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The three-dimensional structure of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the putative transmembrane segment M3 (amino acid residues 277-301) of the alpha subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica has been studied by means of two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy in a chloroform/methanol (1:1) mixture containing 0.1 M LiClO4. Complete resonance assignment has been performed using double-quantum-filtered COSY (DQF-COSY), TOCSY and NOESY spectra. The spatial structure has been calculated using the Diana program on the basis of integrated intensities of NOESY spectra. HN-C(alpha)H and HC(alpha)-C(beta)H spin-spin coupling constants. Residues 279-297 of M3 form a right-handed helix (root mean square deviation is 0.032 nm for backbone atoms and 0.088 nm for all heavy atoms). The conformations of the 17 side chains have been unambiguously determined. The obtained structure is in accord with the photolabeling pattern of the membrane nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) which suggests alpha-helical structure of M3 in the labeled portion [Blanton, M. P. & Cohen, J. B. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 2859-2872].  相似文献   

Patients with successfully repaired coarctation of the aorta have impaired distensibility. Age at surgery as well as left ventricular mass index are factors that are related to the distensibility index.  相似文献   

The length-active tension relation has been previously reported to be decreased or unchanged in hypertensive vessels whereas resting distensibility was unchanged or increased. We found the maximum active stress and the internal ring circumference, in millimeters, at which it occurs (Lmax) to be lower in arterial rings from perinephritic hypertensive dogs than in rings from normotensive dogs. The internal circumferences (length) at which resting force and active force became zero (L0 and Lmin, respectively) were unchanged. Lmax, L0 and Lmin were used to normalize length-tension diagrams. Active stress was significantly lower in hypertensive vessels at most of the lengths tested with the diagram normalized to Lmax. When the length-tension diagram was normalized to Lmin there was no difference in the active stress at any of the lengths tested. The length-resting stress curves were identical when rhe diagram was normalized to Lmax but the curve for hypertensive vessels was higher when the diagram was normalized to L0. An important characteristic of these length-tension curves is that normalized lengths correspond to the same absolute length in each group of vessels when the reference length has the same absolute value (L0 and Lmin in this study). This separates differences due to absolute length from differences associated with hypertension. We conclude that perinephritic hypertension in the dog is accompanied by a decrease in resting distensibility of the arterial wall. The results indicate that the choice of reference length may affect the values of stress and tension that are obtained for comparison of length-tension relationships in hypertensive and normotensive blood vessels.  相似文献   

