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Oxidative stability of safflower oil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Oils from a number of varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seeds (achene) were measured for oxidative stability by the gain in weight method. The induction periods of oils containing 75% to 80% linoleic acid ranged from 288 to 715 hr. Safflower oils containing 79% to 80% oleic acid and only 11% to 15% linoleic acid had induction periods ranging from 1274 to 2374 hr. No correlation between induction period and total tocopherol content was observed. However, there were indications that oils from pigmented seeds were less stable than oils from pigmentless seeds. Blending of an oil containing a high amount of linoleic acid with an oil containing a high amount of oleic acid gave a blend with an induction period intermediate between the two. However, the induction period was considerably less than the theoretical average calculated for the mixture. Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 1389.  相似文献   

Safflower oil has been used as an edible oil in numerous countries for many years. In the US, commercial use of safflower oil as an edible product was noted in the 1950's and the use continues at progressively higher levels each year. One use of safflower oil in “dressing” type products is related to the natural cold resistance of the oil. Other applications include oil, margarine and some imitation dairy products. Additional development work has been done on other food products so that the scope of usage could be broadened if there should be increased demands for safflower oil. The susceptibility of safflower oil to oxidation has been minimized by improved processing and packaging. Further use of safflower oil appears to be dependent upon availability, pricing, good cold resistance and the role of polyunsaturates in the diet.  相似文献   

Effect of amino acids on the autoxidation of safflower oil in emulsions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oxygen absorption rates were measured on liquid emulsions containing safflower oil and various amino acids. The antioxidant effects of the several amino acids were quite variable depending on the type of emulsifier used, the pH of the system and the presence of added sugar. Preliminary tests with Maillard reaction products obtained by heating dextrose with lysine showed little stabilizing effect. In freeze-dried emulsions, methionine, threonine, lysine and histidine all exhibited antioxidant activity. With sodium caseinate as the matrix, methionine was much better than any of the other amino acids. The inclusion of sugar enhanced the rate of oxidation. Porosity measurements on the freeze-dried powders revealed that oxygen diffusion was not rate-determining. When xanthan gum was used to replace caseinate in these dried emulsions, oxidation rates increased.  相似文献   

Summary Tests conducted on a pilot-plant scale with two lots of commercial, alkali-refined safflower oil demonstrate that no difficulty is experienced in producing a salad oil of good, initial quality with good flavor stability when stored at 60°C. in the dark. Although results indicate safflower oil is suitable for a salad oil, they should not be construed as indicating its stability as a cooking oil since tests of this type were not conducted. The addition of citric acid improved the oxidative stability of the oil, and citric acid plus propyl gallate gave even further improvement. No significant increase in flavor stability resulted from these additives. One of the divisions of the Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Oxygen absorption rates were measured on liquid emulsions containing safflower oil and glycerol, sugars or sugar alcohols. Stability to oxidation improved as the level of added compound was increased. Emulsion viscosities were higher, and resistance to creaming was better at the higher concentrations of additives. It is suggested that diffusion of oxygen through the oil-water interface is the rate determining step which is probably slower at high viscosity and in the absence of creaming. Freezedried emulsions containing safflower oil, protein, polyols and anionic surfactant oxidized more rapidly than did those samples in which either polyol or surfactant was omitted. The differences in oxidation rate could be accounted for on the basis of degree of oil dispersion and porosity of the dried particles. No evidence has been found for any true antioxidant or pro-oxidant effect of these compounds.  相似文献   

Catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) of safflower oil was studied using aqueous ammonium formate as hydrogen donor and palladium on carbon as catalyst in a closed vessel under controlled microwave irradiation conditions. The method offered good selectivity in complete reduction of linoleic acid to monounsaturated acid with a slight increase in stearic acid compared to other reported catalytic transfer hydrogenation methods. Selectivity was achieved by using microwave-assisted CTH without employing an emulsifier or high ratios of water to oil.  相似文献   

Castor, safflower, and oleic safflower oil derivatives with enhanced reactivity and hydroxyl group content were prepared by hydroformylation with a rhodium-triphenylphosphine catalyst, followed by hydrogenation. Rigid urethane foams prepared from these hydroxymethylated derivatives had excellent compressive strengths, closed cell contents, and dimensional stability. Best properties were obtained from hydroxymethylated polyol esters of castor acids.  相似文献   

