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We report on the investigation and implementation of a lumped-component, radio-frequency resonator used in a cryogenic vacuum environment to drive an ion trap. The resonator was required to achieve the voltages necessary to trap (~100?V), while dissipating very little power. Ultimately, for an input voltage of 1.35 V, a voltage gain of 100 was measured at 5.7 K, using a design which dissipated only 18 mW. The resonator operated at a frequency of 7.64 MHz and had a Q of 700. Single (40)Ca(+) ions were confined in a trap driven by this device, providing proof of successful resonator operation at low temperature.  相似文献   

We present a cryogenic source of periodic streams of micrometer-sized hydrogen and argon droplets as ideal mass-limited target systems for fundamental intense laser-driven plasma applications. The highly compact design combined with a high temporal and spatial droplet stability makes our injector ideally suited for experiments using state-of-the-art high-power lasers in which a precise synchronization between the laser pulses and the droplets is mandatory. We show this by irradiating argon droplets with multi-terawatt pulses.  相似文献   

Semiconductor manufacturing systems and ultra-precise machine tools now require nanometer-scale positioning accuracy. To improve positioning accuracy, it is efficient to support the top table with a noncontact guide system to prevent guide friction and heat transfer from the lower table or base. A magnetic levitation (maglev) stage can accomplish ultra-precise positioning accuracy with six-degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) control even in vacuum conditions. However, if the gravity of the levitated table is supported by the thrust of a linear motor, heat generation from the motor coil dramatically increases. In addition, a larger motor is required, which causes the moving mass to increase and the mechanical response to deteriorate. We aimed to develop a compact maglev stage for which the levitated mass is less than 1 kg and that is dramatically more lightweight than existing maglev stages. This compact feature was enabled by our newly proposed gravity compensation system with repellent force and a planar motor structure. The developed stage system also has long strokes, specifically 200 mm in the X and Y-directions on a horizontal plane. We designed a maglev stage with the following design concepts to create its compact structure: (1) Reduce top-table mass to minimize the motor dimensions and enable a light weight and high responsiveness. (2) Measure the top-table position from the base to eliminate positioning error and isolate vibrations of the coarse stage. (3) Install a motor in a symmetrical layout in view from the Z-axis to enable the same driving characteristics between the X and Y axes. The results of the performance evaluation showed that the developed maglev stage system with a compact structure with 0.81 kg levitated mass has ±10 nm positioning stability.  相似文献   

探讨了弹簧配重系统的基本形式及其一种变形形式,并从理论上分析了弹簧配重系统的工作原理,得出弹簧的弹性系数与螺旋线参数之间的关系。同时列举了一种使用实例,从实例中可以看出,弹簧配重系统与采用配重块的方法配重相比,弹簧配重系统的结构更为紧凑,更适用于小型且结构要求紧凑的机械设备。  相似文献   

We describe the development and the capabilities of an advanced system for nanoscale electrical transport studies. This system consists of a low temperature four-probe scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and a high-resolution scanning electron microscope coupled to a molecular-beam epitaxy sample preparation chamber. The four STM probes can be manipulated independently with subnanometer precision, enabling atomic resolution STM imaging and four-point electrical transport study of surface electronic systems and nanostructured materials at temperatures down to 10 K. Additionally, an integrated energy analyzer allows for scanning Auger microscopy to probe chemical species of nanostructures. Some testing results are presented.  相似文献   

李兆军  蔡敢为  孟令启 《机械设计》2005,22(11):13-15,22
研究了复合材料参数、驱动电机电磁参数、机构的结构参数以及电机轴的横振对复合材料连杆机构动态响应的影响,并在此基础上以构件的比阻尼容量为目标函数,以复合材料的纤维结构参数及复合材料构件截面的几何尺寸为设计变量,在考虑驱动电机对机构动态响应的影响并保证构件振幅的前提下对系统进行了综合优化设计研究。结果表明,将驱动电机和机构作为一个完整的系统进行综合优化研究更符合实际情况。最后通过实例仿真进行了验证。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method of analysis of a complex nonlinear vibration system is presented. Combining substructure synthesis and perturbation methods the computation cost for large mechanical system is considerably reduced.  相似文献   

