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The authors examined the effects of sex and neonatal hormones on the response of pyramidal cells (Layer III, parietal cortex) to injury of the medial frontal cortex in the adult rat. At birth, males were gonadectomized (GDX) or sham-operated. Females were given testosterone (T) or oil injections. In adulthood, rats that had been left intact at birth were GDX, and they then received bilateral medial frontal cortex lesions or sham surgery. Rats not exposed to T at birth exhibited losses of dendritic arbor (males GDX at birth) or dendritic spine density (oil-treated females). Compensation after cortical injury is dependent on the rat's sex and history of exposure to gonadal steroids. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in 10-11-week old gonadectomized male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Dot-blot analysis and 3'-end digoxigenin-labeled 26 meroligonucleotide probe was used in detecting the mRNA level hypothalamic vasopressin (AVP). The basal hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in the sham-operated intact males was 45% higher than that in the sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). Plasma osmolality was also higher in the sham-operated intact males than in the sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). The hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in ovariectomized rats was 30% higher than that in sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). Although the hypothalamic AVP mRNA level tended to be lower in castrated males than in sham-operated intact males, the difference was not statistically significant. The difference in plasma osmolality between gonadectomized males and females was statistically insignificant. In castrated males, hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level was decreased following sc injection of estradiol (P < 0.05), but testosterone, progesterone or a combination of estradiol and progesterone were without effect. In ovariectomized rats, sc injection of estradiol or a combination of estradiol and progesterone resulted in a decrease in hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level (P < 0.01), but progesterone or testosterone had no effect. The difference in plasma osmolality between gonadal steriod hormones-treated rats and vehicle-treated rats was not statistically significant. These findings indicate that gonadal steriod hormones can affect hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in rats, through some central mechanism.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the role of gonadal hormones at both the organizational and activational time periods on sex differences in plus-maze behavior. In the first experiment, adult female Long-Evans rats were found to spend more time on the open arms of the plus maze than adult males, indicating less anxious behavior. In the second experiment, male and female subjects received a neonatal treatment (chemical castration with flutamide or tamoxifen, vehicle injection, or no injection) and a prepubertal treatment (gonadectomy, sham surgery, or no surgery). Adult females receiving either neonatal tamoxifen or prepubertal ovariectomy spent less time on the open arms than control females, but females who received both treatments were the most defeminized subjects. Males were not affected by the absence of gonadal hormones at either time period. These experiment indicate that female gonadal hormones play an important role both organizationally and activationally in plus-maze behavior. The role of the GABA receptor complex in mediating this effect is discussed. Knowledge of sex differences in plus-maze behavior may help to make this maze a more useful tool in investigating anxiety behavior in rats.  相似文献   

Examined the role of testicular hormones in the incubation behavior of 85 male ring doves. Intramuscular injection of testosterone propionate (TP) at 100 mg/day to intact or castrated Ss throughout a reproductive cycle had no deleterious effects on sitting or crop-sac growth. Similarly, castrated Ss given TP only until the start of a reproductive cycle incubated normally. Thus, changes in androgen titer following courtship do not affect incubation behavior. In contrast, progesterone administered to intact Ss at 100 mg/day throughout a reproductive cycle interfered with both sitting behavior and crop-sac growth. It is concluded that high levels of progesterone (whether of gonadal or adrenal origin) would be incompatible with maintenance of incubation, possibly because of interference with prolactin secretion. (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This work tested the hypothesis that gonadal steroid receptor activation was necessary for the restoration of several sociosexual behaviors (such as copulatory behavior, partner preference, 50-kHz vocalizations, and scent marking) in testosterone-treated gonadectomized male rats. Gonadal steroid receptors were blocked by systemic administration of the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide, the antiestrogen RU 58668, or both antagonists simultaneously in a restoration paradigm. Inhibiting androgen receptors with hydroxyflutamide blocked the restoration of male copulatory behavior, partner preference (time spent with a sexually receptive female over a nonreceptive female), 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations, and scent marking. On the other hand, we did not find that blocking estrogen receptors with RU 58668 inhibited the restoration of copulatory behavior or partner preference in testosterone-treated gonadectomized male rats, even though the level of brain nuclear estrogen receptor occupation was significantly reduced to the level found in gonadectomized males. However, the restoration of scent marking and 50-kHz vocalizations were impaired by RU 58668. Blocking both nuclear androgen and estrogen receptors with the two antagonists simultaneously did not have a greater inhibitory effect than treatment with each antagonist alone. Therefore, the activation of nuclear estrogen receptors is necessary for the restoration of some, but not all, sociosexual behaviors, which are also androgen receptor-dependent. Besides nuclear estrogen receptors, there are additional, but unknown, targets of estradiol that play a role in mediating copulatory behavior in adult male rats. Moreover, the signals from multiple gonadal steroid signaling pathways converge in the regulation of some sociosexual behaviors in adult male rats.  相似文献   

