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The effect of the choice of maternal age-specific prevalence curve on the model predicted Down syndrome detection rate was examined. All 19 published regression curves from 11 birth prevalence series in four meta-analyses were included. The detection rate for a five per cent false-positive rate was estimated for three combinations of markers. For free beta human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein the lowest predicted detection rate was 62.3 per cent and the highest 64.1 per cent, a range of 1.8 per cent. When unconjugated oestriol was added as a third marker it was 65.6-67.3 per cent, a 1.7 per cent range, and when inhibin A was the fourth marker the detection rate was 72.0-73.4 per cent, a 1.4 per cent range. The number of series included in the regression had the biggest effect: when the authors had used a subset thought to have the highest ascertainment the predicted detection rate generally increased. The type of regression equation used and restrictions on the age range over which the regression was performed were less important factors. The effect of the choice of curve on the predicted increase in detection achieved by incorporating additional markers was relatively small: 3.1-3.3 per cent for unconjugated oestriol and a further 6.1-6.5 per cent for inhibin A. This analysis shows that the model inaccuracy caused by the maternal age curve is not small but is unlikely to be large enough to influence Down syndrome screening policy decisions.  相似文献   

Plasma somatomedin activity was low in rats fed a vitamin B6 deficient diet for 4 weeks. The reduction appears to be in the fraction which is not growth hormone dependent. Plasma growth hormone levels were unaltered while plasma insulin levels were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was undertaken to audit physician's management of patients with a low serum level of vitamin B12 who were admitted to a university-affiliated teaching hospital during 1 year. Among the 34 patients 13 were proved to have pernicious anemia or vitamin B12 malabsorption, but for 12 of them there were unnecessary delays (several days or weeks) before initiation of investigation and therapy. An additional six patients, who had low serum levels of vitamin B12 and macrocytosis, most likely had true vitamin B12 deficiency, but proper investigation was not done and they did not receive any vitamin B12 or folic acid therapy. In another nine cases unexplained low serum levels of vitamin B12 were not properly investigated, and the patients either did not receive any vitamin B12 therapy or received it without proper documentation of a deficiency. Suggestions for facilitating early detection, investigation and treatment of megaloblastic anemia or vitamin B12 deficiency are given.  相似文献   

The effect of age on the diversity of the murine Ig heavy chain repertoire has been studied in unimmunized C57BL/6 mice. We examined the heterogeneity of complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) sizes of Ig mRNA of the IgM and IgG isotypes using two VH families, VHJ558 and VHQ52, which together account for approximately 65% of the Ab repertoire. The broad and bell-shaped profiles representing the diversity of the VHJ558 family in the spleen of 2- to 6-mo-old C57BL/6 mice becomes significantly less diverse after 12 mo of age and by 18 mo of age, single CDR3 sizes that dominate the profiles can be observed in the spleens of > 85% of the mice. Readable sequences have been obtained from 40 dominant mRNA CDR3 size species indicating that they represent clonal populations of B lineage. There are no significant homologies among these sequences. Clones of B lymphocytes that express a dominant CDR3 mRNA species can also be found in the bone marrow, the mesenteric lymph nodes, and the thymus of C57BL/6 mice > 18 mo of age. Some clones of B cells can be detected in only one lymphoid compartment; others are found in two or more compartments. The splenic B cell clones in C57BL/6 mice > 18 mo of age are stable for at least 2 mo. The CDR3 mRNA species that dominate the splenic repertoire of Ig mRNA-expressing cells in vivo do not dominate the repertoire of splenic B cells activated in vitro by bacterial LPS, suggesting that they represent a modest population of B cells expressing high levels of Ig mRNA.  相似文献   

Serum vitamin B12 levels in the aged   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stapedius-reflex measurement and the glycerol-test in combination with pure tone audiogram and speech-audiogram are reliable methods for an exact diagnosis of Menière's disease. For differential diagnosis one should know the so called "tensor tympani syndrome" which is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

