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DE Brough C Hsu VA Kulesa GM Lee LJ Cantolupo A Lizonova I Kovesdi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,71(12):9206-9213
The persistence of transgene expression has become a hallmark for adenovirus vector evaluation in vivo. Although not all therapeutic benefit in gene therapy is reliant on long-term transgene expression, it is assumed that the treatment of chronic diseases will require significant persistence of expression. To understand the mechanisms involved in transgene persistence, a number of adenovirus vectors were evaluated in vivo in different strains of mice. Interestingly, the rate of vector genome clearance was not altered by the complete deletion of early region 4 (E4) in our vectors. The GV11 (E1- E4-) vector genome cleared with a similar kinetic profile as the GV10 (E1-) vector genome in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice. These results suggest that the majority of adenovirus vector genomes are eliminated from transduced tissue via a mechanism(s) independent of T-cell, B-cell, and NK cell immune mechanisms. While the levels of persistence of transgene expression in liver or lung transduced with GV10 and GV11 vectors expressing beta-galactosidase, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, or secretory alkaline phosphatase were similar in immunocompetent mice, a marked difference was observed in immunocompromised animals. Levels of transgene expression initially from both GV10 and GV11 vectors were the same. However, GV11 transgene expression correlated with loss of vector genome, while GV10 transgene expression persisted at a high level. Coadministration and readministration of GV10 vectors showed that E4 provided in trans could activate transgene expression from the GV11 vector genome. While transgene expression activity per genome from the GV10 vector is clearly activated, expression from a cytomegalovirus promoter expression cassette in a GV11 vector appeared to be further inactivated as a function of time. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these expression effects will be important for developing persistent adenovirus vectors for chronic applications. 相似文献
In this study, we explored the role of specific protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in glial cell proliferation and on the expression of the astrocytic markers GFAP and glutamine synthetase using C6 cells as a model. Analysis of the expression of the various PKC isoforms in control and differentiated C6 cells revealed differences in the expression of specific PKC isoforms. Undifferentiated C6 cells, which express low levels of GFAP and glutamine synthetase (GS), have high levels of PKCalpha and delta, whereas differentiated C6 cells, which express higher levels of both GFAP and GS have lower levels of PKCalpha and delta and higher levels of PKCgamma, theta and eta. Using C6 cells overexpressing specific PKC isoforms, we examined the role of these isoforms on the proliferation and differentiation of C6 cells. Cells overexpressing PKCalpha displayed a reduced level of GFAP, whereas GS expression was not affected. On the other hand, cells overexpressing PKCdelta showed reduced GS expression but little effect on GFAP. Finally, cells expressing PKCgamma displayed a marked increase in the levels of both GFAP and GS. The proliferation of C6 cells was increased in cells overexpressing PKCalpha and epsilon and decreased in cells overexpressing PKCgamma, delta and eta. The results of this study suggest that glial cell proliferation and astrocytic differentiation can be regulated by specific PKC isoforms that selectively affect cell proliferation and the expression of the two astrocytic markers GFAP and GS. 相似文献
XQ Zhang GB Afink K Svensson JJ Jacobs T Günther K Forsberg-Nilsson EJ van Zoelen B Westermark M Nistér 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,70(1-2):167-180
The platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor (PDGFR-alpha) displays a lineage-specific expression pattern in the mouse embryo and is required for normal development of mesoderm and cephalic neural crest derivatives. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the in vivo promoter function of genomic DNA fragments representing the 5'-flanking part of the human PDGFRA gene. 2.2, 0.9 and 0.4 kb PDGFRA promoter fragments, ligated to a lacZ reporter gene, were microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs and transgenic mouse lines were established. The expression patterns were basically similar in the 2.2 and 0.9 kb lines and overlapped grossly the endogenous Pdgfra gene expression pattern. The transgenic line with the highest expression level was chosen for detailed analysis. Expression was, as expected, mainly confined to tissues of mesodermal and neural crest origin. No expression was found in epithelial tissues of endo- or ectodermal origin. The promoter fragments were also active in neuroepithelium and in certain neuronal cell types that did not faithfully express PDGFR-alpha mRNA, while they failed to specify reporter expression in PDGFR-alpha expressing O-2A progenitor cells and other glial elements of the central nervous system. Thus, the isolated human PDGFRA promoter contains most but not all of the regulatory elements that are necessary to establish tissue specific gene expression during development. 相似文献
EA McKie AR MacLean AD Lewis G Cruickshank R Rampling SC Barnett PG Kennedy SM Brown 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,74(5):745-752
Primary tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) are an important cause of cancer-related deaths in adults and children. CNS tumours are mostly glial cell in origin and are predominantly astrocytomas. Conventional therapy of high-grade gliomas includes maximal resection followed by radiation treatment. The addition of adjuvant chemotherapy provides little improvement in survival time and hence assessment of novel therapies is imperative. We have evaluated the potential therapeutic use of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) mutant 1716 in the treatment of primary brain tumours. The mutant is deleted in the RL1 gene and fails to produce the virulence factor ICP34.5. 1716 replication was analysed in both established human glioma cell lines and in primary cell cultures derived from human tumour biopsy material. In the majority of cultures, virus replication occurred and consequential cell death resulted. In the minority of tumour cell lines which are non-permissive for mutant replication, premature shut-off of host cell protein synthesis was induced in response to lack of expression of ICP34.5. Hence RL1-negative mutants have the distinct advantage of providing a double hit phenomenon whereby cell death could occur by either pathway. Moreover, 1716, by virtue of its ability to replicate selectively within a tumour cell, has the potential to deliver a 'suicide' gene product to the required site immediately. It is our opinion that HSV which fails to express ICP34.5 could provide an effective tumour therapy. 相似文献
Glioblastomas are highly vascular tumors which overexpress the angiogenesis factor vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF and its receptors, VEGF-R1 and VEGF-R2, have been shown to be necessary for embryonic angiogenesis as well as for tumor angiogenesis. Recently, the angiopoietin/Tie2 receptor system has been shown to exert functions in the cardiovascular system that are distinct from VEGF but are also critical for normal vascular development. To assess the potential role of Tie2 and its ligands angiopoietin-1 and angiopoietin-2 in tumor vascularization, we analyzed their expression pattern in human gliomas. Tie-2 was up-regulated in tumor endothelium compared to normal human brain tissue. We further observed cell type-specific up-regulation of the message for both angiopoietin-1 and angiopoietin-2 in gliomas. Whereas Ang-1 mRNA was expressed in tumor cells, Ang-2 mRNA was detected in endothelial cells of a subset of glioblastoma blood vessels. Small capillaries with few periendothelial support cells showed strong expression of Angiopoietin-2, whereas larger glioblastoma vessels with many periendothelial support cells showed little or no expression. Although the function of Tie2 and its ligands in tumor angiogenesis remains a subject of speculation, our findings are in agreement with a recently proposed hypothesis that in the presence of VEGF, local production of Ang-2 might promote angiogenesis. 相似文献
KM Barnhart J Hartikka M Manthorpe J Norman P Hobart 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,9(17):2545-2553
Enhancers and promoters from various muscle-specific genes were substituted for or combined with the enhancer/promoter of the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) IE gene in a luciferase reporter gene plasmid in an effort to identify new promoter chimeras with increased expression activity after direct intramuscular injection. The regulatory sequence substitutions or additions varied in content, location, and orientation relative to the CMV regulatory sequences. The expression activities of the derivative and parent plasmids were compared quantitatively in vivo using a standard mouse intramuscular injection assay, and in vitro by transfection of differentiated C2C12 mouse myoblasts and BHK hamster kidney cells, to test whether cultured cell transfection could substitute for at least some animal experimentation. In vivo, 1 of 19 of the enhancer/promoter chimeras increased expression levels. In vitro, some chimeras showed significant expression augmentation in C2C12 cells, but not in BHK cells. We conclude that because of differences in plasmid expression profiles, these cell culture systems cannot readily substitute for in vivo testing of new plasmid constructs. 相似文献