Following oral administration of methionine in high doses to normotensive (NR) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats, its degradation product, homocysteine (HC), which is markedly elevated in serum, exerts an angiotoxic action directed to the aorta. This is accompanied by considerable loss of endothelium and degeneration, partly with dissolution of the media cells with formation of characteristic processes of the degenerating mitochondria, and by elevated HC and cystathion (CT) values in the aortic wall. At the arterial vessels of other organs similar alterations did not occur. There are quantitative differences between NR and SHR. In SHR, serum shows higher HC and CT concentrations than in NR, and the methionine-related aortic alterations are considerably more pronounced and develop earlier, with the additional formation of connective tissue. Here, a certain dependence on the methionine dose is noted, in contrast to NR, for which the magnitude of the reaction appears to be more related to the length of time of methionine application. Additional administration of atherogenic substances (cholestane-3 beta, 5 alpha, 6 beta-triol, cholesterol, angiotensin II, cholic acid with methylthiouracil) in SHR causes an exacerbation of the methionine-related aortic alterations. Only cholestane-triol has the same effect on the aortic wall in NR and SHR, with more accentuation in SHR. Cholestane-triol has, in NR as well as in SHR, a high coincidence with methionine-induced morphological reactions including the formation of mitochondrial processes. Simultaneous application of these two substances did not cause a potentiation of the effect. High doses of cholesterol bring about aortic alterations in SHR but not in NR. Thus, in addition to the disorder of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, disturbed protein metabolism is of decisive importance as a risk factor for coronary and other vascular diseases.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for reduced arterial distensibility in renal transplant recipients remain to be evaluated. The present longitudinal study was aimed to evaluate the effect of hypertension on the evolution of vessel wall properties in renal transplant recipients. The mechanical properties of the common carotid artery were determined in 24 normotensive and 24 treated hypertensive renal transplant recipients 6-12 weeks after transplantation. The measurements were repeated after 2 years. Arterial distension was determined by using a multigate pulsed Doppler system, blood pressure (BP) was measured by a mercury sphygmomanometer. BP was 127 +/- 3/80 +/- 2 mm Hg at entry and 133 +/- 3/82 +/- 2 mm Hg after 2 years in the normotensive group, 146 +/- 4/90 +/- 3 mm Hg at entry and 145 +/- 3/87 +/- 2 mm Hg after 2 years in the hypertensive group (P < 0.01, normotensives vs hypertensives). The distensibility coefficient (DC) decreased significantly after 2 years in the hypertensive group (DC 18.3 +/- 1.3 10(-3)/kPa before, 15.1 +/- 1.2 10(-3)/kPa after 2 years, P < 0.05) whereas no significant change was observed in the normotensive group (DC 19.0 +/- 1.4 10(-3)/kPa before, DC 17.8 +/- 1.3 10(-3)/kPa after 2 years, NS). There was a significant correlation between the change of the distensibility coefficient after 2 years and mean arterial pressure (n = 48, r = 0.42, P < 0.01). The results show that the decrease of arterial distensibility after 2 years is accelerated in hypertensive renal transplant recipients despite effective anti-hypertensive treatment. Since BP levels were not different at entry into the study and after 2 years, differences in distending pressure along cannot explain the more pronounced decrease of arterial distensibility over time in hypertensive renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between the mechanical properties of the carotid artery wall and baroreflex function after acute reduction of blood pressure with lacidipine in essential hypertension. DESIGN: After 15 days of placebo washout, the hypertensive patients underwent a single-blind haemodynamic study before and 90 min after administration of 4 mg lacidipine (a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist). METHODS: Brachial intra-arterial blood pressure was recorded in eight mild-to-moderate essential hypertensive patients aged 40-53 years (mean +/- SEM 46.8 +/- 4.7 years). The carotid pulse diameter was recorded simultaneously by an echo-tracking technique. The mechanical properties of the carotid artery wall were evaluated by calculating Peterson's incremental elastic modulus (Ep) both as an averaged value of 10 heart cycles with stable blood pressure and was the dynamic correlation, on a beat-to-beat basis, of Ep and the systolic blood pressure during a 20 mmHg increase in blood pressure following a bolus injection of phenylephrine. The elastic properties of the carotid artery were investigated further by determining the correlation between the systolic pressure and systolic diameter, beat by beat, during a ramped increase of blood pressure after phenylephrine administration. The baroreceptor reflex sensitivity was measured simultaneously by the Oxford method and by correlating Ep and the electrocardiographic R-R' interval on a beat-to-beat basis during phenylephrine injections. RESULTS: After lacidipine administration Peterson's elastic modulus, measured under resting steady-state conditions, was reduced (18.7 +/- 7.4 versus 16.4 +/- 6 x 10(5) dyne/cm2), whereas the baroreflex sensitivity was unchanged (6.6 +/- 3.3 versus 6.3 +/- 0.2 ms/mmHg) and resetting of the baroreflex had occurred. At the same time, the correlations between the systolic blood pressure and Ep and between the systolic blood pressure and carotid systolic diameter over a 20 mmHg increase in blood pressure were unchanged. Moreover, the correlations between the systolic blood pressure and the R-R' interval and between Ep and R-R' interval during the phenylephrine-induced blood pressure increase did not differ statistically. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the resetting of the baroreflex after the acute reduction in blood pressure caused by lacidipine is dissociated from mechanical changes in the carotid artery wall.  相似文献   