GLA safflower oil is a new commercial source of gamma‐linolenic acid (GLA), an important dietary omega‐6 fatty acid with properties similar and complementary to those of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In its native form, GLA safflower oil contains 60–70+% GLA. It is one of the first dietary supplements developed using modern biotechnology methods and is the first of a new generation of genetically modified (GM) plant oil ingredients developed solely for improvement of human health and nutrition.  相似文献   

The specific activities of three enzymes engaged in complex lipid synthesis, diglyceride acyltransferase, cholinephosphotransferase, and lysolecithin acyltransferase were studied in intestinal mucosa of hamsters fed either saline, hydrolyzed casein, or corn oil for 9 1/2 hr. In the most proximal intestine, saline feeding was associated with a reduced specific activity in villous tips with all three enzymes studied when compared with the two caloric supplemented groups. In the most distal intestine, oil feeding increased the activity of lysolecithin acyltransferase and choline phosphotransferase twofold as compared to casein fed hamsters; diglyceride acyltransferase was increased one- and one-half-fold. The response of lysolecithin acyltransferase and diglyceride acyltransferase to fat feeding was incomplete when compared to hamsters fed a fat supplemented diet for 7 days, suggesting that their pattern of response to dietary substrate was similar to the disaccharidases. By contrast, the response of cholinephosphotransferase to fat feeding was complete at 24 hr, suggesting that it responds in a manner similar to the glycolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid of 97% purity can be made from safflower oil by liquid-liquid extraction at a “cost to make” of about 21 cents a 1b. Calculations for the cost estimate were based on pilot-plant investigations. Fixed capital investment for a plant with an annual capacity of 20 million 1b has been estimated at approximately $1,800,000. Such a plant could be converted readily to the production of a variety of other fatty acids. A laboratory of the No. Utiliz. Res. & Dev. Div. ARS, U.S.D.A.  相似文献   

Preparation of conjugated linoleic acid from safflower oil   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synthetically prepared mixtures of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are widely used in animal and cell culture studies to investigate the potential effects of the Δ9c, 11t-18:2 isomer found in food products from ruminant animals. Alkali isomerization of linoleic acid is a common method used in the synthesis of a mixture of CLA isomers containing predominantly the Δ9c, 11t-18:2 and Δ10t, 12c-18:2 isomers. Some biological activity might also be mediated by the Δ10t, 12c-18:2 isomer. Currently few published methodologies exist describing procedures for the enrichment of these two isomers. A method is described herein to take advantage of an inexpensive oil, safflower oil, for use in synthesis of CLA and a procedure to enrich the Δ10t, 12c-18:2 isomer.  相似文献   

Catalytic isomerization of safflower oil with rhodium complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cationic rhodium (I) complexes of the type [(NBD)RhL2]+ ClO4 (NBD, norbornadiene; L, triphenyl phosphine or diphenyl phosphino ethane) have been studied as catalysts for the isomerization of methyl linoleate and safflower oil. The catalysts gave very good yields of conjugated products with both oil and methyl linoleate. Isomerization could be carried out under very mild conditions (55–65 C, 1 atm N2). Although the catalyst undergoes transformation in the course of the reaction, it maintains its catalytic activity. In fact, the catalysts isolated from the reaction with safflower oil were recycled with practically no loss of activity.  相似文献   

The effects of linoleic, linolenic and columbinic acids fed as 4% of a high carbohydrate (50% glucose) diet on the activities and the amounts of several enzymes associated with fatty acid synthesis in livers and mammary glands of lactating mice were compared with those for stearic and oleic acids. Fatty acid synthesis, measured in vivo, was significantly lower in livers of mice ingesting all 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), whereas in mammary glands synthesis was lower only in mice receiving columbinic acid. The activities of fatty acid synthetase (FAS) and acetyl CoA carboxylase were significantly reduced in liver by all 3 PUFA, as were activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme (ME) and citrate cleavage enzyme (CCE), also associated with lipogenesis. In mammary gland, on the other hand, the activities of these enzymes were unaffected by dietary PUFA. The tissue contents of FAS, ME and CCE, measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis, were found to be significantly reduced in liver by linoleate, linolenate and columbinate but were not significantly altered in mammary gland. The decrease in hepatic lipogenesis observed was principally due to a decrease in the amounts of these enzymes induced by the dietary PUFA but the inhibition in mammary gland caused by columbinate could not be accounted for by a reduction in enzyme contents and therefore may be due to allosteric effects which occur when fatty acid synthesis is measured with3H2O. The fatty acid composition in liver and mammary gland of dams and in liver and kidney of pups completely reflected dietary fatty acids. Columbinate made up ca. 20% of the total fatty acids in both tissues of the columbinic acid-fed mice and ca. 15% in the pup tissues. This suggests that columbinate is incorporated into milk lipids of dams and is easily absorbed by pups. The elevated ratios of 16/16∶1 and 18/18∶1 in liver and mammary gland of dams and liver and kidney of the pups from dams fed linoleate, linolenate and columbinate suggest that each of these polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet can inhibit the activity of Δ9 desaturase.  相似文献   

