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This study presents the summary of historical exposures, measurementpractice and evolution of the recording of the individual dosesof medical radiation workers during 1950–2003 in Lithuania.The aim of this study is to present occupational exposure ofmedical radiation workers in Lithuania since the earliest appearanceperiod. Data from publications have been used for the earliesttwo periods prior to 1969; data from the archives of the largesthospitals, for the period 1970–1990 and data from LithuanianSubdivision of Individual Dosimetry of Radiation ProtectionCenter, for the period 1991–2003. The analysis of thedata obtained from personal records allows to conclude thatthe average annual effective dose of Lithuanian medical radiationworkers was greatly reduced in radiology, radiotherapy and nuclearmedicine in all occupational categories from 1950 to 2003. Duringthe last period 1991–2003 extremity doses clearly decreasedand after 1994 were no longer present in Lithuania.  相似文献   

In Finland, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) maintains a central dose register where all occupational doses of radiation workers are recorded. The computerised register enables easy control of personal doses, including annual, 5 year and lifetime doses. The type of radiation work is also recorded in the dose register. Finland was one of the first countries in the world to introduce dose limits based on the recommendations of ICRP 60. In this article, the radiation dose data of the Finnish nuclear power plant workers are analysed. The majority of the radiation doses are received during the maintenance outages. The trend of the 5 year doses and their distribution are presented. Doses received during different work assignments were averaged over the years 1996-1999 and they are also discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to radiation in medical practice in Ghana has been analysed for a 10-y period between 2000 and 2009. Monitored dose data in the medical institution in Ghana from the Radiation Protection Institute's database were extracted and analysed in terms of three categories: diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. One hundred and eighty medical facilities were monitored for the 10-y period, out of which ~98% were diagnostic radiology facilities. Only one nuclear medicine and two radiotherapy facilities have been operational in the country since 2000. During the 10-y study period, monitored medical facilities increased by 18.8%, while the exposed workers decreased by 23.0%. Average exposed worker per entire medical institution for the 10-y study period was 4.3. Annual collective dose received by all the exposed workers reduced by a factor of 4 between 2000 and 2009. This is seen as reduction in annual collective doses in diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine facilities by ~76, ~72 and ~55%, respectively, for the 10-y period. Highest annual collective dose of 601.2 man mSv was recorded in 2002 and the least of 142.6 man mSv was recorded in 2009. Annual average values for dose per institution and dose per exposed worker decreased by 79 and 67.6%, respectively between 2000 and 2009. Average dose per exposed worker for the 10-y period was least in radiotherapy and highest in diagnostic radiology with values 0.14 and 1.05 mSv, respectively. Nuclear medicine however recorded average dose per worker of 0.72 mSv. Correspondingly, range of average effective doses within the diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine facilities were 0.328-2.614, 0.383-0.728 and 0.448-0.695 mSv, respectively. Throughout the study period, an average dose per medical institution of 3 mSv and an average dose per exposed worker of 0.69 mSv were realised. Exposed workers in diagnostic radiology primarily received most of the individual annual doses >1 mSv. The entire study period had 705 instances in which exposed workers received individual annual doses >1 mSv. On thermoluminescent dosemeter (TLD) return rates, facilities in Volta and Eastern Regions recorded highest return rates of 94.3% each. Ashanti Region recorded the least TLD return rate with 76.7%.  相似文献   

Shandong province is situated in the eastern part of China with a population of 88 million. A collaborative survey was conducted in 1999 to investigate the medical radiation usage and the patients' exposures from medical X ray diagnosis in this province. There were three stages in this survey: general survey, sampling survey and dose survey. Patients' entrance surface doses (ESD) were measured using thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs) attached to the patient's skin. All the hospitals in this province and 2153 patients were included in this survey. The frequencies of tele- and brachytherapy were 1.450 and 1.685 per 1000 population in 1996 and 1998 respectively. The frequency of diagnostic nuclear medicine was 0.325 and 0.412 per 1000 population in 1996 and 1998 respectively; for therapeutic nuclear medicine, it was 0.015 and 0.021. The total annual frequencies of every type of X ray examination and interventional radiology (IVR) in 1996 and 1998 were 179.8 and 200.0 per 1000 population respectively. The main type of X ray examination was chest fluoroscopy, which made up about 39% of the total. The average entrance surface doses were comparatively high for the examinations of CT, gastrointestinal tract, lumbarspine, urography, angiography, hip and cerebral angiography.  相似文献   

