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During the 18th week of a first pregnancy, a 20-year-old woman visits her physician complaining of cough, sore throat, and hemoptysis of 4 days in duration. A chest radiograph, laboratory study findings including a cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody titer, and lung biopsy results were consistent with a limited form of Wegener's granulomatosis. She was treated successfully with prednisone and cyclophosphamide. The remainder of her pregnancy was otherwise uneventful and resulted in a normal labor and delivery of a healthy male infant.  相似文献   

For treatment of malaria, the World Health Organization recommends 10 mg of quinine per kg body-weight 3 times a day for at least 7 d. In Guinea-Bissau, as in several other African countries, a 3 d treatment regimen (10 mg/kg twice daily) is currently used. We therefore compared the 3 d treatment period with periods of 5 and 7 d. A total of 145 children with clinical malaria due to monoinfection with Plasmodium falciparum, with > or = 20 parasites per 200 leucocytes, were treated with intramuscular Quinimax 10 mg per kg body-weight twice daily for 3, 5 or 7 d. The children were then examined once weekly for 4 weeks. Following the 3 d treatment regimen, 34 of 43 children (79%) had parasitaemia on day 28 or before; following the 5 d treatment regimen, 36 of 40 children (90%) did so; and following the 7 d treatment regimen, 7 of 62 children (11%) were parasitaemic at that time. This study thus suggests that the currently recommended 3 d Quinimax treatment regimen in Guinea-Bissau for moderate and severe malaria is not effective.  相似文献   

Recent reports describe successful treatment of interstitial ectopic pregnancies using methotrexate. While the number of reported cases is increasing, no consensus exists regarding the management of this complication of pregnancy. We present the successful use of combined systemic and direct intrasac injection of methotrexate for an interstitial pregnancy with the highest yet reported initial beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin concentration (102,000 mIU/ml). We also describe the use of Doppler ultrasound for monitoring treatment progression. Through a review of the current literature, we propose to facilitate management decisions and increase outcome success by summarizing previously reported treatment regimens and by describing enhanced parameters for patient selection and monitoring.  相似文献   

Nonspinal skeletal tuberculosis is a rare, indolent disease that is often difficult to diagnose. The incidence in the United States has recently increased. Pain and swelling are common symptoms. Radiographs may reveal normal findings, or in more advanced cases, demonstrate osteopenia, marginal erosions, and eventually, joint space narrowing and destruction. Treatment depends on the extent of the disease. Prolonged therapy with antitubercular agents is the mainstay of treatment. Synovectomy, osseous debridement, and arthrodesis also have a role in the treatment of this infection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In patients with early cervix carcinoma, both radiotherapy and surgery or combined modalities provide effective therapies. In the two last modalities, recommended surgery is radical hysterectomy. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the value of a limited vaginal hysterectomy after brachytherapy in patients without any unfavorable prognostic factor. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-two patients (stage Ia2 with vascular invasion: three patients, stage Ib 1:19 patients) with 1 cm median maximal tumor size and with previous negative laparoscopic lymphadenectomy (median number of lymph nodes: 12) underwent a limited vaginal hysterectomy 6 weeks after utero-vaginal brachytherapy. RESULTS: Two mild intra-operative complications were noted. Venous hemorrhage (100 mL) occurred in one patient during lymphadenectomy and another patient presented bladder injury during hysterectomy. These two complications were successfully controlled with no need for laparotomy. Only one late complication was observed: bladder grade G2 (b). With a 29 months follow-up (20-48 months), no recurrence was reported. CONCLUSION: These results appear promising in patients with very early cervix carcinoma but remain to be confirmed on a larger scale.  相似文献   

We report on a 25 year old woman with aplasia of the Müllerian duct, unilateral renal agenesis, and anomalies of the cervicothoracic somites (MURCS association). Growth retardation and facial asymmetry were also present. A review of published reports allows MURCS association to be distinguished from related associations, sequences, and syndromes. Moreover, sporadic occurrence, the broad spectrum of associated anomalies, and the involvement of different organ systems closely related in early embryogenesis are arguments for considering MURCS association as the consequence of a developmental field defect.  相似文献   

