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ABSTRACT: In response to the dynamic changes in current consumer demand and market trends, the area of Active Packaging (AP) is becoming increasingly significant. Principal AP systems include those that involve oxygen scavenging, moisture absorption and control, carbon dioxide and ethanol generation, and antimicrobial (AM) migrating and nonmigrating systems. Of these active packaging systems, the AM version is of great importance. This article reviews: (1) the different categories of AP concepts with particular regard to the activity of AM packaging and its effects on food products, (2) the development of AM and AP materials, and (3) the current and future applications of AM packaging.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study on the influence of the type of container and storage temperature on ascorbic acid degradation and browning in a model system simulating a citrus juice is presented. The model system was packaged in glass jars, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, bottles of PET containing different percentages of oxygen scavengers, and bottles of PET blended with 6% nylon. Samples were stored at 5 °C to simulate the usual storage condition and at 35 °C to simulate a temperature abuse. The slowest ascorbic acid degradation and browning were obtained with PET + 3% oxygen scavengers. Glass and PET gave the worst results: the 1st due to the presence of pro-oxidants and the latter due to the oxygen permeability. In particular, concerning ascorbic acid degradation in glass containers at 35 °C, it was hypothesized that there are 2 simultaneously occurring reactions: the 1st directly related to aerobic oxidation and the 2nd primarily due to the anaerobic consumption of ascorbic acid, which becomes predominant when oxygen is totally exhausted. Results also demonstrated the possible replacement of the glass containers with polymeric ones in the beverage industry.  相似文献   

The incorporation of nanomaterials into a range of polymeric materials shows great potential for developing new active food packaging systems. Although there are many suggested benefits of nanoparticles (NPs) in food packaging, there are also potential risks due to the possibility of such particles migrating into foodstuffs. This has obvious implications for human health and it may also negatively impact on marketing and consumer confidence. This review focuses on 2 particular types of nanomaterials: nanoclays and nanosilver, with a view to examining the effects of these on system mechanical properties (nanoclays) and antimicrobial efficacy (nanosilver). It further reports on the various migration studies, techniques for characterization, and measurement of NPs as well as the potential migration of NPs from packaging into foodstuffs. Assessment of the literature to date suggests there is an urgent need for further research in order to devise better NP detection methods and to determine the likelihood of their migration from packaging materials into foodstuffs.  相似文献   

A mathematical model aimed to predict the hexanal sorption kinetic into an aldehyde scavenger film is presented. The proposed model is based on the assumption that the sorbed hexanal molecules are in part randomly dispersed into the polymeric matrix and in part chemically bonded to the polymeric matrix. To validate the model hexanal sorption kinetics were determined at 25°C and at 3 different hexanal activity. The proposed model satisfactorily fits the experimental data suggesting that hexanal absorption by the active film is a complex phenomenon involving both chemical reaction and physical reversible absorption.  相似文献   

In the recent past, food packaging was used to enable marketing of products and to provide passive protection against environmental contaminations or influences that affect the shelf life of the products. However, unlike traditional packaging, which must be totally inert, active packaging is designed to interact with the contents and/or the surrounding environment. Active packaging systems are successfully used to increase the shelf life of processed foods and can be categorized into adsorbing and releasing systems (for example, oxygen scavengers, ethylene scavengers, liquid and moisture absorbers, flavor and odor absorbers or releasers, antimicrobials, etc.). Intelligent packaging is characterized by its ability to monitor the condition of packaged food or the environment by providing information about different factors during transportation and storage. Intelligent packaging includes time-temperature indicators, gas detectors, and freshness and/or ripening indicators. At the same time, advances in nanotechnology and the improvement of nanomaterials will enable the development of better and new active and intelligent packaging. Such packaging provides great benefits to the food industry to improve freshness, shelf-life of food, and allows monitoring to control the storage conditions from the place of production to consumption by the final consumer.  相似文献   

肉桂醛作为一种典型的天然植物精油活性成分,是广谱高效、安全无毒的食品防腐剂,通过固定在食品活性包装中可以改善其易挥发性和刺激气味,在提高抗菌效率的同时减少对食物感官的影响。近年来肉桂醛作为活性包装抗菌剂的研究呈显著增加趋势,在食品保鲜领域极具发展前景,然而尚缺乏文献对其研究应用现状进行系统总结分析。本文从天然载体、人工构建载体以及递送载体的修饰等方面探讨了肉桂醛与活性包装结合方式的最新研究进展,总结了肉桂醛抗菌包装对果蔬、肉制品、乳制品及淀粉食品的保鲜效果,最后分析了目前肉桂醛包装研究现状和未来发展方向。本综述为天然防腐剂肉桂醛在食品活性包装中的研发、应用与推广提供了科学参考,为提高生鲜食品贮运品质提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

