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The photoluminescence(PL) properties of Ca4YO(BO3)3 doped with Bi3+,Dy3+,and Pr3+ ions were investigated.These compounds were prepared using a typical solid-state reaction.The excitation and emission spectra were measured using a spectrofluorometer.For Ca4YO(BO3)3:Bi3+,the excitation spectrum showed the bands at about 228,309,and 370 nm which correspond to the 1S0→1P1 transition and the 1S0→3P1 transition of Bi3+ ions.The emission band at 390 nm corresponded to the 3P1→1S0 transition of Bi3+ ions.For Ca4YO(BO3)3:Bi3+,Dy3+,energy transfer occurred from Bi3+ to Dy3+ somewhat.In Ca4YO(BO3)3:Bi3+,Dy3+,Pr3+,the excitation band at 367 nm was enhanced obviously due to the energy migration from Bi3+ to Pr3+,which converted efficiently the emission of semiconductor InGaN based light-emitting diode(LED).Therefore,the emission of Dy3+ ions was enhanced due to the energy migration from the process of Bi3+→Pr3+→Dy3+.It resulted in the good color rendering.  相似文献   

纳米La_2O_3粉晶的制备及其表征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以La(NO_3)_3·6H_2O、NH_4HCO_3和聚乙二醇为原料,利用沉淀法制备了纳米La_2O_3粉体,利用XRD,TG-DTA和TEM等测试方法对干凝胶热分解过程及最终形成的纳米La_2O_3粉体进行了分析和表征,XRD法考察了前驱体在不同热处理条件下产物物相和晶粒度的变化情况,实验结果表明,在适当工艺参数下,前驱体经720℃,1h焙烧所得产物为平均粒径小于50nm的La_2O_3粉体.  相似文献   

Nanosized Gd2(1-x)Eu2xTi2O7:yV5+ phosphors were prepared via sol-gel method and characterized with X-ray diffraction,Raman spectroscopy,diffuse reflectance spectra and photoluminescence spectra.Their PL properties were investigated as functions of the Eu3+ doping concentration and annealing temperature.The results indicated that the as-prepared samples showed a strong emission of Eu3+ under the irradiation of 303 nm.For Eu3+-doped Gd2Ti2O7,the orange emission at 586 nm was the strongest,which was correspond...  相似文献   

By using Zb4O7 and MoO4 as starting materials, ferroelectric Tb2(MoO4)3 crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. The as-grown crystal was pale green color, transparent and crack-free. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), transmission spectrum, dielectric con-stant and polarization-electric field (P-E) hysteresis loop measurements were performed to characterize the crystal. The XRPD confirmed the as-grown crystal to be Tb2(MoO4)3. The transmission spectrum of the crystal showed that its transmittance in the entire visible and most near-infrared region was more than 70% except for an absorption peak around 486 nm. Obvious dielectric anomaly could be observed at low frequencies with increasing temperature through the dielectric constant measurement and the Curie temperature of Tb2(MoO4)3 crystal was determined to be 162.3℃. The unsaturated P-E hysteresis loops indicated that it was difficult for the ferroelectric domains in Tb2(MoO4)3 crystal to array regularly with repeated switching of the electric field.  相似文献   

研究了Eu2+、Dy3+共激活的SrAl2O4体系的发光性能和能量传输。结果表明,Dy3+、Eu2+共存时,Eu2+的发光强度远远大于无Dy3+时的发光强度,证明Dy3+对Eu2+的发光有敏化作用。Dy→Eu2+能量传输的方式为籍助于载流子的能量输运。  相似文献   

Y2O3:Eu3+ powders were synthesized by combustion method and the influence of dispersant was investigated.XRD analysis indicated that the particle size increased with a small amount of dispersant firstly and then decreased with a further increase of dispersant.The morphologies of the powders were studied by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM).SEM images revealed that an appropriate amount of dispersant could reduce the agglomeration significantly.Due ...  相似文献   

FeAl intermetallic compound with different contents of rare earth oxide La2O3 addition was prepared by hot pressing the mechanically alloyed powders.Effect of La2O3 on microstructure and high-temperature wear property of the sintered FeAl samples was investigated in this paper.The results showed that 1 wt.% La2O3 addition could refine the microstructure and increase the density of the FeAl intermetallic compound,and correspondingly improved the high-temperature wear resistance.SEM and EDS analyses of the wo...  相似文献   

OxidationBehaviorofLa_2O_3OxideDispersion StrengthenedAluminum-DiffusionalCoatingPengXiao;(彭晓);LiTie-Fan;(李铁藩)(CorrosionScienc...  相似文献   

Samples of manganese oxides La(1-x)2/3Ca1/3MnO3(x 〈 0.10) with Lavacancy were prepared by standard solid-state reaction method. All the samples are single phase, with orthorhombic symmetry (Pnma ), analyzed by XRD and with Rietveld Refinement. The effect of different La-site vacancies concentration on electronic transport of La(1-x)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 was investigated. The insulator-metal transition temperature (about 267 K) nearly remains unchanged with the increase of vacancy concentration, which indicates that small La-vacancy does not destroy the double exchange interaction. But the electronic resistance increases and MR value decreases with La-vacancy content x 〉 0.04. The maximum of the MR value (8 T) is about 220% at transition temperature (TMI).  相似文献   

CaTiO_3∶Pr~(3+)的合成及发光特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用高温团相反应合成TCaTiO3∶Pr3+红色发光材料、报道了Pr3+激活的CaTiO3的光谱特征及长余辉特性,并与CaS∶Eu的光谱特性及长余辉进行了比较。CaTiO3∶Pr3+将是一种具有广泛用途的新材料  相似文献   

