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COVID-19 has been considered one of the recent epidemics that occurred at the last of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 that world widespread. This spread of COVID-19 requires a fast technique for diagnosis to make the appropriate decision for the treatment. X-ray images are one of the most classifiable images that are used widely in diagnosing patients’ data depending on radiographs due to their structures and tissues that could be classified. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is the most accurate classification technique used to diagnose COVID-19 because of the ability to use a different number of convolutional layers and its high classification accuracy. Classification using CNNs techniques requires a large number of images to learn and obtain satisfactory results. In this paper, we used SqueezNet with a modified output layer to classify X-ray images into three groups: COVID-19, normal, and pneumonia. In this study, we propose a deep learning method with enhance the features of X-ray images collected from Kaggle, Figshare to distinguish between COVID-19, Normal, and Pneumonia infection. In this regard, several techniques were used on the selected image samples which are Unsharp filter, Histogram equal, and Complement image to produce another view of the dataset. The Squeeze Net CNN model has been tested in two scenarios using the 13,437 X-ray images that include 4479 for each type (COVID-19, Normal and Pneumonia). In the first scenario, the model has been tested without any enhancement on the datasets. It achieved an accuracy of 91%. But, in the second scenario, the model was tested using the same previous images after being improved by several techniques and the performance was high at approximately 95%. The conclusion of this study is the used model gives higher accuracy results for enhanced images compared with the accuracy results for the original images. A comparison of the outcomes demonstrated the effectiveness of our DL method for classifying COVID-19 based on enhanced X-ray images.  相似文献   

COVID-19 has been ravaging the world for a long time, and although its effects are currently the same as those of a cold or a fever, timely diagnosis of COVID-19 in the elderly and in patients with related illnesses is still a matter of great urgency. To address this challenge, we propose a model that combines the strengths of the Swin Transformer and ResNet34 architectures to efficiently diagnose COVID-19 in elderly and vulnerable patients. In this paper, we design a model that integrates Swin transformer and resnet34, which not only integrates the advantages of transformer and CNN but also achieves excellent performance in this image classification problem. Moreover, a pre-processing method is also proposed to increase the accuracy of the model to 99.08%. In this paper, experiments were conducted on Kaggle's publicly available three-classification and four-classification datasets, respectively, and on the three main evaluation metrics of Accuracy, Precision, and Recall, the first dataset obtained 98.81%, 99.49%, and 97.99%, while the second dataset obtained 88.82%, 88.92%, and 86.38%. These findings highlight the validity and potential of our proposed model for diagnosing the presence or absence of COVID-19 in elderly and vulnerable patients.  相似文献   

Short-term forecasts of the dynamics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the period up to its decline following mass vaccination was a task that received much attention but proved difficult to do with high accuracy. However, the availability of standardized forecasts and versioned datasets from this period allows for continued work in this area. Here, we introduce the Gaussian infection state space with time dependence (GISST) forecasting model. We evaluate its performance in one to four weeks ahead forecasts of COVID-19 cases, hospital admissions and deaths in the state of California made with official reports of COVID-19, Google’s mobility reports and vaccination data available each week. Evaluation of these forecasts with a weighted interval score shows them to consistently outperform a naive baseline forecast and often score closer to or better than a high-performing ensemble forecaster. The GISST model also provides parameter estimates for a compartmental model of COVID-19 dynamics, includes a regression submodel for the transmission rate and allows for parameters to vary over time according to a random walk. GISST provides a novel, balanced combination of computational efficiency, model interpretability and applicability to large multivariate datasets that may prove useful in improving the accuracy of infectious disease forecasts.  相似文献   

