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An experimental setup to measure the effects of a high magnetic field on the structure and decay dynamics of molecules is designed and constructed. A vacuum chamber is mounted in the bore of a superconducting magnet. A molecular beam passes in the chamber. Pulsed laser light excites the molecules in the field. The parent or fragment ions are extracted by an electric field parallel to the magnetic field. They are detected by a microchannel plate. Their mass and charge are determined by the time-of-flight method. The performance of the setup was examined using resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization through the X(2)?Π-A(2)Σ(+) transition of nitric oxide (NO) molecules. The ions were detected with sufficient mass resolution to discriminate the species in a field of up to 10 T. This is the first experiment to succeed in the mass-selective detection of ions by the time-of-flight method in a high magnetic field. By measuring NO(+) ion current as a function of the laser frequency, the X(2)Π-A(2)?Σ(+) rotational transition lines, separated clearly from the background noise, were observed in fields of up to 10 T. From the relative strengths of the transition lines, the ion detection efficiency was determined as a function of the magnetic field strength. This setup was shown to be applicable in a field higher than 10 T. The Landau levels of molecules were successfully observed to demonstrate the setup.  相似文献   

A video measuring installation for registering low-frequency acoustic vibrations in two orthogonal directions with conversion of the results into a WAV-format file is described. The capabilities of the system in the detection of test mechanical vibrations at a frequency of 300 Hz were experimentally studied. The resolution of the system is 3 μm, and its dynamic range is 23 dB. The installation can be used in studies of vibrations of engineering and natural objects.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and robust setup for femtosecond stimulated Raman (FSR) spectroscopy with 60 fs and 10 cm(-1) resolution. Raman pulses of 0.5-5 ps are tunable between 450-750 nm with energies 1-10 μJ. Experimental features of the setup, signal processing, and data treatment are discussed in detail to be readily reproduced in other labs. The setup is tested by measuring FSR spectra of stilbene in solution.  相似文献   

Simple cells are described for normal and differential measurements in photoacoustic spectroscopy. The differential cell allows for easy background signal correction and for comparison of related samples. The arrangement allows great flexibility in cell design for adaptation to special sample forms. The normal cell can be used for very small volumes, liquids as well as solids, and is constructed in such a way as to allow the possibility of Helmholtz resonance to occur over a range of frequencies. The two cells are compared in terms of background and maximal signal strength and examples of spectra obtained with each of them are given. The general spectrometer setup is outlined as well.  相似文献   

An automated setup for measuring the normal magnetization curve, the major and minor magnetic-hysteresis loops, and the main (initial permeability, maximum permeability, residual magnetic induction, induction coercive force, and saturation induction) and additional (the permeability at a field equal to the coercive force, the field strength at which the saturation induction is reached, and the induction at fields equal to the coercive force and the double coercive force) magnetic parameters of soft magnetic materials and articles produced from them is described. Measurements are performed in an open or closed magnetic circuit at a magnetization-reversal frequency of 0.05–0.5 Hz. The block diagram of the setup and its main parameters and characteristics are presented. The operation of the setup and the possibilities of its application are considered.  相似文献   

A laser-based angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) system utilizing 6 eV photons from the fourth harmonic of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire oscillator is described. This light source greatly increases the momentum resolution and photoelectron count rate, while reducing extrinsic background and surface sensitivity relative to higher energy light sources. In this review, the optical system is described, and special experimental considerations for low-energy ARPES are discussed. The calibration of the hemispherical electron analyzer for good low-energy angle-mode performance is also described. Finally, data from the heavily studied high T(c) superconductor Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) (Bi2212) is compared to the results from higher photon energies.  相似文献   

A versatile optical setup for all-terahertz (THz) time resolved pump-probe spectroscopy was designed and tested. By utilizing a dual THz pulse generator emitter module, independent and synchronized THz radiation pump and probe pulses were produced, thus eliminating the need for THz beam splitters and the limitations associated with their implementation. The current THz setup allows for precise control of the electric fields splitting ratio between the THz radiation pump and probe pulses, as well as in-phase, out-of-phase, and polarization dependent pump-probe spectroscopy. Since the present THz pump-probe setup does not require specialized THz radiation optical components, such as phase shifters, polarization rotators, or wide bandwidth beam splitters, it can be easily implemented with minimal alterations to a conventional THz time domain spectroscopy system. The present setup is valuable for studying the time dynamics of THz coherent phenomena in solid-state, chemical, and biological systems.  相似文献   

A monochromator capable of suppressing spurious laser radiation to a level required for low-frequency (<100 cm?1) Raman spectroscopy is proposed. It has a high spectral resolution, contains a small number of optical elements, and can be easily included into the experimental optical scheme. The effect of using this monochromator in low-frequency Raman spectroscopy is illustrated by examples with test samples.  相似文献   

We report on a new setup developed for neutron scattering experiments in periodically alternating magnetic fields at the sample position. The assembly consisting of rf generator, amplifier, wide band transformer, and resonance circuit. It allows to generate homogeneous ac magnetic fields over a volume of a few cm(3) and variable within a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies. The applicability of the device is exemplified by ac polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR): a new method established to probe remagnetization kinetics in soft ferromagnetic films. Test experiments with iron films demonstrate that the ac field within the accessible range of frequencies and amplitudes produces a dramatic effect on the PNR signal. This shows that the relevant ac field parameters generated by the device match well with the scales involved in the remagnetization processes. Other possible applications of the rf unit are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Microwave absorption in radar stealth technology is faced with challenges in terms of its effectiveness in low-frequency regions. Herein, we report a new laser-based method for producing an ultrawideband metamaterial-based microwave absorber with a highly uniform sheet resistance and negative magnetic permeability at resonant frequencies, which results in a wide bandwidth in the L-to S-band. Control of the electrical sheet resistance uniformity has been achieved with less than 5% deviation at 40...  相似文献   

