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不知你注意过没有,在Word窗口下排状态栏右端有几个小小的文字按钮(如下图),你知道它们都是干什么用的吗?你知道怎么使用吗?使用"录制"控制"宏"录制"是用来控制录制宏的过程的。一般情况下它呈灰色显示,不可用。如果你想录制宏,只需要双击它使文字变黑!就可以开始录制宏了。录制过程中双击它,即可终止录制过程,并且撤销前面所做的有关录制宏的全部操作,不保存录制了一半的宏。我在第一次录制宏时,无意中把录制宏的控制面板关闭了,结果想停止录制却没有办法,只好强行关机,其实这个按钮可以彻底终止录制过程。根据需要设"修订"一般情况下,"…  相似文献   

SSD 《电脑迷》2011,(14):49-49
录制宏按键可以说是专业游戏键盘的标准配置,借助录制的宏按键,可以在游戏中实现更加方便快捷的操作。可惜普通键盘并没有宏按键录制,在一些激烈对抗的游戏中,玩家难免手忙脚乱,不过专业的游戏键盘大多价格不菲,普通游戏玩家难以承受。其实,借助移花接木这款小软件,就可以方便地将组合按键设定到某一个按键,实现宏按键的功能。移花接木是一款  相似文献   

1、用“宏”制作执行菜单“工具”→“宏”→“录制新宏”,在出现的“录制宏”对话框中,为“宏”起个名宇,如“我的签名档”,并点一下“键盘”按钮,为即将录制的新“宏”定义一个快捷键(注意不要和Windows与Word中已有的快捷键相雷同!),如Alt+Z。接着输入自己的签名档,完后按下“停止录制”的图标,则大功告成!下次要用到个人签名档的时候,呵呵,直接在Word中按下Alt+Z—原来这么容易!当然,要更改自己的签名档信息的话,请到菜单“工具”→“宏”→“宏中维护,如图1。2、实用文档模板创建一个签…  相似文献   

在Word97桌面下方的状态栏偏右处,有“录制”、“修订”、“扩展”、“改写”四项功能。这几项功能平时呈未激活状态,即其字体为白色,只要用鼠标双击,就可将其激活。现将它们作一简要介绍。一、“录制”功能 这里为录制“宏”的功能。“宏”是一种快速而有效地完成工作的一系列指令,其功能可以说是奇妙无比。对于一些固定的操作,比如我们对文章进行固定样式的排版,只要应用“宏”功能,就可大大地节省排版时间。以本篇文章的排版为例,录制一个“宏”,其步骤如  相似文献   

通过上一讲的学习,我们已初步掌握了如何利用VBA控制Excel。但都是利用宏记录器录制的VBA宏语句。在实际应用中,记录宏只能机械地重复执行某些操作,而不能完成其他更复杂的功能。这一讲将介绍如何编写超出记录宏以外的VBA程序,以及如何在编写宏时构造分支和循环,从而使编写出的宏功能更为强大。  相似文献   

宏是一系列命令和动作的组合,一些日常工作中经常使用到的命令、动作或执行过程都可以制作成宏。宏将这些命令和动作组合到一起做为一条命令使用,使操作变得更加简便和高效。 一、记录宏 宏的制作方式有两种,一是利用Excel 7.0提供的VBA自行撰写,二是在执行命令和动作时由Excel 7.0录制。对于简单的宏,录制方式不仅最快、最简捷,  相似文献   

Word已成为人们最常用的文档编辑工具,要是能掌握一些自动编辑技巧,将提高用户的文档处理速度。下面笔者向用户推荐一些有关Word 2000的自动功能。一、自动打开最后编辑的文档 如果频繁地编辑同一个文档,用户可能希望Word 2000在启动时能自动打开它,其实,通过使用简单的宏命令能够实现此项功能。方法如下: 1.选择“工具”*“宏”,单击“录制新宏”*“录制宏”; 2.在“录制宏”对话框中的“宏名”  相似文献   

Word已成为人们最常用的文档编辑工具 ,要是能掌握一些自动编辑技巧 ,将会更加提高你的文档处理速度。下面向你推荐一些自动功能。一、自动打开最后编辑的文档如果频繁地编辑同一个文档或对某个文档编辑几天 ,你可能希望Word在启动时能自动打开它。Word本身没有内建这个功能 ,但简单的宏命令能处理这个工作。在Word2000中 ,自动打开最后编辑的文档的方法如下。1.选择“工具”菜单中的“宏”菜单项 ,点击“录制新宏”命令打开“录制宏”对话框 ;2.在“录制宏”对话框的“宏名”输入框中输入“autoexec",点…  相似文献   