1. To assess the therapeutic effect of low-dose L-Dopa therapy and associated EEG changes in chronic schizophrenia, 10 patients with a mean duration of illness of 12.4 years were treated with L-Dopa for a period of eight weeks during which the dosage was increased progressively from an initial level of 300 mg q.d. biweekly up to 600 mg q.d. The treatment was moderately effective in one case and slightly efficacious in one, produced no significant change in the conditions of seven patients while the remaining patient showed exacerbation; hence a noticeably low rate of improvement. There occurred no significant changes in the EEG pattern in the series of 10 patients on the average. The individual patients' responses, nevertheless, could be classified into three groups: one with no observable EEG changes, the second showing a slight degree of increase in alpha activity and the third exhibiting diminution of alpha activity in the EEG. The patients in the latter two groups all had durations of disease less than 10 years. 2. Observations were made primarily of changes in the EEG in 20 chronically schizophrenic patients with a mean duration of disease of 13 years receiving 60 mg of vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5'-phosphate) daily over a period of four weeks. Slight increase of alpha activity and decrease of theta activity in the EEG were noted on the average of the 20 cases, in response to the vitamin B6 therapy. The increase of alpha activity was frequently seen among patients with a duration of illness less than 10 years whose pretreatment EEG pattern had been alpha dominant (five out of 10 cases), whereas a slight ameliorative tendency of EEG was observed only in one out of 10 patients whose pretreatment EEG pattern had been slow-wave dominant. Symptomatic improvement was evident only in one of the 20 cases studied. 3. Observations were made of the therapeutic effect and associated EEG changes in eight patients receiving combined medication of 200 mg L-Dopa and 30 mg vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5'-phosphate) daily for a period of 12 weeks. Of these eight patients with a mean duration of disease of 18.3 years, two showed excellent response, three good and three fair; hence good to excellent responses attained in five out of the eight cases or 62.5%. A marked increase in alpha activity in the EEG occurred from the 2nd to 4th weeks onward in all eight cases. The EEG changes were likely to precede the symptomatic improvement. 4. To sum up the results of these three clinical trials, administration of L-Dopa alone resulted in practically no symptomatic improvement or EEG changes in patients with chronic schizophrenia whilst vitamin B6 administered singly as pyridoxal-5'-phosphate scarcely produced significant symptomatic improvement but brought about a slight ameliorative tendency in the EEG of such patients. Both symptomatic amelioration and EEG improvement occurred following combined medication of L-Dopa and vitamin B6...  相似文献   

Dichloroacetate (DCA) is a by-product of drinking water chlorination. Administration of DCA in drinking water results in accumulation of glycogen in the liver of B6C3F1 mice. To investigate the processes affecting liver glycogen accumulation, male B6C3F1 mice were administered DCA in drinking water at levels varying from 0.1 to 3 g/l for up to 8 weeks. Liver glycogen synthase (GS) and glycogen phosphorylase (GP) activities, liver glycogen content, serum glucose and insulin levels were analyzed. To determine whether effects were primary or attributable to increased glycogen synthesis, some mice were fasted and administered a glucose challenge (20 min before sacrifice). DCA treatments in drinking water caused glycogen accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. The DCA treatment in drinking water suppressed the activity ratio of GS measured in mice sacrificed at 9:00 AM, but not at 3:00 AM. However, net glycogen synthesis after glucose challenge was increased with DCA treatments for 1-2 weeks duration, but the effect was no longer observed at 8 weeks. Degradation of glycogen by fasting decreased progressively as the treatment period was increased, and no longer occurred at 8 weeks. A shift of the liver glycogen-iodine spectrum from DCA-treated mice was observed relative to that of control mice, suggesting a change in the physical form of glycogen. These data suggest that DCA-induced glycogen accumulation at high doses is related to decreases in the degradation rate. When DCA was administered by single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection to na?ve mice at doses of 2-200 mg/kg at the time of glucose challenge, a biphasic response was observed. Doses of 10-25 mg/kg increased both plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. In contrast, very high i.p. doses of DCA (> 75 mg/kg) produced progressive decreases in serum glucose and glycogen deposition in the liver. Since the blood levels of DCA produced by these higher i.p. doses were significantly higher than observed with drinking water treatment, we conclude that apparent differences with data of previous investigations is related to substantial differences in systemic dose and/or dose-time relations.  相似文献   

