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MCM3 is essential for the initiation of DNA replication and also participates in controls that ensure DNA replication is initiated once per cell cycle. In a two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with human MCM3, we identified and cloned a novel protein of which the calculated molecular weight is 80,291. A specific antibody against the protein identified a 80-kDa protein in HeLa cell extract, indicating the protein actually expressed in cells. The interaction of these proteins was confirmed by immunoprecipitation assay. Moreover, we clarified a nuclear localization signal of human MCM3, and we find that mutagenesis on the nuclear localization signal of MCM3 affected the binding of newly isolated MCM3-assosiated protein, Map80. Map80 was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion with His6 tag and purified with sequential column chromatographies. The addition of recombinant Map80 stimulated the amount of nuclear localized MCM3. These results suggest that Map80 is involved in the nuclear localization pathway of MCM3.  相似文献   

Shc proteins are important substrates of receptor and cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases that couple activated receptors to downstream signaling enzymes. Phosphorylation of Shc tyrosine residues 239 and 317 leads to recruitment of the Grb2-Sos complex, thus linking Shc phosphorylation to Ras activation. We have used phosphorylated peptides corresponding to the regions spanning tyrosine 239/240 and 317 of Shc in an expression library screen to identify additional downstream targets of Shc. Here we report the identification of Gads, a novel adaptor protein most similar to Grb2 and Grap that contains amino and carboxy terminal SH3 domains flanking a central SH2 domain and a 120 amino acid unique region. Gads is most highly expressed in the thymus and spleen of adult animals and in human leukemic cell lines. The binding specificity of the Gads SH2 domain is similar to Grb2 and mediates the interaction of Gads with Shc, Bcr-Abl and c-kit. Gads does not interact with Sos, Cbl or Sam68, although the isolated carboxy terminal Gads SH3 domain is able to bind these molecules in vitro. Our results suggest that the unique structure of Gads regulates its interaction with downstream SH3 domain-binding proteins and that Gads may function to couple tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins such as Shc, Bcr-Abl and activated receptor tyrosine kinases to downstream effectors distinct from Sos and Ras.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to determine if radiologists possess superior visual search and analysis skills compared with those of laypeople. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In two experiments, radiologists and laypeople searched one of two complex pictorial scenes for hidden targets. Eye position was recorded during the search. Two measures of performance were obtained: accuracy of detecting targets as measured by using alternative free response receiver operating characteristic analysis and visual search efficiency as measured by using eye position analysis. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in detection performance between radiologists and laypeople for either of the search tasks. Radiologists took longer on average to search the images and to first fixate on the targets than did the laypeople. For both groups, true-positive and false-positive decisions were associated with longer dwell times than true-negative decisions. As with radiology search tasks, false-negative decisions were also associated with longer dwell times than true-negative decisions. CONCLUSION: Performance on two visual search and detection tasks indicate that radiologists do not possess superior visual skills compared with laypeople. Radiology expertise is more likely to be a combination of specific visual and cognitive skills derived from medical training and experience in detecting and determining the diagnostic importance of radiographic findings.  相似文献   