Lymphedema praecox, a type of primary lymphedema, becomes evident at puberty, occurs mostly in girls, and is usually confined to the lower extremities. Arms tend to be involved in either congenital or secondary lymphedema. We describe a unique localization in an 11-year-old girl who had primary lymphedema of the right hand and arm. The pertinent literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

Pyomyositis is most often associated with Staphylococcus aureus infections after trauma. We describe an unusual presentation of pyomyositis of the chest wall secondary to group A betahemolytic streptococcus infection in a 15-month-old child with acute abdominal symptoms. In addition, the patient had no history or evidence of trauma to the affected area. Pyomyositis presenting in this manner secondary to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection in the absence of a primary varicella infection has not been previously reported.  相似文献   

This report describes the clinical course, diagnostic evaluation and management of six children with bilateral renal artery stenosis (RAS) and concurrent narrowing of the abdominal aorta. Except for one child with active arteritis, the others were asymptomatic. There were no clinical or laboratory features suggesting the etiology of hypertension in four of six patients, and diagnostic procedures, including Doppler duplex ultrasound and captopril scintigraphy, were unreliable in screening for such hypertension. Abdominal aortography and selective renal angiography confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral RAS and associated anatomical alterations of the aorta and its branches. The hypertension was severe and minimally responsive to antihypertensive agents. It was cured or improved after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of three vessels in two children with mid-vessel stenoses, while hypertension persisted after PTA of two mid-vessel stenoses in a third child and one vessel with ostium stenosis in a fourth child. Autotransplantation of seven kidneys in four children resulted in cure of significant improvement of the hypertension. Renal function was preserved in all children during a mean follow-up time of 41 months. Based on illustrative data from these six children, as well as information from a review of the literature, this report discusses the key diagnostic issues and stresses the potential advantages of renal autotransplantation in selected children with this disorder.  相似文献   

A 69-year-old man with advanced prostate cancer was receiving antiandrogen therapy (bicalutamide [Casodex]). He developed dyspnea, peripheral eosinophilia and bilateral pulmonary interstitial infiltrates. Transbronchial biopsy confirmed pulmonary eosinophilia. Withdrawal of bicalutamide and initiation of steroid therapy resulted in clinical improvement.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J-Min/+ mice, which are heterozygous for a non-sense mutation in the Apc gene, provide a model for both familial adenomatous polyposis and sporadic colon cancers. In our study, gut tumors and small intestine lymphoid nodules were counted in Min mice fed fiber-enriched diets for 6 weeks. Neither starch-free wheat bran nor resistant starch modified the number of tumors. However, short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides dramatically reduced the incidence of colon tumors and concomitantly developed gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Our experiment shows that short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides counteract advanced stages of colon carcinogenesis, possibly via stimulation of antitumoral immunity by modulation of the colonic ecosystem.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human ehrlichiosis, a newly described zoonotic infection, can be classified as human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) or human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE). Although the clinical manifestations of HME and HGE are similar, the type of leukocyte infected, the etiologic agent, and the tick vector are distinct. METHODS: We report the first case of HGE in a solid organ transplant recipient and review the literature on HGE. RESULTS: Our patient displayed typical epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory features and responded promptly to therapy with doxycycline. CONCLUSIONS: Although opportunistic infections are relatively common in the posttransplant population, one must always consider other infections that occur in normal hosts as well. Human ehrlichiosis should be included in the differential diagnosis for transplant patients with fever, cytopenias, and hepatitis, especially if exposure to ticks in endemic areas has occurred.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to establish whether obstetric ultrasonography interpreted by a live video telemedicine link is comparable to interpretation by videotape review in a low-risk patient population. STUDY DESIGN: An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN 6) was established from three satellite offices to our central prenatal diagnostic center. Patients seen at these satellite offices had a complete fetal anatomic survey recorded onto videotape by a trained ultrasonographer. A live interactive video telemedicine link was then established to our center by the digital network, and a perinatologist directed the ultrasonographer through the anatomy survey. Subsequently a different perinatologist, blinded to the telemedicine interpretation, reviewed the videotaped examination. The reports from the videotaped and telemedicine scans were then compared on the basis of a score of 33 anatomic items. RESULTS: The first 200 patients seen at the satellite offices were included. Telemedicine and videotape interpretations provided similar scores in 84% of scans. In 17 of the 33 anatomic categories telemedicine provided significantly better scores than videotape, whereas in the remaining 16 anatomic categories the scores were equivalent. More videotape than telemedicine examinations required repeat ultrasonography because of suboptimal imaging (10% vs 3%, p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The interpretation of obstetric ultrasonography with use of live video telemedicine is comparable to videotape review. Fetal telemedicine may prove to be a useful tool for providing ultrasonographic interpretation of fetal anatomy to a network of low-risk obstetric practices.  相似文献   

