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肽是由氨基酸组成的蛋白质结构与功能片段,肽链上氨基酸残基数目在10个以内的叫做寡肽,寡肽具有重要的生理作用和营养作用.寡肽可以促进氨基酸的吸收,促进蛋白质的合成和矿物元素的吸收,并且具有一定的免疫活性,寡肽开发成健康食品已成为国际趋势,肽食品因此被看作是二十一世纪最有前途的市场新星.选用利用率或生物学效价不高的廉价农副产品及食品工业的废水、废物为原料,如豆粕、生产玉米淀粉的下脚料黄粉、大米渣等制备寡肽已成为当今工业生产的一个热点.为此本文指出了寡肽在生物体内的吸收机制及吸收特点,综述了寡肽的营养和生理作用,介绍了以豆粕和玉米淀粉渣为原料制备寡肽的工艺要点,最后对几种重要寡肽的研究进展进行了详细的阐述.  相似文献   

猕猴桃醋的研制及营养分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

目的建立肠内营养配制室危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)体系,保证肠内营养配制工作的安全与规范。方法应用HACCP原理进行分析、确定关键控制点、措施、关键限值。结果最终确定营养液瓶消毒、食材制熟、巴氏杀菌、冷藏、发放,共5点为关键控制点,并确定关键控制点的限值,其中营养液瓶杀菌条件为100℃、20 min,食材制熟条件为煮沸15 min,巴氏杀菌条件为70℃、10 min,冷却条件为快速冷却至4℃,发放时采用条形码电子扫描核对患者信息及营养液有效期。最终进行了效果验证,采用GB19645-2010中的微生物限量标准进行检测,在配制后以及4℃冷藏24 h后微生物结果均符合标准。结论近年来,随着肠内营养广泛受到临床认可,适用范围不断扩大,临床对于肠内营养的配制水平也越来越重视。应用HACCP原理规范医院肠内营养配制的工作过程,保证了肠内营养液的质量与安全。  相似文献   

微孔淀粉的制备性质及应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
微孔淀粉是用具有生淀粉酶活力的酶在低于淀粉糊化温度下水解生淀粉形成的一种新型变性淀粉。微孔淀粉经交联、表面活性处理后,能改善其机械性能和表面性质。目前微孔淀粉主要用作微胶囊芯材、吸附剂和脂肪替代物等。  相似文献   

Anthocyanins and betalains play important roles both in plant physiology, visual attraction for pollinators and seed dispersers, but also in food mainly defining its aesthetic value. Since anthocyanin and betalain structures allow to predict only part of their appearance, additional chemical and anatomical functions are required to modulate the appearance of plants and coloured food. Physiological effects that the same pigments exert in plants are supposedly similar to those which they show in humans following ingestion of coloured food. Therefore, anthocyanins and betalains both in fresh and also processed fruit and vegetables serve two functions: They improve the overall appearance, but also contribute to consumers' health and well-being.  相似文献   

为了提高农药在生态环境中的持效性和生物安全性,采用层层自组装技术,构建了杀铃脲微胶囊,并对其性能进行表征。结果表明:利用正交实验确定杀铃脲微胶囊制备的最优工艺条件为:3.0g/L海藻酸钠,2.0g/L壳聚糖,1.0g/L杀铃脲和2.0g/L CaCl2,其中,壳聚糖的浓度对包埋微胶囊效果影响最大,所得杀铃脲微胶囊的包封率和载药量分别为77.4%和75.2%;通过激光共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)与扫描电镜(SEM)对杀铃脲微胶囊进行表征,晶体形状良好,表面光滑,没有药物溶出,平均粒径为6μm,Zeta电位为-12.5mV,通过体外缓释实验的研究证实随着包覆层数的增加,杀铃脲微胶囊的缓释性能明显增强。   相似文献   

Various pre-treatments were given to water chestnut slices before drying in the process of optimizing method for flour preparation. Treatment of water chestnut slices with 0.1 g/100 g KMS (Potassium metabisulphite) and 0.5 g/100 g citric acid for 30 min before drying exhibited best results in terms color of the flour. The calculated mean particle size of water chestnut flour was 268.20 μm. The scanning electron microscopy revealed that the granules present in water chestnut flour were polyhedral, bearing smooth surface having diameter in the range of 5-20 μm. The water chestnut flour prepared by optimized method exhibited higher peak viscosity (PV) at 2611 cP than the water chestnut flour obtained from market at 1912 cP. The breakdown was too higher at 898 cP for water chestnut flour prepared by optimized method against value of 625 cP for market water chestnut flour. Cookies prepared from water chestnut flour exhibited good acceptance and excellent scope in future to be used as a specialized product in Indian market.  相似文献   

Protein isolates were prepared by extraction with diluted NaOH (resulting the highest yield) and precipitation with HCl from lupin seeds grown in Egypt and Hungary. Protein content, amino acid composition, biological value and functional properties of isolates were studied. The proteins were high in lysine but relatively low in sulfur-containing amino acids. Good solubility and moderate emulsifying, foaming and gel-forming properties of isolates were observed. Enrichment of fruit- and vegetable-based baby foods with these isolates resulted in products with excellent organoleptic properties and moderate biological value. Additional enrichment with small quantities of methionine increased significantly the biological value without any negative changes of organoleptic characteristics.  相似文献   

The contents of carbohydrates, organic acids, some vitamin, poliphenolic compounds, pectin tannin, mineral elements, in berberis vulgaris are presented. Describle utilize berberis in traditional medicine and dietetica are also outlined.  相似文献   

