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The fastigial nucleus (FN) receives vestibular information predominantly from Purkinje cells of the vermis. FN in the monkey can be divided in a rostral part, related to spinal mechanisms, and a caudal part with oculomotor functions. To understand the role of FN during movements in space, single-unit activity in alert monkeys was recorded during passive three-dimensional head movements from rostral FN. Seated monkeys were rotated sinusoidally around a horizontal earth-fixed axis (vertical stimulation) at different orientations 15 degrees apart (including roll, pitch, vertical canal plane and intermediate planes). In addition, sinusoidal rotations around an earth-vertical axis (yaw stimulus) included different roll and pitch positions (+/-10 degrees, +/-20 degrees). The latter positions were also used for static stimulation. One hundred fifty-eight neurons in two monkeys were modulated during the sinusoidal vertical search stimulation. The vast majority showed a uniform response pattern: a maximum at a specific head orientation (response vector orientation) and a null response 90 degrees apart. Detailed analysis was obtained from 111 neurons. On the basis of their phase relation during dynamic stimulation and their response to static tilt, these neurons were classified as vertical semicircular canal related (n = 79, 71.2%) or otolith related (n = 25; 22.5%). Only seven neurons did not follow the usual response pattern and were classified as complex neurons. For the vertical canal-related neurons (n = 79) all eight major response vector orientations (ipsilateral or contralateral anterior canal, posterior canal, roll, and nose-down and nose-up pitch) were found in Fn on one side. Neurons with ipsilateral orientations were more numerous and on average more sensitive than those with contralateral orientations. Twenty-eight percent of the vertical canal-related neurons also responded to horizontal canal stimulation. None of the vertical canal-related neurons responded to static tilt. Otolith-related neurons (n = 25) had a phase relation close to head position and were considerably less numerous than canal-related neurons. Except for pitch, all other response vector orientations were found. Seventy percent of these neurons responding during dynamic stimulation also responded during static tilt. The sensitivity during dynamic stimulation was always higher than during static stimulation. Sixty-one percent of the otolith-related neurons responded also to horizontal canal stimulation. These results show that in FN, robust vestibular signals are abundant. Canal-related responses are much more common than otolith-related responses. Although for many canal neurons the responses can be related to single canal planes, convergence between vertical canals but also with horizontal canals is common.  相似文献   

181 vestibular nucleus neurons were examined for their responsiveness to rotation about the vertical axis and static tilts in roll and pitch planes in the rat. 68 of these units were sensitive to rotation and tilts (canal-otolith cells). In other words, 41.0% of the neurons responded to rotation (68/166). There was no significant difference in percentage of canal-otolith cells in type I and II neurons, which were 48.6% and 37.0% respectively. Vertical axis rotation when the head was tilted produced a simultaneous stimulation of the canal and otoliths. Using this stimulus method, the bias effect was observed in 72.5% of the canal-otolith cells (29/40). Furthermore, since vertical axis rotation with the head tilted elicited vertical canal responses, the rate of ampullary convergence was estimated by analysing response profiles obtained such rotations. The results obtained in the rat were compared with those in other species.  相似文献   

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) was studied in nine human subjects 2-15 months after permanent surgical occlusion of one posterior semicircular canal. The stimuli used were rapid, passive, unpredictable, low-amplitude (10-20 degrees), high-acceleration (3000-4000 degrees/s2) head rotations in pitch and yaw planes. The responses measured were vertical and horizontal eye rotations, and the results were compared with those from 19 normal subjects. After unilateral occlusion of the posterior semicircular canal, the gain of the head-up pitch vertical VOR--the vertical VOR generated by excitation from only one and disfacilitation from two vertical semicircular canals--was reduced to 0.61 +/- 0.06 (normal 0.92 +/- 0.06) at a head velocity of 200 degrees/s. In contrast the gain of the head-down pitch vertical VOR--the VOR still generated by excitation from two, but disfacilitation from only one vertical semicircular canal--was within normal limits: 0.86 +/- 0.11 (normal 0.96 +/- 0.04). The gain of the horizontal VOR in response to yaw head rotations--ipsilesion 0.81 +/- 0.06 (normal 0.88 +/- 0.05) and contralesion 0.80 +/- 0.11 (normal 0.92 +/- 0.11)--was within normal limits in both directions (group means +/- two-tailed 95% confidence intervals given in each case). These results show that occlusion of just one vertical semicircular canal produces a permanent deficit of about 30% in the vertical VOR gain in response to rapid pitch head rotations in the excitatory direction of the occluded canal. This observation indicates that, in response to a stimulus in the higher dynamic range, compensation of the human VOR for the loss of excitatory input from even one vertical semicircular canal is incomplete.  相似文献   

