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Results of previous studies have shown that increased milking frequency (IMF) during early lactation results in increased milk yield not only during the period of IMF but also after cows have returned to a decreased milking frequency. The cellular mechanisms underpinning this increased milk yield and the overall effects of IMF on metabolism have not been well characterized. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of IMF on metabolism and mammary epithelial cell proliferation in dairy cows. Thirty primiparous and 30 multiparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly at calving to 1 of 2 treatments. The control group was milked twice daily (2×) for 119 d, whereas the IMF group was milked 4 times daily (4×) from d 2 postcalving until d 21 and then 2× from d 22 until d 119. Overall milk yield did not differ between treatments throughout the 119 d monitored; however, the interaction of treatment by week was significant in that IMF cows yielded 4.8 kg/d more milk than control cows during wk 2 and 3 and had similar levels of milk yield during the remainder of the study period. Reanalysis of data excluding data from cows subjected to mammary biopsy suggested that the mammary biopsy procedure contributed to the lack of overall responses of milk yield, but that responses overall to IMF were greater in primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were elevated in multiparous cows subjected to IMF during the period of IMF, but were not influenced by treatment in primiparous cows. Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not affected by treatment. Mammary tissue was collected by biopsy in a subset of cows (n = 8 cows per parity and treatment) at calving and at d 21 and 75 postpartum and used for immunohistochemical localization of the cell proliferation antigen, Ki67. Effects of treatment on mammary epithelial cell proliferation were not significant, suggesting that other mechanisms must be responsible for carryover effects of IMF on lactational performance.  相似文献   

Increased milking frequency (IMF) during early lactation has the potential for carryover responses following the return to normal herd milking frequency. The objective was to determine the consistency of response of cows in commercial dairy farms to IMF during early lactation. Cows (n = 398) were assigned randomly at calving within each of the 4 participating farms to 1 of 2 treatments. The control group was milked twice-daily (2×) during the entire lactation. The IMF group was milked 4-times daily (4×) starting on d 1 to 7, depending on farm, until d 21 postcalving and 2× thereafter. Cows in the IMF group were milked at the beginning and again at the end of the normal milking routine. Milking intervals differed across the farms for the 4× cows with a minimum interval of 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, and 6 h for each of the 4 farms, respectively. The milk yield of cows subjected to IMF increased by 2.2 ± 0.4 kg/d during the first 7 mo of lactation. Interactions of treatment with lactation group (primiparous vs. multiparous) were not significant. Although percentages of fat and protein in milk were decreased by early lactation IMF (3.69% ± 0.03 fat and 3.05% ± 0.02 true protein for control vs. 3.57% ± 0.03 fat and 2.99% ± 0.02 true protein for IMF), overall yields of protein were increased by IMF (1.02 ± 0.01 vs. 0.98 ± 0.01 kg/d). Early lactation IMF did not affect udder health as assessed by somatic cell count linear score. Cows subjected to IMF were 1.4 times more likely classified as subclinically ketotic than the control cows. Early lactation IMF has the potential to increase milk yield on commercial dairy farms. Although the direction of response was the same on all farms, the magnitude of the response was different among farms and appears influenced by management practices specific to each farm, which included, but were not limited to, housing system, stocking density, nutrition, genetics, and other covariates differing among farms.  相似文献   

Increasing milking frequency (MF) increases milk yield (MY) and farm profit, and optimal milking intervals (MI) prevent milk production decline. The objective of this experiment was to compare the MY effect of even and uneven 4 times daily (4×) MI in early lactation under increased MF. Fourteen multiparous and 6 primiparous cows were milked using unilateral frequent milking, with right udder halves milked 4× and left udder halves milked 2 times daily (2×) for 20 d in early lactation starting on d 5 postpartum. Ten (7 multiparous and 3 primiparous) cows were allocated evenly based on parity and assigned to either the even or the uneven MI groups distinguished by intervals of 9:3:9:3 h or 6:6:6:6 h. The left and right udder halves were milked at 0100 and 1300 h. The right udder glands were additionally milked at 0400 and 1600 h for the uneven MI group and at 0700 and 1900 h for the even MI group. Milk from each udder half was weighed and sampled for components on the final day