COVID-19 remains to proliferate precipitously in the world. It has significantly influenced public health, the world economy, and the persons’ lives. Hence, there is a need to speed up the diagnosis and precautions to deal with COVID-19 patients. With this explosion of this pandemic, there is a need for automated diagnosis tools to help specialists based on medical images. This paper presents a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based classification and segmentation approach for COVID-19 detection from Computed Tomography (CT) images. The proposed approach is employed to classify and segment the COVID-19, pneumonia, and normal CT images. The classification stage is firstly applied to detect and classify the input medical CT images. Then, the segmentation stage is performed to distinguish between pneumonia and COVID-19 CT images. The classification stage is implemented based on a simple and efficient CNN deep learning model. This model comprises four Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs), four batch normalization layers, and four convolutional (Conv) layers. The Conv layer depends on filters with sizes of 64, 32, 16, and 8. A 2 × 2 window and a stride of 2 are employed in the utilized four max-pooling layers. A soft-max activation function and a Fully-Connected (FC) layer are utilized in the classification stage to perform the detection process. For the segmentation process, the Simplified Pulse Coupled Neural Network (SPCNN) is utilized in the proposed hybrid approach. The proposed segmentation approach is based on salient object detection to localize the COVID-19 or pneumonia region, accurately. To summarize the contributions of the paper, we can say that the classification process with a CNN model can be the first stage a highly-effective automated diagnosis system. Once the images are accepted by the system, it is possible to perform further processing through a segmentation process to isolate the regions of interest in the images. The region of interest can be assesses both automatically and through experts. This strategy helps so much in saving the time and efforts of specialists with the explosion of COVID-19 pandemic in the world. The proposed classification approach is applied for different scenarios of 80%, 70%, or 60% of the data for training and 20%, 30, or 40% of the data for testing, respectively. In these scenarios, the proposed approach achieves classification accuracies of 100%, 99.45%, and 98.55%, respectively. Thus, the obtained results demonstrate and prove the efficacy of the proposed approach for assisting the specialists in automated medical diagnosis services.  相似文献   

To derive and validate an effective machine learning and radiomics-based model to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia from other lung diseases using a large multi-centric dataset. In this retrospective study, we collected 19 private and five public datasets of chest CT images, accumulating to 26 307 images (15 148 COVID-19; 9657 other lung diseases including non-COVID-19 pneumonia, lung cancer, pulmonary embolism; 1502 normal cases). We tested 96 machine learning-based models by cross-combining four feature selectors (FSs) and eight dimensionality reduction techniques with eight classifiers. We trained and evaluated our models using three different strategies: #1, the whole dataset (15 148 COVID-19 and 11 159 other); #2, a new dataset after excluding healthy individuals and COVID-19 patients who did not have RT-PCR results (12 419 COVID-19 and 8278 other); and #3 only non-COVID-19 pneumonia patients and a random sample of COVID-19 patients (3000 COVID-19 and 2582 others) to provide balanced classes. The best models were chosen by one-standard-deviation rule in 10-fold cross-validation and evaluated on the hold out test sets for reporting. In strategy#1, Relief FS combined with random forest (RF) classifier resulted in the highest performance (accuracy = 0.96, AUC = 0.99, sensitivity = 0.98, specificity = 0.94, PPV = 0.96, and NPV = 0.96). In strategy#2, Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) FS and RF classifier combination resulted in the highest performance (accuracy = 0.97, AUC = 0.99, sensitivity = 0.98, specificity = 0.95, PPV = 0.96, NPV = 0.98). Finally, in strategy #3, the ANOVA FS and RF classifier combination resulted in the highest performance (accuracy = 0.94, AUC =0.98, sensitivity = 0.96, specificity = 0.93, PPV = 0.93, NPV = 0.96). Lung radiomic features combined with machine learning algorithms can enable the effective diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia in CT images without the use of additional tests.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, a chief policy question is how to allocate them among different sociodemographic groups. This paper evaluates COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies proposed to date, focusing on their stated goals; the mechanisms through which the selected allocations affect the course and burden of the pandemic; and the main epidemiological, economic, logistical, and political issues that arise when setting the prioritization strategy. The paper uses a simple, age-stratified susceptible–exposed–infectious–recovered model applied to the United States to quantitatively assess the performance of alternative prioritization strategies with respect to avoided deaths, avoided infections, and life-years gained. We demonstrate that prioritizing essential workers is a viable strategy for reducing the number of cases and years of life lost, while the largest reduction in deaths is achieved by prioritizing older adults in most scenarios, even if the vaccine is effective at blocking viral transmission. Uncertainty regarding this property and potential delays in dose delivery reinforce the call for prioritizing older adults. Additionally, we investigate the strength of the equity motive that would support an allocation strategy attaching absolute priority to essential workers for a vaccine that reduces infection-fatality risk.  相似文献   

Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection was initially acknowledged as a global pandemic in Wuhan in China. World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the COVID-19 is an epidemic that causes a 3.4% death rate. Chest X-Ray (CXR) and Computerized Tomography (CT) screening of infected persons are essential in diagnosis applications. There are numerous ways to identify positive COVID-19 cases. One of the fundamental ways is radiology imaging through CXR, or CT images. The comparison of CT and CXR scans revealed that CT scans are more effective in the diagnosis process due to their high quality. Hence, automated classification techniques are required to facilitate the diagnosis process. Deep Learning (DL) is an effective tool that can be utilized for detection and classification this type of medical images. The deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can learn and extract essential features from different medical image datasets. In this paper, a CNN architecture for automated COVID-19 detection from CXR and CT images is offered. Three activation functions as well as three optimizers are tested and compared for this task. The proposed architecture is built from scratch and the COVID-19 image datasets are directly fed to train it. The performance is tested and investigated on the CT and CXR datasets. Three activation functions: Tanh, Sigmoid, and ReLU are compared using a constant learning rate and different batch sizes. Different optimizers are studied with different batch sizes and a constant learning rate. Finally, a comparison between different combinations of activation functions and optimizers is presented, and the optimal configuration is determined. Hence, the main objective is to improve the detection accuracy of COVID-19 from CXR and CT images using DL by employing CNNs to classify medical COVID-19 images in an early stage. The proposed model achieves a classification accuracy of 91.67% on CXR image dataset, and a classification accuracy of 100% on CT dataset with training times of 58 min and 46 min on CXR and CT datasets, respectively. The best results are obtained using the ReLU activation function combined with the SGDM optimizer at a learning rate of 10−5 and a minibatch size of 16.  相似文献   

In December 2019, a group of people in Wuhan city of Hubei province of China were found to be affected by an infection called dark etiology pneumonia. The outbreak of this pneumonia infection was declared a deadly disease by the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention on January 9, 2020, named Novel Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV-2019). This nCoV-2019 is now known as COVID-19. There is a big list of infections of this coronavirus which is present in the form of a big family. This virus can cause several diseases that usually develop with a serious problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2019-nCoV has been placed as the modern generation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses, so COVID-19 can repeatedly change its internal genome structure to extend its existence. Understanding and accurately predicting the mutational properties of the genome structure of COVID-19 can form a good leadership role in preventing and fighting against coronavirus. In this research paper, an analytical approach has been presented which is based on the k-means cluster technique of machine learning to find the clusters over the mutational properties of the COVID-19 viruses’ complete genome. This method would be able to act as a promising tool to monitor and track pathogenic infections in their stable and local genetics/hereditary varieties. This paper identifies five main clusters of mutations with as best in most cases in the coronavirus that could help scientists and researchers develop disease control vaccines for the transformation of coronaviruses.  相似文献   

Knowing COVID-19 epidemiological distributions, such as the time from patient admission to death, is directly relevant to effective primary and secondary care planning, and moreover, the mathematical modelling of the pandemic generally. We determine epidemiological distributions for patients hospitalized with COVID-19 using a large dataset (N = 21 000 − 157 000) from the Brazilian Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe database. A joint Bayesian subnational model with partial pooling is used to simultaneously describe the 26 states and one federal district of Brazil, and shows significant variation in the mean of the symptom-onset-to-death time, with ranges between 11.2 and 17.8 days across the different states, and a mean of 15.2 days for Brazil. We find strong evidence in favour of specific probability density function choices: for example, the gamma distribution gives the best fit for onset-to-death and the generalized lognormal for onset-to-hospital-admission. Our results show that epidemiological distributions have considerable geographical variation, and provide the first estimates of these distributions in a low and middle-income setting. At the subnational level, variation in COVID-19 outcome timings are found to be correlated with poverty, deprivation and segregation levels, and weaker correlation is observed for mean age, wealth and urbanicity.  相似文献   