The Aspergillus aculeatus pectinesterase enzyme is used to modify the texture of plant derived products. It is produced by A. oryzae transformed with the cloned full length cDNA of A. aculeatus encoding pectinesterase. It was subjected to a series of toxicological tests to document safety in use. The enzyme preparation was not found to be mutagenic in the Ames test, and did not cause chromosomal damage in a human lymphocyte assay. In a 13-week oral-toxicity study in rats, with daily dosages up to 10 g enzyme preparation kg body weight (b.w.), there were no adverse effects on mortality, clinical signs, body weight, food or water consumption, ophthalmoscopic findings, haematology or clinical chemistry. There were also no notable necropsy or histological findings. Statistically significant increases in heart weight were noted in male animals treated with 5 or 10 g enzyme preparation/kg b.w./day, following covariance analysis. However, this was not considered to be related to treatment with the enzyme preparation. The issue of the levels of free liberation of methanol in products processed with pectinesterase is addressed, and it is concluded that, from a nutritional and physiological point of view, free as well as bound methanol must be considered.  相似文献   

近年来,马铃薯全粉在加工产业链中占有着十分重要的地位,2015年农业部把马铃薯主粮化工作列入重要议程。马铃薯营养价值丰富,主粮化有助于改善和丰富我国居民膳食营养结构。总结了马铃薯全粉的制备、性质、食品加工的国内外研究概况,并对发展前景进行了展望。   相似文献   

食源性生物活性肽因具有原料广泛、安全性高、效果明显等特点,已成为研究热点。文中重点综述了食源性生物活性肽的制备工艺及功能特性,同时简述了食源性生物活性肽在食品、养殖业及其他领域的应用,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Texturized proteins: fabrication, flavoring, and nutrition.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current methods used for the texurization of proteins, with emphasis on soy proteins. The sensory characteristics, i.e., flavor, texture, and color are discussed, particularly in relation to the problems of simulating meat flavored products. The nutritional qualities of texturized products are reviewed, and current regulations concerning their use in foods are cited.  相似文献   

Wheat was steeped to 36% moisture and agitated for 2 min in sand heated to 170 °C. This dry heat bulgur was comparable to bulgur prepared by steam treatment. The dry heat bulgur of 14% moisture content was popped in hot (230 °C) sand medium. The expansion ratio of popped bulgur was 2.1. Some of the functional properties of popped bulgur flour were compared with native, 48 h malted and roller dried wheat flours. Water absorption index was highest for roller dried followed by popped and malted wheat, whereas water solubility index was highest for malted followed by roller dried and popped wheat. Roller dried wheat exhibited higher cold paste viscosity (360 BU) than popped (30 BU) wheat. Popped wheat had a peak viscosity of 300 BU. The viscogram of malted wheat was typical of cereal flours when the enzyme activity of malt was inhibited. The gel permeation chromatograms of popped and roller dried wheat indicated thermal degradation of starch during popping and roller drying. The in vitro carbohydrate digestibility of popped wheat was higher than roller dried and malted samples. The scanning electron microscopic examination of native and popped bulgur revealed that the endosperm of bulgur wheat was a homogenous mass containing gelatinized starch whereas that of popped bulgur was made up of thin layers of popped starch with irregular air spaces.  相似文献   

研究制备猕猴桃营养咀嚼片的最优配方,以新鲜猕猴桃为原料,经过切片、真空干燥、粉碎后制得果粉,添加一定量的V_A和V_D,在单因素试验的基础上设计L_9(3~3)正交试验,进行配方优化,并对其进行品质评价。结果表明:最佳配方为果粉40%、甘露醇25%、乳糖添加量30%、葡萄糖5%,用10%PVP乙醇溶液制软材,并以0.5%硬脂酸镁和0.5%滑石粉混合作为润滑剂进行压片。质量评价表明所制备的咀嚼片为黄绿色光滑片剂,硬度适中,酸甜可口;其水分含量≤5%、V_c 70.52 mg/100g、总糖含量≤44.0%、Ca含量52.14 mg/100 g。  相似文献   

The demand for high-quality alternative food proteins has increased over the last few decades due to nutritional and environmental concerns, leading to the growing consumption of legumes such as common bean, chickpea, lentil, lupin, and pea. However, this has also increased the quantity of non-utilized byproducts (such as seed coats, pods, broken seeds, and wastewaters) that could be exploited as sources of ingredients and bioactive compounds in a circular economy. This review focuses on the incorporation of legume byproducts into foods when they are formulated as flours, protein/fiber or solid/liquid fractions, or biological extracts and uses an analytical approach to identify their nutritional, health-promoting, and techno-functional properties. Correlation-based network analysis of nutritional, technological, and sensory characteristics was used to explore the potential of legume byproducts in food products in a systematic manner. Flour is the most widely used legume-based food ingredient and is present at levels of 2%–30% in bakery products, but purified fractions and extracts should be investigated in more detail. Health beverages and vegan dressings with an extended shelf-life are promising applications thanks to the techno-functional features of legume byproducts (e.g., foaming and emulsifying behaviors) and the presence of polyphenols. A deeper exploration of eco-friendly processing techniques (e.g., fermentation and ohmic treatment) is necessary to improve the techno-functional properties of ingredients and the sensory characteristics of foods in a sustainable manner. The processing of legume byproducts combined with improved legume genetic resources could enhance the nutritional, functional, and technological properties of ingredients to ensure that legume-based foods achieve wider industrial and consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

在关于核桃蛋白质研究的文献统计分析基础上,综述了核桃蛋白质的研究现状,主要包括核桃蛋白质的亚基组成、氨基酸比例及其营养价值,核桃脱脂粉、核桃浓缩蛋白、核桃分离蛋白的产品特点及其制备方法,核桃蛋白质的溶解性、乳化性、起泡性等功能特性,以及影响这些功能特性的因素,超高压处理等改性方法对提高核桃蛋白质的功能特性的研究。最后对核桃蛋白质研究现状中存在的问题做了总结,并对今后应该重点研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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