1. In order to more accurately identify the nature of the vestibular input to central neurons, the response properties of single semicircular canal and otolith units in the frog VIIth nerve were studied in curarized preparations. 2. An equation describing the response plane was calculated for each canal on the basis of null point measurements. These results show that the ipsilateral canal planes are orthogonal within 2-5 degrees, and the pairs of right-left synergists are essentially coplanar. A head position of 10-20 degrees maxilla nose up produces optimal horizontal canal and minimal vertical canal activation with horizontal rotation. 3. The frequency response of the horizontal canal was examined in the range 0.025-0.5 Hz. Comparatively shorter phase-lags and a 10 fold greater acceleration gain in this frequency range distinguish the frog from the mammalian species studied. 4. Otolithic responses were tonic, phasic-tonic, and phasic in nature. The preponderance of the latter two groups is stressed (94%). Tonic responses were proportional to the gravitational vector change. Phasic responses were proportional to velocity during transitions in head position and phase-led displacement (30-80%) with sinusoidal acceleration in roll and pitch. 5. Efferent vestibular neurons respond to rotation in the horizontal (usually Type III) as well as vertical planes. Responses in the vertical planes result from canal and/or otolithic input to these neurons indicating that the vestibular efferent system receives extensive multi-labyrinthine convergence.  相似文献   

1. The dynamic properties of otolith-ocular reflexes elicited by sinusoidal linear acceleration along the three cardinal head axes were studied during off-vertical axis rotations in rhesus monkeys. As the head rotates in space at constant velocity about an off-vertical axis, otolith-ocular reflexes are elicited in response to the sinusoidally varying linear acceleration (gravity) components along the interaural, nasooccipital, or vertical head axis. Because the frequency of these sinusoidal stimuli is proportional to the velocity of rotation, rotation at low and moderately fast speeds allows the study of the mid-and low-frequency dynamics of these otolith-ocular reflexes. 2. Animals were rotated in complete darkness in the yaw, pitch, and roll planes at velocities ranging between 7.4 and 184 degrees/s. Accordingly, otolith-ocular reflexes (manifested as sinusoidal modulations in eye position and/or slow-phase eye velocity) were quantitatively studied for stimulus frequencies ranging between 0.02 and 0.51 Hz. During yaw and roll rotation, torsional, vertical, and horizontal slow-phase eye velocity was sinusoidally modulated as a function of head position. The amplitudes of these responses were symmetric for rotations in opposite directions. In contrast, mainly vertical slow-phase eye velocity was modulated during pitch rotation. This modulation was asymmetric for rotations in opposite direction. 3. Each of these response components in a given rotation plane could be associated with an otolith-ocular response vector whose sensitivity, temporal phase, and spatial orientation were estimated on the basis of the amplitude and phase of sinusoidal modulations during both directions of rotation. Based on this analysis, which was performed either for slow-phase eye velocity alone or for total eye excursion (including both slow and fast eye movements), two distinct response patterns were observed: 1) response vectors with pronounced dynamics and spatial/temporal properties that could be characterized as the low-frequency range of "translational" otolith-ocular reflexes; and 2) response vectors associated with an eye position modulation in phase with head position ("tilt" otolith-ocular reflexes). 4. The responses associated with two otolith-ocular vectors with pronounced dynamics consisted of horizontal eye movements evoked as a function of gravity along the interaural axis and vertical eye movements elicited as a function of gravity along the vertical head axis. Both responses were characterized by a slow-phase eye velocity sensitivity that increased three- to five-fold and large phase changes of approximately 100-180 degrees between 0.02 and 0.51 Hz. These dynamic properties could suggest nontraditional temporal processing in utriculoocular and sacculoocular pathways, possibly involving spatiotemporal otolith-ocular interactions. 5. The two otolith-ocular vectors associated with eye position responses in phase with head position (tilt otolith-ocular reflexes) consisted of torsional eye movements in response to gravity along the interaural axis, and vertical eye movements in response to gravity along the nasooccipital head axis. These otolith-ocular responses did not result from an otolithic effect on slow eye movements alone. Particularly at high frequencies (i.e., high speed rotations), saccades were responsible for most of the modulation of torsional and vertical eye position, which was relatively large (on average +/- 8-10 degrees/g) and remained independent of frequency. Such reflex dynamics can be simulated by a direct coupling of primary otolith afferent inputs to the oculomotor plant. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The spatial transformation of semicircular canal signals to extraocular motor signals was studied by recording abducens nerve responses in grass and water frogs. Both species have similar vestibular canal coordinates but dissimilar orientations of their optic axes. Before sinusoidal oscillation in darkness the static head position was systematically altered to determine the planes of head oscillation in pitch and roll associated with minimal abducens nerve responses. Measured data and known canal plane vectors were used to calculate the abducens response vector in canal coordinates. The abducens vector deviated from the horizontal canal plane vector in grass frogs by 15 degrees and in water frogs by 34 degrees but was aligned with the pulling direction of the lateral rectus muscle in each of the two species. Lesion experiments demonstrated the importance of convergent inputs from the contralateral horizontal and anterior semicircular canals for the orientation of the abducens response vector. Thus, the orientation of the optic axis and the pulling directions of extraocular muscles are taken into account by the central organization of vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Horizontal and vertical canal signals are combined species-specifically to transform the spatial coordinates of sensory signals into appropriate extraocular motor signals.  相似文献   