赵文才  马军 《光学精密工程》2012,20(12):2619-2625
为了选择合适的低温红外目标模拟光学系统,针对国内现有离轴三反射光学系统多存有弧矢视场较大,子午视场很小的问题,本文基于光学系统对称性法则,设计了子午和弧矢都为5°,波长为3~5μm的矩形双向大视场离轴三反系统,其焦距为400mm,F#为8。利用光学系统结构参数和反射镜的非球面系数,调整三镜的偏心及倾斜来消除畸变及其它像差,系统光学传递函数在6.5lp/mm时优于0.71,全视场均方根波像差达到λ/250,均方根最大弥散斑半径不超过7.0μm,达到衍射极限。另外,系统在各个谱段全视场范围内的最大畸变量小于0.04%。设计的系统可用于红外及可见波段,成像质量均良好。  相似文献   

A compact and rigid terahertz time domain spectroscopy system is presented. The size of the device is 20 mm diameter times 61 mm length with four parabolic-shaped concave mirrors dug in it to effectively focus a terahertz beam on a sample. The device has no chromatic aberration over the whole bandwidth of the beam (0.3-2 THz), and an effective numerical aperture of about 0.45 is achieved, which has a capability to image the structure whose size is almost the same as the wavelength. Frequency resolved images clearly show this performance. We also show that quantitative retrieval of the complex refractive index of the structure as small as twice of the wavelength is possible.  相似文献   

We have designed and built a compact x-ray microtomography system to perform element mapping and absorption imaging by exploiting scanning fluorescence tomography and full-field transmission microtomography, respectively. It is based on a low power microfocus tube and is potentially appropriate for x-ray diagnostics in space. Full-field transmission tomography yields the three-dimensional inner structure of an object. Fluorescence microtomography provides the element distribution on a virtual section through the sample. Both techniques can be combined for appropriate samples. Microradiography as well as fluorescence mapping are also possible. For fluorescence microtomography a small and intensive microbeam is required. It is generated using a polycapillary optic. Operating the microfocus tube with a molybdenum target at 12 W, a microbeam with a full width at half maximum lateral extension of 16 microm and a flux of about 10(8) photonss is generated. As an example of application, this beam is used to determine the element distribution inside dried plant samples. For full-field scanning tomography, the x-ray optic is removed and the sample is imaged in magnifying projection onto a two-dimensional position sensitive detector. Depending on the sample size, a spatial resolution down to about 10 microm is possible in this mode. The method is demonstrated by three-dimensional imaging of a rat humerus.  相似文献   

A miniature air-actuated vacuum pump has been utilized to effect gas flow at partial atmospheric pressures for waveguide CO(2) lasers. Implications are that flowing gas laser systems can be acceptable for many applications requiring miniaturization of components.  相似文献   

以汽车产品为例 ,介绍了机械产品自动管理系统 (汽车产品设计、生产、管理一体化系统 )的特点及其核心工程数据库 ,包括汽车产品数据库的建立及其汽车产品设计管理系统与其它子系统之间的数据联系。  相似文献   

An automated system for sample exchange and tracking in a cryogenic environment and under remote computer control was developed. Up to 24 sample "cans" per cycle can be inserted and retrieved in a programed sequence. A video camera acquires a unique identification marked on the sample can to provide a record of the sequence. All operations are coordinated via a LABVIEW program that can be operated locally or over a network. The samples are contained in vanadium cans of 6-10 mm in diameter and equipped with a hermetically sealed lid that interfaces with the sample handler. The system uses a closed-cycle refrigerator (CCR) for cooling. The sample was delivered to a precooling location that was at a temperature of approximately 25 K, after several minutes, it was moved onto a "landing pad" at approximately 10 K that locates the sample in the probe beam. After the sample was released onto the landing pad, the sample handler was retracted. Reading the sample identification and the exchange operation takes approximately 2 min. The time to cool the sample from ambient temperature to approximately 10 K was approximately 7 min including precooling time. The cooling time increases to approximately 12 min if precooling is not used. Small differences in cooling rate were observed between sample materials and for different sample can sizes. Filling the sample well and the sample can with low pressure helium is essential to provide heat transfer and to achieve useful cooling rates. A resistive heating coil can be used to offset the refrigeration so that temperatures up to approximately 350 K can be accessed and controlled using a proportional-integral-derivative control loop. The time for the landing pad to cool to approximately 10 K after it has been heated to approximately 240 K was approximately 20 min.  相似文献   