Male rats were administered 1.5 ml safflower oil by gastric intubation 0, 4, and 8 hr after a 16 hr fast. Plasma, liver, and adipose tissue were collected 16 hr after the last fatty meal. Rats fasted for 16 hr served as controls. Following fat feeding, the fatty acid composition of the very low density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and hepatic triglyceride were similar, as were the percentages of 18:2 in the very low density lipoprotein and hepatic cholesteryl esters. The phospholipids of liver and plasma lipoproteins were similar in the control groups, except that more 16:0 was present in the plasma lipoproteins. After fat feeding, the plasma lipoproein phospholipids were enriched with 18:2 more than were the hepatic phospholipids. Furthermore, the percentage of 18:2 in phospholipid was much less than in triglyceride or cholesteryl esters. Clearly, esterified lipids of liver and plasma lipoproteins (very low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, and high density lipoprotein), and to a lesser extent, adipose tissue, were enriched with 18:2 derived from dietary triglyceride fatty acid even 16 hr after the terminal meal. A major proportion of the very low density lipoprotein isolated by ultracentrifugation in zonal rotors from plasma of fat fed animals had a faster rate-zonal mobility than did the very low density lipoprotein isolated from plasma of control animals. The very low density lipoprotein isolated from plasma of fat fed rats contained fewer moles of phospholipids, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters, relative to triglyceride than did the very low density lipoprotein from plasma of animals not receiving safflower oil. The molar ratio triglyceride:phospholipid:cholesterol:cholesterol esters in the very low denity lipoprotein was 100:42.0:22.1:44.5 in the control group and 100:35.4:17.8:19.5 in the fat fed animals. It is postulated that an important biochemical mechanism by which dietary triglyceride fatty acids consumed by the animal over a long period of time alter plasma concentrations of triglyceride, phospholipids, and cholesterol esters is the directive influence of plasma free fatty acid, derived from dietary triglyceride, on the secretion of very low density lipoprotein lipids by the liver.  相似文献   

Summary The fatty acid compositions of sesame and safflower oils have been determined by two urea fractionation procedures. A simple cumulative urea fractionation procedure has been found to give results similar to those obtained by an urea adduct elution method.  相似文献   

This study was designed to study the possible interrelationships between Torula yeast, vitamin E, and the dietary fat source on aflatoxin-induced tumors. Rats were fed Torula yeast-containing basal diets which included 1.7 ppm aflatoxin B1 with either lard, corn oil or no fat, and with or without vitamin E supplements for 3 months. Thereafter, the respective diets without aflatoxin were fed for ca. 9 months. Animals receiving the vitamin E-deficient diets had a high mortality. Although the vitamin E-deficient, aflatoxin-treated rats had lower wt gains than did the vitamin E-deficient controls, they lived twice as long. In addition, regardless of the dietary fat source, the kidneys and adrenals of these vitamin E-deficient, aflatoxin-supplemented rats were found to be significantly heavier than the controls, and plasma cholesterol levels were elevated. Increased amounts of liver lipid were observed in response to aflatoxin in both corn oil-fed and fat-deficient rats. No such differences were observed in the responses of the vitamin E-supplemented groups to aflatoxin. On the corn oil diet, aflatoxin administration resulted in an increased deposition of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cholesteryl ester and phospholipid fractions in livers of vitamin E-deficient rats and the phospholipid fraction of vitamin E-sufficient rats. The vitamin E-deficient rats exhibited necrosis of the liver, which was alleviated when aflatoxin was included in the diet, and calcification of the kidneys, which was potentiated by the dietary aflatoxin. No tumors were observed in these animals. In animals maintained on vitamin E-sufficient diets for 1 year, growth was depressed as a result of aflatoxin administration with the greatest depression occurring in the group fed corn oil. Spleen wt were decreased in all groups given aflatoxin. However, there were no changes in either plasma or liver cholesterol or total liver lipids which could be attributed to aflatoxin administration. When aflatoxin was fed with lard, the cholesteryl ester, triglyceride, and free fatty acid fractions of plasma had decreased amounts of the C20:4 acid. In the cholesteryl ester fraction only, this change was accompanied by increased levels of C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1 acids. In the liver phospholipids, there were increased levels of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids and decreases in the saturated fatty acids. All of the animals receiving aflatoxin exhibited severe necrosis and tumor formation in the kidneys; the animals fed lard had the highest level of involvement and those in the fat-free group the least. Liver pathology was the least marked among the rats fed the fat-free diet. Since aflatoxin-induced tumors are rich in lipids, the fat-free diet may be protective to the animal.  相似文献   