The co-stimulatory antigen CD28 has been shown to bind to several intracellular proteins including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), and ITK. Paradoxically, Grb2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase binding has been mapped to a similar pYMNM motif within the CD28 cytoplasmic tail. Given the importance of CD28 co-signaling to T cell function, questions exist regarding the mechanism by which Grb2 binds to CD28, and whether the interaction plays a role in co-stimulation. To biochemically characterize Grb2/CD28 binding, we initially utilized glutathione S-transferase-Grb2 fusion proteins carrying inactivating mutations within the SH2 and SH3 domains of Grb2, and assessed their ability to bind to CD28. In vitro binding experiments indicated that the Grb2 SH2 domain is critical for the association, while the SH3 domain plays an additional role in facilitating optimal binding. Enhanced binding via the SH3 domains was not observed when the C-terminal PXXP motif within CD28 was disrupted, thereby indicating that both SH2 and SH3 domains contribute to CD28 binding. Mutations that alter Grb2 binding were found to block the CD28-dependent interleukin-2 production. Further, tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav and the costimulation-dependent activation of Jun N-terminal kinase was blocked in cells defective in CD28/Grb2 binding. These results provide evidence for an alternate CD28-mediated signaling process involving Grb2 binding to the co-receptor.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and sequence of a gene encoding 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) (EC from the wheat leaf-spot fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola (Septoria tritici), that directs the synthesis of 2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetate (homogentisic acid, HGA). The sequence of the deduced peptide showed homology to HPPDs from other organisms; the greatest identity was to a T-cell reactive protein, also identified as HPPD, from the human fungal pathogen Coccidioides immitis. As observed for HPPD from other sources, expression of the M. graminicola HPPD gene in Escherichia coli cells could be detected by the gradual development of a brown pigment in cultures as a result of the spontaneous oxidation and polymerisation of HGA. Pigment development in these cultures was prevented by the HPPD inhibitor sulcotrione.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the differential effects of subcutaneous E2 alone or in combination with P on the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to oxidation in naturally postmenopausal diet-controlled rhesus monkeys. DESIGN: Prospective, longitudinal controlled study. SETTING: Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, and Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, Beaverton, Oregon. PATIENT(S): Five naturally postmenopausal rhesus monkeys. INTERVENTION(S): Estradiol was administered subcutaneously for the first 4 weeks, followed by E2 plus P for 4 weeks, followed by a third 4-week washout period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Changes in plasma lipoprotein levels and oxidation of LDL and serum concentrations of E2 and P. RESULT(S): Levels of LDL cholesterol fell after 4 weeks of treatment with E2, compared with baseline. The lag time to half maximal light absorbancy after 4 weeks of E2 treatment was significantly increased compared with baseline. The maximal absorbance values and the slope of the propagation phase after 4 weeks of treatment with E2 were decreased compared with baseline. After 4 weeks of combined E2 and P treatment, all values were comparable to baseline. CONCLUSION(S): These results suggest that subcutaneous E2 therapy appears to enhance LDL resistance to oxidation and that this effect is attenuated by the addition of the P.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is an important contributor to the integrity of cellular shape and responses in neurons. However, the molecular mechanisms associated with functional interactions between the actin cytoskeleton and neuronal ion channels are largely unknown. Whole-cell and single channel recording techniques were thus applied to identified retinal bipolar neurons of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) to assess the role of acute changes in actin-based cytoskeleton dynamics in the regulation of voltage-gated ion channels. Disruption of endogenous actin filaments after brief treatment (20-30 min) with cytochalasin D (CD) activated voltage-gated K+ currents in bipolar cells, which were largely prevented by intracellular perfusion with the actin filament-stabilizer agent, phalloidin. Either CD treatment under cell-attached conditions or direct addition of actin to excised, inside-out patches of bipolar cells activated and/or increased single K+ channels. Thus, acute changes in actin-based cytoskeleton dynamics regulate voltage-gated ion channel activity in bipolar cells.  相似文献   

Cartilage is unique among tissues of mesenchymal origin in that it is resistant to vascular invasion due to an intrinsic angiogenic inhibitor. During endochondral bone formation, however, calcified cartilage formed in the center of the cartilaginous bone rudiment allows vascular invasion, which initiates the replacement of cartilage by bone. The transition of cartilage from the angioresistant to the angiogenic status thus plays a key role in bone formation. However, the molecular basis of this phenotypic transition of cartilage has been obscure. We report here purification of an endothelial cell growth inhibitor from a guanidine extract of bovine epiphyseal cartilage. The N-terminal amino acid sequence indicated that the inhibitor was identical to chondromodulin I (ChM-I), a cartilage-specific growth-modulating factor. Purified ChM-I inhibited DNA synthesis and proliferation of vascular endothelial cells as well as tube morphogenesis in vitro. Expression of ChM-I cDNA in COS7 cells indicated that mature ChM-I molecules were secreted from the cells after post-translational modifications and cleavage from the transmembrane precursor at the predicted processing signal. Recombinant ChM-I stimulated DNA synthesis and proteoglycan synthesis of cultured growth plate chondrocytes, but inhibited tube morphogenesis of endothelial cells. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies indicated that ChM-I is specifically expressed in the avascular zone of cartilage in developing bone, but not present in calcifying cartilage. These results suggest a regulatory role of ChM-I in vascular invasion during endochondral bone formation.  相似文献   

