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Body size is an archetypal quantitative trait with variation due to the segregation of many gene loci, each of relatively minor effect, and the environment. We examine the effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on age-specific body weights and growth in the F2 intercross of the LG/J and SM/J strains of inbred mice. Weekly weights (1-10 wk) and 75 microsatellite genotypes were obtained for 535 mice. Interval mapping was used to locate and measure the genotypic effects of QTLs on body weight and growth. QTL effects were detected on 16 of the 19 autosomes with several chromosomes carrying more than one QTL. The number of QTLs for age-specific weights varied from seven at 1 week to 17 at 10 wk. The QTLs were each of relatively minor, subequal effect. QTLs affecting early and late growth were generally distinct, mapping to different chromosomal locations indicating separate genetic and physiological systems for early and later murine growth.  相似文献   

The interpretation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies is limited by the lack of information on metabolic pathways leading to most economic traits. Inferences about the roles of the underlying genes with a pathway or the nature of their interaction with other loci are generally not possible. An exception is resistance to the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) in maize (Zea mays L.) because of maysin, a C-glycosyl flavone synthesized in silks via a branch of the well characterized flavonoid pathway. Our results using flavone synthesis as a model QTL system indicate: (i) the importance of regulatory loci as QTLs, (ii) the importance of interconnecting biochemical pathways on product levels, (iii) evidence for "channeling" of intermediates, allowing independent synthesis of related compounds, (iv) the utility of QTL analysis in clarifying the role of specific genes in a biochemical pathway, and (v) identification of a previously unknown locus on chromosome 9S affecting flavone level. A greater understanding of the genetic basis of maysin synthesis and associated corn earworm resistance should lead to improved breeding strategies. More broadly, the insights gained in relating a defined genetic and biochemical pathway affecting a quantitative trait should enhance interpretation of the biological basis of variation for other quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing body weight were mapped by linkage analysis in crosses between a high body weight selected line (DU6) and a control line (DUKs). The two mouse lines differ in body weight by 106% and in abdominal fat weight by 100% at 42 days. They were generated from the same base population and maintained as outbred colonies. Determination of line-specific allele frequencies at microsatellite markers spanning the genome indicated significant changes between the lines on 15 autosomes and the X chromosome. To confirm these effects, a QTL analysis was performed using structured F2 pedigrees derived from crosses of a single male from DU6 with a female from DUKs. QTL significant at the genome-wide level were mapped for body weight on chromosome 11; for abdominal fat weight on chromosomes 4, 11, and 13; for abdominal fat percentage on chromosomes 3 and 4; and for the weights of liver on chromosomes 4 and 11, of kidney on chromosomes 2 and 9, and of spleen on chromosome 11. The strong effect on body weight of the QTL on chromosome 11 was confirmed in three independent pedigrees. The effect was additive and independent of sex, accounting for 21-35% of the phenotypic variance of body weight within the corresponding F2 populations. The test for multiple QTL on chromosome 11 with combined data from all pedigrees indicated the segregation of two loci separated by 36 cM influencing body weight.  相似文献   

Recombinant inbred (RI) strains can make an important contribution toward the merger of molecular genetics and quantitative genetics in the quest for quantitative trait loci (QTL). We present preliminary analyses of alcohol-related processes from our ongoing research using the BXD RI series. Issues concerning reliability, genetic correlations, and RI QTL analysis are discussed. Several strategies for replication and extension of QTL candidate regions are considered: F1 crosses between RI strains, F2 crosses, heterogeneous stock, interspecific backcrosses, QTL selection, and the use of murine QTL in chromosomal regions syntenic to human chromosomes as candidate chromosomal regions for human QTL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic role of emergency hemodynamic studies, in the coronary intensive care (UCI). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study of--patients (P) submitted to emergency catheterization. PATIENTS: 183 P (152 M and 31 F), mean age 56 +/- 11.5 years, admitted to UCI of Hospital Santa Marta and who had cardiac catheterization performed, between October 88 and November 92. METHODS: Patient clinical files were reviewed. We considered the reasons for emergency cardiac catheterization; final diagnosis; complications in the first 24 hours; catheterization role in the therapeutic orientation. RESULTS: Reasons for hemodynamic study were: coronary artery disease (CAD) in 127 P (69%); aortic dissection in 33 P (18%); valvular disease in 19 P (10%) and other in 4 P (3%). Clinical diagnosis was confirmed in 92% and changed in 8% by hemodynamic study results. Left main coronary artery disease was diagnosed in 6.5% of CAD patients. Coronary artery disease was excluded in 5 P with previous CAD diagnosis, in 19 P with aortic dissection and in 11 valvular patients. 32% of P were sent to emergent surgery: 93% ascending aortic dissection and 20% of CAD, 76% of valvular disease. The hemodynamic study was decisive in the therapeutic option of myocardial revascularization in 77% of P with CAD: 39 emergent PTCA (31%), 13 primary (33%) and 14 P oriented to elective PTCA (11%); 26 emergent surgery and 19 P oriented to elective surgery (15%). The emergency cardiac catheterization mortality rate was 0.5%, and the morbidity 2.7%. CONCLUSIONS: The contribution of Hemodynamic Department to UCI was decisive in the diagnostic and therapeutic orientation of critical patients.  相似文献   