Design of active modified atmosphere packaging for vegetables was studied by developing a mathematical model predicting gas changes and based on the following independently evaluated parameters: vegetable respiration rate, film permeability, and oxygen absorption kinetic of the absorber. A step‐by‐step model validation was performed on a tomatoes/low‐density polyethylene pouch/commercial iron‐based scavenger system at 20 °C. Without optimization, the model fit experimental data with root mean square error (RMSE) value lower than 1.5. Oxygen absorbers had a strong influence on transient period characteristics by reducing their duration (50 and 100 h with and without absorber, respectively) and suppression of the CO2 peak owing to a rapid oxygen depletion.  相似文献   

活性可食性膜在食品包装中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
讨论了活性可食性膜的主要成膜基质及其特性,可添加的活性物质,探讨了影响活性可食性膜性能的主要因素,提出了它在食品包装中的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文综述了活性包装薄膜的功能特性表征与对食品保鲜作用的研究进展,归纳总结了薄膜抗菌和抗氧化功能的表征方法,并从这两个方面介绍了薄膜对食品的保鲜作用,旨在为今后的研究提供参考。活性包装薄膜抗菌功能的表征方法主要有抑菌圈法、抑菌率法、微生物生长曲线法和包装食品直接测定法等,抗氧化功能的表征方法主要有自由基清除法、铁离子还原/抗氧化能力法和包装食品直接测定法等。薄膜对食品的保鲜作用主要体现在薄膜对所包装食品中微生物生长的抑制,对脂类、蛋白质氧化进程的减缓以及食品货架期的延长。  相似文献   

Food Packaging: A Comprehensive Review and Future Trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Innovations in food packaging systems will help meet the evolving needs of the market, such as consumer preference for “healthy” and high‐quality food products and reduction of the negative environmental impacts of food packaging. Emerging concepts of active and intelligent packaging technologies provide numerous innovative solutions for prolonging shelf‐life and improving the quality and safety of food products. There are also new approaches to improving the passive characteristics of food packaging, such as mechanical strength, barrier performance, and thermal stability. The development of sustainable or green packaging has the potential to reduce the environmental impacts of food packaging through the use of edible or biodegradable materials, plant extracts, and nanomaterials. Active, intelligent, and green packaging technologies can work synergistically to yield a multipurpose food‐packaging system with no negative interactions between components, and this aim can be seen as the ultimate future goal for food packaging technology. This article reviews the principles of food packaging and recent developments in different types of food packaging technologies. Global patents and future research trends are also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We present a method of obtaining a food-grade active film able to reduce the naringin content of grapefruit juices during storage by a direct interaction with the product. The active film consists of a crosslinked matrix in which naringinase was completely immobilized. The proposed method was tested by first assessing the efficacy of the immobilization procedure and then evaluating the capability of the active film to reduce the naringin concentration in standard solutions. Results indicate that the developed active film has commercial potential to improve the sensory properties of grapefruit juices.  相似文献   

食品无菌包装技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着新型多聚材料和抗菌材料的出现,当今食品行业中将抗菌材料应用于食品无菌包装成为新的研究热点。本文介绍了国际上多种先进的将抗菌多聚物应用于食品包装的方法,以及它们在商业上的应用,并展望未来的无菌包装技术。  相似文献   

