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A 70-year-old male presented with a plasma cell granuloma extending from the extracranial to the intracranial space. Findings of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative observation indicated that the lesion extended from the temporal muscle to the subarachnoid space, penetrating the frontal bone. The subarachnoid lesion was composed of neutrophils indicating the presence of acute or subacute inflammation. The final diagnosis of the resected tumor was plasma cell granuloma. High levels of antibodies against Epstein-Barr (EB) virus in the cerebrospinal fluid and the immunohistochemical demonstration of EB nuclear antigens in the plasma cell granuloma suggested that EB virus infection was associated with the development of plasma cell granuloma in this patient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Short stature is one of the features of Turner syndrome and a form of presentation of monosymptomatic celiac disease. METHODS: The recognition of celiac disease in two antiendomysium antibody-positive Turner syndrome girls who did not respond to growth hormone treatment led us to perform as a screening for celiac disease IgA and IgG antigliadin antibodies and antiendomysium antibodies determination in other 35 Turner syndrome patients. Intestinal biopsy was proposed to the antiendomysium antibodies-positive girls; in the former, subtotal villous atrophy was found; in the latter, one parent's consent for intestinal biopsy was not obtained. RESULTS: The prevalence of celiac disease in Turner syndrome patients observed in the present study (8.1 if we consider 3 villous atrophy, 10.8 if we consider 4 antiendomysium antibody-positive) is quite high and seems to indicate that the association of these two disorders could not be coincidental. As to the clinical picture, celiac disease appeared atypical in one case, typical in another one and as a silent form in the third case. Of the 3 cases with villous atrophy on gluten-free diet growth hormone therapy was not effective in two girls, who were older than 16 years, while in the younger patient, detected by the screening, a significant increment of height velocity and height Standard Deviation Score for Chronological Age according to Turner references was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that celiac disease can be associated with Turner syndrome and even responsible for a failure of growth hormone therapy. Therefore we propose to perform in Turner syndrome patients antiendomysium antibody determination as a screening followed by intestinal biopsy in positive cases. This would be advisable at least before starting growth hormone treatment.  相似文献   

The genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was investigated in 212 viraemic blood donors from Hong Kong. A subset of the samples was investigated using three different genotyping assays to establish the accuracy of each in this population. These assays were restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of amplified 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) sequences, RFLP of the core region, and a serotyping assay using peptides from two antigenic regions of NS4. Genotypes detected in Hong Kong blood donors were 1a (6.2%), 1b (58.8%), 2a (1.4%), 2b (1.4%), 3a (1.9%), and 6a (27.0%). All genotyping assays produced concordant results. No evidence was obtained for the presence of type 6 group variants recently identified in Southeast Asia, other than type 6a. A serotyping assay based upon the detection of type-specific antibody to epitopes in NS4 produced similar results to the genotyping assays (98% concordance), but a reduced sensitivity (75%) compared with genotyping methods. Sequence variation in NS4 was not the cause of the reduced rate of detection of type 6 antibody in this population. Eighty-four percent donors infected with type 6a were male, compared to 75% donors infected with type 1b. The median alanine transaminase (ALT) level in type 6 infected donors was lower than in type 1b, (43.8 and 51.1 U/l, respectively) although these values were not statistically significant (P = 0.094). There was no significant difference between the ages of donors infected with types 1b and 6a. Risk factors for HCV infection in the blood donors included blood transfusion, intravenous drug abuse, and tattooing. A significantly greater number of donors infected with HCV-6a reported a history of drug abuse (66%) than donors infected with HCV-1b (7%).  相似文献   