The influence of the level of vitamin B6 intake on the content of the vitamin in milk was studied in 19 healthy subjects whose stages of lactation ranged from 3 weeks to 30 months. Total vitamin B6 intakes, including extra-dietary sources of the vitamin, ranged from 1.3 to 12.5 mg per day with six subjects consuming less than the recommended allowance of 2.5 mg per day (RDA, 1974). Subjects consuming less than 2.5 mg of vitamin B6 per day had significantly less vitamin B6/liter milk (129 mug) than groups consuming 2.5 to 5.0 or greater than 5.0 mg per day (239 and 314 mug, respectively). Among subjects consuming greater than 2.5 mg of vitamin per day the stage of lactation did not influence the levels of protein or vitamin B6 in milk. Vitamin B6 intakes two to five times the recommended allowance did not significantly elevate the level of the vitamin in milk compared to values for subjects whose intakes approximated the allowance. The vitamin B6/protein ratio in milk of subjects consuming less than 2.5 mg vitamin B6 per day was 13 mug/g and was significantly lower than that observed for the other two groups (23 and 28 mug/g). Daily and weekly variations of the vitamin B6 and protein content in milk of individuals were small. However, marked diurnal variations in the vitamin B6 content were found in milk of individuals taking daily supplements of the vitamin with peak levels occurring in the afternoon 3 to 5 hr after supplements were taken in the morning.  相似文献   

Levels of vitamin B-6 in milk from pyridoxine deficient dams were used as an indicator of the ability of pyridoxine to protect offspring against the effects of the deficiency. Sprague Dawley rats were fed a basal diet containing 30.0 (control) or 1.2 (deficient) mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet from weaning throughout growth, gestation and until 5 days postpartum. At this time, deficient dams were supplemented by a single intraperitoneal injection of 600 mug pyridoxine-HC1, or by adding 30 or 60 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg to the diet. The vitamin B-6 content in milk form the group supplemented by injection exceeded the control level of 38.8 mug/100 ml milk 30 minutes after the injection, and reached a peak level of 110.7 mug/100 ml at 4 hours with a subsequent decline to 27mug/100 ml at 20 hours. In rats supplemented orally with 30 or 60 mg pyridoxine-HC1/kg diet, the vitamin B-6 level in the milk reached the control value in 24 and 6 hours, respectively. At 120 hours, orally supplemented dams had significantly higher levels of vitamin B-6 in the milk than control animals. Vitamin supplementation of dams by a single injection of pyridoxine-HC1 was sufficient to overcome the pyridoxine deficiency syndrome in the pups, but was not adequate for optimum growth.  相似文献   

Fat-soluble vitamin deficiency and marginal deficiency of this type of vitamin will be discussed. The trias of vitamin A deficiency is composed of nyctalopia, xerophthalmia and hyperkeratosis follicularis. Vitamin D deficiency causes rachitis and osteomalacia. In Japan, vitamin D deficiency is more often caused by impaired vitamin D activation due to renal failure, than by a lack of sunbathing or insufficient ingestion of vitamin D from diet. At present, it is quite rare that the physician encounters patients with deficiency of vitamin E or other vitamins. According to surveys of occult vitamin deficiency, the prevalence of marginal fat-soluble vitamin deficiency was lower than that of marginal water-soluble vitamin deficiency. Marginal vitamin deficiency seems to be absent or very rare among healthy individuals. In patients, however, marginal vitamin deficiency is sometimes observed. Since marginal vitamin deficiency can modify the underlying disease or trigger complications, the physician should take adequate measures to prevent the onset of marginal vitamin deficiency in managing patients with various diseases.  相似文献   