of treatment and at 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 d in milk. The overall effect of 4× milking on the right udder halves was a 5.96 ± 0.70 kg/d increase in MY on d 21 of unilateral frequent milking compared with the 2× udder halves. This elevated MY continued through 300 d in milk and averaged 1.56 ± 0.70 kg/d. Increased MF in early lactation increased the udder half difference in total yield throughout a 300-d lactation by 508 kg for milk, 25 kg for milk fat, and 15 kg for milk protein. Increased MF in early lactation increased milk component yields, but there were no differences between MI groups. The lack of treatment difference may be beneficial to farmers. The ability to achieve the same increased MY effect with uneven MI may optimize labor efficiency because early-lactation cows could be milked at the beginning and end of milking sessions. Farmers would not have to add additional milking sessions to achieve the enhanced MY response regardless of normal milking session length.  相似文献   

Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 300) were assigned to 1 of 2 milking frequency treatments at parturition. Cows were either milked 6 times (6×) or 3 times (3×) daily to determine effects on early lactation milk yields and subsequent lactation persistency with or without use of recombinant bST (rbST). Treatments included a control group milked 3× and 3 groups milked 6× for either the first 7, 14, or 21 days in milk (DIM). Those 4 groups of cows all received rbST starting at 63 DIM. The fifth treatment group was also milked 6× for the first 21 DIM but those cows received no rbST during the entire lactation. All cows returned to 3× milking after their respective treatment periods ended. Cows milked 3× tended to produce more milk (43.2 vs. 41.5 and 41.0 ± 1.1 kg/d) during the first 9 wk of lactation compared with cows milked 6× for 7 or 21 DIM, respectively. Group milk yields after wk 9 averaged 38.3 ± 0.7 kg/d and did not differ among various groups assigned to an increased milking frequency in early lactation. Percentages of milk fat (3.8 ± 0.12%) and protein (2.9 ± 0.06%) did not differ among treatments during the first 9 wk after calving. Early lactation milk yield (41.9 ± 1.2 kg/d) did not differ between the 2 groups of cows milked 6× for 21 DIM. However, cows subsequently administered rbST (at 63 DIM) produced more milk (38.8 vs. 34.2 ± 0.9 kg/d) from wk 10 to 44. The number of cows sent to the hospital during the 305-d trial for mastitis (97), digestive disorders (14), respiratory issues (9), lameness (22), or retained placenta (16), were not affected by treatments (χ2 = 0.49). Under the conditions of this commercial dairy herd in Arizona, increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily for 7 to 21 d at the start of lactation conditions did not increase milk yield nor improve lactation persistency.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine effects of continuous milking (CM) and bovine somatotropin (bST) administration on 1) mammary epithelial cell (MEC) proliferation, apoptosis, and ultrastructure during late gestation and early lactation, 2) expression of genes associated with proliferation, and apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells, and 3) milk yield and composition. Second-gestation, first dry-period cows were randomly assigned to either continuous bST throughout late gestation and early lactation (+bST; n = 4) or no bST (−bST; n = 4) administration. Within each animal, udder halves were randomly assigned to CM or a 60-d dry period (control) treatment. Daily milk yield and weekly milk composition were measured during the last 60 d of gestation in CM halves and from 1 to 30 d postpartum for both halves. Mammary biopsies were obtained at −20 ± 7, −8 ± 3, +1 ± 0, +7 ± 0, and +20 ± 0 d (mean ± standard error) relative to parturition. Prepartum half-udder milk yield was greater in +bST cows than in −bST cows (9.9 vs. 8.2 kg/d) and postpartum half-udder milk yields were dramatically reduced in CM halves compared with control halves (10.6 vs. 22.2 kg/d), regardless of bST treatment. Proliferation of MEC was reduced in CM halves at −8 d (2.7 vs. 5.4%). Apoptosis of MEC was elevated during early lactation for d +1 and +7 in control halves, but was only increased at d +1 in CM halves. Turnover of MEC was not affected by bST. Ultrastructure data indicated complete involution of the control half and lactation maintenance in CM glands (d −20). By d −8, control tissue contained alveoli in an immature secretory state, but CM tissue contained both lactating and immature alveoli. Postpartum ultrastructure parameters were similar between halves until d 20 when control tissue was composed of a homogeneous population of lactating alveoli, but CM tissue contained lactating, engorged, and resting alveoli. Expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-β (CEBP-β), cyclin D1, and bcl2 were up-regulated during late gestation, but did not differ between control and CM halves. Expression of α-lactalbumin was increased in CM