自从Windows推出recorde.exe(宏记录器)以来,抓图软件倍受用户的关注,特别是用实时录制的方法来制作教学课件深受广大初学者的喜爱。Windows95将宏记录纳入Office办公套件中,给制作多媒体教学软件的用户带来诸多不便。下面向各位朋友介绍  相似文献   

Auto Touch     
阿诺 《大众软件》2013,(24):61-61
Auto Touch是一款“宏”录制和播放的工具,可以将人在移动设备上的触摸操作进行录制和回放。  相似文献   

熊丹  陆勤 《中文信息学报》2019,33(7):136-142
在ISO/IEC 10646国际编码标准中,香港使用的汉字载于H列。该文介绍了如何在ISO/IEC 10646国际编码标准下进一步完善香港电脑汉字的扩展机制及H列字符字源资料的编码方案。由于目前H列的很多字形并未完全反映香港的实际习惯写法,因此香港制定了一套适用于香港常用写法的电脑汉字参考字形,该文介绍了此套字形的原则。  相似文献   

Most visual search studies have been restricted to alphanumeric stimulus materials. Research related to scanning patterns of Chinese characters is sparse. This study is an attempt to understand the differences and similarities in visual search of Chinese characters having a varying degree of complexity among Hong Kong Chinese, Mainland Chinese and Chinese reading non-Chinese people. Eighteen participants were tested on Chinese character screens with three layouts (row, column, and uniform separation) and two word complexities (high and low). The 18 participants comprised six Hong Kong Chinese, six Mainland Chinese and six non-native Chinese readers. Performance data and eye movement data were recorded. The percent correct and search time were the two performance measures. A new measure, called HV-ratio was developed to characterize eye movements. The results show that Hong Kong Chinese use predominantly horizontal search patterns while the Mainland Chinese change their search pattern depending on the layout presented. Non-native Chinese readers, on the other hand, do not seem to show any preference on scanning strategy for a given layout. Word complexity did not show any significant effect on search time. Potential reasons for these differences and design implications are discussed.  相似文献   


An anthropometric study of the hand dimensions of Hong Kong Chinese female workers was carried out using 100 subjects. Twenty-three hand dimensions were measured and compared with data from the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States of America. The Hong Kong Chinese had overall smaller hands than the United Kingdom and the United States of America females and larger hands than Japanese females. Comparisons were also made between the Hong Kong Chinese and United Kingdom females on the basis of age and ethnic group. In every case where a significant difference occurred the Hong Kong females had shorter, narrower hands with longer fingers than all other groups.  相似文献   

This research evaluated Hong Kong Chinese and Korean comprehension of American security safety symbols, and how successfully they could guess the meaning of the symbols in relation to their ratings of the appropriateness of the design of each of the symbols. Symbol comprehension scores, symbol guessing scores, design appropriateness ratings, and demographic information were obtained for 81 Hong Kong Chinese and 60 Koreans. For all the symbols tested, comprehension scores for the Hong Kong Chinese and Koreans were much lower than for Americans. The finding that Americans were better at interpreting American symbols than Hong Kong Chinese and Koreans indicates that problems are likely to arise if such symbols are used by non-Americans. Gender did not affect guessing performance, and success at guessing symbols was not related to the subjective ratings of design appropriateness for the symbols. The findings here reveal the importance of developing security safety symbols with the end users in mind.

Relevance to industry

Designing effective pictorial security safety symbols to cover the many potential situations and scenarios for a specific population is a difficult business. The findings of this study underline the importance of developing security safety symbols with the end users in mind. The results provide useful information to assist in the design of more user-friendly security safety symbols.  相似文献   

Abstract Chinese idioms play an important role in Chinese vocabulary learning as well as having cultural and social functions. However, researchers found that Hong Kong students seldom use idioms. Not only are students writing characters incorrectly, they are using the idioms both incorrectly and inappropriately. A survey was conducted to examine the attitudes of Hong Kong students and teachers to learning Chinese idioms. According to the survey, primary teachers believed that computers can assist students in learning Chinese idioms more effectively than an idiom dictionary. Consequently, an experimental program for learning Chinese idioms was designed for students between 9 and 11 years old. As an evaluation, usability tests were carried out by interview and by survey. Both evaluations produced positive responses from the dependent and independent group of subjects which is an encouraging first step.  相似文献   

Abstract Chinese idioms play an important role in Chinese vocabulary learning as well as having cultural and social functions. However, researchers found that Hong Kong students seldom use idioms. Not only are students writing characters incorrectly, they are using the idioms both incorrectly and inappropriately. A survey was conducted to examine the attitudes of Hong Kong students and teachers to learning Chinese idioms. According to the survey, primary teachers believed that computers can assist students in learning Chinese idioms more effectively than an idiom dictionary. Consequently, an experimental program for learning Chinese idioms was designed for students between 9 and 11 years old. As an evaluation, usability tests were carried out by interview and by survey. Both evaluations produced positive responses from the dependent and independent group of subjects which is an encouraging first step.  相似文献   