Landmarks in the development of treatment of retinal detachment include the recognition of the significance of retinal breaks that resulted in the distinction between rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) and exudative retinal detachment, the development of indirect ophthalmoscopy and scleral depression that allow better visualization of the peripheral area of the retina and better identification of retinal breaks, the recognition of the need to seal all retinal breaks, and the realization that vitreous traction is the major underlying cause of retinal tears and RRD. Scleral buckling procedures combine retinopexy to provide a scar around retinal breaks to seal them and scleral indentation to neutralize vitreous traction; they provided the first effective treatment of RRD. As surgeons gained experience with scleral buckling, they became aware that some RRDs, particularly those with fixed folds and/or a funnel configuration, often could not be repaired using this approach. It was thought that excessive vitreous traction was at fault, and the condition was called "massive vitreous retraction."  相似文献   

Spectrin is a widely expressed protein with specific isoforms found in erythroid and nonerythroid cells. Spectrin contains an Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of unknown function. A cDNA encoding a candidate spectrin SH3 domain-binding protein was identified by interaction screening of a human brain expression library using the human erythroid spectrin (alphaI) SH3 domain as a bait. Five isoforms of the alphaI SH3 domain-binding protein mRNA were identified in human brain. Mapping of SH3 binding regions revealed the presence of two alphaI SH3 domain binding regions and one Abl-SH3 domain binding region. The gene encoding the candidate spectrin SH3 domain-binding protein has been located to human chromosome 10p11.2 --> p12. The gene belongs to a recently identified family of tyrosine kinase-binding proteins, and one of its isoforms is identical to e3B1, an eps8-binding protein (Biesova, Z., Piccoli, C., and Wong, W. T. (1997)Oncogene 14, 233-241). Overexpression of the green fluorescent protein fusion of the SH3 domain-binding protein in NIH3T3 cells resulted in cytoplasmic punctate fluorescence characteristic of the reticulovesicular system. This fluorescence pattern was similar to that obtained with the anti-human erythroid spectrin alphaI SigmaI/betaI SigmaI antibody in untransfected NIH3T3 cells; in addition, the anti-alphaI SigmaI/betaI SigmaI antibody also stained Golgi apparatus. Immunofluorescence obtained using antibodies against alphaI SigmaI/++betaI SigmaI spectrin and Abl tyrosine kinase but not against alphaII/betaII spectrin colocalized with the overexpressed green fluorescent protein-SH3-binding protein. Based on the conservation of the spectrin SH3 binding site within members of this protein family and published interactions, a general mechanism of interactions of tyrosine kinases with the spectrin-based membrane skeleton is proposed.  相似文献   

Nck is a small protein composed of Src homology regions (SH) 2 and 3, paralleling the adaptors c-Crk and Grb2/Ash, but its function remains enigmatic. To clarify Nck signaling, a human brain cDNA library was searched for targets of the SH3 moiety of Nck. A novel molecule detected therefrom (referred to as Nck-, Ash- and phospholipase Cgamma-binding protein 4) contained proline-rich sequences and, through the function of one of them, interacted with the middle SH3 domain of Nck. A NAP4 fusion peptide exhibited an affinity for Nck, Ash and phospholipase Cgamma in whole cell lysates. NAP4 also had an SH2 domain, which could bind to activated EGF receptor. These intermolecular interactions imply the intricacy of Nck-mediated signaling around the receptor protein-tyrosine kinases. In addition, NAP4 bore a putative nuclear localization signal and a Q-run/P-run composite, both characteristic of nuclear proteins, and might therefore relate to the presence of Nck in the cellular nucleus.  相似文献   

We molecularly cloned a cDNA coding for a novel phosphotyrosine molecule with a 70 kDa molecular mass, named STAM (signal transducing adaptor molecule), which is tyrosine-phosphorylated rapidly after stimulation with various cytokines such as IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-7, GM-CSF, EGF and PDGF. STAM contains an SH3 (Src-homology 3) domain and the ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif), suggesting that STAM acts as an adaptor molecule involved in signal transducing pathways from the cytokine receptors.  相似文献   

The process generally termed signal transduction involves the coordinated relay of information from extracellular cues to intracellular effectors, subsequently leading to a specified cellular response. The formation of multimeric protein complexes is a critical step in the activation of most intracellular signal transduction cascades. In many cases, these processes are initiated by a family of molecules consisting of protein association motifs known as src homology 2 and 3 (SH2 and SH3) domains. This review focuses on a group of proteins within this family that lack intrinsic enzymatic functions and consist almost entirely of SH2 and SH3 domains. Termed "adaptors," these proteins serve to physically bridge activated cell surface receptors to various intracellular signal transduction pathways. Here, I briefly summarize current knowledge concerning the various adaptor proteins and place a particular emphasis on Nck. Various data are discussed which collectively support a role for Nck in the regulation of multiple intracellular signaling events.  相似文献   