1. We studied the contribution of the individual semicircular canals to the generation of horizontal and torsional eye movements in cynomolgus monkeys. Eye movements were elicited by sinusoidal rotation about a vertical (gravitational) axis at 0.2 Hz with the animals tilted in various attitudes of static forward or backward pitch. The gains of the horizontal and torsional components of the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) were measured for each tilt position. The gains as a function of tilt position were fit with sinusoidal functions, and spatial gains and phases were determined. After control responses were recorded, the semicircular canals were plugged, animals were allowed to adapt, and the test procedure was repeated. Animals were prepared with only the anterior and posterior canals intact [vertical canal (VC) animals], with only the lateral canals intact [lateral canal (LC) animal], and with only one anterior and the contralateral posterior canals intact [right anterior and left posterior canal (RALP) animals; left anterior and right posterior canal (LARP) animals]. 2. In normal animals, the gain of the horizontal (yaw axis) velocity of the compensatory eye movements decreased as they were pitched forward or backward, and a torsional velocity appeared, reversing phase at the peak of the horizontal gain. After the anterior and posterior canals were plugged (LC animal), the horizontal component was reduced when the animal was tilted backward; the gain was zero with about -60 degrees of backward tilt. The spatial phase of the torsional component had the same characteristics. This is consistent with the fact that both responses were produced by the lateral canals, which from our results are tilted between 28 and 39 degrees above the horizontal stereotaxic plane. 3. After both lateral canals were plugged (VC animals), horizontal velocity was reduced in the upright position but increased as the animals were pitched backward relative to the axis of rotation. Torsional velocities, which were zero in the upright position in the normal animal, were now 180 degrees out of phase with the horizontal velocity. The peak values of the horizontal and torsional components were significantly shifted from the normal data and were closely aligned with each other, reaching peak values at approximately -56 degrees pitched back (-53 degrees horizontal, -58 degrees torsional). The same was true for the LARP and RALP animals; the peak values were at -59 degrees pitched back (-55 degrees horizontal, -62 degrees torsional). Likewise, in the LC animal the peak yaw and roll gains occurred at about the same angle of forward tilt, 35 degrees (30 degrees horizontal, 39 degrees torsional). Thus, in each case, the canal plugging had transformed the VOR from a compensatory to a direction-fixed response with regard to the head. Therefore there was no adaptation of the response planes of the individual canals after plugging. 4. The data were compared with eye velocity predictions of a model based on the geometric organization of the canals and their relation to a head coordinate frame. The model used the normal to the canal planes to form a nonorthogonal coordinate basis for representing eye velocity. An analysis of variance was used to define the goodness of fit of model predictions to the data. Model predictions and experimental data agreed closely for both normal animals and for the animals with canal lesions. Moreover, if horizontal and roll components from the LC and VC animals were combined, the summation overlay the response of the normal monkeys and the predictions of the model. In addition, a combination of the RALP and LARP animals predicted the response of the lateral-canal-plugged (VC) animals. 