halves during late gestation, but was not different in CM and control tissue after parturition. Other genes evaluated (bax, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5, ATP-binding cassette 1, and p27) were not differentially expressed at any timepoints evaluated. Results indicate that CM reduced subsequent half-udder milk yield in primiparous cows through altered MEC turnover and secretory capacity. Negative effects of CM on the subsequent lactation were not alleviated by bST supplementation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milking frequency on milk production and composition, mammary cell proliferation, apoptosis, and gene expression. For this investigation, 10 Holstein cows that were being milked twice a day in mid lactation were selected. To study the effect of differential milking, 2 quarters were milked once daily and the other 2 were milked thrice daily for 8 wk. After that period, twice-daily milking was resumed for all quarters, and data were collected for an additional 6 wk. Mammary gland biopsies were taken 1 wk before differential milking (wk −1) and after 4 and 8 wk of differential milking. Milk samples were collected weekly throughout the experiment. Once-daily milking resulted in an immediate reduction in milk yield, whereas thrice-daily milking resulted in an increase in milk yield. During differential milking, the daily milk yield of the quarters milked once daily declined by 0.54 kg/wk, on average, but remained constant in the quarters milked thrice daily. Part of the difference in milk yield between the glands pairs persisted after twice-daily milking was reinitiated. In the quarters milked once daily, milk BSA concentration increased, indicating an increase in tight junction leakiness, and zymographic analysis of milk enzymes showed increased activity of several proteases. Reducing the milking frequency also increased mammary cell apoptosis and, surprisingly, mammary cell proliferation. Interestingly, milk concentrations of stanniocalcin-1 and insulin-like growth factor-I and mammary gland expression of several genes were also modulated by milking frequency. For example, expression of insulin-like growth factor I receptor was downregulated during once-daily milking. Last, expression of the short and long isoforms of the prolactin receptor and of CSN2 (β-casein) were upregulated during thrice-daily milking. Taken together, these data suggest that milking frequency not only affects mammary gland remodeling and the expression of paracrine factors but also modulates hormone sensitivity.  相似文献   

To attract a cow into an automatic milking system (AMS), a certain amount of concentrate pellets is provided while the cow is being milked. If the milking frequency in an AMS is increased, the intake of concentrate pellets might increase accordingly. Replacing conventional starchy pellets with nonstarchy pellets increased milk yield, milk fat, and milk protein and decreased body weight. The hypothesis was that a nonroughage by-product rich in digestible neutral detergent fiber, such as soyhulls and gluten feed, could replace starchy grain in pellets fed in an AMS. Sixty cows were paired by age, milk yield, and days in milk, and were fed a basic mixture ad libitum [16.2 ± 0.35 (mean ± SE) kg of dry matter intake/d per cow] plus a pelleted additive (6 to 14 kg of dry matter/d per cow) that was consumed in the AMS and in a concentrate self-feeder, which could only be entered after passing through the AMS. The 2 feeding regimens differed only in the composition of the pelleted additives: the control group contained 52.9% starchy grain, whereas the experimental group contained 25% starchy grain, plus soyhulls and gluten feed as replacement for part of the grain. Wheat bran in the control ration, a source of fiber with low digestibility, was replaced with more digestible soyhulls and gluten. During the first 60 d in milk, a cow received 10 to 12 kg of concentrate pellets. After 60 DIM, concentrate feed was allocated by milk production: ≤25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to 2 kg/d of concentrate feed; >25 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 1 kg/d of additional concentrate feed per 5 kg/d of additional milk production, and >60 kg/d of milk entitled a cow to receive 9 kg of concentrate. The concentrate feed was split between the AMS and concentrate self-feeder. The 2 diets resulted in similar frequencies of voluntary milking (3.12 ± 0.03 to 2.65 ± 0.03 visits/d per cow vs. 3.16 ± 0.00 to 2.60 ± 0.01 visits/d per cow). Average milk yields were higher in the experimental group (42.7 ± 0.76 to 39.09 ± 0.33 kg/d per cow vs. 39.69 ± 0.68 to 37.54 ± 0.40 kg/d per cow) and percentages of milk protein (3.02 ± 0.06 to 3.12 ± 0.05% vs. 3.07 ± 0.04 to 3.20 ± 0.04%) and milk fat (3.42 ± 0.17 to 3.44 ± 0.08% vs. 3.38 ± 0.13 to 3.55 ± 0.06%) were similar in the 2 groups. The results suggest that the proposed pellets high in digestible neutral detergent fiber can be allocated via the AMS to selected high-yielding cows without a negative effect on appetite, milk yield, or milk composition while maintaining a high milking frequency.