We measured mean blood flow velocity (MFV) and Fourier pulsatility index (PI) of the M1 portion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) by transcranial Doppler mapping technique (2 MHz, Trans-scan, EME Co., Ltd.). The correlations between these parameters and arteriosclerotic risk factors such as aging, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were examined. Healthy volunteers as well as patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus were studied. A total of 59 persons (85 MCAs) consisting of 30 males (mean age 54.4, 24-81 years) and 29 females (mean age 54.8, 20-75 years) were enrolled in this study. Some hypertensive or diabetic subjects had previous cerebrovascular disease, therefore cases who had only minor stroke or asymptomatic infarction without significant lesions in carotid artery system were included. After excluding brain embolism, these subjects were divided into three groups as normotensive/non diabetic group (NT/non DM), hypertensive group (HT) and diabetic group (DM). In each group, MFV decreased with aging, being more evident in the HT and DM groups than in the NT/non DM group. Fourier PI also showed a significant increase with aging, and the correlation was stronger than that between MFV and age. Moreover, these trends of age-Fourier PI relationship were more highly significant in HT and DM groups than NT/non DM group. In cases with HT or DM, age-related arterial changes appeared to be more severe than in those without. Fourier PI seemed valuable for detecting arterial lesions with aging, HT and DM.  相似文献   

Comparison of the clinical features, especially prognosis, in cerebral infarction was made between nine normotensive subjects and 16 hypertensive patients with an 80% stenosis or occlusion of the intracranial or extracranial arteries. Our own criteria for evaluating hypertension were employed on the basis of the following items: a past history of hypertension, blood pressure levels on admission and during hospitalization, degree of retinopathy, and ECG changes. In 17 of 25 cases, brain circulation was measured by the intravenous RISA technique. Abnormalities of the EEG and reduction of cranial blood flow were greater, and an early prognosis for neurological deficits in the first two months after the onset of stroke was poorer in the hypertensive group than inthe normotensive group. These results are contradictory to the observations of others.  相似文献   