Safflower seed oil was chemically treated by the transesterification reaction in methyl alcohol environment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to produce biodiesel. The produced biodiesel was blended with diesel fuel by 5% (B5), 20% (B20) and 50% (B50) volumetrically. Some of important physical and chemical fuel properties of blend fuels, pure biodiesel and diesel fuel were determined. Performance and emission tests were carried out on a single cylinder diesel engine to compare biodiesel blends with petroleum diesel fuel. Average performance reductions were found as 2.2%, 6.3% and 11.2% for B5, B20 and B50 fuels, respectively, in comparison to diesel fuel. These reductions are low and can be compensated by a slight increase in brake specific fuel consumption (Bsfc). For blends, Bsfcs were increased by 2.8%, 3.9% and 7.8% as average for B5, B20 and B50, respectively. Considerable reductions were recorded in PM and smoke emissions with the use of biodiesel. CO emissions also decreased for biodiesel blends while NOx and HC emissions increased. But the increases in HC emissions can be neglected as they have very low amounts for all test fuels. It can be concluded that the use of safflower oil biodiesel has beneficial effects both in terms of emission reductions and alternative petroleum diesel fuel.  相似文献   

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a cholesterol-free (Exp. 1) or cholesterol-supplemented (Exp. 2) diet containing 20% casein (control group) or 15% defatted squid and 5% casein (defatted squid group), as protein, for 14 d. Serum and hepatic cholesterol concentrations were lower in rats fed defatted squid than in those fed casein in both cholesterol-free (−20%, P<0.05 and −15%, P<0.05, respectively) and cholesterol-supplemented (−25%, P<0.05 and −15%, P<0.05, respectively) diets. Hepatic triglyceride concentration was lower in the defatted squid than in the control groups in both cholesterol-free (−51%, P<0.05) and cholesterol-supplemented diets (−38%, P<0.01). The activities of cytosolic fatty acid synthase and the NADPH-generating enzymes, malic enzyme and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, in the liver were lower in the defatted squid than in the control groups in both cholesterol-free (−21%, P<0.01, −33%, P<0.05, and −33%, P<0.01, respectively) and cholesterol-supplemented diets (−34%, P<0.05, −57%, P<0.05, and −67%, P<0.05, respectively). The activity of mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase in the liver was comparable between the control and defatted squid groups. The activity of Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase in the liver cytosol was lower in the defatted squid (−9%, P<0.05) than in the control groups only in the cholesterol-free diet. Fecal excretion of total steroids was stimulated by the feeding of defatted squid in both cholesterol-free (+77%, P<0.005) and cholesterol-supplemented diets (+29%, P<0.01). These results suggest that the nonlipid fraction of squid exerts a hypocholesterolemic effect by increasing the excretion of total steroids in feces. The fraction also induces a triglyceride-lowering activity in the liver by decreasing hepatic lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Several water soluble and organic solvent soluble fluorescent peaks were observed in extracts of uteri from vitamin E deficient or supplemented rats following Sephadex column chromatography and spectrophotofluorometric analysis. Levels of one of the organic and two of the water soluble fluorescent peaks were found to be significantly higher in the uteri of vitamin E deficient rats than in vitamin E supplemented rats. Some of these fluorescent fractions may contribute to the brown discoloration that is known to occur in the uterus of vitamin E deficient animals.  相似文献   

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