5. When operated animals were tested in light, the gains, peak values, and spatial phases of horizontal and roll eye velocity returned to the preoperative values, regardless of the type of surgery performed. This indicates that vision compensated for the lack o  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3-D) properties of the translational vestibulo-ocular reflexes (translational VORs) during lateral and fore-aft oscillations in complete darkness were studied in rhesus monkeys at frequencies between 0.16 and 25 Hz. In addition, constant velocity off-vertical axis rotations extended the frequency range to 0.02 Hz. During lateral motion, horizontal responses were in phase with linear velocity in the frequency range of 2-10 Hz. At both lower and higher frequencies, phase lags were introduced. Torsional response phase changed more than 180 degrees in the tested frequency range such that torsional eye movements, which could be regarded as compensatory to "an apparent roll tilt" at the lowest frequencies, became anticompensatory at all frequencies above approximately 1 Hz. These results suggest two functionally different frequency bandwidths for the translational VORs. In the low-frequency spectrum (<0.5 Hz), horizontal responses compensatory to translation are small and high-pass-filtered whereas torsional response sensitivity is relatively frequency independent. At higher frequencies however, both horizontal and torsional response sensitivity and phase exhibit a similar frequency dependence, suggesting a common role during head translation. During up-down motion, vertical responses were in phase with translational velocity at 3-5 Hz but phase leads progressively increased for lower frequencies (>90 degrees at frequencies <0.2 Hz). No consistent dependence on static head orientation was observed for the vertical response components during up-down motion and the horizontal and torsional response components during lateral translation. The frequency response characteristics of the translational VORs were fitted by "periphery/brain stem" functions that related the linear acceleration input, transduced by primary otolith afferents, to the velocity signals providing the input to the velocity-to-position neural integrator and the oculomotor plant. The lowest-order, best-fit periphery/brain stem model that approximated the frequency dependence of the data consisted of a second order transfer function with two alternating poles (at 0.4 and 7.2 Hz) and zeros (at 0.035 and 3.4 Hz). In addition to clearly differentiator dynamics at low frequencies (less than approximately 0.5 Hz), there was no frequency bandwidth where the periphery/brain stem function could be approximated by an integrator, as previously suggested. In this scheme, the oculomotor plant dynamics are assumed to perform the necessary high-frequency integration as required by the reflex. The detailed frequency dependence of the data could only be precisely described by higher order functions with nonminimum phase characteristics that preclude simple filtering of afferent inputs and might be suggestive of distributed spatiotemporal processing of otolith signals in the translational VORs.  相似文献   

