by doing through demonstration projects, as well as facilitating hydrogen opportunities in the province. BC Hydro's ultimate goal is to ensure that safe, economic and publicly acceptable hydrogen infrastructure is available to support the widespread adoption of fuel cell vehicles and other products.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy technologies can play a vital role in solving problems related to the energy sector. In order to create globally acceptable strategies in the development of hydrogen economy international groups have been created. In spite of multinational cooperation, national strategies on development of hydrogen energy technologies vary considerably from country to country due to different national constraints. Lithuania is also in the process of developing its national hydrogen energy strategy taking into account its national peculiarities. The first part of this article analyzes the strategy of hydrogen technology commercialization in the European Union and the second part analyzes the specific problems related to introduction of hydrogen energy technologies into the market in Lithuania.  相似文献   

The most challenging aspect of developing a green hydrogen economy is long-distance oceanic transportation. Hydrogen liquefaction is a transportation alternative. However, the cost and energy consumption for liquefaction is currently prohibitively high, creating a major barrier to hydrogen supply chains. This paper proposes using solid nitrogen or oxygen as a medium for recycling cold energy across the hydrogen liquefaction supply chain. When a liquid hydrogen (LH2) carrier reaches its destination, the regasification process of the hydrogen produces solid nitrogen or oxygen. The solid nitrogen or oxygen is then transported in the LH2 carrier back to the hydrogen liquefaction facility and used to reduce the energy consumption cooling gaseous hydrogen. As a result, the energy required to liquefy hydrogen can be reduced by 25.4% using N2 and 27.3% using O2. Solid air hydrogen liquefaction (SAHL) can be the missing link for implementing a global hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

In the near- to medium-term future, hydrogen production will continue to rely on fossil fuels, and will, therefore, remain a potential source of significant CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Conventional CO2 sequestration strategies offer rather expensive and ecologically uncertain solutions. The objective of this paper is to explore novel approaches to solving energy and environmental problems associated with the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels. The paper discusses the technological, environmental and economical aspects of large-scale production of hydrogen and carbon by the catalytic dissociation of natural gas (NG). The authors propose a scenario of fossil-based “hydrogen–carbon” infrastructure, where the hydrogen component of NG is used as a clean energy carrier (e.g., in transportation) and the carbon component is used in several application areas: structural materials, power generation, soil amendment and environmental remediation. This scenario will allow a smooth transition from the current hydrocarbon-based economy to a hydrogen–carbon economy as a half-way point to the ultimate hydrogen-from-renewables economy of the future.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of ammonia as a multipurpose energy vector. Synthesized from hydrogen produced in a large, centralized facility using nuclear process heat from a high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), the ammonia serves as a low-cost vehicle for energy storage and transmission, via pipeline, to remote demand centers where some of it serves as a clean-burning fuel for local cogeneration and process heat applications, and some of it is used for direct agricultural application or as feedstock for production of nitrogen-based fertilizers or other chemical processes.  相似文献   

A role for ammonia in the hydrogen economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonia (NH3) is a non-polluting fuel which produces only water and nitrogen as products of combustion. Therefore, it could be an alternative to hydrogen for vehicle motive power in the hydrogen economy. For this role ‘electrolytic ammonia’ would be prepared by catalytic combination of electrolytic hydrogen and atmospheric nitrogen. The background and developmental status of hydrogen and ammonia as motor-vehicle fuels are reviewed. Engine tests have demonstrated that ammonia can replace gasoline or diesel fuel for motor vehicles, giving near-theoretical values of engine power and efficiency. Ammonia is superior to hydrogen as a vehicle fuel for several reasons: it can be stored and transported as a liquid at ambient temperatures in low-pressure containers; per unit volume ammonia has 1.3 times the heating value of liquid hydrogen; ammonia is distributed internationally in quantities of over 100 million tons per year, and procedures and facilities are established world-wide for its safe handling and distribution. These factors would greatly facilitate the commercial adoption of ammonia as a practical replacement for carbonaceous fuels. The projected cost of supplying ‘electrolytic ammonia’ to motor vehicle filling stations is estimated to be roughly half the cost of supplying electrolytic liquid hydrogen for the same purpose, i.e. $10.5–12.5 GJ−1 for ammonia vs $25–30 GJ−1 for LH2 (1988$). A summary is presented of the physical and thermo-chemical characteristics and estimated costs of ammonia in comparison with hydrogen, as liquid, compressed gas or stored as metal hydride. Properties of gasoline, methanol, ethanol and liquified methane are also listed.  相似文献   