A series of red phosphors Ca10Li (PO4)7:Eu3+ were synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method. Their luminescence properties were characterized by means of photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra,CIE chromaticity and quantum efficiency. Results indicated that the phosphors could be effectively excited by the near ultraviolet (NUV) light (393 nm). The main emission peaks of the phosphor were ascribed to the transition 5D0-7F2 (613 and 617 nm) of Eu3+ ion when samples were excited by...  相似文献   

Na_2WO_4:Eu~(3+),Tb~(3+)光致发光材料的发光性质和能量传递   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用溶胶-凝胶法,将激活离子Eu~(3+)和Tb~(3+)以单一或混合的形式掺入体系得到了光致发光材料.分别研究了材料中激活离子Eu~(3+)和Tb~(3+)的含量及其离子之间的能量传递关系.主要利用材料的三维荧光光谱,激发光谱和发射光谱对其的发光性质进行了分析;结果发现,材料中有两个发光中心,分别为Eu~(3+)和Tb~(3+),在不同的波长光的激发下得到的材料的红绿色发光强度不同,而且Eu~(3+)和Tb~(3+)的掺杂浓度比对发光色度影响很大.所以可以根据选择最适合的Eu~(3+)和Tb~(3+)的浓度比来控制材料的发光色,也可以通过不同的激发波长对材料的色度进行微调.  相似文献   

In this paper,various techniques including BET,XRD,SEM and XPS were used to study the sintering ofpure and La_2O_3-doped titania.The experimental results show that sintering of titania proceeds via volume diffu-sion.Adding of lanthanum oxide decreases the rate of sintering and hinders the phase transition from anatase torutile crystal by strong surface interaction between the mixed crystals(La_4Ti_9O_(24),La_(0.66)TiO_(2.99))and TiO_2.  相似文献   

YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal of good optical quality was grown by the flux method. The structure of YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The experiment shows that YbAl3(BO3)4 belongs to the double borates with a trigonal structure. The space group is R32 and its unit cell constants were measured to be a=0.92965 nm, c=0.72129 nm, V=0.53673 nm3, Z=3. The transmittance spectra were measured. The cut-off of YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal is 216 nm, and there are two absorption peaks located at 940 and 975 nm from 190 nm to 2600 nm. The thermal properties of YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal were studied for the first time. The average thermal expansion coefficients were determined to be 2×10-6/℃, 9.5×10-6/℃ along a- and c- direction. The specific heat of YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal was measured to be 0.6695 J·(g·℃)-1 at room temperature. All results indicate that the YbAl3(BO3)4 crystal is an excellent stoichioimetric laser material.  相似文献   

ElectronMicroscopicIn-situObservationforPreparationofUltrafineLa_2O_3NanophasePowderGaoYuzun(高愈尊),LiYonghong(李永洪),ZhangTaisong...  相似文献   

Influence of Y~(3 ) on Structure and Electrochemical Property of LiMn_2O_4  相似文献   

BaWO4:Pr3+ (hereafter BWO:Pr) microcrystals were prepared via a hydrothermal route, and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra. The as-prepared products with different morphologies of egg-shape rod, olive-like, and quasi-sphere were obtained by the addition of the surfactants and chelating agents. The emis-sion spectra of BWO:Pr microcrystals showed the strong red emission (642 nm) assigned to the Pr3+ ions of 3P0→3F2 transition with blue ex-citation (484.6 nm, 3H4→3P0).  相似文献   

以La(NO3)3.6H2O为原料,用强碱性阴离子交换树脂为沉淀剂,制备了纳米La2O3。前驱物及产物进行了TG-DTA、XRD、TEM、HRTEM、SAED、BET等表征。实验结果表明,前驱物是La(OH)3,产物为宽约20nm~25nm、长约为80nm~200nm的板状或棒状La2O3纳米多晶体。  相似文献   

Synthesis and properties of Yb:Sc_2O_3 transparent ceramics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Yb:Sc2O3 transparent ceramics were fabricated by solid-state reaction and vacuum sintering method.CaO was added as sinteringaids by a high energy ball milling.Transparent nearly-fully dense samples were obtained after 1840 oC sintering.Using transmitted-light microscopewe get the grain sizes are more than 100 μm.Using spectrophotometer we get the absorption coefficient centered at 975 nm was 2.65 cm-1.The phosphorescence spectra showed that the line-widths(FWHM) at 975 and 1041 nm were about 4 and 10 nm and the lifetime of Yb ionsin Sc2O3 transparent ceramics was about 883 μs.According to the absorption and fluorescence band centers of Yb:Sc2O3 transparent ceramics,the level scheme of Yb3+ ions in Sc2O3 ceramics could be gotten.  相似文献   

Pr~(3+)-doped Li_2SrSiO_4 red phosphor for white LEDs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Novel red phosphors,Li2Sr1-1.5xSiO4:xPr3+(x=0.002,0.003,0.004,0.005,0.006 and 0.008),were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction and the luminescent properties were investigated.The as-prepared phosphors showed red emission at 610 nm under excitation of blue light at 452 nm,indicating that they were promising candidates for red phosphors in the fabrication of white LEDs via blue LED chips.Their excitation bands at 452,476 and 487 nm were attributed to transitions of 3H4→3P2,3H4→3P1+1I6,3H4→3P0 of Pr3+ ion.The red emissions at 606 and 610 nm were originated from the 3P0-3H6 and 1D2-3H4 transitions of Pr3+.The optimum doping concentration of Pr3+ in Li2Sr1-1.5xSiO4:xPr3+ was determined to be x=0.004.With the concentration of Pr3+ over x=0.004,the fluorescence intensity of Li2Sr1-1.5xSiO4:xPr3+ decreased,indicating the concentration quenching occurred.  相似文献   

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