The incidence of tongue carcinomas (TCs) induced by oral administration of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide in rats is strain dependent. The inbred Dark-Agouti (DA) strain showed a much higher susceptibility to large mass-forming infiltrative TCs than did the Wistar-Furth (WF) strain. Our previous study (M. Kitano et al, Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 87: 1097-1101, 1996) on crosses between these two strains postulated a dominant susceptibility gene in DA and a dominant resistance gene in WF rats. The present study mapped these loci by analyzing the backcrosses to each parent with simple sequence repeat polymorphisms. Five quantitative parameters were analyzed: (a) the number of TCs > 5 mm in diameter; (b) the total number of TCs per rat; (c) the diameter of the largest TCs (DTCmax values); (d) the number of non-TC cancers per rat; and (e) and the number of cancers of any site per rat. All of these parameters were closely correlated (P < 0.0001). DA rats had a semidominant gene (Stc1) favoring the development of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide-induced cancers on chromosome 19, closely linked to D19Mit9. Peak linkage was observed 4 cM distal from D19Mit9, with a logarithm of the odds (lod) score of 5.72 for the number of large TCs and 6.08 for the DTCmax. On the other hand, WF rats had a semidominant gene (Rtc1) mapped between D1Mit1 and D1Mit3, approximately 20 cM from D1Mit1, with a peak lod score of 3.30 for both the number of large TCs and the DTCmax. The main effect of Rtc1 seemed to be to reduce the size of the TCs. The action of these genes was dose dependent and cooperative. The final incidence of TC in DA, WF, F1, and backcross rats seemed to be explained by combinations of genotype at these two loci. Possible candidate genes for Stc1 and Rtc1 are discussed.  相似文献   

Queens from three colonies of feral honey bees, Apis mellifera were removed and placed in separate nucleus colonies. For each colony, eggs and larvae were taken from the nucleus and placed in the main hive on each of 3-4 consecutive weeks. Workers in the queenless parts selected young larvae to rear as queens. Queen pupae, together with the surrounding worker pupae, were removed from each colony and analysed at two to three microsatellite loci to determine their paternity. In all three colonies, the paternity of larvae chosen by the bees to rear as queens was not a random sample of the paternities in the worker brood, with certain subfamilies being over-represented in queens. These results support an important prediction of kin selection theory: when colonies are queenless, unequal relatedness within colonies could lead to the evolution of reproductive competition, that is some subfamilies achieving greater reproductive success than others. The mechanism by which such dominance is achieved could be through a system of kin recognition and nepotism, but we conclude that genetically based differential attractiveness of larvae for rearing as queens is more likely.Copyright 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal BehaviourCopyright 1997The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Conspicuous differences in floral morphology are partly responsible for reproductive isolation between two sympatric species of monkeyflower because of their effect on visitation of the flowers by different pollinators. Mimulus lewisii flowers are visited primarily by bumblebees, whereas M. cardinalis flowers are visited mostly by hummingbirds. The genetic control of 12 morphological differences between the flowers of M. lewisii and M. cardinalis was explored in a large linkage mapping population of F2 plants n = 465 to provide an accurate estimate of the number and magnitude of effect of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) governing each character. Between one and six QTLs were identified for each trait. Most (9/12) traits appear to be controlled in part by at least one major QTL explaining >/=25% of the total phenotypic variance. This implies that either single genes of individually large effect or linked clusters of genes with a large cumulative effect can play a role in the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