Stress in males via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may set into motion varied physiological alterations, including dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. However, the influence of the HPA on the HPG axis may not always be inhibitory. Presence or absence of stimuli of sexual significance that typically activates the HPG axis may alter the influence of the adrenal axis on gonadal axes. In this project, we used male rats and chronic social stimulation that included brief or extended periods with female rats to examine HPA-HPG axes interactions. In experiment 1, we used intact males and a 'chronic social stress' paradigm developed in our previous research that induces social instability by daily changing the membership of group-housed males with females. Thymus weight was reduced and corticosterone levels were marginally increased by chronic social stress, indicating a HPA axis hyperactivity. The HPG axis was also activated as shown by the increased weight of the androgen-sensitive sex structures. These results indicate that when these two axes are stimulated together, neither interferes with nor suppresses activities of the other. Implants of corticosterone pellets to adrenalectomized animals that maintained constant, high corticosterone levels failed to reverse the gonadal hyperactivity induced by sexual stimulation. In a second experiment, we studied the influence of different intensity of sexual stimulations on HPA-HPG axes interactions. Increased corticosterone levels and adrenal weight, indicating a HPA hyperactivity, failed to inhibit HPG hyperactivity as measured by the increased sexual organs weight, whatever the sexual intensity of the stimulation. This work demonstrates that the gonadal axis is freed from suppression when sexual stimulation occurs together with stress. The general conclusion is that the nature of complex social settings is important in determining interactions between the two neuroendocrine axes.  相似文献   

Three experiments evaluated hormonally mediated sexual response patterns in Long-Evans female rats receiving olfactory bulb ablations neonatally (Day 2) or in adulthood. In a test of Ss' reactivity to a caged male in an open field, estrogen and progesterone treatments increased the number of squares entered and the number of cage contacts, but olfactory bulb removal had no effect on these measures. During mating tests, the feminine sexual behavior of Ss' bulbectomized on Day 2 was similar to that of control-operated Ss, whereas Ss bulbectomized as adults displayed enhanced levels of lordosis, darting, and ear wiggling. Lordosis varied with estrogen dose, whereas darting was progesterone-dependent. In tests of masculine copulatory behavior, the proportion of bulbectomized Ss (Day 2 and adult) that mounted was significantly lower than that of control-operated Ss. The effects of olfactory bulb removal, which vary with the age at ablation and the behavioral system investigated, are not mediated by a single neuroendocrine system and cannot be interpreted in terms of a unitary "arousal" construct. (54 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine reproductive sequelae in female rats after in utero and lactational dietary exposure to genistein. DESIGN: Experimental animal study. SETTING: University laboratory. ANIMAL(S): Sprague Dawley rats. INTERVENTION(S): Pregnant rats were fed control rat chow or rat chow incorporated with genistein (approximately 50 microg/d) beginning on day 17 of gestation and continuing until the end of lactation (postpartum day 21). Genistein-exposed female pups were divided into two groups on day 21. One group continued to receive a genistein-added diet (G70); the other group was changed to a control diet (Ex-G). At necropsy (days 21 and 70), blood and reproductive tissues were collected. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Serum levels of gonadotropins and gonadal steroids and histopathologic examination of the ovaries. RESULT(S): The weight of the ovaries and uterus and serum levels of E2 and progesterone in genistein-exposed rats on day 21 (G21) were significantly reduced compared with control rats. On day 70, serum levels of E2, progesterone, LH, and FSH were similar in all groups. Atretic follicles and secondary interstitial glands were more common in G70 and Ex-G rats compared with control rats. Cystic rete ovarii was observed in some G70 and Ex-G rats. CONCLUSION(S): Our data indicate that in utero and lactational exposure to dietary genistein adversely affects reproductive processes in the adult female rat.  相似文献   