The prevalence, incidence, clinical features, and natural history of hepatitis G virus (HGV) or GB virus C (GBV-C) were investigated in a non-remunerated blood donor population to determine its clinical significance and its impact on blood safety. Of 1020 regular blood donors, 23 (2.25%) were positive for plasma HGV/GBV-C RNA. Alanine aminotransferase levels were lower than in uninfected donors (median, 20 IU/mL; 32 IU/mL in controls; P=.015). Clinical examination produced no other evidence for hepatitis or for shared nonhepatic diseases. Fifteen of 17 donors excreted HGV/GBV-C in saliva (mean level, 8x103 copies of RNA/mL). Testing of previous donations indicated an incidence of 170-200 new infections with HGV/GBV-C per 100,000 donor-years. The absence of further clinicopathologic data and the limitations of current polymerase chain reaction-based methods for screening suggests that it is neither necessary nor practical to commence screening.  相似文献   

The results of treatment of 419 patients with endometrial sarcoma are presented. Five-year survival was 42.7% and it appeared to depend on histological pattern substantially: leimyosarcoma--49.5; endometrial stromal sarcoma--43.5; mixed mesodermal tumors--40.2% (carcinosarcoma included--26.4%). With localized tumors (stage I) of all histological patterns, survival was 3 times (58.9%) that in cases of cervix uteri involvement (19.4%). The recommendations for treatment of endometrial sarcoma are given: uterine extirpation with adnexa in patients with leimyosarcoma and a modified extended extirpation of the uterus for mixed mesodermal tumors. Radiotherapy is recommended for all patterns of tumor, except for leimyosarcoma. Adjuvant chemotherapy will increase the chances of better prognosis.  相似文献   

As the host's immune response may determine the course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, we studied the humoral and cellular immune responses to HCV-related antigens in subjects with different outcomes of HCV infection. Lymphoproliferative responses and circulating antibodies to a panel of HCV core- and E1-related 25-mer peptides were examined in 10 healthy anti-HCV-seropositive blood donors (group A) and in 29 patients with chronic hepatitis C (group B). In addition, cellular recognition of recombinant HCV proteins (core, NS3, NS4A, NS5A, NS5B) were investigated. In group A, stronger T-cell responses were detected against both HCV proteins (core, P = .03; NS4, P = .005; NS5B, P = .03) and peptides. Proliferation was induced by the same peptides in each group, defining at least five distinctive epitopes within core (amino acids [aa] of 20-44, aa 39-63, aa 79-103, aa 118-152 and aa 148-172) and three regions within E1(aa 198-252, aa 308-372, and aa 368-392). Subjects with strong T-cell responses had low or no detectable levels of peptide-specific antibodies, and vice versa. In particular, T-cell responses were more common in group A; B-cell responses were more common in group B. From our data, we conclude that a benign course of HCV infection may be the consequence of the effective activation of T-helper lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 7572 healthy volunteer blood donors from 21 of the 27 Indonesian provinces, and tested for antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) using the new second-generation enzyme immunosorbent assay, and also tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). We detected anti-HCV in 2.1% of the blood donors. No statistically significant difference was found between males and females or between locations, but there was a statistically significant increasing likelihood of anti-HCV prevalence with increasing age. HBsAg was found in 8.8% of the 3839 tested donors. There was no statistically significant difference between sexes or age groups, but there was a statistically significant higher prevalence in the islands of Sulawesi and eastern Indonesia. Only 7 individuals, from 5 locations, were both anti-HCV and HBsAg positive. Based on responses to a questionnaire, a history of surgery, blood transfusion, intravenous medication, and acupuncture were identified as risk factors for the presence of anti-HCV. No such risk factor was identified for HBsAg prevalence. The combined data suggest separate modes of transmission for the 2 viruses, and indicate the need for continued surveillance for these agents in Indonesian blood banks.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C has been demonstrated to be associated with hepatic iron overload, and the hypothesis that the disease activity of hepatitis C is associated with iron cytotoxicity was tested in male volunteer blood donors. Sera with either antibody to hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B surface antigen were selected for determination of ferritin concentration and alanine aminotransferase activity. A correlation between serum ferritin concentration (Y; microgram/l) and alanine aminotransferase activity (X; IU/l) was found in donors with antibody to hepatitis C (log Y = 0.65 x log X + 0.98, r = 0.53, and P < 0.01). The correlation was lower in donors with hepatitis B surface antigen (r = 0.37; P < 0.01). Hepatitis C virus infection probably induces time-dependent iron accumulation associated with the progression of disease activity, while hepatitis B virus infection results in a variety of iron loads with different clinical features. The high disease activity related to hyperferritinemia suggests the presence of iron-induced liver damage in donors with hepatitis C.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of occult fractures of the scaphoid bone is even more challenging than that of conventional fractures of the scaphoid. This study aimed to compare prospectively the gold standard method (plain radiographs in four projections, after about 14 days) and the primary findings with direct magnification radiography (DIMA) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Primary MRI showed much higher diagnostic power than plain radiography at 10-14 days in occult scaphoid fractures and in detection of associated carpal injuries. This may lead to a decreasing time of disease. DIMA was inferior in detecting occult fractures of the scaphoid.  相似文献   