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is an X-linked hematopoietic disease that manifests itself in platelet deficiency and a compromised immune system. Analysis of hematopoietic cells from affected individuals reveals that mutations in the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) result in structural and functional abnormalities in the cell cortex, consistent with the suggestion that WASP is involved with regulation of the actin-rich cortical cytoskeleton. Here we report that WASP interacts with a recently described cytoskeletal-associated protein, PSTPIP, a molecule that is related to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cleavage furrow regulatory protein, CDC15p. This association is mediated by an interaction between the PSTPIP SH3 domain and two polyproline-rich regions in WASP. Co-expression of PSTPIP with WASP in vivo results in a loss of WASP-induced actin bundling activity and co-localization of the two proteins, which requires the PSTPIP SH3 domain. Analysis of tyrosine phosphorylation of PSTPIP reveals that two sites are modified in response to v-Src co-transfection or pervanadate incubation. One of these tyrosines is found in the SH3 domain poly-proline recognition site, and mutation of this tyrosine to aspartate or glutamate to mimic this phosphorylation state results in a loss of WASP binding in vitro and a dissolution of co-localization in vivo. In addition, PSTPIP that is tyrosine phosphorylated in the SH3 domain interacts poorly with WASP in vitro. These data suggest that the PSTPIP and WASP interaction is regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of the PSTPIP SH3 domain, and this binding event may control aspects of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

A novel mitogen-associated protein was isolated from a rat neural retina cell line. The protein copurified with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-A and was therefore termed PDGF-associated protein (PAP). cDNAs corresponding to the protein were characterized from both rat and human cDNA libraries. PAP binds to PDGF with low affinity and enhances the mitogenic effect of PDGF-A but lowers the mitogenic activity of PDGF-B. PAP mRNA is abundant in the brain of newborn rats and is found in several other tissues.  相似文献   

A careful evaluation of local tumoral extension is mandatory in patient selected for radical surgery for prostate cancer. Nevertheless, prostatic imaging, achieved with transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) and CT scan, is often unable to stage accurately the disease. The Authors report a retrospective analysis of 43 patients treated with radical retropublic prostatectomy: their findings support the idea that both TRUS and CT scan are unable to define the extent of the tumor, reaching respectively accuracies of 38 and 46%. From these data they conclude that CT can be excluded from the preoperatory workup of prostate cancer, except in selected patients, at high risk of nodal metastasis on the basis of PSA. TRUS is the mainstay of prostate cancer diagnosis and staging because it guides transrectal biopsies, but any conclusion made exclusively on the base of its imaging seems not reliable.  相似文献   

Telomeric localization of TRF2, a novel human telobox protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic oligonucleotides rarely contain 100% of the full-length sequence due, in part, to the failure sequences produced during synthesis. In this paper, a method is described for the determination of both the concentration and the purity of oligonucleotides, utilizing capillary electrophoresis with a deoxyribo-nucleoside triphosphate as an internal standard. This method is advantageous for several reasons: (a) the wide dynamic range allows for the analysis of samples without the need for dilutions; (b) a small sample size is used for analysis; (c) capillary electrophoresis is automatable which allows for high throughput; and (d) all of the samples are analyzed at the same run temperature which aids in reproducibility and consistency between runs performed at different times.  相似文献   

Cap-binding proteins specifically bind to the 7-methyl guanosine (m7G) functional group at the 5' end of eukaryotic mRNAs. A novel Arabidopsis thaliana protein has been identified that has sequence similarity to cap-binding proteins but is clearly a different form of the protein. The most obvious primary sequence difference is the substitution of two of the eight conserved tryptophan residues with other aromatic amino acids in the novel protein. Analogous forms of this novel protein appear to be present in other higher eukaryotes but not in yeast. Analysis of the native and recombinant forms of the novel protein by retention on m7GTP-Sepharose indicate that it is a functional cap-binding protein. Measurements of the dissociation constant for this protein indicate that it binds m7GTP 5-20-fold tighter than eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)(iso)4E. The novel protein also supports the initiation of translation of capped mRNA in vitro. Biochemical analysis and yeast two-hybrid data indicate that it interacts with eIF(iso)4G to form a complex. Based on these observations, this protein appears to be able to function as a cap-binding protein and is given the designation of novel cap-binding protein (nCBP).  相似文献   

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