The effects of perinatal exposure to testicular hormones were studied in male and female rats given medial prefrontal cortical (PFC) lesions on Postnatal Day 7. Hormonally intact rats with PFC lesions showed recovery of performance of the Morris water task but no recovery on a forelimb reaching task. Recovery was abolished in both males gonadectomized at birth and in females given testosterone at birth. Male rats with PFC lesions showed an increase in pyramidal cell spine density. This was blocked in gonadectomized animals. In contrast, female rats with PFC lesions showed an increase in dendritic arbor. This was reduced by perinatal testosterone. Interference with the gonadal hormonal environment reduced the brain's ability to compensate for the effects of early cortical lesions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were injected with oil on Days 17.5 and 18.5 of pregnancy or with 2 mg of testosterone propionate (TP) on Days 15.5 and 16.5, or Days 17.5 and 18.5, or Days 19.5 and 20.5. The female offspring were given oil or 5 μg of TP on Day 25 postconception. Among females exposed to TP only during prenatal ontogeny, a lower proportion of those treated on Days 17.5–28.5 of gestation displayed lordotic behavior than did the control group. Postnatal TP alone did not affect lordosis. However, all groups receiving combined pre- and postnatal TP showed impaired estrous patterns. The development of several components of morphology also was differentially affected by the timing of the androgen exposure. The data suggest that the differentiation of sexual behavior and reproductive morphology in the rat are influenced by an interaction of androgen dependent processes operating at different stages of perinatal ontogeny. Further, there may be an optimal fetal period during which androgenization sensitizes animals to low levels of testosterone circulating during neonatal development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Isoamyl nitrite (IAN) is a member of the family of volatile organic nitrites that exert vasodilatory effects and have recently exhibited a considerable potential for inhalation abuse. In an effort to provide mechanistic insight into the neurotoxic effects and abuse potential of these agents, the present study was designed to evaluate the acute effects of IAN on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Attempts were also made to correlate the neuroendocrine effects of IAN with its pharmacokinetic profile. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 600 or 1200 ppm IAN by inhalation for 10 or 30 min. Following exposure, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone in plasma and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in three brain regions (hypothalamus, hippocampus, and frontal cortex) were determined by radioimmunoassay. Levels of IAN in the three brain regions as well as in blood were measured by gas chromatography to determine the target tissue concentrations responsible for neuroendocrine changes. Uptake of IAN into blood and all brain regions was very rapid, as stable concentrations were achieved within 10 min of exposure and maintained for 30 min of continuous inhalation. Plasma corticosterone decreased significantly after 10 min inhalation of both IAN doses, and returned to control levels after 30 min. Moreover, plasma ACTH was significantly increased by 10 and 30 min of exposure to 600 and 1200 ppm IAN, while hypothalamic CRF increased significantly after 30 min of exposure to the 600 ppm dose. These latter findings suggest activation of the hypothalamus and pituitary due to a reduction in negative feedback resulting from the initial decrease in corticosterone. Although plasma ACTH was greatly increased after 30 min, plasma corticosterone levels were unchanged, indicating that IAN primarily acts to inhibit the synthesis or secretion of adrenal steroids and that activation of the HPA axis is not involved in the behavioral manifestations of IAN inhalation. These compensatory effects of HPA axis regulation, and possibly the vasodilatory properties of IAN, also likely precluded the establishment of definitive relationships between observed changes in hormone levels and blood or regional brain concentrations of the inhalant.  相似文献   