In this study, 108 family members of 40 chronically HCV-infected patients (19 post-transfusion and 21 sporadic), and 45 families of 16 anti-HCV-negative index cases (control group) were tested for anti-HCV antibodies. Anti-HCV antibodies were found in 16 (14.8%) families of anti-HCV-positive index cases (15% males and 14.6% females; p = NS), with no difference between families of index cases with post-transfusion and those with sporadic HCV infection. Out of the 16 anti-HCV positive family members, 12 (75%) had clinical and/or serological evidence of chronic liver damage. None of the control group subjects were anti-HCV-positive (p < 0.01). The rate of anti-HCV positivity was 34.4% among spouses, 14.3% among siblings, 16.7% among cohabitants and 2.3% among children; anti-HCV antibodies were not detected among parents. We found a positive correlation between the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies among families and the severity of the HCV-related chronic liver damage of the index cases (p < 0.00005). In addition, to confirm that HCV infection and HCV-related chronic hepatitis may be transmitted intrafamiliarly, our findings also indicate that horizontal, especially sexual contact, is a more important route of HCV infection than vertical/perinatal transmission. Finally, the risk of acquiring HCV infection among families appears to be the highest when index cases are suffering from severe HCV-related chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   

A review of a case series of sixteen anaesthetics in eight cases was undertaken to determine whether children with Prader-Willi syndrome present particular problems to the anaesthetist. Children in an early stage of the condition who are below their centile for weight present no specific problems. Children who are heavier than 97th centile weight have problems associated with their obesity: difficult intravenous access and sleep apnoea. Scoliosis was noted in both groups and was not associated with problems after minor surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the hepatitis B virus (HBV) in patients of an urban level I trauma center. DESIGN: Prospective, blinded point prevalence study of serum HIV and HBV antibody and antigen. SETTING: An urban level I trauma center that participates in a trauma system serving three million people. PATIENTS: The study included 994 (94.8%) of 1049 consecutive trauma service patients treated between June 6, 1988 and September 22, 1988. The patients were 82.2% male and 73.1% black, with a mean age of 28.8 +/- 12.3 years. Blunt trauma was seen in 65.4% of patients, 5.2% were in shock, and 96.2% survived their trauma. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: HIV and HBV seroprevalence, using both antibody and antigen testing. RESULTS: HIV infection was seen in 43 patients (4.3%); 41 (95.3%) were HIV Ab+ and two (4.7%) were HIV Ab-/HIV Ag+. Infection with the HBsAg was seen in 31 patients (3.1%). Infection with either virus was seen in 70 patients (7%); four patients (0.4%) were infectious for both viruses. Infection was related to age 20 to 49 years, i.v. drug use, a hepatitis or sexually transmitted disease history, prior HIV testing, shock, and death (p < 0.05). Penetrating trauma was not predictive of infection. In a logistic regression model, IV drug use was the single significant predictor of infection (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Young urban trauma patients, because of drug-related intentional violence, are 15.3 to 17.6 times more likely to be HIV infected and 3.9 to 7.9 times more likely to be infectious for HIV or HBV than the trauma population overall. The 12 to 21% infection rates in critically injured patients who require shock resuscitation and/or die reinforces the need for mandated universal precautions and for clear policies which govern the performance of procedures by physicians in training. Primary HIV infection in critically injured patients may worsen their outcome and may adversely affect the exposed health care worker. Emergency departments and trauma units should develop a referral system to HIV primary care services (HIV counselling and testing) for high risk patients and for adversely exposed health care workers.  相似文献   