The global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has challenged healthcare systems worldwide. Lockdown, social distancing, and screening are thought to be the best means of stopping the virus from spreading and thus of preventing hospital capacity from being overloaded. However, it has also been suggested that effective outpatient treatment can control pandemics. We adapted a mathematical model of the beneficial effect of lockdown on viral transmission and used it to determine which characteristics of outpatient treatment would stop an epidemic. The data on confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths were collected from Santé Publique France. After defining components of the epidemic flow, we used a Morris global sensitivity analysis with a 10-level grid and 1000 trajectories to determine which of the treatment parameters had the largest effect. Treatment effectiveness was defined as a reduction in the patients'' contagiousness. Early treatment initiation was associated with better disease control—as long as the treatment was highly effective. However, initiation of a treatment with a moderate effectiveness rate (5%) after the peak of the epidemic was still better than poor distancing (i.e. when compliance with social distancing rules was below 60%). Even though most of today''s COVID-19 research is focused on inpatient treatment and vaccines, our results emphasize the potentially beneficial impact of even a moderately effective outpatient treatment on the current pandemic.  相似文献   

People often communicate with auto-answering tools such as conversational agents due to their 24/7 availability and unbiased responses. However, chatbots are normally designed for specific purposes and areas of experience and cannot answer questions outside their scope. Chatbots employ Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to infer their responses. There is a need for a chatbot that can learn from inquiries and expand its area of experience with time. This chatbot must be able to build profiles representing intended topics in a similar way to the human brain for fast retrieval. This study proposes a methodology to enhance a chatbot's brain functionality by clustering available knowledge bases on sets of related themes and building representative profiles. We used a COVID-19 information dataset to evaluate the proposed methodology. The pandemic has been accompanied by an “infodemic” of fake news. The chatbot was evaluated by a medical doctor and a public trial of 308 real users. Evaluations were obtained and statistically analyzed to measure effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction as described by the ISO9214 standard. The proposed COVID-19 chatbot system relieves doctors from answering questions. Chatbots provide an example of the use of technology to handle an infodemic.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global crisis, and medical systems in many countries are overwhelmed with supply shortages and increasing demands to treat patients due to the surge in cases and severe illnesses. This study aimed to assess COVID-19-related essential clinical resource demands in China, based on different scenarios involving COVID-19 spreads and interventions. We used a susceptible–exposed–infectious–hospitalized/isolated–removed (SEIHR) transmission dynamics model to estimate the number of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations with corresponding essential healthcare resources needed. We found that, under strict non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) or mass vaccination of the population, China would be able to contain community transmission and local outbreaks rapidly. However, under scenarios involving a low intensity of implemented NPIs and a small proportion of the population vaccinated, the use of a peacetime–wartime transition model would be needed for medical source stockpiles and preparations to ensure a normal functioning healthcare system. The implementation of COVID-19 vaccines and NPIs in different periods can influence the transmission of COVID-19 and subsequently affect the demand for clinical diagnosis and treatment. An increased proportion of asymptomatic infections in simulations will not reduce the demand for medical resources; however, attention must be paid to the increasing difficulty in containing COVID-19 transmission due to asymptomatic cases. This study provides evidence for emergency preparations and the adjustment of prevention and control strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides guidance for essential healthcare investment and resource allocation.  相似文献   