M Fetter 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,40(5-6):315-8; discussion 318-9
The otolith-semicircular canal interaction during postrotatory nystagmus was studied in six normal human subjects by applying fast, short-lasting, passive head and body tilts (90 degrees in the roll or pitch plane) 2 s after sudden stop from a constant velocity rotation (100 degrees/s) about the earth-vertical axis in yaw. Eye movements were measured with 3-D magnetic search coils. Following the head tilt, activity in the semicircular canal primary afferents continues to reflect the postrotatory angular velocity vector in head-centered coordinates, whereas otolith primary afferents signal a different orientation of the head relative to gravity. Pitch (roll) tilts away from upright during postrotatory nystagmus after yaw rotation elicited a transient vertical (torsional) VOR. Despite the change in head orientation relative to gravity, postrotatory eye velocity decayed closely along the axis of semicircular canal stimulation (horizontal in head coordinates). These results suggest that postrotary nystagmus is largely organized in head-centered rather than gravity-centered coordinates in humans as suggested by the Purkinje-sensation.  相似文献   

Dynamics and kinematics of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex in monkey: effects of canal plugging. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3077-3099, 1998. Horizontal and roll components of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR) were elicited by sinusoidal rotation at frequencies from 0.2 Hz (60 degrees/s) to 4.0 Hz ( approximately 6 degrees/s) in cynomolgus monkeys. Animals had both lateral canals plugged (VC, vertical canals intact), both lateral canals and one pair of the vertical canals plugged (RALP, right anterior and left posterior canals intact; LARP, left anterior and right posterior canal intact), or all six semicircular canal plugged (NC, no canals). In normal animals, horizontal and roll eye velocity was in phase with head velocity and peak horizontal and roll gains were approximately 0.8 and 0.6 in upright and 90 degrees pitch, respectively. NC animals had small aVOR gains at 0.2 Hz, and the temporal phases were shifted approximately 90 degrees toward acceleration. As the frequency increased to 4 Hz, aVOR temporal gains and phases tended to normalize. Findings were similar for the LARP, RALP, and VC animals when they were rotated in the planes of the plugged canals. That is, they tended to normalize at higher frequencies. A model was developed incorporating the geometric organization of the canals and first order canal-endolymph dynamics. Canal plugging was modeled as an alteration in the low frequency 3-db roll-off and corresponding dominant time constant. The shift in the low-frequency 3-dB roll-off was seen in the temporal responses as a phase lead of the aVOR toward acceleration at higher frequencies. The phase shifted toward stimulus velocity as the frequency increased toward 4.0 Hz. By incorporating a dynamic model of the canals into the three-dimensional canal system, the spatial responses were predicted at all frequencies. Animals were also stimulated with steps of velocity in planes parallel to the plugged lateral canals. This induced a response with a short time constant and low peak velocity in each monkey. Gains were normalized for step rotation with respect to time constant as (steady state eye velocity)/(stimulus acceleration x time constant). Using this procedure, the gains were the same in canal plugged as in normal animals and corresponded to gains obtained in the frequency analysis. The study suggests that canal plugging does not block the afferent response to rotation, it merely shifts the dynamic response to higher frequencies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To review the spatiotemporal behaviours of central otolith neurons in decerebrate animals. DATA SOURCES: Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. DATA EXTRACTION: Results of key research findings from 1992 to 1997. RESULTS: With constant velocity colckwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) off-vertical axis rotations as stimuli to the otolith organs, neurons in the vestibular nuclei and medullary reticular formation showed characteristic spatiotemporal behavious. One-dimensional neurons showed symmetric and stable bidirectional response sensitivities (delta) to change in velocity while two-dimensional neurons showed asymmetric and variable delta to velocity. This CW-CCW asymmetry to bidirectional rotations may provide directional coding in the modulation of neural signals. Vestibular nuclear neurons also displayed distinct spontaneous discharge patterns at the stationary and earth-horizontal position, indicating that one- and two-dimensional neurons belong to physiologically distinct etities. These spatiotemporal behavious of the vestibular nuclear neurons were also shown to be precisely controlled by imputs from the vestibulocerebellum and/or bilateral otoliths. In both the vestibular nucleus and the reticular formation, the best response orientations of one-dimensional neurons and the orientations of the maximum response vector of two-dimensional neurons were found to point in all directions close to the horizontal plane, indicating that all head orientations on this plane are encoded across an ensemble of neurons. CONCLUSION: Otolith-evoked behaviours of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional neurons constitute an important element for the recognition of the direction and orientation of head motion in space.  相似文献   