Sex hormones have activational effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in adulthood: For example, corticosterone release is influenced by gonadal status. These experiments investigated whether sex hormones have organizational effects on the HPA axis of male rats: Do sex hormones have relatively permanent effects on its development? In adults, both neonatal (neoGDX) and adult gonadectomy (adult GDX) resulted in elevated corticosterone (CORT) levels in response to stress compared to intact rats. Five days of testosterone propionate (TP) replacement was not as effective at attenuating CORT levels in neoGDX rats as in adult GDX rats. Neonatal GDX elevated corticosterone binding globulin (CBG) levels, whereas adult GDX was without effect. In Experiment 2 the effects of neonatal gonadectomy and neonatal treatment with either TP, estradiol benzoate (EB), or oil vehicle was examined. Despite 14 days of hormone replacement, neoGDX showed elevated CORT levels in response to stress compared to all other groups. A single neonatal dose of TP or EB in neoGDX rats eliminated the increased responsiveness. Neonatal TP and EB were without effect in sham-operated rats. Plasma CBG levels were elevated in neoGDX groups regardless of neonatal hormone treatment. Corticosteroid receptor binding levels were examined in various brain areas and the pituitary in two groups most different in their androgen experience: NeoGDX and shams that did not receive treatments as adults. NeoGDX had lower levels of glucocorticoid receptor, and higher levels of mineralocorticoid receptor binding in the pituitary. No other receptor differences were found. These experiments suggest that neonatal sex hormones influence the sensitivity of the HPA axis to sex hormones in adulthood and, thus, that they have organizational effects in addition to activational effects on HPA function.  相似文献   

In the present study the neurotoxic effects of a low dosage (0.5 mg/kg per day) of methylmercury (MeHg) on the developing nervous system were investigated. Pregnant rats were treated with MeHg from day 7 of pregnancy to day 7 of lactation. Locomotor activity (locomotion, rearing, and motility) and spatial learning ability were tested in the offspring at 6 months of age. The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) was examined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. A significant decrease in spontaneous motility and rearing was observed only in the MeHg-treated male rats. After administration of a low dose of d-amphetamine (0.5 mg/kg) no differences could be observed between control and MeHg-treated male rats, suggesting that changes in dopaminergic transmission were involved. However, no change in TH messenger RNA expression was observed. No changes in spatial learning acquisition or memory were shown in MeHg-treated rats. Taken together, these findings show that during development a very low dosage of MeHg exerts neurotoxic effects detectable in adulthood, and that susceptibility is gender-dependent.  相似文献   

Ten male pigs (Large White x Landrace), 7 months old, were randomly allocated to two experimental groups. Five of them were castrated and the other five served as controls. Sera were collected on the day of castration and 1, 5, 6 and 7 weeks after castration for hormone assay. There was a significant rise in the splenic and pancreatic weights in the castrates (P < 0.01). The weights of prostate, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands were significantly decreased (P < 0.01) in the castrates, which is attributed to a fall in testosterone levels (P < 0.001). The fall in oestradiol concentrations (P < 0.001) in castrates confirms that the testis is the major source of oestrogens in males. Although there was no significant change in the body weight, serum IGF-I levels were elevated in the castrates as compared to the controls after 5, 6 and 7 weeks (P < 0.001). IGFBP bands of 43 and 39 kda predominate in both control and experimental groups indicating that castration had no effect on the IGFBP pattern. It is suggested that the increase in IGF-I levels may be due to uncoupling of GH/IGF-I axis induced by the decrease in steroid concentrations due to castration.  相似文献   

Methylation of cytosine residues in mammalian DNA is established during gametogenesis and embryogenesis; it plays an important role in gene regulation and normal embryonic development and has also been implicated in genomic imprinting. In the present study, we evaluated whether paternal administration of 5-azacytidine, a drug that is incorporated into DNA and blocks DNA methylation, could alter male germ cell development and function. A drug that does not block methylation, 6-azacytidine, served as a control. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 4-8 per group) were treated i.p., three times per week for 4 and 11 wk, with saline or 2.5 (low dosage) or 5.0 (high dosage) mg/kg of 5-azacytidine and 6-azacytidine. After each of the treatment periods, males were mated to determine effects on fertility and embryo development. Although neither 6-azacytidine nor 4 wk of 5-azacytidine treatment affected male reproductive organ weights or sperm counts, 11 wk of 5-azacytidine resulted in dose-dependent reductions in testis and epididymal weights and sperm counts. Both dosages of 5-azacytidine resulted in significant increases in preimplantation loss, and the high dosage of 5-azacytidine caused a decrease in fertility. Examination of embryos on Day 2 of gestation revealed a striking dose-dependent increase in the average number of abnormal embryos per litter sired by the males treated with 5-azacytidine (saline, 0.33 +/- 0.24; low dosage, 2.64 +/- 0.92; high dosage, 10.09 +/- 0.95). In summary, paternal administration of 5-azacytidine interfered with normal male germ cell development and resulted in alterations in fertilization and early embryo development. We suggest that 5-azacytidine-induced alterations in germ cell DNA methylation patterns may be one of the underlying mechanisms, since similar dosages of the analogue 6-azacytidine had no effect on male reproduction and progeny outcome.  相似文献   