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different milking frequencies on entire lactation production performance in Holstein cows. One hundred twenty Holstein cows were assigned to 3 milking treatments (35 multiparous and 5 primiparous cows in each): 1) milking 6 times daily for the entire lactation (6×); 2) milking 6 times daily for the first 90 d in milk (DIM) and switching to 3 times daily milking afterward (6×-3×); and 3) milking 3 times daily for the entire lactation (3×). Milk yield was recorded every other day during the first 60 DIM and on 2 consecutive days per week subsequently. Cows were weighed and scored for their body condition immediately after parturition and monthly afterward. Blood and milk samples were taken from each cow on 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 210, and 270 DIM, with an additional blood sampling on 15 DIM. Milk and fat corrected milk yield was greater for 6× and 6×-3× cows than for 3× cows (36.82, 37.32, and 36.1, 36.75 versus 34.56, 35.33 kg/d, respectively) during the experimental period. Milk fat and lactose percentage were not different among treatments, but milk protein was lower in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows. Blood glucose concentration was higher and blood nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentration were lower in 3× cows than in 6× and 6×-3× cows during early lactation. Dry matter intake was greater in 6× cows than in 6×-3× and 3× cows (23.05, 22.58, and 22.45 kg/d, respectively). The 3× cows began to gain weight earlier than the 6× and 6×-3× cows, but there was no difference among groups for BW change regarding the entire experimental period. These results indicate that increasing milking frequency to 6 times daily increases milk yield only during early lactation and that there are no advantages of milking 6 times daily compared with 3 times daily during the mid and late lactation periods. Given the results of this study and the economical aspects of production, milking 6 times daily until 90 DIM and subsequently switching to milking 3 times daily is preferred.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine lactational and reproductive outcomes in response to increased milking frequency (MF), injection of estradiol cypionate (ECP), and treatment with bovine somatotropin (bST). Lactating dairy cows (n = 144) were blocked by lactation number (1 vs. 2+) and assigned randomly to a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment consisting of 8 treatment combinations: 1) MF consisting of 4× daily milking (4×) for the first 30 d in milk (DIM) vs. 2× daily milking (2×), with all cows milked 2× after 30 DIM; 2) 10 mg of ECP given postpartum at 8 ± 3 DIM versus controls that received ECP diluent (oil); and 3) biweekly bovine somatotropin (bST), starting sometime after 60 DIM, versus no bST. Ovulation before the first artificial insemination was synchronized by using Heatsynch (GnRH injection 7 d before PGF2α followed in 24 h by ECP), and cows were artificially inseminated after detected estrus or at 48 h after ECP, whichever came first. Pregnancy was assessed by transrectal ultrasonography 28 to 30 d after artificial insemination. Daily yield and weekly components of milk were measured during the first 90 DIM. Intervals to first and second postpartum ovulation were unaffected by treatment, but cows were in estrus earlier after 2× (24 ± 4 d) than 4× (41 ± 4 d) daily MF, and sooner after ECP (25 ± 3 d) than after oil (39 ± 4 d) treatment. Pregnancy rates among 4× cows increased for ECP versus oil (52.8 vs. 27.8%) more than for cows with 2× MF treated with ECP versus oil (50.0 vs. 39.4%). Increased MF increased daily milk yields and energy-corrected milk yields during the first 30 DIM. Although milk yields were increased acutely by ECP during the 10 d after its injection, subsequent milk yields were decreased for ECP-treated cows previously milked 4× daily. Treatment with bST increased overall daily milk yields most in cows previously milked 2× daily and treated with oil and those milked 4× daily and treated with ECP. We concluded that early postpartum ECP injection increased pregnancy rates, but generally had detrimental effects on milk yields after 30 DIM for ECP-treated cows previously milked 4× daily, unless those cows also were treated with bST.  相似文献   