The discharge properties of lateral and descending vestibular neurons responsive to constant velocity off-vertical axis rotations (OVAR) in the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions, were studied at the stationary and earth-horizontal position of decerebrate adult rats. From the coefficient of variation (CV), the spontaneous activities of OVAR-responsive neurons were classified into regular and irregular patterns. Of the neurons (n = 36) that showed symmetric and stable bidirectional response sensitivity (delta defined as CW gain over CCW gain) to OVAR (10 degrees tilt), some exhibited progressive phase shift with velocity (1.75-15 degrees/s) while others exhibited stable response phase. Most neurons of the former group (93% or 12/13) showed regular discharge pattern while only 22% (n = 5/23) of the latter group showed such a pattern. Though the phase-stable neurons showed a significantly higher average CV than the phase-shifted neurons, there was no significant difference between the mean spontaneous firing rates of these neurons. The neurons (n = 17) that showed asymmetric and variable delta to OVAR velocity can also be grouped-those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side of recording (I neurons) showed irregular discharge pattern while those that exhibited a greater gain with rotations directed towards the side contralateral to recording (C neurons) showed regular discharge pattern. The I and C neurons also exhibited significant difference in mean firing rates. The relationship between the response characteristics of the OVAR-responsive neurons and their spontaneous activity at the stationary and earth-horizontal position is discussed.  相似文献   

Second-order vestibular neurons (secondary VNs) were identified in the in vitro frog brain by their monosynaptic excitation following electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral VIIIth nerve. Ipsilateral disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were revealed by bath application of the glycine antagonist strychnine or of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA(A)) antagonist bicuculline. Ipsilateral disynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were analyzed as well. The functional organization of convergent monosynaptic and disynaptic excitatory and inhibitory inputs onto secondary VNs was studied by separate electrical stimulation of individual semicircular canal nerves on the ipsilateral side. Most secondary VNs (88%) received a monosynaptic EPSP exclusively from one of the three semicircular canal nerves; fewer secondary VNs (10%) were monosynaptically excited from two semicircular canal nerves; and even fewer secondary VNs (2%) were monosynaptically excited from each of the three semicircular canal nerves. Disynaptic EPSPs were present in the majority of secondary VNs (68%) and originated from the same (homonymous) semicircular canal nerve that activated a monosynaptic EPSP in a given neuron (22%), from one or both of the other two (heteronymous) canal nerves (18%), or from all three canal nerves (28%). Homonymous activation of disynaptic EPSPs prevailed (74%) among those secondary VNs that exhibited disynaptic EPSPs. Disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) were mediated in 90% of the tested secondary VNs by glycine, in 76% by GABA, and in 62% by GABA as well as by glycine. These IPSPs were activated almost exclusively from the same semicircular canal nerve that evoked the monosynaptic EPSP in a given secondary VN. Our results demonstrate a canal-specific, modular organization of vestibular nerve afferent fiber inputs onto secondary VNs that consists of a monosynaptic excitation from one semicircular canal nerve followed by disynaptic excitatory and inhibitory inputs originating from the homonymous canal nerve. Excitatory and inhibitory second-order (secondary) vestibular interneurons are envisaged to form side loops that mediate spatially similar but dynamically different signals to secondary vestibular projection neurons. These feedforward side loops are suited to adjust the dynamic response properties of secondary vestibular projection neurons by facilitating or disfacilitating phasic and tonic input components.  相似文献   

The ventrolateral outgrowth of the inferior olive is involved in the control of compensatory eye movement responses to optokinetic stimuli about the horizontal axis that is perpendicular to the ipsilateral anterior semicircular canal. Combining immunocytochemistry with retrograde tracing of WGA-BSA-gold, we demonstrated in the present study that this olivary subnucleus receives a substantial dopaminergic input, and that the prerubral parafascicular area and its surrounding regions form the sole source of this input. In addition, we investigated the postsynaptic distribution of the dopaminergic terminals in the inferior olive at the ultrastructural level. About a third (32%) of the dopaminergic terminals was found to make synaptic contacts in the olivary neuropil. The majority (81%) of these boutons terminated on cell bodies or extraglomerular dendrites, while the remaining terminals contacted dendritic spines inside glomeruli. In contrast, GABAergic terminals in the inferior olive formed more frequently (66%) synaptic contacts and they terminated more frequently (38%) in glomeruli. Thus, the ventrolateral outgrowth receives a dopaminergic input from the mesodiencephalic junction, and the postsynaptic distribution of this input reveals a characteristic pattern.  相似文献   

