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A dry-type pulse transformer based on Fe-based nanocrystalline core with a load of 0.88 nF, output voltage of more than 65 kV, and winding ratio of 46 is designed and constructed. The dynamic characteristics of Fe-based nanocrystalline core under the impulse with the pulse width of several microseconds were studied. The pulse width and incremental flux density have an important effect on the pulse permeability, so the pulse permeability is measured under a certain pulse width and incremental flux density. The minimal volume of the toroidal pulse transformer core is determined by the coupling coefficient, the capacitors of the resonant charging circuit, incremental flux density, and pulse permeability. The factors of the charging time, ratio, and energy transmission efficiency in the resonant charging circuit based on magnetic core-type pulse transformer are analyzed. Experimental results of the pulse transformer are in good agreement with the theoretical calculation. When the primary capacitor is 3.17 μF and charge voltage is 1.8 kV, a voltage across the secondary capacitor of 0.88 nF with peak value of 68.5 kV, rise time (10%-90%) of 1.80 μs is obtained.  相似文献   

The results on the formation of bipolar pulses with amplitudes of up to 100 kV, a duration of 2 ns, and a pulse repetition rate of 100 Hz across a 12.5-Ω load are presented. Lines with a characteristic impedance of 6.25 Ω were switched using multichannel ring switches with 70-mm-diameter electrodes in a nitrogen medium at a pressure of 40–60 atm. At a pressure of 40 atm, the rms deviation of the operation time of the sharpening switch reaches 40 ps at a voltage-pulse rise rate of 7 × 1013 V/s at the electrodes. As the pressure increases, the stability of the output bipolar pulses deteriorates; this is probably associated with a disturbance of the multichannel-switching mode in the sharpening switch. The performed simulation of the pulse-former operation showed that the energy loss in the switches reaches 40% of the stored energy in the output line of the Sinus-160 generator.  相似文献   

A small-size high-voltage (~20 kV) microsecond pulse generator, which is based on a pulse transformer and loaded into a reactor with a pulse corona discharge, is described. Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) that form the switch are used in the low-voltage circuit of the generator. When the switch is open, voltage pulses with an amplitude of up to 1000 V are created across it and, hence, across the primary winding of the transformer. The pulse repetition rate of the generator is ~20000 pulses/s.  相似文献   

One of the specific features of the barrier electric discharge is the short duration of microdischarge processes that last about tens of nanoseconds. A high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator based on a barrier electric discharge is presented. A voltage of tens of kilovolts is usually applied to electrodes of the discharge cell. The peak values of the current pulse may be very high (from a few amperes to several tens of amperes). The presented high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator, having a sufficiently simple design, ensures quite good pulse repetition stability, and, when necessary, allows one to easily tune characteristics of pulses and their repetition rates by changing the geometrical, electrical, and physical-chemical parameters of the setup.  相似文献   

Two modifications of the compact subnanosecond high-voltage bipolar pulse generator with an active unit based on a high-impedance charging line, forming line, and two uncontrolled nitrogen spark gaps without gas purging are studied. In both cases, the forming lines are charged with compression of the energies of incident pulses with a ∼160-kV amplitude, a ∼4-ns duration, and a ∼1.5-ns leading edge. The difference of operation modes of the circuits and their efficiency are specified by a point of connecting the load. In conditions of nanosecond prebreakdown overvoltage at a 100-Hz repetition rate, the spark gaps were energized with a relative scatter of ±(100–170) ps, thus specifying the stability of the shape of output bipolar pulses with a voltage difference up to 250 kV.  相似文献   

The electric circuit and design of a high-volta ge pulse generator with an output voltage of ≥3 50 kV is described. The generator operates in the nanosecond range of pulse durations (~300 ns) at a repetition rate of up to 10 pulses/s in a continuous mode and is intended for electric-discharge technologies. The energy stored in the generator is ~600 J, and the energy released in a pulse is ≥300 J. A discharge of a capacitive storage through a toroidal pulsed transformer and a discharge gap is used in the generator.  相似文献   