Increased milking frequency (IMF) at the beginning of lactation has been shown to increase milk yield not only during IMF but also after its cessation. The objectives of this experiment evaluated the effects of increased milking frequency initiated during early lactation on mammary growth and effects on milk yield (MY). Thirty-one cows were divided into treatment groups: 1) 2X: cows milked twice daily (2X) beginning at parturition (d 1), 2) IMF1: cows milked four times daily (4X) from d 1 to 21 postpartum (PP) and 3) IMF4: cows milked 2X d 1 to 3 and 4X d 4 to 21 PP. The 4X cows were milked immediately before 2X cows and again approximately 3 h later, at the end of the normal milking routine. All cows were milked 2X from d 21 to 305 postpartum. Milk yields were 34.5, 37.8 and 37.6 kg/d during wk 1 to 44 for 2X, IMF1 and IMF4, respectively. Mammary biopsies from four cows per treatment were obtained on d 7 and 14 PP to evaluate mammary cell proliferation. Tritiated-thymidine incorporation tended to increase on d 7 in IMF1 cows, and arithmetic means of the percentage of cells expressing Ki-67 proliferation antigen were consistent with a proliferative response to IMF though not significant. Blood was sampled three times per wk during the first 2 wk and then once per wk during wk 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) averaged 20.1 ng/ml in IMF cows vs. 24.2 in 2X but was not accompanied by a change in bST. Prolactin was also not affected by treatment. Neither milk yield nor potential effects on mammary cell proliferation were correlated with systemic IGF-1. Implementing an IMF routine increases MY during treatment and elicits a carryover effect on the remainder of lactation. Milk yield responses after an IMF routine may be the result of increased mammary cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Holstein cows were used in a randomized block design to evaluate different dry period lengths and prepartum milking frequencies (MF) on subsequent milk production, milk composition, solids-corrected milk production, dry matter intake (DMI), and energy balance. Lactating cows, milked 2 times/d, began a 7-d covariate period 35 d prior to the expected calving date. Cows were milked 0 times/d (0 × ), 1 time/d (1 × ), and 4 times/d (4 × ) for the last 28 d of gestation. If milk production decreased to less than 0.5 kg/milking or 1 kg/d, milking via machine ceased; however, teat stimulation continued 1 or 4 times/d according to the treatment assignment. All cows were milked 2 times/d postpartum (wk 1 to 10). Prepartum DMI tended to be greater for 1 × and 4 × compared with 0 × . Prepartum, cows milked 1 × produced 17% less milk than cows milked 4 × (5.9 and 7.1 kg/d, respectively). There were no differences in prepartum and postpartum body condition scores, body weights, and DMI. Postpartum milk production by cows following their third or greater gestation was greater for 0 × and 4 × compared with 1 × . Postpartum milk production by cows following their second gestation was significantly decreased with increased MF (0 × vs. 1 × and 4 × ). Regardless of parity, postpartum solids-corrected milk was greater for 0 × compared with 1 × and 4 × . Postpartum fat yield was greater for 0 × vs. 4 × , with 1 × being intermediate. Postpartum protein yield was greater for 0 × vs. 4 × , whereas 0 × tended to have greater protein yield than 1 × . Postpartum energy balance was greater for 1 × and 4 × relative to 0 × . Continuous milking (1 × and 4 × ) resulted in a loss of milk production in the subsequent lactation for cows following their second gestation; however, for cows following their third or greater gestation, increasing the MF from 1 × to 4 × in the last 28 d of gestation alleviated the loss in milk production.  相似文献   

To investigate the immediate and long-term performance effects of milking frequency during early lactation of primiparous dairy cows consuming a total mixed ration and pasture, 20 Holstein cows were assigned in a randomized block design to either once-daily (1×) or twice-daily (2×) milking during the first 8 wk of lactation (treatment period). After the treatment period, all cows were milked 2× until wk 43 of lactation. Cows were fed a total mixed ration (approximately 15 kg of DM/cow per day) and allowed to graze an oat pasture (Avena sativa). Dry matter intake was 19.1 kg of DM/cow per day on average and was not affected by treatments. Milk yield was 40% lower in cows milked 1× during the treatment period, and a carryover effect existed until wk 21 of lactation, resulting in a final reduction of 15% of milk yield in the whole lactation. Milk lactose concentration decreased, whereas fat and protein concentrations increased for cows milked 1×. Mobilization of energy reserves during the treatment period occurred in both groups, but cows milked 1× showed greater body condition score and greater backfat thickness. In conclusion, milking 1× during the first 8 wk of lactation resulted in immediate and carryover negative effects on milk and milk solid yield without affecting feed intake, resulting in the improved energy status of primiparous dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of milking frequency on the phagocytosis and respiratory burst activity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and monocytes of primiparous and multiparous cows under 2 nutritional management regimens during early lactation. At calving, 12 primiparous and 12 multiparous cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments, in which animals were milked once (OAD) or twice a day at a high or low nutritional level. Blood samples were taken 1 to 7 d before calving (prepartum) and 1 to 7, 