Behavior of Transversal Crack on Slab Corner During V-H Rolling Process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The behavior of transversal cracks on the surface of the slab corner during vertical and horizontal (V-H) rolling process with flat vertical roll and groove vertical roll was simulated by explicit dynamic finite element method. The closure and growth of crack and the contact pressure on surfaces of the crack in contacting zone between slab and roll during rolling process were analyzed. The results showed that during vertical rolling process, when the groove vertical roll is used, the maximum contact pressure on surfaces of the crack is 115 MPa, and the closure of crack is stable when the flat vertical roll is used, the maximum contact pressure on surfaces of the crack is 70 MPa, and it fluctuates greatly. During horizontal rolling process, when groove vertical roll is used, the contact pressure becomes zero which may accelerate the growth of crack when flat vertical roll is used, there is still contact pressure. The cal culated results are in good agreement with the results of test.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that fast phase axis orientation and primary eye position in rhesus monkeys are dynamically controlled by otolith signals during head rotations that involve a reorientation of the head relative to gravity. Because of the inherent ambiguity associated with primary otolith afferent coding of linear accelerations during head translation and tilts, a similar organization might also underlie the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) during translation. The ability of the oculomotor system to correctly distinguish translational accelerations from gravity in the dynamic control of primary eye position has been investigated here by comparing the eye movements elicited by sinusoidal lateral and fore-aft oscillations (0.5 Hz +/- 40 cm, equivalent to +/- 0.4 g) with those during yaw rotations (180 degrees/s) about a vertically tilted axis (23.6 degrees). We found a significant modulation of primary eye position as a function of linear acceleration (gravity) during rotation but not during lateral and fore-aft translation. This modulation was enhanced during the initial phase of rotation when there was concomitant semicircular canal input. These findings suggest that control of primary eye position and fast phase axis orientation in the VOR are based on central vestibular mechanisms that discriminate between gravity and translational head acceleration.  相似文献   

The functional roles of the major visuo-motor pathways were studied in lamprey. Responses to eye illumination were video-recorded in intact and chronically lesioned animals. Postural deficits during spontaneous swimming were analyzed to elucidate the roles of the lesioned structures for steering and postural control. Eye illumination in intact lampreys evoked the dorsal light response, that is, a roll tilt toward the light, and negative phototaxis, that is a lateral turn away from light, and locomotion. Complete tectum-ablation enhanced both responses. During swimming, a tendency for roll tilts and episodes of vertical upward swimming were seen. The neuronal circuitries for dorsal light response and negative phototaxis are thus essentially extratectal. Responses to eye illumination were abolished by contralateral pretectum-ablation but normal after the corresponding lesion on the ipsilateral side. Contralateral pretectum thus plays an important role for dorsal light response and negative phototaxis. To determine the roles of pretectal efferent pathways for the responses, animals with a midmesencephalic hemisection were tested. Noncrossed pretecto-reticular fibers from the ipsilateral pretectum and crossed fibers from the contralateral side were transected. Eye illumination on the lesioned side evoked negative phototaxis but no dorsal light response. Eye illumination on the intact side evoked an enhanced dorsal light response, whereas negative phototaxis was replaced with straight locomotion or positive phototaxis. The crossed pretecto-reticular projection is thus most important for the dorsal light response, whereas the noncrossed projection presumably plays the major role for negative phototaxis. Transection of the ventral rhombencephalic commissure enhanced dorsal light response; negative phototaxis was retained with smaller turning angles than normal. Spontaneous locomotion showed episodes of backward swimming and deficient roll control (tilting tendency). Transections of different spinal pathways were performed immediately caudal to the brain stem. All spinal lesions left dorsal light response in attached state unaffected; this response presumably is mediated by the brain stem. Spinal hemisection impaired all ipsiversive yaw turns; the animals spontaneously rolled to the intact side. Bilateral transection of the lateral columns impaired all yaw turns, whereas roll control and dorsal light response were normal. After transection of the medial spinal cord, yaw turns still could be performed whereas dorsal light response was suppressed or abolished, and a roll tilting tendency during spontaneous locomotion was seen. We conclude that the contralateral optic nerve projection to the pretectal region is necessary and sufficient for negative phototaxis and dorsal light response. The crossed descending pretectal projection is most important for dorsal light response, whereas the noncrossed one is most important for negative phototaxis. In the most rostral spinal cord, fibers for lateral yaw turns travel mainly in the lateral columns, whereas fibers for roll turns travel mainly in the medial spinal cord.  相似文献   