In three patients whose Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was preceded by gastrointestinal infection due to Campylobacter jejuni, gammadelta T cells were generated from peripheral blood in response to in vitro stimulation with C. jejuni. In one of the patients, where a diagnostic sural nerve biopsy was performed, gammadelta T cells were also isolated following culture of the nerve tissue. Studies with healthy volunteers and C. jejuni gastroenteritis patients also showed preferential enrichment for gammadelta T cells in peripheral blood cells stimulated with C. jejuni, although the response was significantly lower than that seen in GBS patients. In two out of three GBS patients and all of the controls, gammadelta T cell receptor (TCR) gene usage was shown to be Vgamma9/Vdelta2+. In the GBS patient where nerve-infiltrating gammadelta T cells were isolated, these and C. jejuni-specific peripheral blood cells had similar TCR gene usage, predominantly consisting of Vgamma5/Vdelta1+ cells. Sequencing the Vdelta1 products from nerve and peripheral blood showed similarities in CDR3 length, but the single Vdelta1 sequence obtained from nerve was not identified in peripheral blood. These results suggest that the generation of gammadelta T cells is part of a normal immune response to C. jejuni, which, in patients with GBS, may contribute to the pathogenesis of their inflammatory neuropathy. 相似文献
T Tatsuta T Tomoyasu B Bukau M Kitagawa H Mori K Karata T Ogura 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,30(3):583-593
The heat shock response of Escherichia coli is regulated by the cellular level and the activity of sigma32, an alternative sigma factor for heat shock promoters. FtsH, a membrane-bound AAA-type metalloprotease, degrades sigma32 and has a central role in the control of the sigma32 level. The ftsH null mutant was isolated, and establishment of the DeltaftsH mutant allowed us to investigate control mechanisms of the stability and the activity of sigma32 separately in vivo. Loss of the FtsH function caused marked stabilization and consequent accumulation of sigma32 ( approximately 20-fold of the wild type), leading to the impaired downregulation of the level of sigma32. Surprisingly, however, DeltaftsH cells express heat shock proteins only two- to threefold higher than wild-type cells, and they also show almost normal heat shock response upon temperature upshift. These results indicate the presence of a control mechanism that downregulates the activity of sigma32 when it is accumulated. Overproduction of DnaK/J reduces the activity of sigma32 in DeltaftsH cells without any detectable changes in the level of sigma32, indicating that the DnaK chaperone system is responsible for the activity control of sigma32 in vivo. In addition, CbpA, an analogue of DnaJ, was demonstrated to have overlapping functions with DnaJ in both the activity and the stability control of sigma32. 相似文献
N Wang B Wang M Salio D Allen J She C Terhorst 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,10(12):1777-1788
The TCR-associated CD3 complex consists of four subunits, i.e. CD3 gamma, delta, epsilon and zeta, which are expressed very early in T cell development prior to the expression of the TCR and the pre-TCR alpha chain. It is unclear whether the expression of each CD3 protein is independent of, or is influenced by, other CD3 subunits. To study whether CD3 epsilon regulates expression of CD3 gamma and delta genes, we generated a strain of CD3 epsilon-deficient mice termed CD3 epsilon(delta P/delta P) (epsilon(delta P)), in which the promoter of CD3E was disrupted, and subsequently reconstituted these mice with a CD3 epsilon transgene. In the epsilon(delta P) mice, T cell development is arrested at the double-negative stage and targeting the CD3 epsilon gene caused severe inhibition of CD3 gamma and delta gene expression. Introduction of the CD3 epsilon transgene did not restore CD3 gamma and delta expression. However, a very small fraction of prothymocytes that expressed CD3 gamma and delta was rescued upon reconstitution of the CD3 epsilon transgene. Remarkably, this rescue led to a very efficient differentiation and maturation of thymocytes, resulting in a significant T cell population in the periphery. These results demonstrate that CD3 epsilon does not regulate expression of CD3 gamma and delta genes, and underscore the capacity of each prothymocyte to give rise to a large number of mature peripheral T cells. 相似文献