The pineal gland, via the daily pattern of melatonin (MEL) secretion, is directly involved in the conduction of photoperiodic information. The duration of MEL secretion is proportional to the duration of the dark period and, whatever the photoperiod is, MEL synthesis occurs 3 or 4 h after the dark onset in Syrian hamsters. In order to determine the relative importance of the duration or the coincidence hypothesis, a daily infusion protocol was used in sexually active pinealectomized hamsters. Long duration of MEL infusion (10 h) completely inhibit testes whereas short duration infusion (5 h) had no effect. When the animals were infused twice within 2 h 30 min separated by 3 h, they presented a complete gonadal atrophy, similar to the one observed with the 10 h infusion. Measurement of plasma MEL during the infusion and separation periods revealed that MEL reached physiological nighttime values during the infusion period and fell to daytime values 1 h after the end of an infusion period. Thus, the results could not be due to a time additive action of the two MEL pulses. An intermediate response was observed when the 2 signals were applied across the light/dark transition. Gonadal regression did not occur when the 2 periods of infusion were separated by 5 h 30 min. The efficiency of this type of infusion was not dependent on the ambiant photoperiod since similar results were obtained in long and short photoperiods. The infusion was also as effective during the day as well as during the night. These results suggest that there is a rhythm of sensitivity to MEL, based on the coincidence hypotheses, that are important for transmission of photoperiodic information. This rhythm of sensitivity to MEL seems to be entrained by MEL itself, since the efficiency of the two pulses of MEL is not dependent of time of application and/or of photoperiod.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vocalizations were measured when male Long-Evans rats were placed with ovariectomized females that had experienced various hormonal and behavioral treatment. In Exp I, 18 males were tested with females in each of the following conditions: nonestrous (OVX), estrogen treated (E), estrogen and progesterone treated (EP), and estrogen and progesterone treated and given 2 intromissions from a stud male prior to testing (EPI). Control conditions included clean cage (CL) and cage soiled by an estrous female (SOI). The treatments differed in effect on rate and maintenance of vocalization, in the order of greatest to least: EP, E, EPI, and OVX (equal), SOI, and CL. In tests in which males produced a high rate of vocalization, some males with short intromission latencies shifted from the normal 50-kHz pulse to a 22-kHz pulse. In Exp II, the effect of the female's vocalization and movement on the rate of and latency to vocalization was measured. 21 males were presented with each of the following stimulus conditions: estrous female with red light (EP), estrous female without red light (EP dark), estrous anesthetized female (EP anes), and nonestrous anesthetized female (OVX anes). Effects on vocalization of various treatments were in descending order: EP and EP-dark (equal), EP anes, and OVX anes. Data suggest that the 50-kHz vocalizations constitute a graded response influenced by the female's hormonal and sexual condition. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Male Long-Evans rats were tested with estrous female rats in a divided cage to determine whether ultrasonic vocalizing varies as a function of recent sexual behavior or hormonal condition. In Exp I, when males were tested after 3 intromissions, a short latency to vocalization and a high rate of 50-kHz pulses occurred. 40% of the males changed their vocalization to 22-kHz pulses. With sexually fatigued males, long vocalization latencies and low vocalization rates were observed, and no males shifted to 22 kHz. Rates were intermediate with control males. In Exp II, a decline in vocalization rate occurred following castration of male rats compared with sham-operated controls. In both experiments the male nosed the screen divider during high-rate ultrasound production, maximizing contact with the female. Darting by females appeared only when ultrasonic pulse rates were high. The abrupt shift from 50- to 22-kHz vocalizing was characteristic of males with short intromission latencies. Data suggest that gradation of vocalization is correlated with the sexual readiness of the male and that vocalization may facilitate female darting behavior. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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