Much of the morbidity and mortality seen in cystic fibrosis (CF) is related to chronic infection of the respiratory tract with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Some studies have attributed the strong relationship between CF and Pseudomonas colonization to the presence of increased numbers of specific cell-surface receptors, although other work suggests that this relates to the presence of mucus. Several groups are now assessing the use of gene transfer as a novel form of treatment for CF. We have examined whether P. aeruginosa binding to freshly obtained CF respiratory epithelial cells is increased, and have studied the effects of transfer of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene on this attachment. Binding of P. aeruginosa to noncultured nasal epithelial cells from both CF patients (n = 31) and healthy controls (n = 15) was studied with scanning electron microscopy. Binding was also assessed for CF cells following transfection with CFTR/liposome complexes. Epifluorescence microscopy was used to assess the effects of gene transfer on chloride fluxes. Adherence of P. aeruginosa directly to the cell surface of CF airway epithelium was significantly (P < 0.001) increased over that in non-CF controls. Liposome-mediated CFTR gene transfer resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) reduction in the numbers of bacteria bound to ciliated epithelial cells. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed correction of the basic chloride defect. Thus, in CF, the absence of normal CFTR results in increased binding of P. aeruginosa to respiratory epithelial cells. This abnormality can be corrected in vitro by restoration of CFTR function. This has important implications both for the pathogenesis of CF and for the future application and assessment of gene therapy for this disease.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) immunosuppression on ongoing hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, CD4 lymphocyte counts and serum concentrations of HCV RNA, HIV RNA, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were evaluated among members of a cohort of injecting drug users (IDUs). With 100 participants randomly selected at various stages of HIV-related immunosuppression, serum HCV RNA concentrations increased with age (P = .007) and were higher in HIV-positive IDUs with 201-500 (P = .026) and 51-200 (P = .004) CD4 cells/mL than in HIV-negative participants. Among 27 HCV-infected IDUs who acquired HIV infection, serum HCV RNA concentrations varied between semiannual visits by a mean of 0.45 logs, increasing by 0.60 logs after HIV seroconversion (P < .0001), by 0.12 logs each subsequent year (P = .006), and by 0.36 logs per log increase in CD4 cells (P = .01). Serum ALT levels were similar between HIV-positive (40.1 IU/mL) and HIV-negative (45.4 IU/mL) patients (P > .10). While HIV infection and possibly HIV progression are associated with increased HCV RNA levels, other factors appear to affect biochemical and virologic markers of HCV infection in some dually infected persons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among drug abusers in southern Taiwan. This survey included 935 drug abusers from Kaohsiung Narcotic Abstention Institute and Kaohsiung prison. The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was 29.1% among male drug abusers and 19.4% among female drug abusers. The seroprevalence of anti-HCV antibody was 66.4% among intravenous drug abusers and 14.4% among nonintravenous drug abusers. Intravenous drug use, a history of hepatitis, having tattoos, and age were independently related to HCV seropositivity among drug abusers. The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody concentrations significantly increased (10.8-fold) with intravenous drug abuse and with having tattoos (1.7-fold). These findings suggest that hepatitis C virus is mainly transmitted by the parenteral route among drug abusers in southern Taiwan. Due to the high rate of HCV infection among drug abusers, investigation of high-risk behavior should be routine in this group. To prevent HCV infection, emphasis on the use of sterile needles and aseptic procedures in tattooing is important in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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