A high-voltage pulse-slicer unit with variable pulse duration has been developed and integrated with a 7 MeV linear electron accelerator (LINAC) for pulse radiolysis investigation. The pulse-slicer unit provides switching voltage from 1 kV to 10 kV with rise time better than 5 ns. Two MOSFET based 10 kV switches were configured in differential mode to get variable duration pulses. The high-voltage pulse has been applied to the deflecting plates of the LINAC for slicing of electron beam of 2 μs duration. The duration of the electron beam has been varied from 30 ns to 2 μs with the optimized pulse amplitude of 7 kV to get corresponding radiation doses from 6 Gy to 167 Gy.  相似文献   

基于单片机的脉宽可调低频高压脉冲电源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种基于单片机的脉宽可调低频高压脉冲电源的设计.该电源输出电压的频率和脉宽可由用户自行设定,同时引入单相交流调压模块实现稳压输出,并使其输出电压在10KV~50KV范围内连续可调,利用单片机控制SG3525工作时间形成高压脉冲,并通过单片机的处理实时地将电源输出电压幅值、频率和脉宽显示在液晶屏幕上.  相似文献   

针对声波测井压电陶瓷换能器容性大的负载特性,采用单片机和CPLD相结合的方式设计了一种输出幅度高、驱动电流大、脉冲宽度可调的双通道高压脉冲信号源。系统利用C8051F350单片机及PWM控制芯片MM33060A,并结合自耦变压器反激式升压电路将12 V直流供电电压抬升至300 V。采用CPLD产生精确的频率可控的300 V脉冲电压,利用脉冲变压器进一步提升电压,得到了上千伏的高压激励脉冲。实验结果标明,设计的信号源在激励压电陶瓷换能器时,负载上得到了比较理想的波形,波形上升沿陡峭,无拖尾及振荡现象,满足实际应用需求。  相似文献   

A generator of nanosecond pulses with an energy of ~50 mJ, which provides switching of voltage pulses with an amplitude of ~17 kV and a rise time of ~4 ns at a repetition frequency of 8 kHz to a 75-Ω resistive load, is described. The load is matched to the generator output cable. The generator is based on an opening switch in the form of a unit of drift step-recovery diodes (DSRDs). The conditions for the efficient operation of DSRDs are provided by six self-contained modules each of which contains an IGBT transistor and a step-up saturable-core transformer. The results of an experimental study of the generator are presented. They indicate a high efficiency of the developed modular circuit, which makes it possible to increase the switched energy virtually in proportion to the number of used modules, and the possibility of reducing the switching energy loss in the DSRD unit in proportion to the number of diode assemblies connected in parallel. It is shown that the generator can be used for producing ozone and high-purity silicon tetrafluoride and also in an apparatus for purifying air of organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Uniform and stable discharge plasma requires very short duration pulses with fast rise times. A repetitive high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator for the application of gas discharge is presented in this paper. It is constructed with all solid-state components. Two-stage magnetic compression is used to generate a short duration pulse. Unlike in some reported studies, common commercial fast recovery diodes instead of a semiconductor opening switch (SOS) are used in our experiment that plays the role of SOS. The SOS-like effects of four different kinds of diodes are studied experimentally to optimize the output performance. It is found that the output pulse voltage is higher with a shorter reverse recovery time, and the rise time of pulse becomes faster when the falling time of reverse recovery current is shorter. The SOS-like effect of the diodes can be adjusted by changing the external circuit parameters. Through optimization the pulse generator can provide a pulsed voltage of 40 kV with a 40 ns duration, 10 ns rise time, and pulse repetition frequency of up to 5 kHz. Diffuse plasma can be formed in air at standard atmospheric pressure using the developed pulse generator. With a light weight and small packaging the pulse generator is suitable for gas discharge application.  相似文献   

根据高压脉冲引起细胞不可逆电穿孔而使组织消融的机理,应用现代电子电力技术、高电压技术及嵌入式技术,研制了一套可实现输出脉冲频率、脉宽和峰值参数独立可调的高压方波脉冲肿瘤消融装置.装置研制完成后,在实验室连接电阻负载调试,调试结果表明,装置运行稳定,输出的方波脉冲波形符合不可逆电穿孔研究需要,达到了装置的预期设计目标,同时也为将来针对离体细胞和小动物的不可逆电穿孔实验打下基础.  相似文献   