The general features of occupational radiation protection dosimetry in Nigeria within the period 1990-1999 have been summarised. About 640 personnel, representing about 25% of the estimated number of radiation workers in Nigeria, were monitored by the TL dosimetry technique during the period, with the majority being the personnel of the teaching hospitals across the country. Most private establishments, especially the X ray diagnostic centres, operate without dosimetry coverage or supervision by a regulatory authority. The weighted mean of the annual effective dose ranged between 0 and 28.97 mSv with the upper limit of collective effective dose being 18.47 man.Sv per year. The individual risk estimate due to this is about 1.5 x 10(-3) per year and this was among the medical personnel. The value could be more if all radiation workers in the country were monitored.  相似文献   

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) has become the world authority on the levels and effects of ionising radiation. Since 1975, UNSCEAR has evaluated inter alia the level of occupational exposure worldwide. Based on revised questionnaires, more detailed information is now available. The results of the last evaluation (1995-2002) will be shown in the paper. Lessons learned from the responses by UN Member States will be given, as well as an outline of plans for data collection in future cycles. The requirements for protection against exposure to ionising radiation of workers, the public and patients are established in the International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionising Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (BSS), published in 1996. As a result of a review of the BSS in 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started a process for the revision of these standards in 2007. International organisations including the joint sponsoring organisations of the BSS-IAEA, FAO, ILO, OECD/NEA, PAHO and WHO--as well as potential new joint sponsoring organisations of the revised BSS--the European Commission and UNEP-were involved from the beginning in the revision process. The paper also provides a summary of the status of the Draft Revised BSS and describes the new format. The paper focuses, in particular, on requirements for the protection of workers as well as recordkeeping requirements, which provide the legal basis for the collection of specific data; these data are of the type that can be used by UNSCEAR.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced cataracts are predominantly of the posterior sub-capsular (PSC) type, whereas about 90% of age-related cataracts are of other types. Retired workers, likely to have transuranic body burdens, from three DOE-supported installations were questioned regarding their eye-care history and asked for permission to contact their eye-care providers regarding any cataracts. In 97 cases with lifetime exposure records 20 cases (20.6%) were reported to have PSC cataracts. However, of 24 individuals with recorded lifetime doses of 200-600 mSv, nine (37.5%) had PSC cataracts, compared with 15.1% of 73 cases with doses of less than 200 mSv. This difference is statistically significant at the 5% level.  相似文献   

Individual accumulated doses were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of tooth enamel in Chinese medical diagnostic X-ray workers. Dose determination was performed using a specially developed automatic spectrum processing procedure. The determined dose values owing to X rays for the three workers with entry year (the year they began their career as medical diagnostic X-ray workers) in the 1950s ranged from 435 to 903 mGy, the converted effective doses ranged from 91 to 190 mSv.  相似文献   

Earlier particle experiments in the 1970s on Pioneer-10 and -11 and Voyager-1 and -2 provided Jupiter flyby particle data, which were used by Divine and Garrett to develop the first Jupiter trapped radiation environment model. This model was used to establish a baseline radiation effects design limit for the Galileo onboard electronics. Recently, Garrett et al. have developed an updated Galileo Interim Radiation Environment (GIRE) model based on Galileo electron data. In this paper, we have used the GIRE model to reassess the computed radiation exposures and dose effects for Galileo. The 34-orbit 'as flown' Galileo trajectory data and the updated GIRE model were used to compute the electron and proton spectra for each of the 34 orbits. The total ionisation doses of electrons and protons have been computed based on a parametric shielding configuration, and these results are compared with previously published results.  相似文献   

《NDT International》1980,13(4):165-168
The results of a personnel radiation monitoring programme conducted by the Division of Radiological Protection in Bombay, India are described. The results of the programme indicate that the percentage of radiation workers in the dose range 0.01 to 0.05 Sv (1 to 5 rem) is on average higher in India than for other countries.  相似文献   

The Czech approach to limit the occupational exposures to natural radiation is based on the rules given by the Atomic Act and by the Decree of the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) on radiation protection. Workplaces with potential risk of increased exposure to natural sources are specified explicitly. A new method to perform the above-mentioned measurements and to determine the effective doses of workers was proposed in 2005 and accepted by the SONS in 2007. The first experience illustrates its applicability.  相似文献   

In interventional radiology, occupational radiation doses can be high. Therefore, many authors have established conversion coefficients from the dose-area product data or from the personal dosemeter reading to the effective dose of the radiologist. These conversion coefficients are studied also in this work, with an emphasis on sensitivity of the results to changes in exposure conditions. Comparison to earlier works indicates that, for the exposure conditions examined in this work, all previous models discussed in this work overestimate the effective dose of the radiologist when a lead apron and a thyroid shield are used. Without the thyroid shield, underestimation may occur with some models.  相似文献   

