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This paper presents a new volume visualization approach for three-dimensional (3-D) interactive microscopy data exploration. Because of their unique image characteristics, 3-D microscopy data are often not able to be visualized effectively by conventional volume visualization techniques. In our approach, microscopy visualization is carried out in an interactive data exploration environment, based on a combination of interactive volume rendering techniques and image-based transfer function design methods. Interactive volume rendering is achieved by using two-dimensional (2-D) texture mapping in a Shear-Warp volume rendering algorithm. Image processing techniques are employed and integrated into the rendering pipeline for the definition and searching of appropriate transfer functions that best reflect the user's visualization intentions. These techniques have been implemented successfully in a prototype visualization system on low-end and middle-range SGI desktop workstations. Since only 2-D texture mapping is required, the system can also be easily ported to PC platforms. 相似文献
Using a virtual assembly tool, engineers are able to design accurate and interference free parts without making physical mock-ups.
Instead of a single CAD source, several CAD systems are used to design a complex product in a distributed design environment.
In this paper, a multi-CAD assembly method is proposed through an XML and the lightweight CAD file. XML data contains a hierarchy
of the multi-CAD assembly. The lightweight CAD file produced from various CAD files through the ACIS kemel and InterOp includes
not only mesh and B-Rep data, but also topological data. It is used to visualize CAD data and to verify dimensions of the
parts. The developed system is executed on desktop computers. It does not require commercial CAD systems to visualize 3D assembly
data. Multi-CAD models have been assembled to verify the effectiveness of the developed DMU system on the Internet. 相似文献
This paper presents a new volume visualization approach for three‐dimensional (3‐D) interactive microscopy data exploration. Because of their unique image characteristics, 3‐D microscopy data are often not able to be visualized effectively by conventional volume visualization techniques. In our approach, microscopy visualization is carried out in an interactive data exploration environment, based on a combination of interactive volume rendering techniques and image‐based transfer function design methods. Interactive volume rendering is achieved by using two‐dimensional (2‐D) texture mapping in a Shear‐Warp volume rendering algorithm. Image processing techniques are employed and integrated into the rendering pipeline for the definition and searching of appropriate transfer functions that best reflect the user's visualization intentions. These techniques have been implemented successfully in a prototype visualization system on low‐end and middle‐range SGI desktop workstations. Since only 2‐D texture mapping is required, the system can also be easily ported to PC platforms. 相似文献
超声彩色血流成像中基于动态区域划分抑制杂波的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为提高超声彩色血流成像质量,提出了一种基于动态区域划分的杂波抑制方法。先根据超声回波信号的幅度对血流与组织区域作出初步的划分,再根据杂波运动的非平稳性对组织区域作进一步的调整,最后对各区域用特征向量滤波器进行杂波抑制。将本方法用于计算机仿真血流信号和人体实测血流数据,结果表明:本方法在有效抑制非平稳杂波的同时,能较好地保持血流流速剖面的完整性,解决了传统均匀分段特征向量滤波器选取区间长度时的矛盾,有望成为超声彩色血流成像中一种有效的杂波抑制方法。 相似文献
Lo W Teng SW Tan HY Kim KH Chen HC Lee HS Chen YF So PT Dong CY 《Microscopy research and technique》2006,69(12):973-975
The aim of this work is to demonstrate that multiphoton microscopy is a preferred technique to investigate intact cornea structure without slicing and staining. At the micron resolution, multiphoton imaging can provide both large morphological features and detailed structure of epithelium, corneal collagen fibril bundles and keratocytes. A large area multiphoton cross-section across an intact eye excised from a GFP mouse was obtained by a homebuilt multiphoton microscope. The broadband multiphoton fluorescence (435-700 nm) and second harmonic generation (SHG, 360-400 nm) signals were generated by the 760 nm output of a femtosecond titanium-sapphire laser. A water immersion objective (Fluor, 40X, NA 0.8; Nikon) was used to facilitate imaging the curve ocular surface. The multiphoton image over entire cornea provides morphological information of epithelial cells, keratocytes, and global collagen orientation. Specifically, our planar, large area multiphoton image reveals a concentric pattern of the stroma collagen, indicative of the laminar collagen organization throughout the stroma. In addition, the green fluorescence protein (GFP) labeling contributed to fluorescence contrast of cellular area and facilitated visualizing of inactive keratocytes. Our results show that multiphoton imaging of GFP labeled mouse cornea manifests both morphological significance and structural details. The second harmonic generation imaging reveals the collagen orientation, while the multiphoton fluorescence imaging indicates morphology and distribution of cells in cornea. Our results support that multiphoton microscopy is an appropriate technology for further in vivo investigation and diagnosis of cornea. 相似文献
A new technique has been suggested for estimating the profile of an original unworn surface. Using digital filtering the profile signals from the profilometer are divided into two types: waviness—low frequency signals and roughness—high frequency signals. The original profile of a wear track was estimated by combining the waviness and the roughness taken from the surface before the wear test. The results of the study show that this technique results in an accurate estimate of the original profile. 相似文献
Results from an experimental study of flow distribution in a close-coupled catalytic converter (CCC) are presented. The experiments
were carried out with a flow measurement system specially designed for this study under steady and transient flow conditions.