International use of the UNIX system in recent years provokes a need to expand its functionality.Extensions are needed to process data in various languages as the market requirement dictate^[1,2].With the advent of open systems and interfaces.the method of internationalization(I18N)has become standardized.Hanzix Association was founded by the Institute of Software,The Chinese Academy of Sciences(ISAS,Beijing),Institute of Information Industry ( Ⅲ,Taipei)and Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK,Hong Kong),and its aim is to promote an open system standard for Chinese character(Hanzi)processing.This paper presents Hanzix,an open system environment to support Hanzi processing,including enhancement recommended for Hanzi API,input method mechanism codeset conversion and announcement,and reviews the current work.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to show how a "standard" foot can be parameterized using foot length, foot width, foot height, and a measure of foot curvature so that foot shape can be predicted using these simple anthropometric measures. The prediction model was generated using 40 Hong Kong Chinese men, and the model was validated using a different group of 25 Hong Kong Chinese men. The results show that each individual foot shape may be predicted to a mean accuracy of 2.1 mm for the left foot and 2.4 mm for the right foot. Application of this research includes the potential design and development of custom footwear without the necessity of expensive 3-D scanning of feet.  相似文献   

The technique of searching for similar patterns among time series data is very useful in many applications. The problem becomes difficult when shifting and scaling are considered. We find that we can treat the problem geometrically and the major contribution of this paper is that a uniform geometrical model that can analyze the existing related methods is proposed. Based on the analysis, we conclude that the angle between two vectors after the Shift-Eliminated Transformation is a more intrinsical similarity measure invariant to shifting and scaling. We then enhance the original conical index to adapt to the geometrical properties of the problem and compare its performance with that of sequential search and R*-tree. Experimental results show that the enhanced conical index achieves larger improvement on R*-tree and sequential search in high dimension. It can also keep a steady performance as the selectivity increases. Part of the result related to the geometrical model has been published in the Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, pp 237–248. Mi Zhou was born in China. He received his BS and MS degrees in computer science from the Northeastern University, China, in 1999 and 2002, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph D degree in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include indexing of time series data, high-dimensional index, and sensor network. Man-Hon Wong received his BSc and MPhil degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1987 and 1989 respectively. He then went to University of California at Santa Barbara where he got the PhD degree in 1993. Dr. Wong joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in August 1993 as an assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor in 1998. His research interests include transaction management, mobile databases, data replication, distributed systems, and computer and network security. Kam-Wing Chu was born in Hong Kong. He received his BS and MPhil degrees in computer science and engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. When he was in Hong Kong, his research interests included database indexing of high dimensional data, and data mining. He later went to United States and received his MS degree in computer science from University of Maryland at College Park. While he was in Maryland, he focused on high performance implementation and algorithm design of advanced database systems. He is currently a senior software engineer in Server Performance group at Actuate Corporation. His expertise is in enterprise software development and software performance optimization.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of reconstructing a high-resolution image from several blurred low-resolution image frames. The image frames consist of decimated, blurred and noisy versions of the high-resolution image. The high-resolution image is modeled as a Markov random field (MRF), and a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation technique is used for the restoration. We show that with the periodic boundary condition, the high-resolution image can be restored efficiently by using fast Fourier transforms. We also apply the preconditioned conjugate gradient method to restore the high-resolution image. Computer simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Research supported in part by Hong Kong Research Grants Council Grant Nos. HKU 7130/02P, 7046/03P, 7035/04P and HKU CRCG Grant No. 10205775.Michael K. Ng is a Professor of the Mathematics Department, Hong Kong Baptist University, and is Adjunct Research Fellow in the E-Business Technology Institute at the University of Hong Kong. Michael was a Research Fellow (1995–1997) of Computer Sciences Laboratory, Australian National University, and an Assistant/Associate Professor (1997–2005) of the Mathematics Department, the University of Hong Kong before joining Hong Kong Baptist University in 2005. Michael was one of the finalists and honourable mention of Householder Award IX, in 1996 at Switzerland, and he obtained an excellent young researcher’s presentation at Nanjing International Conference on Optimization and Numerical Algebra, 1999. In 2001, he has been selected as one of the recipients of the Outstanding Young Researcher Award of the University of Hong Kong. Michael has published and edited several books, and published extensively in international journals and conferences, and has organized and served in many international conferences. Now he serves on the editorial boards of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Numerical Mathematics, A journal of Chinese Universities (English Series), and several special issues of the international journals.Andy C. Yau received the undergraduate (1998–2001) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the M.Phil degree (2002–2004) from the University of Hong Kong. He is a PhD student of the University of Hong Kong. His research area is image processing and scientific computing.  相似文献   

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