COVID-19 has caused severe health complications and produced a substantial adverse economic impact around the world. Forecasting the trend of COVID-19 infections could help in executing policies to effectively reduce the number of new cases. In this study, we apply the decomposition and ensemble model to forecast COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries in Pakistan for the upcoming month until the end of July. For the decomposition of data, the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) technique is applied. EEMD decomposes the data into small components, called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). For individual IMFs modelling, we use the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The data used in this study is obtained from the official website of Pakistan that is publicly available and designated for COVID-19 outbreak with daily updates. Our analyses reveal that the number of recoveries, new cases, and deaths are increasing in Pakistan exponentially. Based on the selected EEMD-ARIMA model, the new confirmed cases are expected to rise from 213,470 to 311,454 by 31 July 2020, which is an increase of almost 1.46 times with a 95% prediction interval of 246,529 to 376,379. The 95% prediction interval for recovery is 162,414 to 224,579, with an increase of almost two times in total from 100802 to 193495 by 31 July 2020. On the other hand, the deaths are expected to increase from 4395 to 6751, which is almost 1.54 times, with a 95% prediction interval of 5617 to 7885. Thus, the COVID-19 forecasting results of Pakistan are alarming for the next month until 31 July 2020. They also confirm that the EEMD-ARIMA model is useful for the short-term forecasting of COVID-19, and that it is capable of keeping track of the real COVID-19 data in nearly all scenarios. The decomposition and ensemble strategy can be useful to help decision-makers in developing short-term strategies about the current number of disease occurrences until an appropriate vaccine is developed.  相似文献   

Starting from late 2019, the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a global crisis. With the development of online social media, people prefer to express their opinions and discuss the latest news online. We have witnessed the positive influence of online social media, which helped citizens and governments track the development of this pandemic in time. It is necessary to apply artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to online social media and automatically discover and track public opinions posted online. In this paper, we take Sina Weibo, the most widely used online social media in China, for analysis and experiments. We collect multi-modal microblogs about COVID-19 from 2020/1/1 to 2020/3/31 with a web crawler, including texts and images posted by users. In order to effectively discover what is being discussed about COVID-19 without human labeling, we propose a unified multi-modal framework, including an unsupervised short-text topic model to discover and track bursty topics, and a selfsupervised model to learn image features so that we can retrieve related images about COVID-19. Experimental results have shown the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed models, and also have shown the considerable application prospects for analyzing and tracking public opinions about COVID-19.  相似文献   

A cold neutron radiography/tomography instrument was designed and will soon undergo construction at the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS) of Tsinghua University, China. In this paper, we report the physical design of the instrument and propose a scheme to implement several techniques at a later phase to enhance the utilization of the flux on larger samples. This includes code-aperture, grating-based imaging, prompt gamma-ray analysis and 3D emission CT.  相似文献   

In Wuhan, China, a novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) was detected in December 2019; it has changed the entire world and to date, the number of diagnosed cases is 38,756,2891 and 1,095,2161 people have died. This happened because a large number of people got affected and there is a lack of hospitals for COVID-19 patients. One of the precautionary measures for COVID-19 patients is isolation. To support this, there is an urgent need for a platform that makes treatment possible from a distance. Telemedicine systems have been drastically increasing in number and size over recent years. This increasing number intensifies the extensive need for telemedicine for the national healthcare system. In this paper, we present Tele-COVID which is a telemedicine application to treat COVID-19 patients from a distance. Tele-COVID is uniquely designed and implemented in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to avoid the problem of interoperability, vendor lock-in, and data interchange. With the help of Tele-COVID, the treatment of patients at a distance is possible without the need for them to visit hospitals; in case of emergency, necessary services can also be provided.  相似文献   

目的分析、总结新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情可视化设计案例,为疫情数据可视化设计的不断完善提供参考。方法检索、分析国内外相关文献资料,对疫情期间各主要媒体所发布的各阶段疫情数据可视化作品进行收集、分析和总结。结果得出疫情可视化设计的用户分类、数据类型、特点、演化过程等信息。结论收集到疫情可视化设计方案针对大众关心的疫情信息作了形式多样的表达,并随着疫情发展不断调整改进。同时,需要提高设计方案的用户针对性,加强设计评价以提升可用性及用户体验。也需要完善人流、物流、信息流等数据的可视化设计,并且达到系统化、规范化、实时化。  相似文献   

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