A high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator intended for studying diffuse discharges in gases at pressures close or equal to atmospheric pressure is described. The generator produces pulses with an ∼50-ns (at half-height) duration, a >50-kV voltage amplitude, a 10- to 12-ns rise time, and a pulse repetition rate of up to 1 kHz across an equivalent load (1.3 kΩ, 15 pF). The generator is based on available cheap components, and the amplitude (energy) of output pulses and their repetition rate can be promptly regulated in a wide range. The generator is immune to noise and reliable.  相似文献   

We present a method of generating 200 ns high-voltage (up to 40 kV) pulses operating at repetition rates of up to 100 kHz, which may be synchronized with laser pulses. These supplies are simple to make and were developed for ultrafast terahertz pulse generation from GaAs photoconductive antennas using a high-repetition-rate regeneratively amplified laser. We also show an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio over a continuous dc bias field and application of the supply to terahertz pulse generation.  相似文献   

A design is presented for a reversible, square-pulse generator that employs coaxial cables for charge storage and pulse formation and a thyratron as the switch. The generator has a nominal output voltage of 5-30 kV and a pulse duration determined by the cable's physical length. Two variations are presented: (1) a single-stage one consisting of cable that is charged via its shield on one end and discharged with a thyratron on the opposite end and (2) a two-stage one having an inverting circuit that uses a coaxial cable to reverse the polarity of the pulse. The generator operates with "flying shields," i.e., high-voltage pulses also propagate on the outside of the cables; this calls for a dedicated insulation that avoids breakdown between sections of the cable's shield. The rise time obtained is mostly dictated by the switching time of the thyratron; with the one we used in the tests, rise times in the range of 30-40 ns were obtained. We present the results obtained in the implementation of the generators as well as its application to fire a large Marx generator.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-based high-voltage pulse controller was developed for use in Kerr effect studies. The system allows the user to program pulse format and change pulse sequence by a simple entry from a keyboard. A silicon diode temperature probe which is interactive with the microcomputer is also discussed. Details of the necessary interface and a sample pulse format program are given.  相似文献   

A generator of high-voltage pulses of nanosecond duration with a subnanosecond rise time is described. The generator contains a nanosecond-pulse shaper based on an assembly of drift step-recovery diodes (DSRDs) connected in series and a sharpening switch based on an assembly of deep-level dynistors (DLDs) connected in series. The results of tests of this generator at a pulse repetition rate of 100 Hz are presented. Voltage pulses with an amplitude of 20 kV, a rise time of 0.3 ns, and a duration of 10 ns are formed across a load with a resistance of 50 Ω.  相似文献   

The results of comparative investigations of commercially produced reversely switched-on dynistors (RSDs) with an operating voltage of 2 kV and 76-mm-diameter structures are presented. The studies were performed in the mode of switching current pulses with an amplitude of 200 kA and a duration of 300 μs. The electric scheme of the power circuit of the generator of high-power high-voltage pulses with a switch on the basis of an assembly of RSDs is considered. RSD switches with an operating current of 250 kA and operating voltages of 12 and 24 kV are described. Some results of using RSD switches in high-voltage pulse technologies are presented.  相似文献   

The results of studying the switching capabilities of recently developed high-voltage integral pulse thyristors (HIPTs) with a working area of 0.45 cm2 and an operating voltage of 3 kV are presented. A silicon chip of a thyristor consists of a large number of microthyristor cells that are enabled strictly synchronously with a control-current pulse, thus providing low switching energy losses and allowing a current of up to 8 kA at a pulse duration of 1.5 μs to be switched within 500 ns in a single-pulse mode. The HIPT switching-off time is several microseconds when, after a power-current pulse terminates, a field-effect transistor with a low (tens of milliohms) channel resistance closes the emitter–base circuit. The low switching energy loss and the short switching-off time made it possible to use HIPTs in the mode of switching current pulses with an amplitude of 500 А at a frequency of 50 kHz.  相似文献   

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