14 to 21, and 42 to 49 d postpartum. Phagocytic and oxidative burst activity of PMN and monocytes were determined in whole blood and analyzed separately by flow cytometry. Once-a-day milking reduced significantly the percentage of phagocytic PMN and tended to decrease the number of bacteria ingested by these cells. The percentage of oxidative burst positive cells and overall respiratory burst activity of monocytes also tended to be reduced by OAD milking. The reduction of oxidative burst activity of monocytes was more pronounced 1 to 7 d postpartum compared with the prepartum sample and other postpartum samples. Oxidative burst activity of PMN and monocytes of multiparous cows was impaired compared with primiparous cows. The percentage of oxidative burst positive monocytes from multiparous cows was reduced prepartum and also 1 to 7 d postpartum. Once-a-day milking reduced the mean respiratory burst activity of PMN from primiparous cows to levels similar to that of multiparous cows. Therefore, an OAD milking regimen reduces phagocytic activity of PMN and monocytes and would be detrimental for the immune system in high-yielding dairy cows during early lactation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of reduced milking frequency and increased dietary energy density in early lactation on milk production, energy balance, and subsequent fertility. Sixty-six spring-calving, multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: once-daily milking on a standard diet (1×ST); 3-times daily milking on a standard diet (3×ST); and 3-times daily milking on a high-energy diet. Treatments were imposed for the first 28 d of lactation, after which all groups were milked twice daily and fed the standard diet. During the treatment period, the 1×ST cows had 19.6% lower milk yield and higher milk fat and milk protein concentrations (15.7 and 10.2%, respectively) compared with 3×ST. Dry matter (DM) intake was similar between 1×ST and 3×ST during the treatment period (12.64 vs. 13.25 kg/ d; SED = 0.82). Daily energy balance was less negative for 1×ST compared with 3×ST during wk 1 to 3 of lactation [−3.92 vs. −5.30 unité fourragère lait (UFL)/d; SED = 0.65; 1 UFL is equal to the net energy for lactation of 1 kg of standard air-dry barley]. During the treatment period, the cows on the high-energy diet had 17% higher milk yield, higher DM intake (15.5 vs. 13.9 kg/d; SED = 0.71), and similar energy balance (−4.45 vs. −4.35 UFL/d; SED = 0.65) compared to 3×ST. Diet had no significant effect on any of the fertility variables measured. The interval to first ovulation was shorter for 1×ST than 3×ST (18.3d vs. 28.6d; SED = 1.76). In conclusion, once-daily milking in early lactation may promote earlier resumption of ovarian cyclicity, mediated through improved nutritional status.  相似文献   

Reports over the past decade have indicated that normal lactational performance can be achieved in genetically superior and high-producing dairy cows, even when the dry period between 2 lactations is omitted. The hypothesis tested in this experiment was that normal lactogenesis I and metabolic function may be achievable in continuously milked high-yielding dairy cows as a result of the genetic selection for lactation performance and hence longevity of mammary epithelial cells. The milk production and mammary nutrient uptake in response to omission of the dry period for cows with an expected peak milk yield higher than 45 kg/d were studied in 28 Holstein dairy cows managed without bovine somatotropin. Performance and metabolic parameters were followed in late gestation and in the following early lactation. Fourteen cows were milked continuously throughout late gestation, and another 14 dairy cows experienced a 7-wk prepartum dry period. Continuous milking during the prepartum period reduced milk production in the following early lactation period by >20%. The reduced milk production could not be readily ascribed to inefficiency of the mechanisms responsible for nutrient uptake by the lactating mammary epithelial cells, nor to systemic endocrine changes. This suggests that lowered mammary nutrient uptake must have been associated with reduced mammary blood flow, metabolic activity, or both, most likely as a result of disturbed lactogenesis I prepartum or lactogenesis II postpartum triggered by as yet unknown local mechanisms. Milk protein content was elevated by 0.4 percentage units in the continuously milked cows. The underlying reason is unknown, but given the current pricing system for milk, it deserves to be further investigated.