The neu oncogene is activated by a point mutation within its transmembrane domain that results in the substitution of glutamic acid for valine at position 664, and is associated with constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase. It has been proposed that the mutation allows for stabilization of homodimers of the receptor that are necessary for transduction of the mitogenic signal. To investigate the role of the alpha-helical transmembrane sequence in the function of neu, we constructed an expression vector to produce a variety of short transmembrane neu proteins, lacking ligand binding or intracellular kinase domains. Such sequences should interact with full-length receptors and prevent receptor dimerization and thus act as specific inhibitors of function. These small proteins all included a pentapeptide from position 661-665, which has been proposed to be necessary for packing. We show that the short transmembrane molecules are expressed at the cell surface and can retard the growth of neu-transformed cells in monolayers, as colonies in soft agar and as tumours in animals. As predicted by molecular modelling, the magnitude of inhibition depended on the nature of the packing surface, suggesting that the neu transmembrane domain is directly involved in neu protein dimerization. 相似文献
RH Wenger A Rolfs P Spielmann DR Zimmermann M Gassmann 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,91(9):3471-3480
Hypoxic induction of erythropoietin (Epo) and other oxygen-dependent genes is mediated by the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a heterodimeric transactivator consisting of an alpha and a beta subunit. We previously found that the mouse gene encoding HIF-1alpha harbors two alternative first exons (I.1 and I.2), giving rise to two different HIF-1alpha mRNA isoforms. Here, we show by RNase protection analysis that the exon I.1-derived mRNA isoform is differentially expressed in mouse tissues, being highest in kidney, tongue, stomach, and testis, but undetectable in liver, whereas the exon I.2 mRNA isoform is ubiquitously expressed. Sequence and methylation analysis showed that, in contrast to exon I.1, exon I.2 resides within a region showing typical features of a CpG island, known to be associated with the 5' end of housekeeping genes. We identified a 232-bp minimal exon I.2 promoter that strongly induced reporter gene expression in mouse L929 fibroblasts and Hepa1 hepatoma cells. In contrast to L929 cells, the exon I.1 promoter was inactive in Hepa1 cells and hypoxic exposure (1% O2) markedly reduced exon I.2 promoter activity in Hepa1 cells. Prolonged exposure of mice to hypoxia (7.5% O2 for up to 72 hours) also caused a decrease in liver HIF-1alpha mRNA, whereas aldolase mRNA levels increased. These findings might be related to the relatively low Epo levels in the adult liver. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of intranasally administered immunoglobulin in preventing symptoms of rhinitis in children. METHODS: Forty children ages 1 to 4 years who attended day-care centers in Turku, Finland, were enrolled in the double blind, placebo-controlled study. The children were randomly assigned to receive treatment with immunoglobulin, composed mainly of immunoglobulin A, or placebo, both administered as nasal sprays twice daily for 8 weeks. During this medication period and an additional 8-week follow-up period, the parents recorded the symptoms of the children daily in the diaries provided. One child who met an exclusion criterion was withdrawn from the study after a few days of medication. RESULTS: During the 8-week medication period the 19 children in the immunoglobulin group had 42% fewer days with rhinitis than the 20 children receiving placebo (mean, 10.8 vs. 18.7 days; P=0.004). The total numbers of episodes of rhinitis in the immunoglobulin and placebo groups were 33 and 51, respectively. No significant differences were observed between the groups during the postmedication follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Intranasal administration of immunoglobulin appears to be an effective method to prevent symptoms of rhinitis in children, and further studies of this approach are needed. 相似文献