The levels of serum interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), interleukin-2 (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and gamma-interferon (gamma-IFN) were assessed in the workers who were occupationally exposed to lead and cadmium. The values were compared with the age-matched control group. Blood lead and cadmium levels were significantly raised. Our findings suggest that chronic lead and cadmium exposure in humans resulted in significant suppression of the serum IL-1beta level, but did not alter IL-2 and TNF-alpha levels. The gamma-IFN level was also reduced in lead workers. In contrast, a significant enhancement was observed in the cadmium-exposed group. We conclude from these results that lead and cadmium exposure at chronically high level may affect some cytokine levels in humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of vitamin B12 deficiency on older veterans and its relationship to general health and cognitive impairment. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Medical Center. PARTICIPANTS: Data for this research were obtained from 303 ambulatory, older veterans who used the outpatient laboratories of the Oklahoma City Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Subjects were included in the study if they were 65 years of age and older and if they had no known diagnosis associated with B12 deficiency. The sample in this study consisted of 301 men and 2 women aged 65 to 89 years. MEASUREMENTS: This study used two separate measurements of vitamin B12 deficiency: (1) a strict definition of B12 deficiency (serum B12 level < laboratory norm) and (2) a broader definition of B12 deficiency (serum B12 level < laboratory norm or laboratory norm < B12 < 300 pg/mL and methyl malonic acid (MMA) or homocysteine (HC) elevated by more than two standard deviations). The laboratory norm is 200 pg/mL. The dependent variables were measures of cognitive impairment and general health. Cognitive impairment was measured using the Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and general health was measured using the RAND 36-Item Health Survey Version 1.0. The control variables for this study were the subjects' daily alcohol intake, daily intake of a vitamin/mineral supplement, annual income, and level of education. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Nineteen subjects (6%) were vitamin B12-deficient as measured by the strict definition of B12 deficiency (serum B12 level < laboratory norm), and 49 subjects (16%) were vitamin B12-deficient as measured by the broader definition of B12 deficiency (serum B12 level < laboratory norm or laboratory norm < B12 < 300 pg/mL and MMA or HC elevated by more than two standard deviations). Vitamin B12 level decreases as age increases. Of the nine general health outcomes measured by using the RAND 36-Item Health Survey, only bodily pain is associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, and only then when B12 deficiency is measured as serum B12 level < laboratory norm, the strict definition of B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12-deficient subjects experience more bodily pain than those with normal vitamin B12 levels. There is a significant difference between B12-deficient subjects and B12 normal subjects on cognitive impairment, with B12 normal subjects indicating less cognitive impairment, only when B12 deficiency is measured as B12 level < laboratory norm, the strict definition of B12 deficiency. The broader measurement of vitamin B12 deficiency (i.e., serum B12 level < laboratory norm or laboratory norm < B12 < 300 pg/mL and MMA or HC elevated by more than two standard deviations) is not a significant correlate of cognitive impairment and general health.  相似文献   

To clarify the nutritional status of vitamin D in Japanese, effects of dietary intake of vitamin D on plasma levels of intact and highly sensitive parathyroid hormone (I-PTH and HS-PTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P(i)) in 79 healthy Japanese were investigated. The plasma levels of 25-OH-D in men were significantly higher than those in women, whereas those of HS-PTH in men were significantly lower than those in women. The levels of 25-OH-D in men were generally higher than those in women. Significant correlations were observed between the dietary vitamin D intake and the plasma 25-OH-D or HS-PTH levels. Correlations between the plasma 25-OH-D levels and the plasma HS-PTH levels were also significant. These results suggest that dietary intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin D is effective for improving the vitamin D nutritional status through normalizing PTH levels.  相似文献   

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