The ability voluntarily to stabilize the head in space during lateral rhythmic oscillations (0.59+/-0.09 Hz) of the trunk has been investigated during microgravity (microG) and normal gravity (nG) conditions (parabolic flights). Five healthy young subjects, who gave informed consent, were examined. The movements were performed with eyes open or eyes closed, during phases of either microG or nG. The main result was that head orientation with respect to vertical may be stabilized about the roll axis under microG with, as well as without vision, despite the reduction in vestibular afferent and muscle proprioceptive inputs. Moreover, the absence of head stabilization about the yaw axis confirms that the degrees of freedom of the neck can be independently controlled, as was previously reported. These results seem to indicate that voluntary head stabilization does not depend crucially upon static vestibular afferents. Head stabilization in space may in fact be organized on the basis of either dynamic vestibular afferents or a short-term memorized postural body schema.  相似文献   

This report summarizes our experiences with the subjective visual vertical (SVV) as a clinical neuro-otological tool. In the SVV test, patients have to orient a dim light bar in an otherwise dark surrounding earth-vertical, using a remote-control. Normal subjects in an upright position did not deviate more than 2 degrees from true vertical. After vestibular neurectomy, the SVV was consistently tilted by some 12 degrees toward the affected ear. Smaller tilts (approximately 7 degrees) of the SVV occurred in patients with spontaneous peripheral vestibular diseases. This shift in SVV disappeared within weeks to months, similar to the spontaneous nystagmus. After stapes surgery slight deviations of the SVV towards the unoperated ear were seen in about 20% of the patients, indicating a slight irritation of the otolith organs. Assessed in an upright position, the SVV thus may be regarded as reflecting tonic otolithic input differences between the two ears. Asymmetries in the shifts of the SVV induced by roll tilts of the gravito-inertial vector by eccentric rotations of the subject have been proposed as a test for otolithic sensitivity. In our studies such asymmetries in the shifts of the SVV could not be induced by 26 degrees or 90 degrees roll tilts of subjects towards the affected or healthy ears. A simple clinical test to reveal unilateral otolithic sensitivity (comparable to an otolithic "caloric test") thus still has to be found.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A suggested cause of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) in children is a disequilibrium in the vestibulospinal control of trunk muscles. We sought a correlation between otolith vestibular dysfunction and IS. METHODS: A recently developed test for evaluation of otolith vestibular function (off-vertical axis rotation, OVAR) was applied to 30 children with IS, 12 control subjects, and 3 with congenital scoliosis as a result of spinal deformities. RESULTS: Of the patients with IS, 67% had significantly greater values of directional preponderance on the OVAR test (a measure of otolith system imbalance) compared with control subjects. Patients with congenital scoliosis showed normal responses on the OVAR test. No correlation was found between the direction of the preponderance and the side of the spine imbalance, or between the directional preponderance and the curve magnitude. The rate of progression of the scoliosis was not significantly correlated with the amplitude of the directional preponderance. CONCLUSION: These results support the hypothesis that central otolith vestibular system disorders lead to a vestibulospinal system imbalance, and may be a factor in the cause of IS.  相似文献   

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