In the two-stage rat bladder carcinogenesis model using N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) as an initiator and sodium L-ascorbate (SA) as a promoter, we found a notable strain difference between F344/DuCrj (F344) and WS/Shi (WS) rats in susceptibility to the promoting effect of SA. Twenty each of F344, WS and reciprocal F1 hybrid rats were given 0.05% BBN in their drinking water for 4 weeks and then a basal diet with (BBN-SA group) or without (BBN group) a 5% SA supplement for 32 weeks. In F344 and also in reciprocal F1 hybrids, the number of tumors per rat was significantly higher in the BBN-SA group than in the BBN group (P < 0.0001). In contrast, WS rats were not significantly affected by either treatment (P = 0.8). These findings indicate that F344 rats are highly susceptible to the promoter effect of SA, but WS rats are not. Linkage analysis of 108 WSx (WS x F344) F1 backcrosses revealed that this difference was related to a quantitative trait locus mapped on rat Chr. 17 (maximum LOD score, 3.86) named Bladder Tumor Susceptible-1 and possibly another locus on Chr. 5 (maximum LOD score, 2.39). This study has provided the first evidence that host genes influence the risk of bladder cancer development.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci for immune capacity in the pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immune capacity traits show considerable genetic variation in outbred populations. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for immune capacity in the pig, various measures of immune function (total and differential leukocyte counts, neutrophil phagocytosis, mitogen-induced proliferation, IL-2 production, and virus induced IFN-alpha production in whole blood cultures, and Ab responses to two Escherichia coli antigens) were determined in 200 F2 animals from a wild pig-Swedish Yorkshire intercross. The pedigree has been typed for 236 genetic markers covering all autosomes, the X chromosome and the X/Y pseudoautosomal region. Through interval mapping using a least-squares method, four QTLs with significant effects were identified; one for total leukocyte counts, one for mitogen-induced proliferation, one for prevaccination levels of Abs to E. coli Ag K88, and one for Ab response to the O149 Ag. In addition, several putative QTLs were indicated. The results from the present study conclusively show that it is possible to identify QTLs for immune capacity traits in outbred pig populations by genome analysis.  相似文献   

Extreme discordant sib pairs for mapping quantitative trait loci in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Analysis of differences between siblings (sib pair analysis) is a standard method of genetic linkage analysis for mapping quantitative trait loci, such as those contributing to hypertension and obesity, in humans. In traditional designs, pairs are selected at random or with one sib having an extreme trait value. The majority of such pairs provide little power to detect linkage; only pairs that are concordant for high values, low values, or extremely discordant pairs (for example, one in the top 10 percent and the other in the bottom 10 percent of the distribution) provide substantial power. Focus on discordant pairs can reduce the amount of genotyping necessary over conventional designs by 10- to 40-fold.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the mapping of multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in line crosses for which the genetic data are highly incomplete. Such complicated situations occur, for instance, when dominant markers are used or when unequally informative markers are used in experiments with outbred populations. We describe a general and flexible Monte Carlo expectation-maximization (Monte Carlo EM) algorithm for fitting multiple-QTL models to such data. Implementation of this algorithm is straightforward in standard statistical software, but computation may take much time. The method may be generalized to cope with more complex models for animal and human pedigrees. A practical example is presented, where a three-QTL model is adopted in an outbreeding situation with dominant markers. The example is concerned with the linkage between randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and QTLs for partial resistance to Fusarium oxysporum in lily.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the efficacy of the combination of cisplatin, fluorouracil, and high-dose l-leucovorin (PFL) as organ-preserving induction therapy followed by radiotherapy in untreated patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a phase II study of PFL in 47 patients with resectable stage III (n = 20) and IV (n = 27) M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, including larynx (n = 20), hypopharynx (n = 14), and oropharynx (n = 13). The PFL regimen consisted of cisplatin 25 mg/m2 on days 1 through 5, fluorouracil 800 mg/m2 CI on days 2 through 6, and l-leucovorin 250 mg/m2 on days 1 through 6, all by continuous intravenous infusion every 21 to 28 days for three courses. The primary study endpoint was initial response to and local disease control rate with PFL as induction chemotherapy, with an aim to confirm the previously reported complete response rate of 60% to 70%. RESULTS: Of 47 patients enrolled, 46 were evaluable for response to PFL, 14 (30%) achieved a complete response, and 25 (54%) achieved a partial response, for an overall response rate of 84%. Of 39 patients evaluable for response after radiation therapy, 27 (69%) achieved a complete response and 11 (28%) a partial response. Local disease control was achieved in 37 of 46 (80%). Grade 3 or 4 toxic effects occurred frequently, with neutropenia in 27 (59%) of 46 evaluable patients, thrombocytopenia in 30%, mucositis in 41%, diarrhea in 13%, and nausea/ vomiting in 13%, but there were no treatment-related deaths. With a median follow-up of 35 months there have been nine recurrences (four local/regional and five distant) and 17 deaths (12 in patients with disease progression and five not directly related to the primary tumor). Second primary tumors have developed in six patients. At 3 years 62% of the patients remain alive with no disease progression, and the 3-year survival estimate with preserved organ function is 66%. CONCLUSION: PFL induction chemotherapy produced only a modest complete response rate, possibly due to suboptimal dose intensity, and was associated with substantial, although not life-threatening, toxicity. Newer regimens and treatment modalities are still needed in the management of advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.  相似文献   