It is well-known that central administration of tachykinins (Tks) inhibit salt intake in rats. Recent studies have shown that conditions that arouse salt appetite, such as adrenalectomy and sodium depletion, induce a decrease in preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A) mRNA in discrete regions of the rat brain, suggesting that reduced levels of PPT-A mRNA in the brain may have a permissive role on the expression of salt appetite. It has also been shown that spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) show higher avidity for salty solutions than their normotensive control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. In this regard, the present study tested whether SHR and WKY rats differ in expression of the gene coding for PPT-A, the precursor for Tks peptides. Using semi-quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry, we examined the level of PPT-A mRNA in discrete rat brain regions of SHR and WKY rats under no treatment, after 1 or 3 days of Na+ depletion. Levels of PPT-A mRNA were analysed in the olfactory tubercle (Tu), in the lateral olfactory tubercle (LOT), in the dorsal and ventral caudate putamen (d/v CPu), in the medial preoptic area (mPOA), in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), in the habenula (Hb) and in the postero-dorsal part of the amygdala (MePD). Semi-quantitative analysis of silver grains revealed a 27.5% lower expression of the PPT-A mRNA levels in SHR opposite to WKY rats under no treatment in v-CPu, mPOA, BNST and Hb. 1 day of Na+ depletion reduced PPT-A mRNA levels when opposite to Na+-repleted animals in Tu and mPOA in both SHR and WKY rats. On the other hand, when comparing SHR and WKY rats after 1 day of Na+ depletion, a 26% lower level of PPT-A mRNA was detected in Tu and d-CPu of SHR opposite to WKY rats whereas a 14% and an 18% lower level was detected in v-CPu and Hb, respectively. A lower expression of PPT-A mRNA in SHR compared to WKY rats was also found in BNST and MePD, although no statistical significance was detected in these two brain areas. In the last experiment, 3 days of Na+ depletion reduced PPT-A mRNA levels in mPOA while negligibly increased mRNA levels in d-CPu and v-CPu, in BNST, Hb and MePD, both in SHR and WKY rats. Conversely, when making comparisons between the two strains, a 35% lower level of PPT-A mRNA in SHR with respect to WKY rats was found after 3 days of Na+ depletion in d-CPu, v-CPu and mPOA. A lower gene expression, even though not statistically significant, was found in Tu, LOT, MePD. These findings show a consistent difference of PPT-A mRNA levels in discrete regions of the SHR brain opposite to WKY rats and confirm that 1 day of Na+ depletion reduces PPT-A mRNA in discrete brain regions. Since SHR are notoriously more salt-avid than WKY rats and Tks are potent inhibitors of sodium intake, the down-regulation of PPT-A mRNA may contribute to the higher natriophilia and, therefore, to the etiology of the hypertensive disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify entry characteristics associated with subsequent myocardial infarction in treated hypertensive patients. DESIGN: Nested case-control study and cohort study. SETTING AND PATIENTS: The 5730 participants (mean age 53 years; 61% male and 45% Caucasian) were selected from a worksite-based, union-sponsored, systematic hypertension control program from 1973 to 1992. METHODS: In the case-control study myocardial infarction cases were matched by age, sex, year of entry to the program, years of follow-up and previous treatment status (treated or untreated) with non-event subjects. Baseline clinical and biochemical characteristics were analyzed with regard to the outcome of myocardial infarction, using univariate and multivariate analyses, respectively, in case-control and cohort studies. RESULTS: During 5.43 years of follow-up the incidence of myocardial infarction was 6.75/1000 person-years. Univariate analysis indicated that myocardial infarction cases had higher cholesterol level and were more likely to have a previous history of diabetes than controls. The initial systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure of cases were significantly higher than in controls. Logistic regression models indicated that initial pulse pressure, either as a continuous or as a categorical variable, was the only measure of blood pressure independently associated with myocardial infarction after adjustment for other risk factors. Analysis of the experience of the total 5730 as well as 2445 previously untreated patients with a cohort study generated identical results. CONCLUSION: A large pulse pressure difference appears to be the most powerful measure available of initial blood pressure to identify, in advance, those hypertensive patients at greatest risk for a subsequent myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

To assess the value of intravascular ultrasound in detecting carotid atherosclerosis, we compared the ultrasound images of 48 carotid artery segments from autopsies with their histological findings. The results showed that by intravascular ultrasonography one could distinguish between elastic and muscular tissues of arteries, determine the lesions of fibroelastosis and calcified plaques on arterial wall, and precisely measure the wall thickness, inner and outer diameter, luminal area and cross-sectional area of arteries with a high correlation between the data measured from ultrasonography and histological study (r values were 0.98, 0.97, 0.97, 0.96 and 0.96, respectively). This study suggests that intravascular ultrasound might be effectively used for morphological study and detection of atherosclerotic lesions in vivo.  相似文献   

A spontaneous cystic keratinizing epithelioma in the lung of a 704-day-old female Hsd:Sprague-Dawley rat is described. The rat had a white subpleural discoloration on 1 diaphragmatic lobe at necropsy. Microscopically, a central keratin mass, surrounded by a multilayered squamous epithelium of varying thickness, was found. In the periphery of the tumor, epithelial nests projected multifocally into the adjacent alveolar spaces. Immunohistochemical labeling of nuclei by PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) revealed proliferative activity in 1 or 2 peripheral cell layers in most locations. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report dealing with the morphological and immunohistochemical features of a spontaneous cystic keratinizing epithelioma in a rat.  相似文献   