This is a report of successful management for a far advanced, chemorefractory testicular cancer patient. A 29-year-old male was referred to our hospital for the treatment of progressive lung metastases with elevated hCG level, which had recurred after complete remission following 3 courses of BEP chemotherapy and progressed after transient partial regression following 2 courses of intensified EP chemotherapy. In addition, a 3 cm in diameter, solitary brain metastasis was detected on CT. First, we performed wedge resection of bilateral pulmonary lower lobe for chemorefractory pulmonary metastases. Histological examination revealed viable embryonal carcinoma identical to the primary one. Thereafter, whole brain irradiation in combination with VIP chemotherapy (etoposide 100 mg/m2, cisplatin 20 mg/m2 and ifosfamide 1200 mg/m2 daily for 5 consecutive days) was carried out to treat brain metastasis. By 2 cycles of VIP therapy and irradiation (36 Gy), partial tumor regression and normalization of hCG level were achieved, leading to salvage surgery of the brain metastasis which histologically proved to be necrosis. Following an additional cycle of VIP therapy, the patient has been free of recurrence 24 months after completion of the treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Choroidal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. The ongoing Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) was designed to provide specific answers for the management of medium and large choroidal melanomas. The present consensus among authorities is that small (< 3 mm thick) suspected choroidal melanomas can be conservatively managed with periodic observation for evidence of growth. CASE REPORT: Dilated fundus examination of a 68-year-old man revealed a pigmented uveal lesion straddling the ora serrata inferiorly at 5:30 in the right eye. It measured 5 mm in diameter with transillumination and 2.89 mm in thickness with B-scan ultrasonography. Questioning a small choroidal melanoma the patient was referred to an ocular oncologist, who confirmed the lesion was suspicious for choroidal melanoma. CONCLUSION: Although there are clinical signs that suggest lesion growth, true growth must be recorded with serial photographs, ultrasound, and transillumination. Active therapy should usually begin once lesion growth is documented.  相似文献   

A 34-month-old girl presented with a clinical picture of Kenny syndrome. The clinical manisfestations included growth retardation, persistent open anterior fontanelle, prominent forehead, mid-facial dysplasia, hypocalcemic tetany and characteristic radiologic skeletal abnormalities. Serum levels of immunoreactive parathyroid hormone (PTH) remained inappropriately low during hypocalcemic episodes in the neonatal period; indicating that hypocalcemia was a consequence of the hypoparathyroid state. This is the first reported case of Kenny syndrome in Taiwan. The literature on the pathogenesis, etiology and genetic basis of this disorder is reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida is frequently part of the normal flora of the nasopharynx and digestive tract of several wild and domestic animals. Although P. multocida can produce a variety of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, only four previous cases of tonsillitis caused by this organism have been reported. We present a case of pasteurella tonsillitis in a 30-year-old female who was exposed through her cat, which manifested upper respiratory symptoms.  相似文献   

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