Daughter and granddaughter half-sib designs for mapping quantitative trait loci were modified to increase experimental power. This new design includes a two-stage procedure, in contrast to conventional one-step half-sib designs. In stage 1, a few progeny of each sire are genotyped for marker loci. Based on the analyses of stage 1 data, some sires are chosen to continue genotyping more progeny for stage 2. When multiple chromosomes are under investigation, chromosomes and sires for stage 2 are selected based on the analysis of stage 1 data. Sire selection results in increased frequency of heterozygous genotypes of interest in stage 2 if the markers are linked to those genes. Chromosome selection can increase the proportion of chromosomes with segregating quantitative trait loci in stage 2 if not all of the chromosomes evaluated in stage 1 have segregating quantitative trait loci. Numerical results indicated that two-stage half-sib designs are generally more powerful than conventional designs when 1) the noncentrality parameter is moderate or larger, 2) larger quantitative trait loci are mapped using tightly linked markers in larger families, and 3) variation is large in numbers and sizes of segregating quantitative trait loci among the chromosomes evaluated in stage 1.  相似文献   

SEWALL WRIGHT suggested that genes of large effect on a quantitative trait could be isolated by recurrent backcrossing with selection on the trait. Loci [quantitative trait loci (QTL)] at which the recurrent and nonrecurrent lines have genes of different large effect on the trait would remain segregating, while other loci would become fixed for the gene carried by the recurrent parent. If the recurrent line is inbred and the backcrossing and selection is conducted in a series of replicate lines, in each of which only one backcross parent is selected for each generation, the lines will become congenic to the recurrent parent except for the QTL of large effect and closely linked regions of the genome, and these regions can be identified using a dense set of markers that differ between the parental lines. Such lines would be particularly valuable for subsequent fine-scale mapping and gene cloning; but by chance, even QTL of large effect will be lost from some lines. The probability that QTL of specified effect remain segregating is computed as a function of its effect on the trait, the intensity of selection, and the number of generations of backcrossing. Analytical formulas are given for one or two loci, and simulation is used for more. It is shown that the method could have substantial discriminating ability and thus potential practical value.  相似文献   

Lander and Botstein introduced statistical methods for searching an entire genome for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in experimental organisms, with emphasis on a backcross design and QTL having only additive effects. We extend their results to intercross and other designs, and we compare the power of the resulting test as a function of the magnitude of the additive and dominance effects, the sample size and intermarker distances. We also compare three methods for constructing confidence regions for a QTL: likelihood regions, Bayesian credible sets, and support regions. We show that with an appropriate evaluation of the coverage probability a support region is approximately a confidence region, and we provide a theroretical explanation of the empirical observation that the size of the support region is proportional to the sample size, not the square root of the sample size, as one might expect from standard statistical theory.  相似文献   