The global changes in energy policy, including the increasing contribution of renewable sources of energy to the total output of produced energy and various attempts to introduce advanced energy technologies, and the increasingly efficient use of the energy that had already been emitted are sufficient reasons to discuss Poland's energy policy. The present work features an analysis of the current state of Poland's energy economy and the economic factors that affect the power industry. The tenets of Poland's current energy policy are also presented in the context of hydrogen energy. The possibilities and limitations concerning the transition to hydrogen power in Poland are discussed taking into account a number of aspects, some of which include the degree of development of the electric power infrastructure, the current and future demand for electric energy with regard to the current geopolitical and economic situation of Poland, and Poland's membership in the European Union.  相似文献   

The dramatic societal, infrastructural and institutional changes associated with the transition to a hydrogen economy and the actions that must be taken to capitalize on the transition have been analyzed by a number of studies in many countries ranging from rhetorical visions to full technology roadmaps. As yet no such study has been undertaken in Portugal. This paper ascertains that Portugal needs to fully understand the potential that it has to develop a “hydrogen economy”, and to take steps for this technology transition. An analysis is made of the current Portuguese energy system and policies in the light of the key technology transition challenges towards a hydrogen economy. The current status of hydrogen technology development is compared with that of other countries, and potential production to end-use hydrogen chains are examined. Key areas of promise for hydrogen technologies in Portugal are identified. The paper concludes with recommendations for actions to begin the process of transition towards a “hydrogen economy”.  相似文献   

This article broadly reviews the state-of-the-art technologies for hydrogen production routes, and methods of renewable integration. It outlines the main techno-economic enabler factors for Australia to transform and lead the regional energy market. Two main categories for competitive and commercial-scale hydrogen production routes in Australia are identified: 1) electrolysis powered by renewable, and 2) fossil fuel cracking via steam methane reforming (SMR) or coal gasification which must be coupled with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). It is reported that Australia is able to competitively lower the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) to a record $(1.88–2.30)/kgH2 for SMR technologies, and $(2.02–2.47)/kgH2 for black-coal gasification technologies. Comparatively, the LCOH via electrolysis technologies is in the range of $(4.78–5.84)/kgH2 for the alkaline electrolysis (AE) and $(6.08–7.43)/kgH2 for the proton exchange membrane (PEM) counterparts. Nevertheless, hydrogen production must be linked to the right infrastructure in transport-storage-conversion to demonstrate appealing business models.  相似文献   

The increasingly serious energy crisis and environmental pollution caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels have been prompting China to aggressively seek a clean and self-sufficient energy source in the future. In the past decades, hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative due to its advantages of cleanliness, abundance, high energy density, and high conversion efficiency. However, several challenges have to be overcome for China's successful transition to hydrogen economy. In this paper, the hydrogen supply chain is firstly described to help the readers to clearly understand the hydrogen economy. Subsequently, the feasibility of hydrogen economy is discussed by reviewing viewpoints from the literature. Finally, the challenges of China's transition to hydrogen economy are detailed summarized and discussed, and the strategies for China to develop hydrogen economy were compared with that of Japan and Australia.  相似文献   

The concept leading to a hydrogen economy lay in the work of a Nazi engineer, Lawaceck, 1968. I heard his suggestion of cheaper transfer of energy in hydrogen through pipes at a dinner in that year.  相似文献   

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