Fifty isolates belonging to the six validly described species of the genus Thermus (T. aquaticus, T. filiformis, T. thermophilus, T. scotoductus, T. brockianus, and T. oshimai) isolated from hot springs of different geographical areas were compared using macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNA and ribotyping. With the exception of presumed clones, the macrorestriction patterns of isolates obtained with EcoRI or NdeI were distinct. However, isolates belonging to the same species exhibited similar profiles particularly when they were isolated from the same hot spring. The estimated genomic size of strains of the Thermus spp. varied between approximately 1.8 and 2.5 Mbp. Ribotyping with BamHI and HindIII produced 30 and 35 distinct ribotypes, respectively. In spite of the variability of the hybridization patterns produced, the ribotypes obtained for isolates belonging to the same species also shared, in general, several fragments of identical size, and these fragments were similar when isolates originated from the same spring.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: First, to determine whether hypertensive patients managed in general practice have more advanced atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy than matched normotensive patients from the same practices. Second, to investigate the associations of several potentially modifiable factors with these vascular and cardiac outcomes. DESIGN AND METHODS: We performed a case-control study of 500 hypertensive cases (systolic blood pressure > or = 160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > or = 95 mmHg or receiving treatment) and 506 age- (mean 61 years) and sex- (54% female) matched normotensive controls recruited from general practices. Carotid artery far wall thickness (CWT), assessed by B-mode ultrasound, and left ventricular mass (LVM), assessed by M-mode echocardiography, were the main study outcome measures. RESULTS: Mean systolic/diastolic blood pressure levels in the 399 treated cases (145/87 mmHg) were lower than those in untreated cases (158/94 mmHg) but higher than those in controls (133/82 mmHg, all P < 0.0001). Mean body mass index (BMI) and total triglyceride levels were higher and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was lower in cases than in controls (all P < 0.0004). Mean CWT was 10% greater in cases than in controls and LVM was 14% greater (both P < 0.001), but both were similar in treated and untreated cases (P > 0.05). In multivariate analyses, blood pressure and BMI were both directly and independently related to CWT and LVM (both P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, hypertensive patients managed in general practice - whether treated with antihypertensive drugs or not - had more advanced atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy than did matched normotensive patients. Efforts to lower blood pressure further and to reduce BMI could potentially reduce these differences, and this might lead to a reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

A number of groups, including our own, have shown that the severity of hypertension expressed by the adult spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), which is primarily considered to be a genetic model of hypertension, can be reduced as a result of exposure to the behavioural and nutritional environment provided by a normotensive foster mother. It has been suggested that the hypertensive influence of the SHR dam may involve increased sodium delivery to the pups and there have been some reports of elevated sodium concentrations in the milk of SHR dams. However, these studies used either a long (> or =6 h) dam-pup separation period before collecting milk or repeated milking of the same dams, both of which have been shown to alter the trace element content of rat milk. Therefore, we have compared the electrolyte content of milk collected by these methods with milk derived from SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) dams separated from their litters for 2 h prior to a single-milking session. Long separation and repeated milking resulted in variable effects on the electrolyte content of both SHR and WKY dams' milk, compared with milk collected after 2 h from dams which had not previously been milked. The most notable effects were the abolition of significant strain differences, observed following 2-h separation, for milk sodium (WKY 22.1+/-1.4 vs. SHR 27.5+/-2.1 mmol/liter, p < 0.05) and calcium (WKY 92.3+/-4.3 vs. SHR 69.4+/-2.9 mmol/liter, p < 0.05) when dams were separated for 6 h or were serially milked. These data suggest that the electrolyte content of SHR and WKY dams' milk can be altered by the collection procedure and it is recommended that dams be milked on only one occasion following a short separation period from their litter.  相似文献   