A semiautomatic Hartshorn bridge has been designed to improve the complicated adjusting procedures of the bridge in the measurements of magnetic susceptibilities. The bridge is useful for a continuous recording of the susceptibility of a sample, especially when it varies with time.  相似文献   

The full characterization of a time resolved x-ray spectrometer is presented. It is based on the coupling of a conical crystal with a subpicosecond x-ray streak camera. The detector is designed to operate in accumulation mode at high repetition rate (up to 1 kHz) allowing signal to noise ratio as high as 10(4):1. Optical switches have been used to limit the jitter induced in the subpicosecond range, demonstrating the very long term stability (a few hours) of the entire device. The data analysis have been developed to get the spectral and temporal resolution of an ultrashort laser-plasma-based x-ray source.  相似文献   

A setup for pump/supercontinuum-probe spectroscopy is described which (i) is optimized to cancel fluctuations of the probe light by single-shot referencing, and (ii) extends the probe range into the near-uv (1000-270 nm). Reflective optics allow 50 μm spot size in the sample and upon entry into two separate spectrographs. The correlation γ(same) between sample and reference readings of probe light level at every pixel exceeds 0.99, compared to γ(consec)<0.92 reported for consecutive referencing. Statistical analysis provides the confidence interval of the induced optical density, ΔOD. For demonstration we first examine a dye (Hoechst 33258) bound in the minor groove of double-stranded DNA. A weak 1.1 ps spectral oscillation in the fluorescence region, assigned to DNA breathing, is shown to be significant. A second example concerns the weak vibrational structure around t=0 which reflects stimulated Raman processes. With 1% fluctuations of probe power, baseline noise for a transient absorption spectrum becomes 25 μOD rms in 1 s at 1 kHz, allowing to record resonance Raman spectra of flavine adenine dinucleotide in the S(0) and S(1) state.  相似文献   

In this paper, permanent magnets are used to remove magnetic sludge in the condenser of the power plant. To obtain the flow characteristics and magnetic information that are needed for determining a proper design of the magnetic sludge removal apparatus, we performed numerical simulations through the use of two commercial codes, ANSYS Workbench-Emag and CFX. We also performed experiments on various kinds and sizes of magnets to obtain the magnetic information through a gauss meter. By analyzing the results of simulations and experiments, the minimum magnetic force that is able to remove the any size of the magnetic sludge in the condenser was calculated, and the design of the removal apparatus was confirmed. We made the test model which was confirmed by the simulations and experiments for the tests of efficiency of the removal apparatus. After testing, the test results were compared with those of numerical simulations and have good agreements.  相似文献   

A complete in-vacuum curved-crystal x-ray emission spectrometer in Johansson geometry has been constructed for a 2-6 keV energy range with sub natural line-width energy resolution. The spectrometer is designed to measure x-ray emission induced by photon and charged particle impact on solid and gaseous targets. It works with a relatively large x-ray source placed inside the Rowland circle and employs position sensitive detection of diffracted x-rays. Its compact modular design enables fast and easy installation at a synchrotron or particle accelerator beamline. The paper presents main characteristics of the spectrometer and illustrates its capabilities by showing few selected experimental examples.  相似文献   

A versatile ac mutual inductance bridge is described which uses integrated circuit operational amplifiers (op-amps) for the measurement of magnetic susceptibilities of ferro-, ferri-, and para-magnetic samples. The circuit employs op-amps both for balancing the bridge and for detecting the differential signal from the sample coil. The response of the circuit is linear over a wide range of sample susceptibilities, and is calibrated directly in absolute units (emu) using a multiturn digital potentiometer. The sensitivity of the instrument for weak paramagnetic samples (1 g) is +/-3x10(-7) emu.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for analysis and management of data, which are obtained by measuring the magnetic field emission in the laptop neighborhood. Accordingly, the extremely low frequency magnetic field radiation emitted from laptop is considered. Laptops operate in normal condition or under stress condition. Measurement is performed on top and bottom measuring positions of laptops, fed by alternating current and battery. Results are analyzed and discussed based on standard safe limit. Then, magnetic field ranges are obtained from clustering of measuring positions by K-Medians algorithm for detection of high emission levels. A comparison between ranges in normal condition and ranges under stress condition is pursued by the confusion matrix, revealing that higher magnetic field ranges are obtained when laptop is under stress. Finally, investigation of the confusion matrix confirms the distribution of measuring positions from lower range to higher range from normal to stress condition.  相似文献   

Raster-scan image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) enables researchers to measure molecular translational diffusion constants and concentrations from standard confocal laser scanning microscope images and is suitable for measuring a wide range of mobility, especially fast-diffusing molecules. However, as RICS analysis is based on the spatial autocorrelation function of fluorescence images, it is sensitive to the presence of fluorescent structures within the image. In this study, we investigate methods to filter out immobile or slow moving background structures and their impact on RICS results. Both the conventional moving-average subtraction-based method and cross-correlation subtraction-based method are rationalized and quantified. Simulated data and experimental measurements in living cells stress the importance of optimizing the temporal resolution of background filtering for reliable RICS measurements. Finally, the capacity of RICS analysis to separate two species is studied.  相似文献   

An automated setup for studying the anisotropy of the Gruneisen parameter of solids in the temperature range 77–350 K using the photoacoustic technique is described. The serviceability of the setup was tested at low (77–300 K) and high (300–350 K) temperatures on strontium titanate and triglycine sulphate single crystals, respectively.  相似文献   

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