Seat tightness at the fully shut position should be a consideration in the development of a butterfly valve for use in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessel. A flexible solid metal seal offers sufficient tightness of the butterfly valve and meets the specifications for cryogenic temperature. In the present study, characteristics for a cryogenic butterfly valve, such as the flow coefficient and the pressure loss coefficient, were estimated by numerical fluid analysis carried out to simulate 3-D flow and to study performance as it was affected by the opening angles of the valve disc. A design criterion to ensure the seat tightness of the butterfly valve at the fully shut position was proposed, in which the contact pressure between the metal seal and the valve disc would be compared with the fluid pressure. Numerical structural analysis showed that the contact pressure can be calculated by simulation of the frictional contact behavior on the surface of the metal seal and the valve disc. As a result, an adequate flexibility of the metal seal and the valve disc was required in order to accomplish a contact pressure that would be high enough to satisfy the seat tightness requirement. Under cryogenic temperature, thermal shrinkage caused the metal seal to adhere closely to the valve disc periphery at both sides and raised the contact pressure to a relatively high value, though there was no contact across a small area at the center position, which is susceptible to leakage. An additional displacement of the metal seal and the valve disc appeared at an operating fluid pressure of 6.9 bar and produced sufficient contact pressure at the no-contact area. This was verified by experimental leakage tests performed at room and cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

A novel nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) probe for high-resolution solid-state NMR has been developed. In this probe, temperature of the detection coil is kept at cryogenic temperature (approximately 12 K) for sensitivity enhancement, which is achieved not only by suppression of thermal noise but also by increment of a Q factor of the coil. A marked feature of this probe is that a sample rotating at magic angle is thermally isolated from the cryogenic system in order to realize high-resolution solid-state NMR measurement at various sample temperatures. We call this system as cryocoil magic-angle spinning (cryocoil MAS). (1)H MAS NMR with the coil temperature of approximately 20 K was successfully observed for solid adamantane rotating at room temperature, and signal-to-noise increment due to this cryocoil approach was confirmed.  相似文献   

An inductive energy storage pulse power system is being developed in BARC, India. Simple, compact, and robust opening switches, capable of generating hundreds of kV, are key elements in the development of inductive energy storage pulsed power sources. It employs an inductive energy storage and opening switch power conditioning techniques with high energy density capacitors as the primary energy store. The energy stored in the capacitor bank is transferred to an air cored storage inductor in 5.5 μs through wire fuses. By optimizing the exploding wire parameters, a compact, robust, high voltage pulse power system, capable of generating reproducibly 240 kV, is developed. This paper presents the full details of the system along with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Hydrostatic lubrication with cryogenic fluids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a computational procedure that can be useful in assessing the main performance parameters (load, flow rate, attitude angle) of hydrostatic journal bearings, without resorting to full numerical computing. The procedure is based on the ‘lumped resistance method’, which has been extended to take into account turbulence and inertia effects. Comparison with available experimental data shows a pretty reasonable agreement, in spite of the approximations that have been introduced. The procedure has been used to design a number of bearings that have been tested in order to study the possible replacement of rolling bearings in cryogenic turbopumps.  相似文献   

针对作动筒的工作循环可靠性试验要求,必须为其模拟较为真实的工作环境,国内现有的作动筒工作循环可靠性试验台低温泵站系统普遍存在系统控制复杂,降温速度慢,效率低等不足,不能适应批量检验的要求,为此我们经过详细的理论计算,设计了复叠式制冷机组;在油箱内部设置导流管增加换热面积;低温驱动装置配合低温箱来实现作动筒的低温工作环境,经过实际应用达到了实验要求的低温,对低温试验制冷系统设计具有一定意义.  相似文献   

The time shift of mechanical watches is caused by individual differences (manufacturing error), environmental temperature, magnetism, posture, impact force and dynamic environment. The easiest and clearest method of measuring the accuracy of mechanical watches is to measure the time shift by comparing it with the reference time. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only measure accuracy at a certain time. Another method for measuring the accuracy of mechanical watches uses a watch timing machine that obtains the vibration sound of a watch using a microphone and calculates accuracy in the short term. This method can measure the change in watch accuracy over time. However, it cannot be used to measure accuracy in a dynamic environment because the watch timing machine is large and there is a sound noise. To clarify the accuracy of mechanical watches in dynamic environment, this study developed an accuracy measurement system which can be carried and measure in a dynamic environment. This study monitors the movement of a partly constituted mechanical watch using a photo interrupter and develops a method to calculate the rate and amplitude of a balance wheel from the output value of the photo interrupter. The validity of the developed system is verified by comparing the time shift of the system and radio clock time over the long term. The developed system, can be used in a dynamic environment because it consists of the photo interrupter in the watch case. Moreover, this study conducted measurements under forced vibration using vibration generator and during walking with the system.  相似文献   

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