The alcohol breath test (ABT) is evaluated for variability in response to changes in physiological parameters. The ABT was originally developed in the 1950s, at a time when understanding of pulmonary physiology was quite limited. Over the past decade, physiological studies have shown that alcohol is exchanged entirely within the conducting airways via diffusion from the bronchial circulation. This is in sharp contrast to the old idea that alcohol exchanges in the alveoli in a manner similar to the lower solubility respiratory gases (O2 and CO2). The airway alcohol exchange process is diffusion (airway tissue) and perfusion (bronchial circulation) limited. The dynamics of airway alcohol exchange results in a positively sloped exhaled alveolar plateau that contributes to considerable breathing pattern-dependent variation in measured breath alcohol concentration measurements.  相似文献   

We have analyzed LSXSS recumbinant inbred for ethanol-induced activity using 2.0 g/kg ethanol and a new method we call ethanol activation slope. The ethanol activation slope provides a robust dose-response measure of ethanol activation, independent of both activity after saline and the inhibitory effects of ethanol on locomotor activity. These behavioral data were used in a quantitative trait locus analysis to map chromosomal loci involved in ethanol-induced locomotor activity. We tentatively identified seven loci that mediate the low-dose stimulatory effect of ethanol and six loci involved in locomotion after 2.0 g/kg ethanol. Only one of the loci are in common between the two behaviors. We also compared the behavioral quantitative trait locus to those previously identified that are involved in regulating central nervous system neurotensin levels and neurotensin receptor densities. Six chromosomal regions were identified that regulate at least one central nervous system neurotensin measure and an ethanol-induced locomotor behavior. The identification of loci controlling both central nervous system neurotensin levels or neurotensin receptor densities and ethanol-induced locomotor activity strengthens the proposal that neurotensin regulates, in part, ethanol-induced behaviors and central nervous system sensitivity to ethanol.  相似文献   

Rats were given a single injection of streptozotocin. They became diabetic with a blood sugar of around 300 mg dL-1. They were divided into three groups of six rats each. Group II was the diabetic control. Each one of group III diabetic rats received daily 2 ml of 2% solution of lysine supplement orally. Group IV received daily 2 ml of a 2% solution of a mixture of amino acids supplement for 120 days. In addition there were 6 rats as normal control (Group I). Periodically ophthalmic examination was done by slit lamp. Blood glucose, proteins, hemoglobin, free amino acids, glycosylated hemoglobin and glycated lens proteins were also analysed. Body weight was recorded. The diabetic controls decreased in body weight. The blood sugar levels were lowered from about 295 mg dL-1 to 99 mg dL-1 in the lysine-fed group and from 268 mg dL-1 to 126 mg dL-1 in the amino acids mixture-fed group. The levels of glycosylated hemoglobin and glycated lens proteins increased in diabetic controls while they were normal in other groups. The free amino acid levels in blood were lower in groups receiving lysine or amino acids than in diabetic controls indicating their better utilization. In diabetic control, all the animals developed cataract in 70-90 days; five out of six did not develop cataract in the lysine supplemented group. Four of six did not develop cataract in the amino acid mixture-supplemented group. None developed cataract in normal controls. Lysine and amino acids have anticataractous and antidiabetic effects.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling inflammatory diseases with different organ specificity may hypothetically either be unique for one disease or shared among different diseases. We have investigated whether five non-MHC QTL controlling susceptibility to experimental arthritis in the DA rat also influence myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in an F2 intercross between inbred DA and PVG.RT1a rats. Two of the five chromosome regions affecting arthritis in the DA rat also regulate phenotypes of EAE. The DA allele at markers in Cia3 (collagen-induced arthritis QTL) on chromosome 4 is associated with more severe EAE and high levels of anti-MOG antibodies of the IgG2c subclass. Since production of antibodies of the IgG2c subclass may be stimulated by Th1 cells, and there is previous evidence that such cells promote EAE, it is possible that both of the studied phenotypes are controlled by the same gene or genes regulating Th1/Th2 cell differentiation. Furthermore, we show that Oia2 (oil-induced arthritis QTL) on chromosome 4 regulates levels of anti-MOG antibodies of the IgG1 subclass and of anti-MOG IgE, but that this gene region does not affect clinical disease severity in our study. Since production of IgE and IgG1 may be stimulated by Th2 cells, this QTL may also control Th1/Th2 bias. We conclude that Cia3 and Oia2 regulate MOG-induced EAE in rats. Furthermore, since both EAE and arthritis phenotypes co-localize to these gene regions, they may harbor genes which are key regulators of pathogenic immune responses.  相似文献   

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