A pitot tube was a tool for measuring flow distribution at the exit of the first monolith. The flow distribution of the CCC
was also measured by LDV system and flow visualization. Results from numerical analysis are also presented. Experimental results
showed that the flow uniformity index decreases as flow Reynolds number increases. In steady flow conditions, the flow through
each exhaust pipe made some flow concentrations on a specific region of the CCC inlet. The transient test results showed that
the flow through each exhaust pipe in the engine firing order, interacted with each other to ensure that the flow distribution
was uniform. The results of numerical analysis were quali-tatively accepted with experimental results. They supported and
helped explain the flow in the entry region of CCC. 相似文献
《Flow Measurement and Instrumentation》2001,12(1):53-63
Coriolis mass flow meters provide accurate measurement of single-phase flows, typically to 0.2%. However gas–liquid two-phase flow regimes may cause severe operating difficulties as well as measurement errors in these flow meters. As part of the Sensor Validation (SEVA) research at Oxford University a new fully digital coriolis transmitter has been developed which can operate with highly aerated fluids. This paper describes how a neural network has been used to correct the mass flow measurement for two-phase flow effects, based entirely on internally observed parameters, keeping errors to within 2%. The correction strategy has been successfully implemented on-line in the coriolis transmitter. As required by the SEVA philosophy, the quality of the corrected measurement is indicated by the on-line uncertainty provided with each measurement value. 相似文献
体三维成像的螺旋扫描系统设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
提出了一种可产生稳定、均匀的投影空间,并由伺服电机驱动阶梯轴,带动屏旋转的双螺旋屏扫描系统,以实现体三维实时、高清晰成像。对比分析了扫描屏结构的成像特点,设计了屏结构的加工方案。采用半透明高强度的光敏树脂材料和缕空支撑墙体快速成型直接制造。通过Solidworks软件进行螺旋扫描屏的三维建模,并利用COSMOSWorks模块进行稳定运行的可行性分析。仿真结果显示,屏在600r/min恒速旋转时产生的最大位移数据为0.013mm,远小于人眼视觉可分辨的范围,可以满足成像空间设计需求。最后,结合现有的工程技术与工艺水平,建立了双螺旋屏扫描系统的物理平台。实验结果表明,该螺旋屏扫描系统形成的25cm×Ф50cm的柱型成像空间,可以呈现出清晰的体三维图像。 相似文献
S. A. Bibikov R. K. Zakharov A. V. Nikonorov V. A. Fursov P. Yu. Yakimov 《Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing》2011,47(3):226-232
A problem of automated retouching of point artifacts in the pre-press process is considered. A new algorithm of detection and localization of multiple point flares is proposed. The algorithm is based on using the so-called conjugate indicator. A scheme for constructing learning rules for tuning the system for different types of artifacts is developed. An example illustrating the proposed algorithm performance on a real image is given. 相似文献
为保障海洋无隔水管修井作业安全,构建了修井数字孪生系统.设计了海洋修井数字孪生系统五维模型框架,包括修井系统物理实体、虚拟实体、虚实数据交互、人工智能数据分析、作业决策服务.通过SolidWorks构建三维模型,将其导入U nity 3D来建立场景,构建修井系统的虚拟实体,利用虚拟现实技术提升交互性;基于OPC UA协... 相似文献
Axial piston pump with pre-compression volume(PCV) has lower flow ripple in large scale of operating condition than the traditional one. However, there is lack of precise simulation model of the axial piston pump with PCV, so the parameters of PCV are difticult to be determined. A finite element simulation model for piston pump with PCV is built by considering the piston movement, the fluid characteristic(including fluid compressibility and viscosity) and the leakage flow rate. Then a test of the pump flow ripple called the secondary source method is implemented to validate the simulation model. Thirdly, by comparing results among the simulation results, test results and results from other publications at the same operating condition, the simulation model is validated and used in optimizing the axial piston pump with PCV. According to the pump flow ripples obtained by the simulation model with different PCV parameters, the flow ripple is the smallest when the PCV angle is 13~, the PCV volume is 1.3 ~ I0-4 m3 at such operating condition that the pump suction pressure is 2 MPa, the pump delivery pressure 15 MPa, the pump speed 1 000 r/min, the swash plate angle 13~. At the same time, the flow ripple can be reduced when the pump suction pressure is 2 MPa, the pump delivery pressure is 5 MPa,15 MPa, 22 MPa, pump speed is 400 r/min, 1 000 r/rain, 1 500 r/rain, the swash plate angle is ll~, 13~, 15~ and 17~, respectively. The finite element simulation model proposed provides a method for optimizing the PCV structure and guiding for designing a quieter axial piston pump. 相似文献