Workplace exposure to optical radiation from artificial sources is regulated in Europe under the Artificial Optical Radiation Directive 2006/25/EC implemented in the UK as The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010. The entertainment environment often presents an extremely complex situation for the assessment of occupational exposures. Multiple illumination sources, continuously changing illumination conditions and people moving during performances add further complexity to the assessment. This document proposes a methodology for assessing the risks arising from exposure to optical radiation and presents detailed case studies of practical assessment for two large entertainment venues.  相似文献   

The current focus on networking and mutual assistance in the management of radiation accidents or incidents has demonstrated the importance of a joined-up approach in physical and biological dosimetry. To this end, the European Radiation Dosimetry Working Group 10 on 'Retrospective Dosimetry' has been set up by individuals from a wide range of disciplines across Europe. Here, established and emerging dosimetry methods are reviewed, which can be used immediately and retrospectively following external ionising radiation exposure. Endpoints and assays include dicentrics, translocations, premature chromosome condensation, micronuclei, somatic mutations, gene expression, electron paramagnetic resonance, thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, neutron activation, haematology, protein biomarkers and analytical dose reconstruction. Individual characteristics of these techniques, their limitations and potential for further development are reviewed, and their usefulness in specific exposure scenarios is discussed. Whilst no single technique fulfils the criteria of an ideal dosemeter, an integrated approach using multiple techniques tailored to the exposure scenario can cover most requirements.  相似文献   

An ongoing case-control study evaluating the association between workplace external radiation exposures and leukaemia mortality required an assessment of internal plutonium exposures as a potential confounder. Of the study participants, 1,092 were employed at four Department of Energy sites where plutonium-bearing materials were processed or stored. Exposures were assessed by first categorising exposure potentials based on available bioassay data, then estimating doses for workers in the highest categories using recent recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Given the aetiology of leukaemia, equivalent dose to active bone marrow was chosen as the exposure variable. There were 556 workers each with at least one plutonium bioassay result, assigned to one of three evaluation categories. Dose estimates were made for 115 workers resulting in a collective equivalent dose of 2.1 person-Sv for 2,822 exposure-years, compared with 29.8 person-Sv estimated from photon exposures. Modelling uncertainties were examined by comparison of results from independent analyses and by Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

Occupational radiation exposure to norms in a gold mine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

For this study, the individual annual dose information on classified workers who are occupationally exposed to extended radiation sources in Turkey, was assessed and analysed by the Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Centre dosimetry service at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority for the years 1995-1999. The radiation workers monitored are divided into three main work sectors: conventional industry (8.24%), medicine (90.20%) and research-education (1.56%). The average annual dose for all workers in each particular sector was 0.14, 0.38 and 0.08 mSv, respectively, in 1995-1999. This paper contains the detailed analysis of occupational exposure. The statistical analysis provided includes the mean annual dose, the collective dose, the distributions of the dose over the different sectors and the number of workers who have exceeded any of the established dose levels.  相似文献   

In 1999 about 6208 radiation workers from 389 departments were monitored by CLOR in Poland. The distribution of annual personal doses shows that 85% of controlled workers received doses below the MDL (0.4 mSv) and about 97% controlled workers received doses below 5 mSv. Doses higher than 50 mSv were received by three operators of industrial radiography units. The radiation workers under control are divided into four main work sectors: nuclear industry, research and education, medicine, and general industry. The average annual dose for all workers in each particular sector was 0.22 mSv, 0.22 mSv, 0.30 mSv and 0.80 mSv, respectively. The average annual dose for the entire monitored population was 0.47 mSv. The average annual dose in each particular sector for number of workers receiving E > 0, i.e. Hp(10) > or = 0.4 mSv, amounted to 1.78 mSv, 2.03 mSv, 1.88 mSv and 4.85 mSv, respectively. The average annual dose for the full number of workers receiving E > 0 was 3.21 mSv. This paper contains the detailed analysis of occupational exposure. The distributions of annual occupational exposure in different work sectors are also given.  相似文献   

The paper explores the quantities and units used in radiation protection with special emphasis on their applications in occupational exposure control. An overview of the current situation reveals that there seem to be too many different quantities associated with the same unit. Some of these quantities are defined in a quite complicated manner and, therefore, may cause some confusion in their interpretation and practical use in the field. Some suggestions towards the simplification of the present system are also proposed.  相似文献   

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