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of biological mechanisms regulating lactation is constructed. In particular, the model allows prediction of the effect of milking frequency on milk yield and mammary regression, and the interaction of nutrition and milking frequency in determining yield. Possible interactions of nutrition with milking frequency on alveolar dynamics are highlighted. The model is based upon the association of prolonged engorgement (as a consequence of milk accumulation) of active secretory alveoli with changes in gene expression that result in impairment and, ultimately, cessation of milk secretion. The emptying of alveoli at milking, following alveolar contraction induced by oxytocin, prevents this process and also allows quiescent alveoli to reactivate. Prolonged engorgement results in apoptosis of the secretory cells and, hence, regression of the mammary gland. Milk yield is linked to alveolar populations, with secretion rates being modulated by nutrition and udder fill effects. The model was used to investigate different management scenarios, and is in agreement with experimental results. The model shows that while milking frequency drives alveolar population, and therefore potential milk production, actual production varies considerably with nutrition. A significant portion of the loss associated with once-daily milking was due to udder fill rather than loss of secretory tissue. The model showed qualitative agreement with experimental data, on the acute and chronic effects of temporary once-daily milking.  相似文献   

Twice-a-day milking is currently the most frequently used milking schedule in Canadian dairy cattle. However, with an automated milking system (AMS), dairy cows can be milked more frequently. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milking frequency and for production traits of cows milked within an AMS. Data were 141,927 daily records of 953 primiparous Holstein cows from 14 farms in Ontario and Quebec. Most cows visited the AMS 2 (46%) or 3 (37%) times a day. A 2-trait [daily (24-h) milking frequency and daily (24-h) milk yield] random regression daily animal model and a multiple-trait (milk, fat, protein yields, somatic cell score, and milking frequency) random regression test-day animal model were used for the estimation of (co)variance components. Both models included fixed effect of herd × test-date, fixed regressions on days in milk (DIM) nested within age at calving by season of calving, and random regressions for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Both fixed and random regressions were fitted with fourth-order Legendre polynomials on DIM. The number of cows in the multiple-trait test-day model was smaller compared with the daily animal model. Heritabilities from the daily model for daily (24-h) milking frequency and daily (24-h) milk yield ranged between 0.02 and 0.08 and 0.14 and 0.20, respectively. Genetic correlations between daily (24-h) milk yield and daily (24-h) milking frequency were largest at the end of lactation (0.80) and smallest in mid-lactation (0.27). Heritabilities from the test-day model for test-day milking frequency, milk, fat and protein yield, and somatic cell score were 0.14, 0.26, 0.20, 0.21, and 0.20, respectively. The genetic correlation was positive between test-day milking frequency and official test-day milk, fat, and protein yields, and negative between official test-day somatic cell score and test-day milking frequency.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the effects of 3 management systems in high-yielding dairy cows on metabolic profiles and milk production. Thirty-six multiparous Brown Swiss cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups (n = 12 cows/group): the control (C) group, in which cows were dried off 56 d before calving and milked twice daily throughout next lactation (305 d); the once daily milking (ODM) group, in which cows were dried off 56 d before calving and milked once daily for the first 4 wk of lactation and twice daily for the remaining lactation; and the continuous milking (CM) group, in which cows were milked twice daily until calving and also during the subsequent lactation. Serum glucose concentrations decreased between wk 1 and 4 exclusively in C cows. Serum concentrations of NEFA and BHBA in the first 4 wk of lactation were highest in C cows compared with ODM and CM cows. Decreased backfat thickness during early lactation and reduction of body condition score were markedly more pronounced in C cows compared with ODM and CM cows. Mean lactational milk yield of C cows [11,310 ± 601 kg of energy-corrected milk (ECM)/305 d] was approximately 16% higher compared with ODM cows (9,531 ± 477 kg of ECM/305 d) and CM cows (9,447 ± 310 kg of ECM/305 d). The lactation curve of CM cows compared with C cows was characterized by a similar time of peak yield (wk 3), a reduced peak yield, and no obvious differences in persistency. Mean percentage of milk protein was significantly higher for CM cows (3.91%) compared with C cows (3.52%). In contrast, once daily milking was accompanied by a reduced and significantly delayed peak yield (wk 8) compared with the control treatment, whereas persistency was better and milk protein (3.79%) was higher in ODM cows than in C cows. In conclusion, continuous milking and once daily milking, targeting the interval before or after calving, respectively, substantially reduced the metabolic challenge of fresh cows and improved milk protein percentage. Continuous milking and once daily milking increased milk protein percentage markedly; furthermore, once daily milking during the first 4 wk of lactation improved the lactation curve.  相似文献   