We evaluated blood pressure control, quality of life, quality of care, and satisfaction of patients who were monitored by specially trained community pharmacists in a group medical practice. After participating in an intensive skill development program, pharmacists performed in an interdisciplinary team in a rural clinic. The primary objective was assessed by evaluating outcome variables at 6 months compared with baseline in 25 patients randomly assigned to a study group. A control group of 26 patients was also evaluated to determine if outcome variables remained constant from baseline to 6 months. Systolic blood pressure was reduced in the study group (151 mm Hg baseline, 140 mm Hg at 6 mo, p<0.001) and diastolic blood pressure was significantly lower at 2, 4, and 5 months compared with baseline. Ratings from a blinded peer review panel indicated significant improvement in the appropriateness of the blood pressure regimen, going from 8.7 +/- 4.7 to 10.9 +/- 4.5 in the study group (p<0.01), but they did not change in the control group. Several quality of life scores improved significantly in the study group after 6 months (p<0.05). These included physical functioning (61.6 vs 70.7), physical role limitations (56.8 vs 72.8), and bodily pain (60.0 vs 71.7) at baseline and 6 months, respectively. There were no significant changes in the control group. Patient satisfaction scores were consistently higher in the study group at the end of the study. Our results indicate that when community pharmacists in a clinic setting are trained and included as members of the primary care team, significant improvements in blood pressure control, quality of life, and patient satisfaction can be achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To determine whether corneal topography and visual recovery are affected by suturing a temporal, clear corneal incision for cataract surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-one consecutive phacoemulsification patients (39 eyes) had a 3.2-mm incision sutured with one 10-0 nylon, radial suture removed after 1 postoperative week. Visual acuity (VA) and corneal topography, including best fit sphere (BFS), best fit cylinder (BFC), principle meridian, topographic irregularity (TI), and vector-corrected astigmatism (VCA), were measured preoperatively and 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month postoperatively. Two-tailed t tests and Pearson correlations were calculated. RESULTS: From the preoperative measurement to 1 week postoperatively, VA improved, BFS (P = .005) and TI (P = .033) increased, and VCA shifted with-the-rule. From 1 week to 1 month postoperatively, BFS (P = .012) and TI (P = .002) decreased. BFC and its direction did not change. Almost all measures were significantly correlated. CONCLUSION: The benefits of sutureless surgery on corneal topography and visual recovery are not degraded by using a suture to prevent wound leakage.  相似文献   

Examination of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients has been based on parameters obtained from the transmitral flow velocity during pulsed Doppler echocardiography. However, these parameters are affected by loading conditions. We evaluated LV diastolic function along the longitudinal and transverse axes by pulsed tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in 50 hypertensive (HT) patients and 36 age-matched healthy volunteers (N). Transmitral flow velocity was recorded by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. LV posterior wall motion velocity along the longitudinal and transverse axes also was recorded by pulsed TDI. In both groups, peak early diastolic velocity of the LV posterior wall (Ew) along the transverse axis (N: 15.8+/-5.2 cm/s, HT: 12.2+/-4.4 cm/s) was higher than that along the longitudinal axis (N: 12.7+/-3.1 cm/s, HT: 9.5+/-3.3 cm/s). Peak atrial systolic velocity of the LV posterior wall (Aw) along the longitudinal axis (N: 9.1+/-1.8 cm/s, HT: 9.7 +/-2.6 cm/s) significantly exceeded that along the transverse axis (N: 8.0+/-2.2 cm/s, HT: 8.4+/-2.4 cm/s) in both groups. The Ews were lower and the Aws were higher along both axes in the patient group than in the control group. The time intervals from the aortic component of the second heart sound to the peak of the early diastolic wave (IIA-Ews) along both the transverse (N: 142+/-18 ms, HT: 154+/-19 ms) and longitudinal (N: 151 16 ms, HT: 162+/-20 ms) axes were longer in the patient group. In 29 patients, Ews along both axes correlated negatively (transverse: r = -0.80, P < .0001; longitudinal: r = -0.71, P < .0001) and IIA-Ews correlated positively (transverse: r = 0.81, P < .0001; longitudinal: r = 0.74, P < .001) with the time constant of the LV pressure decay during isovolumic diastole. The Aws along both axes in the 24 patients without pseudonormalization in transmitral flow velocity correlated positively (transverse: r = 0.60, P < .001; longitudinal: r = 0.74, P < .0001) with the LV end-diastolic pressure. In conclusion, LV relaxation and filling along the longitudinal and transverse axes were impaired in many patients with hypertension. Pulsed TDI was useful for evaluating LV diastolic dynamics in this disease.  相似文献   

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