Endives were sealed in low‐density polyethylene flexible pouches containing or not containing individual oxygen or carbon dioxide scavenger sachet and stored at 5 °C and 20 °C. A mathematical model has been applied to predict gas changes for these passive and active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The model took into account the respiration rate of endives, the transmission rate of gases through the film, the absorption kinetics of gas scavengers, and the temperature influence of all these parameters. Whatever the temperature, the model was successfully validated with root mean square error values still lower than 1 kPa and thus represented a real tool to improve the design of MAP for fresh fruits and vegetables. Oxygen scavengers reduced by half the transient period duration (50 h compared with 100 h without scavengers) and did not modify the gas equilibrium composition, suggesting a beneficial influence on keeping the quality of the product. The carbon dioxide scavengers’ influence was limited and needs further study with carbon dioxide‐sensitive products.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to develop a mathematical model to predict the lysozyme release kinetics from crosslinked polyvinylalcohol (PVOH) into an aqueous solution. The model was developed by taking into account both the diffusion of water molecules into the polymeric film and the counter-diffusion of the incorporated antimicrobial agent from the film into the aqueous solution. In particular, it was considered that the lysozyme release from a swelling polymer could be regarded as "anomalous diffusion" with moving boundary conditions. The water sorption kinetics of 4 films, differing for the degree of crosslink, were determined at ambient temperature (25 °C). The results obtained by fitting the model to the experimental data are satisfactory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Oxygen within the sealed package can reduce the quality of liquid‐based food products with high oil content such as hot‐filled meal‐ready‐to‐eat (MRE) cheese spread, a component of military operational rations. The aim of this study was to test a novel oxygen absorber‐containing laminate material and its ability to maintain and/or extend shelf life of a cheese‐spread MRE item. An iron‐based oxygen absorber (ABSO2RB®) activated by moisture was incorporated into the laminate and used to pack hot‐filled cheese spread MREs. The kinetics of oxygen absorption due to humidity and temperature were characterized and peel tests performed to ensure pouch seal integrity. Accelerated shelf‐life tests of ABSO2RB and regular MRE pouches without the O2‐absorber were conducted for 3 mo at 51.7 °C (125 °F), and 6 mo at 37.8 °C (100 °F) by measuring oxygen concentration (Mocon O2‐analyzer), microbiological, and physicochemical quality characteristics, including color, texture, moisture, free fatty acid (FFA), pH, water activity, and vitamins and A. Pouches stored at 26.7 °C (80 °F) for 12 mo served as calibrated controls. Consumer tests were conducted in‐house and a confirmatory sensory test was conducted at Natick by a trained panel using a 9‐point hedonic scale. ABSO2RB‐laminates maintain the same seal integrity and strength as those of the control samples. The headspace oxygen concentrations in these pouches reached (P < 0.05) < 0.5% in 11 d of storage at 26.7 °C (80 °F) and remained below this level throughout the storage period (1 y). No microbial growth (aerobic, coliforms, yeast, and molds) was detected (P < 0.05) for both packages. Overall, the ABSO2RB‐pouches indicate an improved reduction in oxygen and vitamin C retention compared with MRE controls and maintained product quality (physicochemical and organoleptic). ABSO2RB‐laminates met the accelerated shelf‐life requirement of 1 mo at 51.7 °C (125 °F), and 6 mo at 37.8 °C (100 °F). This study clearly shows the benefits of using active packaging technology on retaining nutrition and prolonging shelf life of high‐fat, liquid content MRE items.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We present a mathematical model to predict the oxygen-permeability coefficient of nylon film as a function of the water activity at the upstream and downstream side of the film. To validate the model, oxygen-permeability tests were conducted at 25 °C. The fitting and predictive ability of the proposed model was successfully tested by fitting and predicting the oxygen-permeability coefficient. The obtained results point out the need for a more accurate analysis of the oxygen and water-transport phenomena in the case of water-sensitive packaging films like nylon.  相似文献   

气调保鲜包装技术在食品包装中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气调保鲜包装技术可调节不同比例的气体组合,适应多种被包装食品的要求,延长食品的保鲜期,能保证食品果蔬的原汁、原味、原貌。文中介绍了气调保鲜包装技术的原理以及在食品和果蔬等产品包装中的应用,探讨了其保鲜包装方法和特点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of Ag+-based antimicrobial film in inhibiting the growth of an Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris strain was assessed. The proposed active film was obtained by depositing via plasma an Ag-containing polyethylenoxide-like coating on a polyethylene layer. Tests were conducted at 44 °C, monitoring the viable cell concentration of the investigated microorganism into 2 different media: acidified malt extract broth and apple juice. Results indicate that the investigated active film successfully inhibited the growth of A. acidoterrestris in both media. Results also indicate that the effectiveness of the film depends on the type of medium tested.  相似文献   

静电纺丝技术作为一种非热加工技术,对生物活性物质的影响较小,是食品加工领域最具研究潜力的技术之一。随着静电纺丝技术的不断发展,近年来利用静电纺丝技术包埋生物活性物质用于食品活性包装的研究越来越多。本文首先概述了静电纺丝技术的工作原理、分类和影响纳米纤维形成的因素;其次,介绍了基于静电纺丝技术的食品活性包装分类;最后,综述了以天然生物聚合物和合成聚合物为基质包埋生物活性物质的纳米纤维膜及其应用于食品活性包装的研究进展,并进一步分析了基于静电纺丝技术的食品活性包装前景和未来发展重点。  相似文献   

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