In ruminants, milk yield can be affected by treatment with growth hormone (rbGH) and/or changes in frequency of milking. Frequent milkings encourage the maintenance of lactation, whereas infrequent milkings result in mammary involution. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of rbGH treatment and milking frequency on mammary gland morphology and milk composition. After adaptation to twice-daily milkings, six Saanen goats in late lactation were milked once daily from one udder-half and thrice-daily from the other udder-half. Concurrently, three of the six goats received daily injections of rbGH. After 23 d of treatment, milking frequency significantly affected milk yield (+8% vs. -26% for thrice- vs. once-daily milking). Additionally, treatments of rbGH increased milk yield from thrice-daily milked udder-halves (+19%), but failed to abate the reduction in milk yield from once-daily milked udder-halves (-31%). Mammary glands were heavier in the frequently milked udder-halves and in GH-treated goats. Based on histological and DNA analysis of mammary tissues, it was determined that milking frequency clearly affected epithelial cell numbers and alveolar diameter, whereas rbGH induced a potential cell hypertrophy and only a tendency to increase and/or maintain the mammary cell number. RNA concentration and kappa casein gene expression were not affected by treatments. In udder-halves milked once-daily, low casein:whey protein ratios, high Na+:K+ ratios, and high somatic cell counts (SCC) were indicative of changes in epithelial permeability, which rbGH treatment facilitated. The present data suggest that milking frequency and exogenous treatments of rbGH use different cellular mechanisms to influence mammary gland morphology and milk production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate milk yield and frequency of visits to the milking station of primiparous versus multiparous cows at different stages of lactation on farms with automatic milking systems (AMS) in the Upper Midwest United States. Forty farms were included in the study, and daily AMS software data were collected for 18 mo. For the investigation of milk yield and milking visits, stage of lactation was categorized into 14 periods, 7 d in length for the first 28 d in milk (DIM) and 30 d in length thereafter until 328 DIM. Cow traffic flow to the AMS (free or guided) was included in the model. For the evaluation of failures and refusals, stage of lactation was categorized into 6 periods, 7 d in length each for the first 28 DIM, and 2 periods of 150 d in length each thereafter until 328 DIM. Failures are milking station visits where a cow fails to be milked due to lack of machine attachment although it is time for the cow to be milked. Refusals are milking station visits before adequate time has passed since previous milking, thus the cow leaves the milking station without being milked. Data from lactation days beyond 328 DIM were excluded from the study. Primiparous cows in free-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows until the 11th stage of lactation and produced more milk from the 12th stage until the end of the study period. Primiparous cows in guided-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows all 14 stages of lactation, but were approaching the milk yield of multiparous cows at the end of the study period. This was a biologically normal lactation curve for primiparous cows. However, estimated peak ratio (primiparous vs. multiparous cows' peak milk yield) was lower than industry standards. Both traffic flow systems had fewer milking visits for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows in early lactation. This lower milking frequency persisted until the 11th stage of lactation in free-flow systems. In guided-flow systems, primiparous cows were milked less frequently until the 5th stage of lactation, had similar milking frequency in the 6th stage of lactation, and were milked more frequently thereafter. Failures were greater for primiparous cows during all stages of lactation. However, the greatest differences were detected in the early stages of lactation. Primiparous cows had 0.067 more failures/cow per day on average than multiparous cows during wk 1 of lactation. For the remaining lactation stages, differences in failures ranged from 0.003 to 0.039. Refusals were less frequent (0.4 to 0.6/d) for primiparous cows during the first 2 wk of lactation, similar for wk 3 of lactation, and more frequent for the remaining lactation stages (0.10 to 0.14/d). Failures and refusals were only evaluated in free-flow systems. These findings appear to indicate a potential lagging performance for primiparous cows in early lactation as compared with multiparous cows. Additional investigation into improving the adaptation of primiparous cows to AMS in early lactation may be warranted.  相似文献   

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