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黄云峰 《四川建筑科学研究》2011,37(1):213-217
对寿县现存的南宋古城墙进行了分析,从城垣、城门与瓮城、涵洞、护城石堤等部位进行了论述,采用文献资料与现场调查测绘等方法,对其构造形式和构造特点进行了研究,探求其集军事防御和抗洪防涝为一体的建筑特色。 相似文献
有人说:威尼斯城上面是石头,下面是森林。这是一座漂浮于水上的岛城,它被建造在最不可能建造城市的地方。而这样一座城市,却成为了建筑的精神家园,为世人佐证了一场又一场屹立于世界之巅的建筑盛会。 相似文献
威尼期建筑双年展,被誉为全球建筑师的奥斯卡盛会,从20世纪70年代开始的,到今年已经第10届。今年的威尼斯建筑双年展于2006年9月10日揭幕,展出至11月19日止。每周双年展都会祝国际建筑发展状况,拟定出不同的主题,以期反映自第二次世界大战后几十年来建筑的变化发展,和技术、文化及论述上所产生的显著变化。而今年的威尼斯双年展首次把目光对准了现代城市,关注城市、建筑与人之间的相互影响。一个世纪前只有10%的人住在城市,而现在全球范围内已经有接近一半的人住在城市。有数据表明,到2050年这一数字将被提高到75%。因此大会组委会特意在双年展的后半部分安排了一个有关21世纪城市的议程,邀请城市的管理者和建筑师一起讨论城市发展和调整。 相似文献
文章介绍了2006年威尼斯双年展对“城市、建筑、社会”主题的展示,反映了全球化环境中各国和地区的不同文化人群的相关思考。 相似文献
通过对中国古城墙和环境景观构成要素进行分析,探讨了上海老城厢的古城墙景观元素在现代城市设计中的利用,以期为今后城市设计中运用古城墙景观元素提供思路。 相似文献
通过对广汉古城墙区位状况、历史进程以及现状的分析,为合理开发广汉古城墙功能,在分析了广汉古城墙与城市环境之间的关系的基础上,从文化挖掘、材料融合、环境整治等三方面有针对性地提出了广汉古城墙的保护对策,该对策不仅有利于广汉古城墙与城市的和谐发展,还可为其他古城墙保护提供建设性意见。 相似文献
<正>2010年8月29日,第12届威尼斯国际建筑双年展在经过了26日-28日的3天预展之后,正式向公众开放。本届双年展的主题为"人们在建筑中相遇"(People Meet in Architecture),策展人是2010年的普利策奖得主妹岛和世(Kazuyo Sejima),她也是威尼斯建筑双年展的首位女性策展人。妹岛希望本届双年展成为对建筑的一次反思——在21世纪人类生活快速变化的大背景下,人与人之间的联系日益密切,文化和经济趋向全球化,人们的想法和生活方式都在改变,建筑 相似文献
现代城市广场的规划设计 总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35
广场是现代城市空间环境中一颗瑶粲夺目的明珠。它是城市的“起居室”,是城市空间里最具公共性、最富艺术魁力、也是最能反映现代都市文明和气氛的开放空间。意大利威尼斯的圣马可广场更是被赞誉为是“欧洲最美丽的客厅”。那么,现代城市广场究竟是怎样发展起来的?而对于城市规划师和建筑师,又是依据什么样的原则和思想来规划设计城币的广场呢?显然,这些问题的探讨对于我国城市迅猛发展中正成为热点的广场开发和建设具有重要现实意义。1城市广场的历史发展和演变上溯城市广场的发展历史,已经走过了数千年的漫漫路程。从西方看,真正… 相似文献
阐述了住区景观第五立面的内容,根据住区景观的自身特点,论述了住区景观第五立面的设计原则,从住区景观的整体设计和立体化设计等方面,提出了住区景观设计的新观点。 相似文献
The computable city 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Michael Batty 《International Planning Studies》1997,2(2):155-173
By the year 2050, everything around us will be some form of computer. Already, we are seeing a massive convergence of computers and communications through various forms of media. Computerized highways are in prospect and smart buildings are almost upon us. As planners we are accustomed to using computers to advance our science and art but it would appear that the city itself is turning into a constellation of computers. The implications of this for city planning are enormous. New data sources emerging in real time, and software to understand many elements of the working of cities such as simulation games and GIS, are now widespread. The juxtaposition of media that a generation ago would have been regarded as unthinkable is generating entirely new opportunities for understanding and planning cities. This paper raises these issues through a travelogue across the Internet. Ideas for what is becoming possible in our domain are illustrated from that latest of networking triumphs, the World Wide Web, from which we draw examples of cities in situ, in vitro, in the abstract, in real time and in cyberspace. Point to our homepage http://www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/ and then click to generate these. 相似文献
探讨了历史文化名城保护与城市建设的关系,分析了当前我国城市建设中出现的建设性破坏的危害性,并结合杭州的经验探讨了通过科学的城市规划来实现历史文化名城的保护与现代城市建设的有机融合,并提出了具体措施。 相似文献
Hadas Shadar 《The Journal of Architecture》2013,18(5):727-764
Similar to linear cities of the early 1960s, especially that of the British town of Hook (which was not built), two linear towns were planned in Israel during the years 1960–1962: Arad (completed) and Ir HaBesor (remained on paper). The two Israeli towns highly resembled the British town, at least regarding the basic linear scheme of traffic separation, phased town growth and planning based on walking distances. However, a more thorough examination reveals an essential difference between the British linear cities and the Israeli ones, especially concerning their technological components, which were absent from the Israeli planning. This paper examines the difference between town planning models in passing from one culture to another, while focusing on the desire to impart an ‘urban character’ to the new cities. The paper claims that ideological contents negating urbanism as a concept stood behind the Israeli linear town model, and that this fact surprisingly preserved the town's vitality for many years. 相似文献
Hadas Shadar 《The Journal of Architecture》2016,21(4):564-601
Similar to linear cities of the early 1960s, especially that of the British town of Hook (which was not built), two linear towns were planned in Israel during the years 1960–1962: Arad (completed) and Ir HaBesor (remained on paper).The two Israeli towns highly resembled the British town, at least regarding the basic linear scheme of traffic separation, phased town growth and planning based on walking distances. However, a more thorough examination reveals an essential difference between the British linear cities and the Israeli ones, especially concerning their technological components, which were absent from the Israeli planning.This paper examines the difference between town planning models in passing from one culture to another, while focusing on the desire to impart an ‘urban character’ to the new cities. The paper claims that ideological contents negating urbanism as a concept stood behind the Israeli linear town model, and that this fact surprisingly preserved the town's vitality for many years. 相似文献
论述了城市郊区化背景下城市郊区发展的意义以及郊区与城市的内在联系,列举并简要分析了现状郊区发展存在的问题,阐述了城市发展的趋势及郊区建设对城市发展的重要意义,以促进城市郊区的快速良好发展。 相似文献
迪卡装饰幼儿园设计中心由西A工作室与艾迪尔装饰设计中心合并而成立,专门从事幼儿园整体规划与设计,幼儿园室内外装修等业务。一、一楼多功能厅:多功能厅是集对外交流、家园互动、舞蹈训练、小型表演、会议及对内对外的培训为一体的部室。它分为两大块,第一是舞台, 相似文献